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/lit/ - Literature

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4056946 No.4056946 [Reply] [Original]

Because /pol/ is saturated with far-right basement dwellers, I'm asking this here. Anyone know any good books that discuss the history of worker unions in America?

>> No.4056950

>Because /pol/ is saturated with far-right basement dwellers
That's not exclusive to /pol/. We're far-right basement dwellers on every board, the difference is that we don't talk about politics outside of /pol/.

>> No.4056952

I take it you've read Dubofsky's We Shall Be All?

>> No.4056957

Speak for yourself. I lean far to the left and so do quite a few others on /lit/.

>> No.4056969

He was talking about the collective group of /pol/-mongrels I think.
/lit/ is definitely leftist

Oh and:
>the difference is that we don't talk about politics outside of /pol/

I wish, you contaminate every board with your "goy", "JIDF pls", "le rebbit", etc. etc.
It's pretty tiring.

>> No.4056982

All things considered, I think politics is being kept inside of /pol/ really well.
After all, politics is relevant when talking about almost everything, so you can't expect every board to be completely free of politics.
I don't actually post on /pol/, and I'll admit /lit/ is somewhat of an exception with all the liberal arts students, but the majority of boards have the same political views as /pol/.
Saying "goy", "JIDF" etc. is not talking about politics. They're memes, you know, sort of like jokes. Nobody says "good goy" or "JIDF pls" seriously, it's supposed to be funny. Whether you personally find it funny or not is irrelevant.

>> No.4056986

I don't know most boards I've lurked abhor /pol/ pr are fairly mixed. I admit I haven't been on every board enough to gage whether the majority supports /pol/ though

>> No.4056990

/b/ is /pol/
/fit/ is 50/50 I reckon.

>> No.4056994

Nobody supports /pol/ because they bring politics to other boards, and because they have a reputation of being incredibly stupid, but if you ever come across a thread that derails quietly and everyone is suddenly discussing politics, the board seems to have mostly the same political views as /pol/. I've seen this happen on /lit/ as well, but there's a lot more arguing probably because there's a higher proportion of leftists. The right-wing is not underrepresented on /lit/.

>> No.4056998

A Brief History:

Once there was a beautiful world where there were no unions. Then liberals had to fuck with the system because "mah safety". Now Detroit is ruined and unions are assisting the downfall of industry.

>> No.4057000

Well /co/ hates /pol/ though it attracts far more normalfags and tumblrites than any other board.

/tg/ hates feminist but that's about the only right wing discussion that pops up

/mu/ is about the same as /lit/. Pry the only board besides /fa/ where saying OP is a faggot prompts a debate over whether saying faggot is ok.

>> No.4057001

not really, they're racist, but not nearly as racist, sexist, but not nearly as sexist, homophobic, not nearly as homophobic, etc

/v/, /mu/, /a/, etc. generally hate having the status quo challenged

/pol/ thinks the status quo doesn't go far enough in screwing over people who aren't like them

>> No.4057005


The death of the American auto industry was the result of complacency and a foreign market that actually knew how to make non shitty cars

>> No.4057006

Have /pol/ read Zizek on anti-semitism

>> No.4057007
File: 63 KB, 500x667, xSjLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Montgomery. This website is a bibliography on various labor topics: http://www.niu.edu/~rfeurer/labor/booklist.html

>> No.4057011

>White collar

>> No.4057012

Ever heard of Ford? That's what I thought.

>> No.4057023

But /lit/ is mostly left you moron.

>> No.4057034
File: 35 KB, 323x500, sometimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily a history of unions, but this is a fantastic book that is centered around a Northwest logging union dispute that has quite a bit to say.

>> No.4057053


People keep parroting this but I've yet to see any proof. Previous polls suggest that /lit/ posters tend to be centrist or moderate left/right. A small cohort of Marxists likes to think that they have more members than they do.

>> No.4057055

your amerifat is showing

>> No.4057071


Don't just respond with a stock phrase. I'm not even American. Do you have anything approaching evidence or is it purely wishful thinking on your part?

>> No.4057074

I have a plethora of charts and diagrams. I'm from /pol/.

>> No.4057076

>right wing
>one of the board rules is "no discussion of ayn rand"

yeah, ok

>> No.4057077

>mfw /pol/tards don't actually read books but they'll believe anything they read in a .jpg file

>> No.4057078

4chan is rightwing because leftism is becoming increasingly mainstream, and there's nothing 4chan likes more then offending Neurotypicals.

>> No.4057094

Just start reading Labor History, and Labour / Le Travail

>> No.4057098

I second this. Might need to power through the first 80 pages or so. Great book

>> No.4057099

[7:35:06 PM] 100% OTAKU: if i shit on a foot
[7:35:09 PM] 100% OTAKU: wait
[7:35:13 PM] 100% OTAKU: if centolina shit on her feet
[7:35:31 PM] 100% OTAKU: would you rather lick the shit or the feet
[7:35:37 PM] 100% OTAKU: or the shit-feet
[7:35:50 PM] YAHUSHUA w・Q82サ(12@*9カ」: coprophagia is nice

>> No.4057100

It's more a case of 4chan being full of insecure, projecting, over-compensating lonely losers who desperately want to feel that they're not worthless or that others are to blame for their general discontent and hopelessness.

>> No.4057105

>>or that others are to blame for their general discontent and hopelessness.
That's funny, I'm pretty sure that you could make the same argument about a whole lot of leftists. Which makes me wonder just how useful it actually is to call someone a loser. It seems that being pathetic is something that exists regardless of your political ideology.

Plus, most of the people on here could very easily be convinced of the merits of economic leftism, it's just that tumblresque social justice has no fans outside of tumblr.

>> No.4057110

>It seems that being pathetic is something that exists regardless of your political ideology.
Woah. Do you have anything to back up your radical theory?

>> No.4057116 [DELETED] 

Yeah, my cock up your mother's asshole.

>> No.4057117


>> No.4057120

>I'm pretty sure that you could make the same argument about a whole lot of leftists

Of course you can. But I don't think it's entirely accidental that there are so many young right wingers on 4chan compared to anywhere else.

>> No.4057121

A people's history of the united states by Howard Zinn talks a bit about that and is a pretty great book in general as long as you accept you might not agree with everything that the author says.

>> No.4057134

Yeah, because leftism is becoming increasingly mainstream. At least as far as certain social issues are concerned, and 4chan has always prided itself on not giving a fuck about what broader society considers to be taboo. Hence you get lots of people saying nigger and faggot on here.

>> No.4057138

>quoted guy says /lit/ is "centrist or moderate left/right"
>you say that he believes /lit/ is "right wing" despite him never implying such
I think you need to learn to read the shit you're replying to, bro. Putting words in another's mouth is a bad habit.

>> No.4057140

>moderate right
>not "right wing"

stay delusional

>> No.4057142

The journals Processed World and Radical Amerika are also good. You might want to generally try libcom.org

>> No.4057144

>implying there is not a single moderate right on this board
>completely ignoring that he says left, right, and center
>pretend that he only said "right" and only "right"

stay blind

>> No.4057151

He was saying that /lit/ isn't mostly left though, which it clearly is.

>> No.4057155

Another thing I should add here is that even if the average "loser" on 4chan(be that loser left or rightwing)actually did do something to improve themselves(going to college or a tradeschool say)that is ultimately no guarantee that they would become successful. Because of increasing amounts of Automation and Outsourcing we are fast running out of work for the average person to do.

So who is honestly surprised that people are becoming increasingly angry and bitter about being discarded by society, and condemned as a loser because they couldn't keep up with change?

It's not like you can just go down to a factory and work there if you aren't that bright nowadays.

>> No.4057165

Some left wingers at least blame capitalism and the system rather than merely the ideological figure of the Jew or the ideological figure of the Black Man etc. etc.

>> No.4057171

But blaming capitalism in general is wrong too. What is meant by the system exactly? Our government? That would be more correct. Our leaders have abandoned the common good and embraced wealth for the sake of wealth.

>> No.4057175

What does Zizek say about anti-semetism?

>> No.4057184

I don't think you browsed /lit/ enough.
Just watch a communist thread and you'll se how many Comrades show up.

>> No.4057228

Browse tumblr for a bit, and look at all the leftwing losers.

>> No.4057255

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.4057882

The subject is /pol/ ruining everything.
Refute that by ruin things /pol/-style.

>> No.4059719

night comes to the cumberlands

>> No.4059727

from a right wing basement dwelling ignorant /k/omando who hate commies and commas

>> No.4059779

Found on road dead
Fix or repair daily
Hey why doesn't ford make boats? Its cause you cant push on water

>> No.4060123

Leftism is more irrelevant now than any time in the last 100 years. /pol/ rightwingery is all about having a hyper-masculine ideology to make up for their personal failings.

>> No.4060173

I'm far right other than environmental issues.

I'd rather post on /lit/ than /pol/.

>> No.4060174

>my right-leftism
Silly Amerifat.

>> No.4060297

>murrica is the only country in the world


>> No.4060526

I'd be a moderate independent but the far right have driven political discourse so far into the crazy tinfoil hat territory that you end up leaning left out of sheer rationalism.

>> No.4060549

america is the best

i see u miley

>> No.4060559

okay i believe you you're jesus

>> No.4060567

fucking finally

>> No.4060568

>Irrelevancy of any term that necessarily and inextricably exists in a dialectical relationship with its opposite

Dear god, the sheer fail in your post

>> No.4060571


>implying /pol/ idiots understand dialectical relationships

>> No.4060581

u r my first official disciple
be on the lookout for upcoming events #wink #wink

>> No.4060582

actually u might be like the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th or 11th or the last i'm not quite sure

>> No.4060596

Settlers by J. Sakai

>> No.4060660

>Implying you use words like dialectical as anything other then a way to show off how smugly superior you are to everyone who realized that going to a trade-school was better then getting a pomo degree

Two can play at this game, faggot.

>> No.4060664

Leftism is irrelevant because leftists have abandoned stuff like labor agitation and opposition to government abuse of power in exchange for ranting on tumblr every time someone in a multi-player computer uses the word faggot.

>> No.4060666

>>in a multiplayer computer game uses the word faggot.


>> No.4060683

the problem isn't government or capitalism, but corruption, corruption in the private sector, and in washington.
the way the political pundits would spin it you'd think it mattered whether the group that was fucking you in the ass was public or private,

>> No.4060694

Let me introduce you to IWW