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4050794 No.4050794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that reading doesn't make you more intelligent

>> No.4050801

I'm guessing you're the outlier of the data.

>> No.4050800

But does it help me to find cute Japanese schoolgirls I can cuddle with?

>> No.4050807

Not more intelligent but surely more cultured. [:^)]

>> No.4050821

Provide said data.

>> No.4050828

Daily reminder that OP is a homo.

>> No.4050832

Perhaps not, but it makes you more knowledgeable which can make you appear more intelligent.

>> No.4050834

I judge people by whether they can read and write, not just one or the other. The test of true literacy.

>> No.4050835


>> No.4050838

no, /b/ would say faggot, dear

>> No.4050859

Actually reading improves concentration which has a direct effect on intelligence. It also enhances imagination and knowledge among others. Not sure what OP means by "more intelligent", exactly. Of course reading won't make you better at math, unless you read math books, but it can make you smarter.

>> No.4050860

>Actually reading improves concentration
citation needed
> has a direct effect on intelligence
citation needed

>> No.4050861

If you were intelligent enough you'd not need citations. Read moar.

>> No.4050863

*avg korean

>> No.4050864

nice cop-out sonny boy

>> No.4050867


Watch your heads. Unsubstantiated claims abound.

>> No.4050869


This guy and his citations.


This guys got it. Be your own citation, or be forever an idiot asking for citations, sitting safe in the knowledge that other people will pay to clarify(publish) any and all knowledge that is important to the squalors of your own idle mind.

How funny, the way in which you think the world works.

>> No.4050872

Not directly, but it surely helps.

>> No.4050873

>just believe me alright
go play somewhere else kidder

>> No.4050876

>Be your own citation...

You're not a very good citation for your claim.

>> No.4050879

He's not *your* citation, you need to be your citation. He's his own citation.

>> No.4050878


Not the original poster (God forbid more than one person disagree with you), but hey, if you're that interested to be proved right or us wrong (No one cares what you really think, after all, Mr. Muhcitation) why don't you produce an intelligence monitoring device? Or an imagination measuring device?

The real kicker here is really that you don't read. That's obvious. Thus, you have no say in this conversation.

>> No.4050884

please don't bore me with your pseudointellectualism and come back when you got them citations

see you

>> No.4050899


You're a boring, idiot troll in the first place.

In any case you're proving the OP vastly incorrect and I've also been able to state how I regard books to be the highest of teachers! Success.

>> No.4050902

>he has no citations
I don't believe you.

>> No.4050907

Isn't it pseudointellectual to rely on words of real intellectuals? It's like a poor man being proud because he has pictures of money.

>> No.4050915

you can stop now

>> No.4050934

Citation needed.

>> No.4050940
File: 34 KB, 190x250, 17538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir Arthur Canon Doyle - deduction, logic

Tolstoy - Human behaviour, chaos theory

Huxley - Sociology

I could go on but it's time to go and live my life now.

>> No.4050954

and today, OP was a faggot. A faggot who has a point

>> No.4050965

>Sir Arthur Canon Doyle - deduction, logic

Heh. Holmes is almost a total joke with is "deductive reasoning". It's something that would only work in fiction, dorky enough to be spoofed by Ace Ventura II.

>"Nothing of the sort. I knew you came from Afghanistan. From long habit the train of thoughts ran so swiftly through my mind, that I arrived at the conclusion without being conscious of intermediate steps. There were such steps, however. The train of reasoning ran, 'Here is a gentleman of a medical type, but with the air of a military man. Clearly an army doctor, then. He has just come from the tropics, for his face is dark, and that is not the natural tint of his skin, for his wrists are fair. He has undergone hardship and sickness, as his haggard face says clearly. His left arm has been injured. He holds it in a stiff and unnatural manner. Where in the tropics could an English army doctor have seen much hardship and got his arm wounded? Clearly in Afghanistan.' The whole train of thought did not occupy a second. I then remarked that you came from Afghanistan, and you were astonished."

Nevermind that he could have gotten a wound and sickness and tan anywhere in the world. Sherlock is only 100% right because the author makes him so.

For a lark:

Ace: You're an extreme workaholic. You recently returned from a short trip to Gotan in northern Africa, and upon your return you more than likely took a nasty spill because of some... shotty masonry work.
Vincent Cadby: Very impressive... might I ask, how?
Ace: Surely... The abrasion on the palm of your left hand is the type one sustains breaking a fall of 3 to 5 feet, the small reminisce of plaster on the tip of your shoe pointed to a careless mason beam, the culprit, your new watch, a quality forgery of a cartieah was most likely purchased through the north African black market known to reside in Gotan.
[Ace gasps for air]
Vincent Cadby: And my work habits?
Ace: Yes, a workaholic, the urine stain on your pants would signify that you're a single shake man, far to busy for a follow up jiggle.

At least Ace Ventura was wrong about every single thing, turning deductive reasoning on its head.

>> No.4050976

Just wondering if this was good enough for a citation



>> No.4050986


>Scanners is a month-long used bookstore project that highlights the book as a physical object in an increasingly dematerialized world.

>used bookstore project

Somehow doesn't seem very scientific.

>> No.4050993

> Trying to learn logic from a fictional character
> Trying to learn psychology from a historian
> Trying to learn sociology from science fiction

If you do this instead of reading books directly about the desired subjects then you really aren't that smart.

>> No.4050995

Yes it does, OP.

>> No.4050996

>1h long mp3

>> No.4051001

>you really aren't that smart.

This whole board is full of people who think they're smart because they've read some fiction pieces. It's all pretend.

>> No.4051005

>Intelligence has been defined in many different ways including logic, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, learning, having emotional knowledge, retaining, planning, and problem solving.

Well, it helps you with communication I guess

>> No.4051032

reading fiction, i think we can all agree, is useless and is solely for passing the time

>> No.4051039

You thought wrong, kiddo.

>> No.4051043

>tfw so intelligent i can't be bothered with anything
feels good

>> No.4051046

It has all the stuff scientist need to trust a idea. Other books, Old tribes, graphs, fmri scanners blah blah blah lol
Your books await gohan lol YBAG lol

>> No.4051068

I was going to say it helps with empathy/emotional knowledge but judging from the neckbeards here I'd have to disqualify that hypothesis.

>> No.4051076

good, intelligence is overrated

a dumb fool is bad, but an intelligent fool is absolutely unbearable, and by putting so much praise on mere cleverness our society has made a lot of clever fools.

fuck intelligence, intelligence in and of itself is no more impressive than tallness or large biceps.

>> No.4051086

>empathy is the same with emotional intelligene

>> No.4051096

>tfw tall, fit, intelligent, well-read and handsome
life of a god

>> No.4051108

none of those things are really good
they are just nice ornaments that make what is good even better, like putting a pretty cover on a good book.

you can be tall, fit, intelligent, well-read and handsome and be as demonic and ungodly as Ted Bundy

I think Plato said something similar, that virtue is what is truly valuable and that seeing virtue and beautiful body just adds to the effect.

>> No.4051109

>life of a god
>is on 4chan

>> No.4051111

> seeing virtue and beautiful body

in a beautiful body*

>> No.4051119

This speech from this lady in that link is answering all such questions

Reading develops reflective thoughts... Her words not mine Fiction inculded

>> No.4051121

oh you mean having the same moral system as yours and your friend makes me good
>hehehe 4chan is the asshole of the internet rofl XD

>> No.4051128

You seem rather simple

>> No.4051130

you are one of the many who can't tell apart intellectualism and intelligence

>> No.4051135

you are one of the few who can't distinguish between tigers and lions

>> No.4051140

>am i deep yet?

>> No.4051150

>oh you mean having the same moral system as yours and your friend makes me good

>implying virtue is subjective

pls, do you even Forms?

>> No.4051151

It does make me better entertained than not. It also surrounds me with pleasant book smells and gives me enjoyable pulp running under fingers tactile sensations regularly. Why cheat on it when intellectualism offers less than masturbation?

>> No.4051158

awww you're such a cutie :3

>> No.4051167

strong response

>> No.4051194

you're like a bewildered child who tries to make sense of what he hears around him :3

>> No.4051202


Citation needed.

>> No.4051228

Daily reminder that going for a run won't make you an athlete
Daily reminder that earning a dollar won't make you a millionaire
Daily reminder that being a faggot won't make you OP

>> No.4051236
File: 118 KB, 600x450, 1371448386041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4051246

get that projector outta here boy

>> No.4051275

That's only true if you read YA fiction

>> No.4051283

I would nail the situation because I'm way too attractive for that girl. She wouldn't be getting a call back, all I'm sayin.

>> No.4051291

Where do you even have to be in life to unjokingly brag about your appearance on the internet.

>> No.4051293

It'd go well for a while but then I'd start getting insecure and needy and she'd dump me, but "still want to be friends," and then over time we'd hang out less and less and like a year after we broke up she'd delete me from her Facebook friends but by that point I wouldn't really care.

At least that's how ~75% of my previous relationships have gone.

>> No.4051468

what's the difference?

>> No.4051472

everyone has empathy bar sociopaths

>> No.4051480

and everyone has emotional intelligence bar autists?

>> No.4051488

i don't and im not autistic

>> No.4051509

I feel like I gain something with every book I read (even if I don't really enjoy it), whether or not this thing is intelligence I am not sure, but it is definitely self-improvement.

>> No.4051523

What we have here, folks, is an OP who doesn't have the patience for books, so instead of challenging himself to read anyway, he's rationalizing his decision to not read. Reading the right books will make you more intelligent.

>> No.4051533

*tips fedora*

>> No.4051540

kill yourself

>> No.4051859


>trying to learn

that's your own problem, bud.

>> No.4051907


I like your post.

Still, your reasoning is based on sand and the tide is coming in;

Of course Sherlock Holmes is right because the author made him so. The fact that you think it has anything to do with anything is worrying.

Ace Ventura? Loved the films as a kid. "You may not pass go" was also a funny joke, and yet I still play, and enjoy, monopoly.

Though I wouldn't go as far as to say playing monopoly is a substitute for business school.