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/lit/ - Literature

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4058373 No.4058373 [Reply] [Original]

(Aspiring) writer?:
Authors you love:
Authors you hate:
Currently reading:
Favorite books:

>> No.4058385

American of the US kind
English, 4 years of Spanish.
Already into my second year of Biology
Not necessarily, though writing and publishing a book is on my bucket list
Love: Doestevsky, McCarthy, London, Conrad, Steinbeck, Aurelius
Hate: Chopin, Brontë(s), Hemingway, and a few shit-lit authors like Meyer and that bitch who wrote the Hunger Games.
I'm currently reading "Annals of Imperial Rome" by Tacitus. Recently making my own classical education
I have a few: The Brothers Karamazov, Blood Meridian, Grapes of Wrath, Meditations.

>> No.4058396

Age: 20
Sex: m
Nationality: Irish
Languages: English
Degree/job: 3rd Year English
(Aspiring) writer?: No
Published?: No
Authors you love: Pynchon, Ishiguru
Authors you hate: None
Currently reading: Heart of Darkness
Favorite books: Never Let me Go, Inherent Vice, Catch-22, The Sun Also Rises

>> No.4058397

Favourite London books?

>> No.4058401

I loved Call of The Wild, even now. It imbued a sense of naturalistic adventure into me.
I liked several of his Short Stories like "Batard", and especially "To Build A Fire". The story "Love of Life" was pretty tense as well.

>> No.4058402

I also found him via Call of the Wild. I've read an essay about how it relates to his views on industrialism and found it quite interesting.

Have you read any of his non-'adventure' books?

>> No.4058403

Age: 19.
Sex: Male.
Nationality: Spanish.
Languages: Spanish, English, French.
Degree/job: Grade on Philosophy
(Aspiring) writer?: No.
Published?: No.
Authors you love: Foster Wallace, Faulkner, Pizarnik.
Authors you hate: Palahniuk, Murakami, Coelho.
Currently reading: Akira.
Favorite books: The Sound and the Fury, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, Maus, The Plague, The House of Bernarda Alba.

>> No.4058404

Any Spanish books you can recommend?

I have a Spanish friend whose mother is getting remarried soon and he's been through some shit recently, would like to send him a book.

>> No.4058405

>2nd year of Biology

>> No.4058407

I have heard his soft science-fiction novels are good, if a bit preachy for socialism.
I haven't seen an copies of "Martin Eden" at bookstores either.
Ah well, I have much on m backlog, so they will have to wait unfortunately.

>> No.4058408 [DELETED] 

>Authors you love: Foster Wallace, Faulkner, Pizarnik.
>Authors you hate: Palahniuk, Murakami, Coelho.
*tips fedora*

>> No.4058410

I'm not a fan of his science-fiction (although the Shadow and the Flash is interesting).

He wrote mucch of his sci-fi and adventure stories simply to make money and earn a living.

I have a copy of Martin Eden. It has many flaws but is very interesting for several reasons. (Nabokov loved Martin Eden)

He also wrote The Iron Heel which influenced Orwell and was reprinted around hte time that Allende was overthrown by CIA backed Pinochet in the 60s.

>> No.4058413

Check out Lorca (I love his plays, but his poetry is also good), Tiempo de Silencio by Luis Martín Santos, Los Girasoles Ciegos, Baroque plays by Calderón de la Barca, Lope de Vega...

Unamuno it's pretty good, if you like the "faith and identity problems" stuff you might like him.

>> No.4058416

>sure why the hell not

Age: 19
Sex: M
Nationality: US
Languages: English, Spanish
Degree/job: Working on English major
(Aspiring) writer?: For sure. I only wish I had more time to work on projects.
Published?: In a magazine once
Authors you love: Woolf, Dostoevsky, Beckett
Authors you hate: Huxley, Bukowski, Burroughs after about 25 pages (he can be hilarious, but after reading all of Nova Express I was bored and wondered how much shit he was on)
Currently reading: V. I'm enjoying it. It has a lot of interesting character study.
Favorite books: To The Lighthouse changed me as a person. Lets see... Hamlet?

>> No.4058417

Thanks. My friend isn't into poetry or plays, he isn't very bookish.

Are there any modern/contemporary books about young people?

Not YA, but something like Less Than Zero, Almost Transparent Blue, etc?

>> No.4058418

>To The Lighthouse changed me as a person
How does this happen?

>> No.4058423

Mmm... Maybe "Ventajas de Viajar en Tren", by Antonio Orejudo.

>> No.4058424

Thanks. I'll check out all the ones you've suggested.

>> No.4058426

Does this have a lot to do with youth?

I'm reading the synopsis


and it seems to have more to do with psychiatry

>> No.4058427

It's about Psychiatry, but he tells stories about his youth,

>> No.4058428

Oh okay. Do you know any more?

>> No.4058431

I've been thinkin a while but no. Spanish literature hasn't developed that topic correctly

>> No.4058433

Fair enough. Thanks for your other recommendations :)

>> No.4058439

Age: 20
Sex: M
Nationality: Italy
Languages: Italian; English
Degree/job: longshoreman
(Aspiring) writer?: No, I want to be a reader and not trapassing THAT line
Published?: No
Authors you love: Dostoevsky; Tolstoy; Pirandello
Authors you hate: None
Currently reading: Don Quixote
Favorite books: The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.4058442

What does a longshoreman job involve?

Loading and unloading ships?

>> No.4058446

Yes, but to be honest I'm on department strategic so I don't load and upload physically.

>> No.4058455

How did you get the job?

Is it long-term or something to do before college?

>> No.4058457

I completed a full year of school already because of AP Credits

>> No.4058458

So this is a summer job?

>> No.4058461
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Age: 24
Sex: m
Nationality: /
Languages: Serbian, English, basic knowledge of Hungarian
Degree/job: Student of philosophy / sports journalist
(Aspiring) writer?: wishful thinking...
Published?: Articles and short essays
Authors you love: Nietzsche, Cioran, McCarthy, Thompson, Yalom, Lovecraft, Poe, Camus, Kafka, De Sade, Sartre.
Authors you hate: /
Currently reading: "The Fall into Time" and "The Consolation of Philosophy".
Favorite books: We, the Children from the Zoo Trainstation is the only book i consider "favorite" because i've been re-reading it since i was 13 yo.

>> No.4058467

Is this you?

Please be my girlfriend

>> No.4058469

Full time and indefinite period. I went to the port with my curriculum and did the interview, after some week they called me to notify that the workplace was mine.

>> No.4058471

Ok so are you still enrolled?

Is it in a small town or a city?

>> No.4058473

Ha. No. Check the
>Sex: m

>> No.4058474

>Sex: m
how desperate are you

>> No.4058476
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>> No.4058484

>Ok so are you still enrolled?
What do you mean?
>Is it in a small town or a city?
Little town in Adriatic sea, the port is the major economic power of the place.

>> No.4058492

Are you still enrolled in the university?

Sounds like a nice place. In my mind an Italian girl is very attractive, the symbolic Italian girl being black-haired, a little olive-skinned, thin, wears dark red lipstick and a black dress with white polka dots, natural eyebrows, long eyelashes, cute feet with pink toenails and toes that are soft and warm, thighs like veal, smallish breasts with erect nipples that are a dark red and a hairy vagina, similar to a man's armpit hair after a shower, all in all a very delicious prospect, one I would enjoy spending starry, moonlit nights drinking wine with from a bottle overlooking the harbour and pushing olives into one anothers mouths as we laugh and frolic on the dry grass

>> No.4058494


>> No.4058496

virgin detected

>> No.4058498

Is that supposed to be pejorative?

>> No.4058500

>Are you still enrolled in the university?

>Sounds like a nice place. In my mind an Italian girl is very attractive, the symbolic Italian girl being black-haired, a little olive-skinned, thin, wears dark red lipstick and a black dress with white polka dots, natural eyebrows, long eyelashes, cute feet with pink toenails and toes that are soft and warm, thighs like veal, smallish breasts with erect nipples that are a dark red and a hairy vagina, similar to a man's armpit hair after a shower, all in all a very delicious prospect, one I would enjoy spending starry, moonlit nights drinking wine with from a bottle overlooking the harbour and pushing olives into one anothers mouths as we laugh and frolic on the dry grass

>smallish breasts with erect nipples

Y-you know that many girls I met wanted breast operation? T-t-that's the saddest thing in the world. : (

>> No.4058501


>> No.4058502

Age: 23
Sex: stronk male
Nationality: Greek (not ancient, i'm modern)
Languages: Greeklish
Degree/job: (Aspiring) Ubermensch
(Aspiring) writer?: aspire my dick
Published?: i doubt anyone can handle it
Authors you love: Vokistrak Vangelson (we call him the VV or "w" for short)
Authors you hate: Authors that don't write
Currently reading:
Being a plebe is so 20th century it's not even funny
Favorite books: I like liking the books that i like

am i edgy yet?

>> No.4058505
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Age: 19
Sex: F
Nationality: English
Languages: English, Spanish, passable French
Degree/job: Med student
(Aspiring) writer?: Yes, definitely
Published?: No, and I don't hope to for a good 10 years
Authors you love:
Authors you hate:
I don't love or hate authors, I judge their works on their individual merits
Currently reading: The Green Mile
Favorite books: The Wind on Fire Trilogy, His Dark Materials, The Perks of Being A Wallflower

People always call my favourite books pleb-tier, and I understand that, but when you use the word 'favourite', I just can't honestly say I've enjoyed any of the more high-brow books I read more than the books I read when I was young, and was free to love them with purity and naivety. My *favourite* books will probably never change.

>> No.4058506

It's sad, but I guess they think it's a sign of beauty, which is sad considering that small breasts are very attractive as long as the girl's face is also.

Well I hate to tell you but your insult does not effect me. I'm a virgin by choice, not circumstance, sex being a matter of having the capacity to be pleased by another and also of pleasuring another, and I am waiting to find the right girl who I feel is deserving of the pleasure I have the capacity to give her.

>> No.4058507

Where do you live?

>> No.4058508

so random and witty :)

>> No.4058512


>> No.4058513

pls stop posting

>> No.4058515

England. The West Midlands


>> No.4058516

Why does everybody here keep saying that to me?

I'm never mean or offensive, and I always try and be open to people, but everyone wants me to leave.

>> No.4058517

>(Aspiring) writer?: Yes, definitely
>Sex: F


>> No.4058518

aren't you the guy that posted that shitty poem recently?

>> No.4058521
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CIS Male
Romanian, English, French
BA, Translator [not literature]
I'm not a faggot to think myself a writer just because I feel I have an original thought once in a while
see above
Dostoievski, Steinbeck, Sanderson, Hobb, a bunch of others
Terry Goodkind, Patrick Rothfuss
The Grapes of Wrath, Catch 22, Skeleton Crew
Grapes of Wrath [fiction], The Forever War [science fiction], Way of Kings [fantasy]

Good question, never heard of English nationals before, maybe a dumb brit?

>> No.4058524

>People always call my favourite books pleb-tier, and I understand that, but when you use the word 'favourite', I just can't honestly say I've enjoyed any of the more high-brow books I read more than the books I read when I was young, and was free to love them with purity and naivety. My *favourite* books will probably never change.
Maybe you're just a forever pleb. Greatness isn't for everyone

>> No.4058526

you don't fit in

>> No.4058527
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top lel

>> No.4058529

Because I want to hopefully have a light conversation with you during this thread, and have you ask me, or accept me asking you, for a skype address, where we can further our conversation while growing closer as named individuals, hopefully leading to a rendevouz at some town half way between our respective towns, where we can spend the day walking around hand in hand, you in your green mod army jacket with a slightly reddened nose and tears from the cold in you eyes, until we book into our room at the Holiday Inn and maybe browse 4chan together for a brief while and listen to music, get drunk, then have a night of sex without restraint or taboos.

>> No.4058530

yes also a tiny story, i shitpost unintentionally.

>> No.4058531

>CIS Male

Stopped taking you seriously right there.

>> No.4058532


>> No.4058534

i stopped at >romanian

'ten pula mea de-aici

>> No.4058535

sorry, with all the faggots like >>4058529
I thought it would be appropriate

>> No.4058536

I like the way you think.

>> No.4058541
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I see. Well I don't use skype, or have casual sex, or own an army jacket, although they are cool. But I do talk to people. Sometimes.

>> No.4058543

This is 4chan after all. That is never appropriate. But "super secret 4chan kids club" aside, i find the whole CIS and gender identity bending very self defeating.

>> No.4058548

I like that you don't have casual sex, this suggests you aren't corrupted, although your knowledge of human bodies/anatomy suggests you aren't the waif sweetheart I'm searching for.

The coat isn't necessary (although they are widely available for rather cheap). I'll just keep replying to you in the hope that you'll reciprocate, until you decide not to.

I realize this decision on my part may portray me as a weak, 'beta' male, but I assure you come our physical IRL meeting I will dominate you mentally and physically, in such a way that you will want, perhaps need, that I do so.

>> No.4058551
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Age: 21
Sex: Male
Nationality: Scottish
Languages: 1, though I've been thinking about learning German lately.
Degree/job: Technical Support manager. £29k a year, easiest job in the world.
(Aspiring) writer?: No, though I do write shorts based upon my more interesting dreams.
Published?: No.
Authors you love: Asimov, Philip K. dick and Arthur C. Clarke.
Authors you hate: The dude that wrote the Percy Jackson books.
Currently reading: The first in the Iron Druid Chronicles.
Favorite books: The Belgariad and related books. They are basically my LOTR. I read the series at a young age and as such have fond memories of it, much the same way many do with LOTR.

>> No.4058555
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I see. Well I'm afraid I'm not the girl for you. I am neither a waif, nor a sweetheart, nor do I put up with BS like being dominated EXCEPT in the confines of the bedroom, and after you take your turn with the ballgag, and strapon up your ass

But you're not a strong enough man to handle that, are you?

>> No.4058560

Age: 18
Sex: M
Nationality: French
Languages: French, English, Spanish (Not as good as the first two), Mandarin (though I forgot almost everything I have learnt)
Degree/job: Studying humanities
(Aspiring) writer?: I'm far too lazy to get even a short story started
Authors you love: Rousseau, Nabokov, Proust, Céline, Perec
Authors you hate: Balzac, Hugo (only as a plawright)
Currently reading: Flannery O'Connor's short stories, Ada or Ardor, The Second Sex
Favorite books: Pale Fire, Rousseau's Confessions, Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.4058563

Rest assured the domination will only take place within the confines of our room at the Premier Inn. I would gladly take the strap-on, and will take the opportunity to 'trap up' unless this idea perturbs you.

>> No.4058572
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Well colour me impressed I suppose.

Except unfortunately we won't be meeting at any sort of inn, hotel, half-way house or bed&breakfast because I don't do sex until after I've fallen in love. And I hail from /r9k/ and I recognise your type, and your strategy, and I already know enough about you to know that you are NOT my man.

So good luck honey. You keep trying until you get a bite, and watch as every woman fails to live up to the fantasy you've built up inside your head. Need I say 'Gatsby'?

>> No.4058576

I am your man, and you will fall in love with me. If you know anything about the human body, which you should, you'll be aware that attachments can be formed almost unconsciously, you can see someone and fall in love with them. One sentence can trigger feelings of awe and sexual passion, and believe me sweetheart you will bite, and I will reel you in until you emerge from the water gasping, flopping around, and rubbing yourself against the polyester bedclothes.

>> No.4058580

ITT: Neckbeards pretending to be women.

>> No.4058582

Not him, but I'm starting to love you, anon.

>> No.4058584

Are you a female or an effeminate male?

>> No.4058585
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You're a pathtic excuse for a man with no concept of what love is nor what it truly means to become close to a human being.

This is me, stopping replying

>> No.4058586

No one this desperate for physical intimacy is worth spending time with.

>> No.4058588

The former. However, I'm an Irish nationalist, so our love will have to be clandestine and directed by Neil Jordan.

>> No.4058592

Age: Wat da?
Sex: Maybe
Nationality: Human
Languages: Esperanto
Degree/job: Idk
(Aspiring) writer?: Can write
Published?: Classic lit
Authors you love: Moses/Solomon
Authors you hate: Ulysses
Currently reading: Ulysses
Favorite books: Ulysses

>> No.4058593

You will be my Speranza and I will fulfill every physical desire you have. What are your favourite things about your body?

>> No.4058596

I think it's more the other way around, doofus. You want a gay who will take a strap-on... that's fantasy.

>> No.4058599

I wish these threads didn't contain the sex question. Can't keep the attention whores and desperate virgins contained

>> No.4058608

I can see my veins through my skin and turning in circles makes me dizzy. I physically desire Fermanagh, Armagh, Tyrone, Down, Derry and Antrim be returned to Irish rule

>> No.4058611
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No, that's not what I want particularly. I just dislike people who can only dominate and refuse to submit. It suggests weakness and insecurity, and I think the best people can do both and, more importantly, know when they should do either. And I also dislike the hypocrisy of men who expect women to do anal but revile at the idea themselves.

But quite aside from that, I don't think life is really about 'dominating' or 'submitting', it's about being human and trying to do your best by other humans. He didn't seem to be on my level at all, so I decided to make fun of him a little. Just my fancy

>> No.4058613

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Nationality: Uruguayan -am i the only one here :( ?-
Languages: Spanish, english + little bit of french and german.
Degree/job: None yet, but 2nd year of mathematics, 3rd year of philosophy and 1st year of engineering
(Aspiring) writer?: Depends of my mood.
Published?: Nope.
Authors you love: Dostoyevski, Goethe, Dumas.
Authors you hate: Dan Brown, and Stephanie Something from Twilight.
Currently reading: Madame Bovary, Arsene Lupin vs Herlock Sholmes, Leviathan.
Favorite books: Karamazov Brothers, Werther, The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.4058618

I will have you speaking Gaelic by the end of the night. You will be gripping the caseless pillows and begging Mother Mary to look away as I penetrate your Irish peat.

>> No.4058621

/lit/,is that you?

>> No.4058625

maybe one day
Love:Waugh, Tolkien, Bronte, Trollope, Steinbeck, Kafka, Patrick White
Hate: GRR Martin
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Satanic Verses
Brideshead Revisited, Wuthering Heights, Midsummer Night's Dream (if plays count)

>> No.4058626

How did you find 4chan/lit?

>> No.4058630

tough shit, you can't have him now, he's writing poetry for Eireann now

I don't know if the Blessed Virgin is not to lay her eyes on Holiday Inn's neglect of linens or your bog hole spelunking. This feels right either way.

>> No.4058633

Yeah, I'm so jealous. Especially considering you're a man who's also making fun of him

>> No.4058634

shut up losers

>> No.4058639

Most men don't care about anal. If anyone has an obscured view, it's you.

>> No.4058646

You ought to be envious of the poetry of Eireann, limey.

>> No.4058655

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Nationality: French
Languages: Attic Greek, Modern Greek, French, Low/High German, Hindi.
Degree/job: Currently: PhD in Philosophy, Duke University; BA in Philosophy and Physics, UPenn.
(Aspiring) writer?: Maybe
Published?: No.
Authors you love: My self, Whitehead
Currently reading: David Lewis' On the Plurality of Worlds.
Favorite books: Principia Mathematica, Process and Reality.

>> No.4058714

Age: 18
Sex: m
Nationality: russian
Languages: english, russian, french, spanish, ukranian
Degree/job: student in software engineering
(Aspiring) writer?: no
Published?: no
Authors you love: dosty, chekhov, pasternak, poe, fitzgerald just to name a few
Authors you hate: nabokov
Currently reading: moby dick
Favorite books: TBK, LOTR

>> No.4058721
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are any of you even Christians

(Aspiring) writer?: (no) no
Published?: no
Authors you love: the members of Christ
Authors you hate: the members of an harlot
Currently reading: The Making of Fornication, Reading Capital, Taipei
Favorite books: The Good Soldier Švejk, i don't really like books that much

>> No.4058731

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Languages: English
Degree/job: CS+Math Programmer
(Aspiring) writer?: I would like to but my writting skills are terrible
Published?: no
Authors you love: Dostoevsky, McCarthy
Authors you hate: Nabakov
Currently reading: The Republic
Favorite books: Moby Dick, The Brothers Karamazov, Blood Merridian

>> No.4058735

nice try government

>> No.4058740

You have a PhD at 21?

>> No.4058747

Age: 18
Sex: m
Nationality: US
Languages: English, low proficiency Russian
Degree/job: student
(Aspiring) writer?: If I ever stop writing total shit. no.
Published?: no
Authors you love: Chekhov, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol, Shakespeare, Kafka, Camus
Authors you hate: anyone who posts on /lit/
Currently reading: Eugene Onegin again
Favorite books: Eugene Onegin, The Trial, Dead Souls, Hamlet, Today I Wrote Nothing, The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.4058748

Age: 26.
Sex: Male.
Nationality: Danish.
Languages: Danish, English, German, French.
Degree/job: N/A.
(Aspiring) writer?: Yes, published stuff online.
Published?: Self, so no.
Authors you love: Dean Wesley Smith (Not for writing, for general writing business stuff)
Authors you hate: Arrogant ones.
Currently reading: Les Misérables.
Favorite books: No.

>> No.4058749


>the government doesn't already know all of this for use in future interrogation sessions
>being forced to read all of the works you despise most nonstop for weeks on end by the police state

>> No.4058754

When Camus and Kafka make on your favorite writers list, there's little hope for you to become a good writer I'm afraid

>> No.4058757


>> No.4058760

looks like Karamazovs is /lit/s most favorite book for now

>> No.4058770

muh moralizing

>> No.4058775

fortunately I don't harbor any such delusions.

>> No.4058780

Age: 27
Sex: male
Nationality: Danish
Languages: English, Danish, Arabic
Degree/job: None/None
(Aspiring) writer?: No. I write for no reason.
Published?: Ha no.
Authors you love: Ernest , Fyodor, Jung
Authors you hate: Dan Brown
Currently reading: Rereading Man and His Symbols after finishing some short stories by Dosto
Favorite books: Schopenhauer's essays.

>> No.4058846



I finished university in 2 years and graduate school in 3.

>> No.4058850

How so?

>> No.4058869

>Age: 27
>Degree/job: None/None
What do you do for living?

>> No.4058875


>> No.4058889

Age: 21 next October
Sex: Male
Nationality: Egyptian
Languages: Arabic, English and an embarrassing French
Degree/job: Computer Engineering undergraduate/Freelancer game developer
(Aspiring) writer?: I just write for therapy
Published?: No
Authors you love: Moustafa Zekri, David Foenkinos, Dazai Osamu, Naguib Mahfouz ofc
Authors you hate: can't think of any at the moment
Currently reading: Salmonella Men on Planet Porno
Favorite books: Fear Eats the Soul, Cat's Cradle (fuk da hate)

>> No.4058903

Age: 24 in September
Sex: Male
Nationality: Lithuanian
Languages: Lithuanian, English
Degree/job: No
(Aspiring) writer?: Yes
Published?: Yes
Authors you love: Dostoevsky, Bierce, Bartol
Authors you hate: None
Currently reading: Lolita
Favorite books: The Idiot, Alamut

>> No.4058908

How's Lithuania? Do you like living there? I never hear much about it.

>> No.4058910

But they're everywhere in universities

>> No.4058914

I'm American.

>> No.4058917

It's much like the rest of Europe. Very pretty. Cold.

>> No.4058919

>PhD in Philosophy
>Age: 21
>Languages: Attic Greek, Modern Greek, French, Low/High German, Hindi.

Confirmed for a troll; thanks for the laugh.

>> No.4058922

Age: 22
Sex: Male
Nationality: Danish
Languages: Danish, English, French. Learning arabic
Degree/job: Working on my bachelor in international relations. Setting up light and sound for concerts on the side
(Aspiring) writer?: I only write for myself as a hobby
Published?: Only ressearch papers
Authors you love: Henry Miller, Bukowski, Baudelaire, Wilde
Authors you hate: Hans Christian Andersen
Currently reading: Ulysses
Favorite books: Diary of a Drug Fiend, Tropic of Cancer

>> No.4058930

Age: 20
Sex: F
Nationality: 'merican
Languages: English
Degree/job: Electronics specialist
(Aspiring) writer?: Aspiring is the word.
Published?: Nay.
Authors you love: Pynchon, Cortazar, Kafka, Marquez.
Authors you hate: Authors who make a joke of themselves.
Currently reading: Waiting for my new books to come in from Amazon. Then it'll probably be The Savage Detectives or If on a Winter's Night a Traveler.
Favorite books: V., The Trial, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Blow Up and Other Stories.

>> No.4058931

hey sexy

>> No.4058971

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Nationality: Bulgarian
Languages: Bulgarian, English and a tiny bit of French and German
Degree/job: 4th year in Cultural Studies (Which doesn't mean shit..)
(Aspiring) writer?: Well, working on it...
Published?: Nope, but didn't tried either.
Authors you love: Dostoevsky, Kafka, Steinbeck, Solzhenitsyn, etc.
Authors you hate: Coehlo and Kalin Terziyski (a Bulgarian writer who is extreamly shitty, but popular)
Currently reading: The Shadow Line by Conrad and La Bête Humaine by Zola (the both of which I realy, realy like..)
Favorite books: Well, fuck. Dunno, too many... Recently read "Three women" by Robert Musil and loved it.. Also love everything by the "favorite authors" guys.

>> No.4058981

>Authors you love: Dostoevsky, Kafka, Steinbeck, Solzhenitsyn, etc.

>> No.4059003


You're not the first skeptic.

It still is kind of flattering to put people in such a state of disbelief.

>> No.4059015

As you say, Mr. The-next-Kripke.

>> No.4059021

For undergrad, I was taking an average of 6 courses a semester, as well as summer and winter courses. I received some credit from high school and waived several requirements.
For grad, I completed the course load in the first two years and finished my dissertation in the remaining year. Still unemployed though.

>> No.4059031


If I am precocious, I'm definitely not THAT precocious.

I still needed to attend grad school.

>> No.4059095

M.Ed. in Elementary Education
Yes, in academic journals. Nothing fancy.
London, Tolkien, Hemingway, Heinlein, Kipling
Woolf, Rothfuss, GRRM, Robert Jordan, Goodkind
A Dance with Dragons, I feel compelled to read it because it was given to me as a gift.
Call of the Wild/White Fang

>> No.4059107


>> No.4059112

English, enough Spanish to read the newspaper
Little poems in little magazines
Love: Genet, Guy Davenport, Samuel R. Delany.
Hate: Marquez, Salinger, Cummings
Reading: Kindred by Octavia Butler
Favorite Book: Delany's Hogg or Davenport's Death of Picasso

>> No.4059133

why? :(

>> No.4059157

What's it like knowing I'd let you break wind on my face without even having to impress me?

Girls get it so easy in life.

>> No.4059162


>> No.4059178

you sick fuck

>> No.4059179

He was trying to show us the miserable life of the student. The student lives as a slave to the school just to get a piece of paper at the end, and in order to get that piece of paper, he must submit to the authority which is the school. He feels as a hooker who has no choice in life but to kneel down on the knees, in order to get that piece of paper which might and might not result in future success. Even if it meant success for him, he won't forget the things he had to do when he was a student/hooker as they will haunt him forever, and when he looks down at his knees, he'll remember the days in which he was a student/hooker.

>> No.4059182

kill yourself betaboy

>> No.4059185

No, I get paid to have sex

>> No.4059199


sooo clever.

nice work, anons, seriously.

>> No.4059204


Mostly cause he was asshole irl, and I can never tell the good poems from the bad. I do rather enjoy "Buffalo Bill's/ defunct."

>> No.4059209


No, I more or less just enjoy the work. How long did it take you to type that?

>> No.4059211

Around 30-40 seconds.

>> No.4059212

18 male usa english no no no ducasse daumal sologub henny jahnn bataille stirner leiris schwob neechy i don't like A LOT tbh currently the thirst for annihilation favs are by authors i mentioned

>> No.4059215

if you don't want us to read, keep it to yourself
if you do, make an effort and make it readable you shit

>> No.4059219

Age: 19
Sex: M
Nationality: Bulgarian
Languages: Bulgarian, English
Degree/job: Bachelor (Second Year)
(Aspiring) writer: Yes
Published: In a magazin
Authors you love: Gorky, Camus, Joyce, Woolf, Hamsun, and some other local authors.
Authors you hate: I don't really hate anyone, but maybe Hemingway.
Currently reading: "Човекът в езика. Езикът в човека" (The men in language. The Language in Man) It's a ethnolinguistic study.
Favorite books: Gorky's "Childhood"

>> No.4059220

i was able to follow that post easily, you're clearly mentally retarded

>> No.4059221

good for you kid

>> No.4059228


tripfag posting w/o his trip

obvious as shit

>> No.4059234

Just another cunt who thinks he's funny.

>> No.4059238

actually if I were that guy I would have posted with trip just to be obtuse

>> No.4059241

English, Spanish
Economics major
Aspiring Writer: yes
Published: no, nor have i ever tried
Love: Faulkner, Woolf, Pynchon
Hate: Chopin, Coelho
Currently Reading: Invisible Man
Favorite: The Sound and the Fury, To the Lighthouse

>> No.4059243


tripfag trying to convince us it isn't him

obvious as shit

>> No.4059245

>Love: Faulkner, Woolf, Pynchon
i bet you like metal too. complexity is the best thing in art~

>> No.4059252


I would say his distaste for Chopin is the bigger red flag there.

Also see: "nor have i ever tried"

>> No.4059263

Russian, English, French
Specialist in International law
(Aspiring) writer?: No, everything I wrote is total shit
Published?: Not yet
Authors you love: Albert Camus, Douglas Coupland, Isaac Asimov , Edgar Allen Poe
Authors you hate: Chuck Palahniuk, Vladimir Nabokov
Currently reading: Patti Smith - Just Kids
Favorite books: The Stranger by Albert Camus, The Defense by Vladimir Nabokov, Nibelungenlied, The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov

>> No.4059272

ya u caught me ;)

>> No.4059274

for some reason i think i'd have guessed you were female anyway

>> No.4059276

Why Nabowkoff? Explain.

>> No.4059277

Isn't Edgar Allen Poe the best?

I love how dark and mysterious his writing is; I wish I could be as great of a writer as he is, lol.

>> No.4059280

Age: 24
Sex: Male
Nationality: USA
Languages: English
Degree/job: Currently wating tables. Was working on an english degree. Now trying to become a graphic designer to work with 3M and design and apply vinyl vehicle wraps.
(Aspiring) writer?: Yes. My earliest work was a novella about a war between angels and demons when I was 11.
Published?: No.
Authors you love: Ernest Hemingway, John Gardner, Tom Stoppard, George Martin, Anne Rice, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe
Authors you hate: I disagree with this question fundamentally. Nobody should ever "hate" an author. Except for maybe Richard Knaak. His writing is an abomination.
Currently reading: A Clash of Kings by George Martin
Favorite books: A Song of Ice and Fire cycle by George R.R. Martin, Grendel by John Gardner, Candide by Voltaire, The Snows of Kilamanjaro and Other Stories, The Old Man and the Sea both by Hemingway, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard, Death of Salesman by Arthur Miller, The Once and Future King by T.H. White, The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, American Psycho by Bret Ellis, Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik

>> No.4059290


Forgot Cormac McCarthy

Also I am appalled at the lack of Cormac McCarthy love.

>> No.4059291

I think most of his works are just weak.

>> No.4059294

How so?

>> No.4059298

creative writing and pre dental
just about all of them except for a few that i find tolerable

>> No.4059314

good post snowflake

>> No.4059340


I feel like I knew more about you before you posted that

>> No.4059344

Age: 20
Sex: Female
Languages: Vietnamese, English
Degree/job: going to university for accounting
(Aspiring) Writer?: Not too much lately but it interests me
Published?: Nah.
Authors You Love: Kafka, Hemingway, Carver, Murakami (both Ryu and Haruki), Brautigan, Kharms, Salinger (Nine Stories is amazing), etc.
Authors You Hate: Not really anyone that I can think of. I just don't bother if I don't like them.
Currently Reading: Where I'm Calling From by Raymond Carver
Favorite Books: The Sun Also Rises, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles (wish they would re-release it with the missing chapters though), House of Leaves, The Castle, Revolutionary Road, Hunger, Journey to the End of the Night, Nine Stories, etc.

>> No.4059347

Because Camera Obscura and Lolita are just cheap and boring, Nabokov wanted attention, and can't read him seriously anymore. Do you have a different opinion?

>> No.4059362
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how about Bend Sinister? I didn't know Nabakov was another one of these suck-ups who comes to America and writes a bunch anti-communist crapola like some kind of economic uncle tom

>> No.4059365

why do those shit covers exist

>> No.4059366

my ex is vietnamese
are you my ex

>> No.4059376
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Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: American (US)
Languages: English
Degree/job: Psychology/Philosophy/Education student
(Aspiring) writer?: In what sense? I write and finish on a frequent basis, sure.
Published?: No. Don't plan on it it either.
Authors you love: Whoever wrote Hebrews, Plato, Freud, Jung, Zizek (lulwutapleb), Pirsig, Huxley (his later stuff; not anything like BNW, though I don't hate on that necesarrily)
Authors you hate: Judith Butler, Chomskyhonk (love and hate, really), Hume (so boring)
Currently reading: The Gas by Platt
Favorite books: Republic, Phaedrus, Civilization and Its Discontents, Island (Huxley), Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Hebrews

>> No.4059385
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English,Spanish and I am trying to learn Latin
Dostoevsky,Tolstoy,Joyce,Pound,Kafka,Hemingway Woolf and Wilde
Tao Lin and Patterson.
As I Lay Dying.
Picture of the Artist as a Young Man, Picture of Dorian Gray, The Cantos of Erza Pound and Julian by Gore Vidal.

>> No.4059392

>English, (shitty) French
>high school
>Liberal Arts student
>Salman Rushdie, David Foster Wallace, Timothy Findley, Russell Hoban, Andrew Hussie, Jorge Luis Borges, Shakespeare (we counting poets? Ted Hughes, Robert Pinsky, Gerald Stern, Steve Roggenbuck)
>George R. R. Martin, most Giller Prize winners, Thomas Pynchon (poets again: Margaret Atwood (as a poet), Michael Ondaatje (as a poet), P. K. Page, Shane Koyczan)
>Blood Meridian, In Search of Lost Time Book 3: The Guermantes Way
>Riddley Walker, Infinite Jest, In Search of Lost Time, Titus Groan, (we counting plays? because mothafuckin' HAMLET)

>> No.4059396

>You hate Pynchon.
I thought summer was winding down.

>> No.4059399


>> No.4059408

Just English but i'm learning German and Japanese
Unemployed/No Degree
Nope, I wouldn't mind being a critic though.
See above
Authors I love: Franz Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Faulkner, Mishima, Herman Hesse, Camus, Philip K Dick, Meryvn Peak, Philip Pullman, Osamu Dazai, Vladimir Nabokov, Leo Tolstoy, Jim Butcher, Douglas Adams, Oscar Wilde, David Foster Wallace, Arthur Rimbaud, Evelyn Waugh, Charles Baudelaire.
Authors I loathe: Hunter S Thompson, George RR Martin, J.K Rowling, BEE, Chuck Palahniuk, Hemmingway, F Scott Fitzgerald.

My Current read is Franz Kafka's The Castle
Too many to list.

>> No.4059415

Why do you hate Hemingway?

>> No.4059418


I thought For Whom the Bells Toll wasn't really that special and I can't see why people like it. I found it pretty boring to be honest.

>> No.4059421

How are you learning German?
I mean, what are you using?

>> No.4059423


But maybe i'm being unfair since that's the only book by him I read. I do own Across the River and into the Trees which I will read since it's pretty short.

>> No.4059424

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Languages: American
Degree/job: American
(Aspiring) writer?: Yes
Published?: No
Authors you love: Tolkien, GRRM, Conrad
Authors you hate: Never read a book I didn't like
Currently reading: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Favorite books: The Hobbit, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, ASOIAF series, Heart of Darkness

>> No.4059428

Personally I love Hemingway but will not try to convert you.

>> No.4059431

Not to be pretentious but this is a joke post right?

>> No.4059432

Age: 19
Sex: M
Nationality: Finnish
Languages: English, Finnish, Japanese and conversational Spanish/Chinese
Degree/job: Finishing up Lukio
(Aspiring) writer?: Writing, not paid.
Published?: No, several books I've finished in English and few short stories in Finnish/Japanese but I don't find them good enough to be published. They'd probably sell a little but I don't bother because I'd find them embarrassing later on.
Authors you love: None.
Authors you hate: None.
Currently reading: Got a few mental health related books, forgot author names.
Favorite books: I don't know.

>> No.4059433


I just grabbed a German language learning pack on a torrent website. I haven't fully immersed myself in the study of it yet but i'm going to take it more seriously though I am having trouble with the four cases.

>> No.4059434

He was born into an aristocratic family, I'm sure he had no warm feelings for communists.

>> No.4059436

It's a joke post in that it's funny, but it is also true.

The favorite books are basically the only books I've read. I didn't particularly like Harry Potter, but everyone else wrote so many different books as their favorites I felt like I needed to pad it with just anything I'd read.

>> No.4059437

Do you still have the link? I'd appreciate if you could post it here.

>> No.4059438

I'll bite.

Spanish (first language), English (2nd)
No degree, waiter, freelance reporter for the local paper
Published 2/3 stories written
Pynchon is the literary superhero whose poster adorns my wall
Don't really 'hate' any author, hate is an active pursuit, mine is a passive disinterest
Currently reading the jaw dropping Mason & Dixon
Favorite books: the aforementioned fersure, TCoL49, Slaughterhouse 5, Lolita, Blood Meridian, Underworld, The Talisman, Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, GR is okay but not as great as people think it is.

>> No.4059439
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Technically I'm male but I am personally female and spiritually I consider myself to be...okay I'm a male.


French, English

Currently working at Starbucks, hope to have a law degree someday.

>(Aspiring) writer?:
I was when I was little, but my parents made sure that dream didn't last. I guess I understand their skepticism.

>Authors you love:
Cormac McCarthy, Raymond Chandler, Hemingway. My age is still newbie level so I have a lot of time.

>Authors you hate:
Eh, I'm not one of those guys who get irritated when a work I don't like is acclaimed. But you can put me in that pile of people who don't care much for mary sue fantasies though.

>Currently reading:
Griftopia by Matt Taibbi.

>Favorite books:
Suttree, The Long Goodbye, Blood Meridian

>> No.4059443

Age: 27
Sex: m
Nationality: american/french
Languages: english, french, some serbo-croatian (grandparents)
Degree/job: classics ba and ma, library science ma / librarian
(Aspiring) writer?: no
Published?: a couple of classics articles, book reviews, library shit
Authors you love: homer, aeschylus, thucydides, montaigne, racine, stendhal, melville, proust, henry james, woolf, patrick leigh fermor
Authors you hate: dostoevsky, marlowe
Currently reading: maupassant contes
Favorite books: iliad, a la recherche du temps perdu, moby dick, montaigne's essais, don quixote, thucydides

>> No.4059447

Sex: Male
Nationality: Mexican/Spanish
Languages: English, Spanish
Degree/job: working on double major in Philosophy and Psychology
(Aspiring) writer?:
Published?: not yet
Authors you love: Hemmingway, Vonnegut
Authors you hate: n/a
Currently reading: The picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar WIlde
Favorite books n/a

>> No.4059457

Age 22
No degree, no job
Not really aspiring to be a writer. Maybe I'll start doing it sometime. Not published, obv
I love Jules Verne, Lovecraft, John Fowles, Alexandre Dumas, Knut Hamsun, Frank Herbert
I dont truly hate any books, but I suppose I dislike Stephanie Meyer since shes the only author rumored to be crap that I read. Dunno why I did, though.
Currently reading Eirik Raude
Favorite books are Hitchhikers Guide, Mysteries, Robinson Crusoe, The War of Wars, Dune

captcha: helpsite book

>> No.4059458

Muh nigger.

>> No.4059468

Metal is complex in the same way white noise is

>> No.4059474

Sex: Male
Nationality: Swedish
Languages: Swedish, English, basic French
Degree/job: Chemical Engineering
(Aspiring) writer?: No, not really.
Published?: Nay
Authors you love: Dostoyevsky, Hemingway, Salinger, Steinbeck, Aurelius
Authors you hate: None
Currently reading: Demons by Dostoy
Favorite books: Catcher in the Rye, Meditations, Cannery Row, The Idiot

>> No.4059477

Age: 22
Sex: male
Nationality: mexican
Languages: spanish/english
Degree/job: u wot m8?
(Aspiring) writer?: hobbyist amateur shit tier writer. Haven't practised in months actually
Published?: lol no
Authors you love: I like joseph conrad. Some others too idk
Authors you hate: can't think of any
Currently reading: Illuminatus! trilogy
Favorite books: 100 years of solitude... er Idk what else, Lord Jim I guess

>> No.4059479

But, why would you be browsing /lit/ if you don't read books?

>> No.4059484

I like wanting to read books.

>> No.4059486

maybe he just wandered here, saw the thread and posted

>> No.4059488

>Japanese and conversational Chinese

>> No.4059493
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>> No.4059502

English, Spanish
Economics (BA), unemployed
>(Aspiring) writer?:
>Authors you love:
Waugh, Hemingway, Flaubert
>Authors you hate:
>Currently reading:
John Banville - The Infinities
>Favorite books:
Growth of the Soil, Brideshead Revisited, The Sun Also Rises, Sentimental Education

>> No.4059519

Was your ex into all those books/authors?

>> No.4059521

Degenerate detected

>> No.4059529

Honestly it's news to me that there are women in this board. I'll have to start reading posts in a female voice in my head.

>muh subvocalization

>> No.4059540

english (some german)
bs math / nanny
love: jorge luis borges, flann o'brien, samuel beckett
current: in the heart of the heart of the country - william h. gass
favorite: the waves - virginia woolf, the recognitions - william gaddis, the colossus of maroussi - henry miller

>> No.4059543

pseudo-deep YA a la hemingway, kafka, murakami and salinger? yeah

>> No.4059551

I started learning Japanese when I was 13, Chinese and Sanish when I was 16.
Languages are easy, believe it or not. Maybe you should try learning more than one?

>> No.4059560

Write your post in Chinese

>> No.4059575
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Age: 22
Sex: M
Nationality: Scottish
Languages: Some French, some Italian
Degree/job: English Lit graduate / unemployed
(Aspiring) writer?: Aspiring
Published?: I'd like to be some day
Authors you love: Jack London, Saul Bellow, DFW, Haruki Murakami
Authors you hate: Richardson, Joyce, most Modernists
Currently reading: The Secret Life of Words - Henry Hitchings
Favorite books: DFW's short stories, The Interrogation (Le Clezio), Hunger (Hamsun), Dangling Man (Bellow), The Call of the Wild (London)

>> No.4059781


Age: 22
Sex: M
Nationality: ARG
Languages:ENG SPA FRA
Degree/job: cinematography
(Aspiring) writer?: Yes
Published?: No
Authors you love: Joyce, Borges,
Authors you hate: Most
Currently reading: Food of the Gods
Favorite books: why the fuck do i do these

>> No.4059783

>that one guy who is 2cool to have favorites
every thread

>> No.4059809

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: Argentinian
Languages: English, Spanish
Degree/job: 1st year Political Science
(Aspiring) writer?: No
Published?: No
Authors you love: Borges, Kafka, Maquiavelo
Authors you hate: None
Currently reading: The Republic
Favorite books: Fictions, The Metamorphosis, Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.4059815

>distaste for Chopin is the bigger red flag
red flag? what's wrong with disliking Chopin? I read the awakening in a class and was forced to comb through it for feminist symbolism and i really grew to dislike it after a while; it's not that she's a bad author, it's that she's not really for me.

>nor have i ever tried
yeah, I'm 18 and only write for fun, sparingly at that thanks to other time commitments. So?

>i bet you like metal too
no, i don't listen to metal. It's not the complexity, it's the fun of discovery and piecing together details :^)

>> No.4059866

Age: 23
Sex: M
Nationality: USA
Languages: English, French
Degree/job: College, Bartender
(Aspiring) writer?: No
Published?: No
Authors you love: Heinlein, Stephenson
Authors you hate: Salinger, King
Currently reading: The Grand Design (Hawking)
Favorite books: A Stranger In a Strange Land, The Odyssey, Huckleberry Finn

>> No.4059898

Any lawyers or librarians in here?

>> No.4059924

Then maybe I am.

>> No.4060008

English/Spanish (peppering of others)
No degree / own tattoo shop
Yes, both self and by others
Robert Anton Wilson, Shakespeare
a book on Zen
RAW's "The Cosmic Trigger" Volume 1

>> No.4060068

There are missing chapters of windup bird?

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Languages: English, Spanish, little bit of french
Degree/job: Biomedical science student
(Aspiring) Writer?: Write poetry sometimes
Published?: no
Authors You Love: Hemingway, Murakami, Burroughs
Authors You Hate: nope
Currently Reading: Old Man and the Sea
Favorite Books: Wind-up bird chronicle, 1Q84, Junky, The Road.

>> No.4060105

Age: 26
Sex: Male
Nationality: American (United States)
Degree/job: Anthropology student; got laid off from a fast food job the other day because they hired more people than they needed, assuming some would quit because of how much the job sucks
(Aspiring) writer?: Meh. I used to write a lot. Less so now. So I guess I'm a writer but don't care if I ever get published or "make it big."
Published?: Nope.
Authors you love: China Mieville, Ursula K. Le Guin, McCarthy, Hemingway (short works), Dumas
Authors you hate: None spring to mind. I guess I think Orson Scott Card is a douchebag. I tried to read Twilight to see what the big deal was but couldn't push past ~35 pages.
Currently reading: The Bible (Oxford edition NRSV), Game of Thrones
Favorite books: The Bas-Lag Trilogy, the Dartagnan Romances

>> No.4060128

Age: 27
Sex: Female
Nationality: Serbian
Languages: Serbian, English, Croatian, Russian
Degree/job: Film critic
(Aspiring) writer?: No
Published?: Yes
Authors you love: Dimitrijević, Sekulić, Dostoevsky, Andrić, Tolstoy
Authors you hate: Palahniuk, DFW
Currently reading: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Favorite books: The Bridge on the Drina, War and Peace

>> No.4060133

typical fenian

>> No.4060149

Yes, two chapters are missing and then they moved around one chapter.

>> No.4060231

Age: 18
Sex: Female
Nationality: Chilean
Languages: Spanish, English (but not as good as spanish)
Degree/job: None at the moment... i may start studying english literature next year, though
(Aspiring) writer?: yeah, i've been writing poetry/short stories ever since i was a kid and will never drop the dream of being published someday. I'm a perfectionist though, so i won't try to publish until i'm 100% satisfied with my work
Published?: no
Authors you love: Poe, Bécquer, Baudelaire, Dostoyevski, Kafka, Alejandra Pizarnik
Authors you hate: i don't like Bukowski at all tbh.
Currently reading: second part of the brothers karamazov
Favorite books: too many to list

>> No.4060266

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: Self-loathing American
Languages: English (hoping to get into French, German, and maybe Russian)
Degree/job: Dropout on welfare
(Aspiring) writer?: Vaguely, writing violent smut to sell on Amazon Direct and several short stories out of impulse
Published?: Nope
Authors you love: Pynchon, Poe, Burroughs, PKD, Alan Moore (I don't give a shit if he's predominately a comic book writer)
Authors you hate: Encompassing disdain for everyone involved with alt-lit and YA, haven't really come across real authors I absolutely hate
Currently reading: V.
Favorite books: Gravity's Rainbow, Naked Lunch, The Three-Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.4060341
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Age: 23
Sex: m
Nationality: American
Languages: English, a bit of French
Degree/job: philosophy major
(Aspiring) writer?: not particularly
Published?: yes
Authors you love: Barthes, Bukowski, Camus, Fanon, Faulkner, Fromm, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Salinger, D.T. Suzuki
Authors you hate: (regarding style only) Ginsberg, Hemingway, Hegel, Hume, Kerouac, Russell, Sartre
Currently reading: Leaves of Grass, Point Counter Point, The Complete Stories (of Kafka), Phenomenology of Perception
Favorite books: Zen and Western Thought, Mythologies, Resistance, Rebellion, and Death, Black Skin, White Masks, The Sound and The Fury, To Have or To Be, Siddhartha, Franny and Zooey, Johnny Got His Gun, Black Power

>> No.4060368

Age: 24 as of last week
Sex: male
Nationality: american
Languages: english native; can read french pretty well
Degree/job: math major
(Aspiring) writer?: yes :lol/sad:
Published?: no
Authors you love:borges, dostoevsky, mishima, bolano, murakami (eat a dick), gogol, joyce
Authors you hate: none really. i'd say ayn rand or something but hating ayn rand is like being angry at a child.
Currently reading: stoner; history of philosophy in 20th c. by delacampagne
Favorite books: brothers karamazov, 100 years of solitude, candid, after the quake, 2666

>> No.4060375

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: Indian
Languages: English, French, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Arabic
Degree/job: 2nd year compsci and economics
(Aspiring) writer?: No.
Published?: No
Authors you love: McCarthy, Pynchon, Steinbeck, Heller, Pratchett, Asimov
Authors you hate: Only authors I have a strongly negative opinion of are Coelho and Bukowski
Currently reading: The Black Swan
Favorite books: Catch-22,

>> No.4060398
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>I don't love or hate authors, I judge their works on their individual merits

Be a little more pretentious please.

>> No.4060403

Tears are streaming down my face as I imagine the size of your fedora collection.

>> No.4060412
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my nigga right there

currently reading catch-22 for the sixth time

>> No.4060427

Languages:English and Latin
Major/job:First year English major
Aspiring writor?: Maybe, not sure yet.
Published?:Lol nope
Love:Joyce, Milton, Shakespeare, Ovid, Vergil, Caesar, Cicero, Homer, Aristotle, Decartes, Marx, Lenin, Mao, Pynchon, Che
Hate: none maybe Hawthorne
Currently reading: nothing. I'm busy studying the Japanese language.
Favourite books: Ulysses, paradise lost, ab urbe condita, comentarii de bello gaullico, Aeneid, Finnegans wake, The Odyssey, The Great Gatsby, The Awakening of Latin America,

>> No.4060688

>doesn't speak french

>> No.4060690

Why do you hate Sartre m8?

>> No.4060692

probably because he's a philosophy major

>> No.4060703

Age: 27
Sex: male
Nationality: German
Languages: German, English, little bit of Russian, French and Japanese
Degree/job: Student
(Aspiring) writer?: yes
Published?: nope
Authors you love: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Goethe, Pynchon, Hemingway, Pasternak, Shakespear, Milton
Authors you hate: Haruki Murakami, Theodor Fontane
Currently reading: Sophies World, Old Man and the Sea
Favorite books: Brothers Karamasov, War and Peace, Faust, Doctor Zhivago

>> No.4060705

Age: 18
Sex: male
Nationality: USA
Languages: English, Russian
Degree/job: no
(Aspiring) writer?: no
Authors you love:David McCullough, Ron Chernow, Candice Millard, Theodore Roosevelt, Craig Childs
Authors you hate: none
Currently reading: lots
Favorite books: The Beast In The Garden, Destiny Of The Republic, The Last Season, Huck Finn

>> No.4060723

Age: 23
Sex: M
Nationality: Indonesia
Languages: Indonesia, English, bit of French & Japanese
Degree/job:psychology student
(Aspiring) writer?: aspiring
Published?: nope
Authors you love: Dewi Lestari (local writer), Jin Yong, Murakami, Osho, Dostoyevsky, Sartre, Coelho
Authors you hate: none, probably hardline Muslim authors
Currently reading: Discipline and Punish
Favorite books: Condor Heroes trilogy, Supernova (local literature)

>> No.4061185


That really wouldn't explain why he likes Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, they're awful by contemporary standards.


>hate [the style of] Russell

you must not be an analytic,
in which case you ought to fuck off, m8.

>> No.4061247

Age: 28
Sex: Manly man
Nationality: freedom
Languages: thats, like, some french movie, right?
Degree/job: grip
(Aspiring) writer?: arent we all?
Published?: do dick pics in glamour boy magz count?
Authors you love: i dont wanna pick
Authors you hate: no hate, they're all doing they're thing
Currently reading: Apocalypse Culture
Favorite books: If i pick one all the other books'll get mad and attack me in my sleep. then i'll have to explain the bruises to my mom and then i'll have to talk to officer crumpky again. he likes to be alone with me.

>> No.4061256

yup, it's america

>> No.4061259

Age: 24
Sex: M
Nationality: Argentina
Languages: Spanish, english, some swedish.
Degree/job: Real Estate broker
(Aspiring) writer?: No
Published?: No
Authors you love: Tolstoy, Dostoievsky, Asimov, Bradbury, Homer, Aurelius, Calvino, Borges.
Authors you hate: Hunter S. Thompson, Bukowski.
Currently reading: The Elder Eddas.
Favorite books: War and Peace, Karamazov Brothers, Illustrated Man, Invisible Cities, Livy's History of Rome, Odissey.

>> No.4061285

Age: 20
Sex: M
Nationality: Italian
Languages: Italian, Latin, English
Degree/job: student
(Aspiring) writer?: I write stuff, but i'm not aspiring to become writer
Published?: or get published
Authors you love: Foscolo, Zanzotto, Calvino, Dostoevksij, Bolano, Buzzati, etc
Authors you hate: maybe Lovecraft
Currently reading: The book of disquiet
Favorite books: Karamazov Brothers, 2666, the nonexistent knight, etc

>> No.4061287


>> No.4061298

>Authors you hate: maybe Lovecraft

>> No.4061399

Age: 22
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Languages: English (I'm a dumb American)
Degree/job: Philosophy, SAT tutor
(Aspiring) writer?: Sure
Published?: No
Authors you love: Faulkner, O'Connor, B. Easton Ellis, Hawthorne, Pynchon
Authors you hate: I don't really hate any authors.
Currently reading: The Odyssey
Favorite books: The Sound and the Fury, Hamlet, Moby-Dick, Less Than Zero, The Things They Carried

>> No.4061415

Age: too old for 4chan
Sex: m
Nationality: English
Languages: English
Degree/job: BA hons/office temp
(Aspiring) writer?: Oh yes
Published?: N
Authors you love: Shakespeare, Blake, Dante, Woolf, Burroughs, Homer, the Bible
Authors you hate: Don;t hate, just discard and ignore. Most stuff doesn't interest me.
Currently reading: Bible, Lord Macaulay History of England vol 2, Crowley's Book 4, Spenser Faerey Queen, Vivekanada Raja Yoga.
Favorite books: Bible, Woolf's great novels, the Trial, Cellini's Autobigraphy, Tristram Shandy, Inferno.

>> No.4061416

Age: 20
Sex: f
Nationality: dominican
Languages: spanish, english.
Degree/job: law student, 3rd year/paralegal.
(Aspiring) writer?: no, but i try poetry.
Published?: no
Authors you love: cortázar, caicedo, galeano, bukowski, pizarnik, nietzsche, kafka,
Authors you hate: coehlo, marquez, austen and all of those who writes romantic cheesy bs.
Currently reading: the unbearable lightness of being, kundera.
Favorite books:

>> No.4061428

oh and favorite books: hopscotch, the outsiders, opio en las nubes, little prince (say whatever you want), historias de cronopios y famas, indignez vous and letter to a child never born.

>> No.4061466

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Languages: English, German
Degree/job: English/grocery store clerk
(Aspiring) writer?: Sure, why not
Published?: Yes
Authors you love: Thomas Pynchon, Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky, William Blake, Harlan Ellison, Georges Perec
Authors you hate: Palahniuk, Bukowski, Gene Wolfe
Currently reading: Gravity's Rainbow (Pynchon), Lesser Apocalypses (Bayard Godsave), The Oulipo Compendium
Favorite books: House of Leaves, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Stoner, La vie mode d'Emploi

>> No.4061471

>Hating James Joyce
I thought summer was winding down.

>> No.4061592

Age: 18
Sex: Male
Nationality: Colombian
Languages: Spanish, English / Learning French and German
Degree/job: Mathematics
(Aspiring) writer?: Not sure
Published?: No
Authors you love: Sabato, Garcia Marquez, Nietzsche, Herman Hesse, Andrés Caicedo
Authors you Hate: Miguel de Unamuno, Jorge Isaacs, Charles Bukowski, Rafael Pombo
Currently reading: Portnoy's complaint - Philip Roth
Favorite books: The Baron in the trees, 100 years of solitude, Calicalabozo, Steppenwolf, lolita

>> No.4061606

Norwegian, English.
>(Aspiring) writer?:
>Authors you love:
Dostoevsky, Camus, Carl Sagan, Robert Sapolsky, George Orwell, Richard Feynman, Vladimir Nabokov, Christopher Hitchens.
>Authors you hate:
Don't really hate any.
>Currently reading:
Sult, Knut Hamsun.
The Dispossessed, Ursula Le Guin.
>Favorite books:
The Brothers Karamazov, Crime And Punishment, Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, The Plague, The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam: Three Translations of the Rubaiyat, The Book of Disquiet, The Luzhin Defense, Letters from a Stoic, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Pale Blue Dot, Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman, Oblomov, Darkness At Noon... I feel like I've listed enough.

>> No.4061614

Age: 24
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Languages: English, German, Spanish
Degree/job: Chemical Engineer
(Aspiring) writer?: Yes..
Published?: No, but I'm still in the process of writing the book.
Authors you love: Borges, Maupassant, Nietzsche
Authors you hate: Kerouac, Bukowski, Wallace, Franzen
Currently reading: Heidegger's Supplements
Favorite books: The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West, Ficciones by Jorge-Luis Borges, Ovid's Metamorphoses

>> No.4061616


Not sure why I did this. Sorry.

>> No.4061628


>Authors you love: Andrés Caicedo
>Authors you Hate: Rafael Pombo

plebello cacorro marihuanero

>> No.4061634


>> No.4061632

Age: 19
Sex: M
Nationality: American
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Degree/job: Working on a B.S. in Economics
(Aspiring) writer?: Kind of
Published?: Also kind of
Authors you love: Dostoevsky, Don DeLillo, Pynchon, DFW, Jane Austen
Authors you hate: Charles Dickens, Nikolai Gogol
Currently reading: Zorba the Greek
Favorite books: Infinite Jest, Underworld, The Brothers Karamazov, Gravity's Rainbow, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

>> No.4061640

reading Carson Cistulli and Kenneth Koch

>> No.4061643

>Carson Cistulli

>> No.4061766



>> No.4061786 [DELETED] 

Age: 25
Sex: M
Nationality: United states
Languages: english
Degree/job: ba in english/dead end job
(Aspiring) writer?: not anymore
Published?: no
Authors you love: Sherwood anderson, knut hamsun, carson mccullers, john fante, jd salinger
Authors you hate: chuck palahniuk, janet fitch
Currently reading: the bicycle diaries- david byrne
Favorite books: the stranger, the remains of the day, madame bovary, the catcher in the rye, ask the dust

>> No.4061816

AMAZING... this was so fucking funny

>> No.4061826


Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: German
Languages: German, English, some French
Degree/job: None

(Aspiring) writer?: No
Published?: No

Authors you love: None
Authors you hate: None
Currently reading: Hegel
Favorite books: Kafka's diaries

>> No.4061887


>> No.4061894

In school for Journalism. Too scared
to go full English
One poem
Love: Plath, Kafka, Dostoevsky, Whitman
Hate: Camus...um..Austen
A Trip to the Stars, The Jungle
Favorites: Leaves of Grass, The Bell Jar, Catcher in the Rye, Member of the Wedding, Joy Luck Club (don't you dare call me a pleb), The Elephant Vanishes

>> No.4061910

Age: 23
Sex: M
Nationality: British
Languages: English, Swahili (no, I'm not black)
Degree/job: A masters in Ecology, currently working towards a PhD in coastal marine ecology
(Aspiring) writer?: Not really
Published?: No
Authors you love: Celine, Bulgakov, Turganev
Authors you hate: /
Currently reading: The Dwarf by Par Lagerkvist; The Technological System by Jacques Ellul
Favorite books: The Cone Gatherers, Journey to the End of Night, Rabbit is Rich

>> No.4063376

>(no, I'm not black)
take your racism back to pol white boy

>> No.4063716

>English, German
>None, lab technichian
>(no), yes.
>Cortázar, Mishima, Bernhard, Faulkner, Krasznahorkai, Pynchon
>King, Palahnuik
>Mason & Dixon (Pynchon), the read of the year thus far.
>Hopscotch (Cortázar), Heart of Darkness (Conrad), The Melancholy of Resistance (Krasznahorkai), Correction (Bernhard)

>> No.4063772

Danish, English, Swedish, Norwegian, German
Not really
Kierkegaard, Melville, Kafka, Littell, Mann, I.P. Jacobsen, Bernhard, Céline, Tolkien

Danish stuff and philosophy books
Moby Dick, The Castle, The Kindly Ones, Niels Lyhne

>> No.4063785

Terry Goodkind
Any pretentious pseudo-intellectual shit
The Sword of Truth
The Sword of Truth, Harry Potter, The Hobbit

>> No.4063789



Your fantasy literature taste is shit.

>> No.4063803
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Languages:Hungarian, English, (basic) Latin
Degree/job: studying law
(Aspiring) writer?: only essays and articles
Published?: only journalism
Authors you love: Swift, Voltaire, Dostoevsky, Kosztolányi, A. C. Clarke
Authors you hate: Bulgakov, George R. R. Martin, Dan Brown
Currently reading: Star Maker
Favorite books: Gulliver's Travles, Demons, Rendezvous with Rama

>> No.4063804

Nationality: murrican
Degree/job:Retail but joining the air force in November
(Aspiring) writer?: I dabble but I don't aspire
Published?: no
Authors you love: Beckett, Nin, Dick, Steinbeck (mostly cause I live in salinas and his work was crammed down my throat as a kid), Faulkner, Plath
Authors you hate: iono, Rushkoff maybe
Currently reading: Edouard Leve, Wilde
Favorite books The Beckett Trilogy

>> No.4063835

>I don't love or hate authors, I judge their works on their individual merits

>> No.4063842

Shop assistant, practically uneducated
Love: tolstoy, dostoevsky, shakespeare, voltaire
Hate: stephen king, GRRM, jkRowling, etc

>> No.4063845
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>Authors who make a joke of themselves.
>Favorite books: The Trial

>> No.4063852
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O you stinking Communist...

I like you.

>> No.4063888

Da dove vieni di preciso?

>> No.4063892

you missed Pynchon. the ultimate 'joke'

>> No.4063948

>implying I like Tolkien because it's fantasy

>> No.4063971

6/10 troll, not bad.

>> No.4063981

English, German
Physics, B.Sc
A scientific paper
I love Tolstoy and Henry Miller and David Brin
I haven't read a bad book in a real long time.
Sword of the Lictor
Anna Karenina, Tropic of Cancer, Confessions of a Mask

>> No.4064727
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>> No.4065047
