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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 336x400, abbas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4050171 No.4050171 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you think you know alot and more than plebs just because you read psychology/ philosophy/ dipshit stories and time wasting novells
>yfw you dont know shit about hermeticism/kundalini/mo pai nei-kung/ initiation of the pyramid/ nag hammadi/ sacred geometry/ metatron's cube/ vedic knowledge/ tibetian ascended masters etc


>> No.4050173
File: 109 KB, 400x801, 1377152848380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4050175


enjoy your cancer

>> No.4050189

I've had cancer for so long not even menongitos can tell me it's not funny

>> No.4050198


i hope you die and open up the place for another reincarnation which is not worthless like you

>> No.4050202

>muh occult knowledge

>> No.4050208


keep on repeating your memes (fingers crossed) and enjoy your decadence in ignorance

>> No.4050209

Most people realize all of that stuff is worthless nonsense and move on. Where exactly has your knowledge of "sacred geometry" taken you, for instance? You're better off just reading an intro book on abstract or even discrete mathematics.

>> No.4050212


>calling others decadent

Hope you enjoy forever sucking Crowley's cock in hell.

>> No.4050218


i will not answer your question because you dont even know about thales and pythagoras, cause if you knew them you wouldnt ask such stupid question as "Where exactly has your knowledge of "sacred geometry" taken you". youre too stupid to understand the mathematic fundamentals.

>> No.4050222



choose one. crowley was an attention whore like your mom who didnt know shit and built a totally made up bullshit which every true occultist laughs at. stay pleb.

>> No.4050228

Aw, widdle occult babby is defensive.

The idea of ascribing spiritual significance to certain shapes and of eternal forms (Pythagoras was essentially a Platonist) is antiquated. There are no actual mathematics associated with his sacred geometry. Just extrapolations.

>> No.4050234

It'd not our fault you're angry and capitalize. We don't respect your hocus pocus. Now mive along. Don't you have some sort of animal to sacrefices?

>> No.4050239



youre less than even one

>> No.4050240

>ascribing spiritual significance to certain shapes and of eternal forms

top kek. nigger you dont know what youre talking about just shut the fuck up

>> No.4050243


>dat awkward sperg burn

>> No.4050244


>true kvlt

My fucking sides.

>> No.4050251

>mfw only 1/10 of those things would be of any use to anyone

You're no better than the people you're decrying, /x/-kun.

>> No.4050254
File: 906 KB, 325x203, upset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only 4chan had a place to discuss the occult and paranormal. That would be e/x/tremely useful.

>> No.4050255
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 580065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw you never practiced any of them to really find out if they work or not and yet you talk shit about them

stay sheep

>> No.4050259


you're afraid of change in your life

>> No.4050260


It's easy to tell people that they don't know what they're talking about. It's harder to actually demonstrate that you know what you're talking about. Explain how I'm wrong. Explain how sacred geometry isn't just ascribing significance to shapes and forms.

>> No.4050263


im not here to help you or to give you any free information. youre not a unique snowflake you little shit. i came here to mock people like you. if youre really interested in truth those keywords provided in first post will get you there.

>> No.4050269

you are so full of shit its not even funny

>> No.4050271


Go blow your ego elsewhere.

>> No.4050272

I don't want your help, I just want to see how credible you are. So far, you don't seem very credible. And your attitude indicates that you haven't learned very much from the "keywords" you talk about in the OP. You just come off like an arrogant, fedora-wearing American who has a superficial interest in something relatively (but not ultimately) obscure.

>> No.4050274


i dont want and need to be funny


i didnt come with your permission and i will not leave by your command.

>> No.4050276

I haven't given you permission to come, you dirty little cock-slut.

>> No.4050277


you cant provoke me into giving in by using certain words like fedora/ superficial/ arrogant. you've been told enough. you have internet and i will not give you an abstract of a thousand pages that i've read on the subject. you have to read them all yourself if youre eager enough.

>> No.4050280

guess it's Amateur Night

>> No.4050283



yet another naive attempt at provocation. youre not looking for truth. just fuck off.

>> No.4050292

I sure hope all truth seekers dont sit on 4chan trying to troll literature boards.

>> No.4050293

Stop speaking with your mouth full, slave. If you haven't sucked me dry in the next ten minutes you're going to be wearing a cage on your cock all week.

>> No.4050295


this is an opportunity but youre too dumb to realize and understand the situation

>> No.4050299

>you're all just too stupid to understand

We've all been there, anon. You'll grow out of your narcissism eventually.

>> No.4050320


>> No.4050582
File: 41 KB, 318x500, bodhidharma1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Buddhas don't practice nonsense."
- Bodhidharma

>> No.4050594

On the contrary, some people on this board study up on everything. I read because I enjoy it. I learned just as much from Thoreau's Walden as I did from my book on auto repair. Knowledge is all what you takeaway. Frankly, I find extremely high-level math to be useless.

>> No.4050597

can we all just appreciate how big of a loser OP is? I want more from him

>> No.4050667

Exactly. Like all "true" occultists.
But they are entertaining.

>> No.4050829


>I find extremely high-level math to be useless.

said the rocket scientist

>> No.4050833

Well it's not brain surgery.

>> No.4050843

I mean, for the average dude working at Wal-Mart, there aren't really any applications of high-level math.

>> No.4050847


>for the average dude working at Wal-Mart

enjoy staying sheeple forever and experiencing the pain of reincarnation for eternity

>> No.4050848

Applied Math is what the home improvement section is for.

>> No.4050855
File: 217 KB, 356x267, Surya_Ratha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fourth verse of the Rigvedic hymn 1:50 (50th hymn in book 1 of Rig Veda) is as follows: -

“तरणिर्विश्वदर्शतो जयोतिष्क्र्दसि सूर्य | विश्वमा भासिरोचनम |” (Rig Veda 1, 50 – 4)

Which means: “Swift and all beautiful art thou, O Surya (Surya=Sun), maker of the light, Illuming the entire radiant realm.”

Sayana, who was a minister in the court of King Bukka of the great Vijayanagar Empire of Karnataka in South India (in early 14th century) and was an important commentator on the Vedas, commenting on this verse (Rig Veda 1, 50 – 4) in his commentary, he says: -

"tatha cha smaryate yojananam. sahasre dve dve shate dve cha yojane ekena nimishardhena kramaman namostute"

"तथा च स्मर्यते योजनानां सहस्त्रं द्वे द्वे शते द्वे च योजने एकेन निमिषार्धेन क्रममाण नमोऽस्तुते॥"

"[O Sun,] bow to you, you who traverse 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha."

Thus, this verse explains the speed of Sun’s light, which moves 2202 Yojans in half a Nimish.

In the Vedas, Yojana is a unit of distance and Nimisha is a unit of time. (1 Yojana = 8000 Dhanus (Bow string length, Av.man’s height) ( 1 Yojana = 9 miles roughly)

The measures of time are thus defined in the Puranas:
15 nimesa = 1 kastha
30kastha= 1 kala
30 kala = 1 muhurta
30 muhurta = 1 day-and-night (24 hours)

1 Diva-ratri (24 hours) = (30 Muhurta) x (30 kalas) x (30 Kshata) x (15 nimisha)
= (27000 x 15) Nimishas
So, (27000 x 15) Nimishas = (24 x 60 x 60) seconds

Therefore, 1 Nimisha = (24 x 60 x 60) / (27000 x 15) = 16/75 seconds.

Now, 1 Yojana = 8000 human heights (or Dhanu i.e. length of a bow string) as per vedic arthashastra

Assuming average human height in ancient India = 5.75 feet, (5 feet, 9 inches; and 1 meter = 3.333 feet)
Thus, 8000 x 5.75/3.333 = 13,801 meter i.e., 13.8 km (approx.) (or 8.625 miles)

That is one Yojana = 13.8 km

2202 yojana in ½ nimisha, so in 1 nimisha = 2202x2 = 4404 yojana
With a Yojana of 13.8 km and a Nimisha 16/75th of a second, 4404 yojanas in 1 Nimisha, which amounts to the speed of light: -

As Distance traveled by Sun light in 1 second = 4404 x 13.8 x 75/16 km per second
= 284883.75 km /sec

Which is 4.97 % off of actual speed of light (299,792 km/sec)
Is it a coincidence, intuition or some lost mathametical science of Vedic period?

>> No.4050862

You're still not "taking-away" the ultimate secret.

Even some of the finest works of literature are written by plebs that don't understand divine consciousness.

>satisfied with Dawkins tearing apart a giant man with an ego that everybody obviously had decided for themselves

>> No.4051079


holy shit

>> No.4051098


>> No.4051107

Every single person that pretended that they understood anything about the universe and its secret inner working has died and they're gone forever

That pretty much tells me that they were all full of shit

>> No.4051117

If you aren't a rocket scientist, you're working at Walmart. The truth.

>> No.4051125

I don't get what you mean. Most of these people weren't preaching immortality of the flesh. Their teachings were in preparation for, not prevention of, death.

>> No.4051136


because real ascended masters never talk in public and they're not attention whores like those peudo-masters youre referring to. people like G. I. Gurdjieff and Crowley and Helena Blavatsky were all imposters and scam artists. go read about how newton used hermetic knowledge.

>> No.4051163


My point is that no matter what kind of secrets you learn —or pretend to— it means very little in the long run. Apart from some basic stuff like being in peace with yourself or with the world around you, occultism has nothing to offer that can be of any use to the layman.

>real ascended masters
What the hell does that mean? If they don't talk in public, there's no way to "prove" that they've ascended or whatever. And what exactly would "ascend" mean? Can they do magic? Telepathy? Turn time backwards? Most enlightened human beings are just people that don't give a shit about having a television or a smartphone and enjoy sitting around thinking about the nature of things. Is this enlightenment? Does it has any use other than for the guy who doesn't have to do anything?

>> No.4051188


ascension means releasing the soul from the trap of samsara. those *magical* abilities like telekinesis / remote viewing/ levitation and so on are the childs play for the ascended master cause they are not the goal. you will suffer forever in your eternal cycles of reincarnation until you find out that you have to free yourself from physical plane. ascended masters were ordinary human beings in their past lives like you and everyone else here.

>> No.4051192


another quality pol thread

>> No.4051239

>friend says he's really intelligent
>I tell him "βαπτισθεὶςδὲὁἸησοῦςεὐθὺςἀνέβη"
>he just stares at me

Stupid fag cant even speak Greek. Might as well have an iq of 30

>> No.4051243

good job using meaningless words, your sensei must be proud

>> No.4051248


>not knowing the difference between Guru and Sensei

>> No.4051255
File: 892 B, 171x15, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alot and more than plebs just

>> No.4051264


>> No.4051938

I'm an ascended master, but I still post on image boards, but I don't need a device to do it, I just project my thoughts.

>> No.4051968


I've had telepathy.

>> No.4052012

You have delusion.

>> No.4052025


Everyone has delusions.

Only some people can into telepath.