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/lit/ - Literature

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4051237 No.4051237 [Reply] [Original]

Alright niggers I'm trying to learn everything I can about ancient civilizations and humanities through olden works of literature, this is what I have read so far

Arabian Nights
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Tao te Ching
Bhagavad Gita

Here's my backlog
Divine Comedy
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Pillow Book
Book of Five Rings
The Prince
Art of War
Paradise Lost
Mountain Wreath
Journey to the West
Dream of the Red Chamber
Water Margin
Tale of Genji
Tale of the Heike
Song of El Cid
Works and Days
Song of Roland
Sagas of the Icelanders
Popol Vuh
Prose-Edda and Poetic Edda
Works of Plato
Works of Artistotle
120 Days of Sodom
Digenes Akritas

dunno how I'm gonna find half of this shit, either download it or buy the ebooks if I can't find it in a store or library. Anything else you folks can recommend?

>> No.4051257

>Ancient civilizations
>Book of Five Rings

What? FTFY

>> No.4051280

Something different:

>> No.4051332

you may like some historical novels like. the tale of sinueh

>> No.4051335

Do you know what "ancient" means?

>> No.4051353

older than right now

>> No.4051372

>Paradise Lost (17th century), Song of El Song (between 1190-1207 ad), and The Song of Roland (12th century), Beowulf (975-1025), Faust (1808), The Prince (1532), Book of Five Rings (1645)

You are either retarded or have a very loose definition of the word "ancient".

>> No.4051376

Random "and". Jesus Christ. Can you tell I'm mad? 10/10, OP.

>> No.4051379

>Of or in time long past, especially before the end of the Western Roman Empire a.d. 476: ancient history.

>> No.4051381


>> No.4051406

Missed the Divine Comedy and Grimm's Fairy Tales, neither of which are ancient.

>> No.4051413

Not written that long ago, but see Flaubert's Salammbô for a top-notch reconstruction of Carthage between the two first punic wars. The nigger spent 6 years researching his shit.

>> No.4052484

wow people are really autistic on this board

if it makes you feel better how about i just call it classical literature instead? I just wanted to read stuff related to the folklore of different cultures I guess.

>> No.4052491

Better off just reading a shit ton of history, anything you can get your eyes on

>> No.4052494

Stick with it OP. You have a good list.

Also, read into Alchemy and Hermeticism. They are the true foundation of all religion, and if you understand them it will blow your fucking mind with how much freedom you have.

Feel free to ignore this post if you'd rather just have a mediocre time and not really become who you want to be.

>> No.4052500
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I'll look into it, sounds cool.