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/lit/ - Literature

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4050411 No.4050411 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/
i enjoy fantasy novels however i can no longer stand it, the fantasy novel market has become so saturated with twilight knock off's that through digital stores its a major pain in the ass to have to manually sift through the mountain of this shit that gets thrown in my face every time i feel like getting my "sword and sorcery" on.

now there are two things i'd like from you guys,

1] Is it unreasonable to think that they should be able to filter results by the authors gender (i know that i would be cutting out many great books from my search query but i'd also remove like 90% of this paranormal romance crap in a couple of clicks so i'd say worth it)

2] recommend me some decent fantasy i wanna get my "Sword and sorcery" on.

Pic related.

>> No.4050424
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>> No.4050428

First and foremost have you checked the sticky?

No? Wonderful.

>The First Law Trilogy
>Wheel of Time
>Gentleman Bastard Sequence
>The Farseer Trilogy
>The Stormlight Archives
>Malazan Book of the Fallen
>The Broken Empire Trilogy
>Prince of Nothing

>> No.4050430
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Read Way of Kings already, I'm tired of fucking recommending it.

>> No.4050435

this, one of my favorites (series is Stormlight Archives)
these, particularly First Law, WoT, Mistborn, Farseer

also stop using goodreads for discovering new books, use it to make your reading lists if anything I guess

>> No.4050438
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i started thread primarily to complain about the state of modern fantasy and how painful it makes digital purchasing because of having to wade through this crap the recommendations are ancillary appreciated but not entirely necessary

>> No.4050440

Sorry to hijack your thread, but I figure this is better than making a new thread. It's also somewhat related anyway.

Does anyone know of any "modern" fantasy? Kind of like the Dresden Files? I'm getting a bit tired of the whole medieval thing.

>> No.4050443

iron druid is pretty alright

>> No.4050446


Alloy of Law has magic and guns, but Mistborn and almost all of Brandon Sanderson's stories are set in universes that are unique because of the magic
Try Robin Hobb's Liveship trilogy maybe

>> No.4050452

Perhaps your source(s) for new recommendations are the problem.

>> No.4050455
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>> No.4050463

I heard it's crap, is it like that shit by Brent Weeks about one-man army again?

>> No.4050466


No, you heard wrong. I guess that's your entire problem.

>> No.4050473

is not OP i am