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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 699x661, 56789708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4048030 No.4048030 [Reply] [Original]

>go to ask. fm or similar
>find random teen
>write her a /lit/erary love letter
>make her fall in love with you
>show us the results

>> No.4048043 [DELETED] 

No thanks I'm not a predatory male


>> No.4048046


>> No.4048054

what the fuck

>> No.4048067

are you in high school

>> No.4048101

anon stop

>> No.4048105

What's the purpose of this OP?

>> No.4048131


>> No.4048141

Keep going.

>> No.4048183

Bad idea bad

>> No.4048193

>thread idea is more interesting than DFW Bloomfarts thread #783471842
>has replies
>just sixteen sageposts from the SomethingAwful "I'm 26 and my Girlfriend Doesn't Let Me Laugh at Off-Color Humor on the Internet :(" brigade

goddamnit /lit/

>> No.4048264

Good idea OP. will do this when I get home from work.

>> No.4048483
File: 241 KB, 1125x768, iwca3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I also want to be a Humbert Humbert, but it's impossible to find english people there and I don't think you'd like a french version of Lolita.

>> No.4048544

/lit/ is really dumb right now, I think somebody mentioned it on /b/ or something

>> No.4048664

I tried her with this


"vous êtes le soleil de mes yeux, la douceur de mon âme, la beauté qui est décrit par tous comme la neige qui tombe gracieuse façon inattendue sur un jour d'été."

I dont get this site

>> No.4048665


you are the sunshine of my eye, the sweetness of my soul, the beauty that is described by all as the gracious snow that falls unexpectedly on a summer day.

>> No.4048676

we /tv/ now

>> No.4048684

I know moot denies it exists at all, but we have been hit with some kind of summer stick. The modal age seems to have gone down 3 or 4 years, a lot of discussion has become regurgitation of what x thought their lecturer said when they were half asleep, and a lot of newer people have come in not knowing how to download books at all.

The level of discussion on other boards has also gone up over the last few years, so there's not always a massive difference between some of what you'd now find on /a/, /mu/, /fa/ and so on, and what you'd expect from /lit/

>> No.4048701

>inb4 love letter in the style of James Joyce

>> No.4048730

Fire away
I'm interested to see how this turns out

>> No.4048732
File: 51 KB, 733x587, lovelovelove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't judge me, english is not even my second language.

>> No.4048740

yeah, i think never before this summer have we had posts about smoking or not weed

>> No.4048741
File: 28 KB, 558x407, 1352168928348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't judge me
fuck you

>> No.4048753
File: 1.73 MB, 200x135, DJMittons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4048770
File: 44 KB, 732x449, deep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep and sweet

>> No.4048778

Impressing these girls is nothing special, they're the same type of people impressed by One Direction or fanfiction about the hobit, despite having never read the book. Low hanging fruit.

Also it's a little creepy.

>> No.4048785

lel, I got that girl too.

>> No.4048833
File: 44 KB, 729x461, 74574274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4048881


>Impressing these girls is nothing special, they're the same type of people impressed by One Direction or fanfiction about the hobit, despite having never read the book. Low hanging fruit.

>Also it's a little creepy.


>> No.4048958
File: 54 KB, 718x768, 5545468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cute, I hope she enjoys the attention. Maybe she'll be happier tomorrow, thinking there is some boy out there who loves her that much.

>> No.4048981

How the hell do I get English chicks? All it shows is the one from my country, or should I steal one of yours?

>> No.4048988


Enter with a webproxy. Find english girls. Save url of said girls. Paste outside said webproxy. Repeat for more grills.

>> No.4049014

wow /lit/ has reached a new low with this thread

>> No.4049023

Nice idea, OP. Too lazy to do the work, though.
Someone use this and post the result, if possible:

Ah, at last! I found the one; the most perfect creature of traits I must explore.
I need not search no more. I found my treasure; the key, the lock, the gold.
Why are you so far away from me?
Come and let me hold you.
Allow me, for I will force upon you a hug of passion and glory. No more sailing; the treasure is found.
I want hold you in my arms and spread my cave-explorer all over your tender and sweet body.
Let me hold you.

>> No.4049031

Hey man, its pretty fucking funny. And besides it'll give them some confidence.

Though its startling how much the writing and literature board sucks at writing.

>> No.4049042

>Hace menos de un minuto

buenos dias ;)))

>> No.4049051

It's not exactly startling since the ones who are willing to participate in this pathetic attempt at being funny are all high school kids.

>> No.4049055


Buenas noches por aquí, amigo.

OP here. Yes, most of the pics in this thread are mine, and I'm not familiar with english poetry so I know they suck hard.

But, damn you, I was expecting some tries from you, /lit/. Blake, Joyce, Shakespeare style, wathever.

>> No.4049059

We should do this but with other people from /lit/
Exchange facebook profiles and wrote beautiful things to each other

I just want someone to tell me I'm handsome :(

>> No.4049141

You're handsome anon, let's cuddle. :3

>> No.4049202

ur shit

>> No.4049211

A little simili-haiku for you anon:

Is that a blade tearing my heart ?
A sickness running in my blood ?
Perhaps a whip hitting my throat ?
No-the light of your prideful eye.

Turned out worse than excpeted, but nevermind.

>> No.4049262
File: 48 KB, 733x448, 12176eb9138cae08abab8296089b52f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she likes me back, guys.

>> No.4049313

do it m8.

>> No.4049387
File: 292 KB, 2048x1372, Rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh sweet mother of all heavens... I dunno if I got old or these question are vaguely stupid.

>> No.4049459
File: 7 KB, 665x134, 4ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to proof-read. Used evoke twice.

Evoking evocative evocations.

>> No.4049565

http://ask.fm/shadowoflife123 (a guy)
http://ask.fm/rhianna805 (girl)

>> No.4049568

but i think sending them furious, elaborately-worded insults is somehow even more autistic

>> No.4049569
File: 39 KB, 739x348, afasdfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't think she appreciates this much

>> No.4049571

I honestly thought being literate implied that you were the kind of person that tried to be, like, good and stuff.

This is a bad person thing, OP.

>> No.4049574

How about not sending random kids anything at all?

>> No.4049587
File: 56 KB, 453x294, 1332681956728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No more sailing; the treasure is found.

>> No.4049591

>being literate
I hope you don't mean 'good at writing'.

>a bad person thing
Eh, seems pretty harmless. The teens in this thread are sending the teens on ask.fm badly-written declarations of love. Kids being kids.

>> No.4049596

It would be cute if a couple of those kids happened to actually fall in love.

>> No.4049607
File: 39 KB, 756x350, HUEHUEHUE OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right? I'm not all into literature. It's inspired by The Great Gatsby sort of.

>> No.4049611

Shut up.

>> No.4049613

how is it that these work?

>> No.4049616

Good start but the ending was rough,

>> No.4049619

Teens enjoy attention.

>> No.4049674

Because social media, any /lit/ twitters worth following?

>> No.4049679

tao lin

>> No.4049698
File: 7 KB, 691x111, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she-she like it :3

>> No.4049703

also the OC french poetry
i dont even french brah

>> No.4049732

I'm about to post a poem, but I am seriously concerned that I'll get arrested for grooming underage girls.

>> No.4049742

A precious rose's spears alert, ready for battle and shaking in the wind. How fragile, how promising. When i see this rose, I see you and your reluctance, your beauty. Sweet and earthly, but dangerous to touch.
use this poem, post results. It's too pedophile-ish for my tastes.

>> No.4049739

This thread is basically all the evidence you need that it's for a joke.
>plus they want repeat offenders, not one timers.

>> No.4049745

I meant ones that share literature worth reading and shit, most seem to share the newest bestselling author of the NYT, which is no big deal.

>> No.4049755

I don't think basing your confidence on what others think of you is totally healthy, but what the hell do I know.

>> No.4049756
File: 58 KB, 1482x351, Screen Shot 2013-08-21 at 11.43.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4049766

>all the evidence you need that it's for a joke.
Great, so the grooming charges will be dropped and I'll be brought up on cyber bullying chargers

>> No.4049786
File: 9 KB, 717x174, sdfghjkl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babby's first composition

>> No.4049945

Are you being malicious? You are merely scribing poems to a beta-reader

>> No.4049968

you guys are amazing.
dear god please do mine.

>> No.4050000
File: 23 KB, 708x456, ss (2013-08-22 at 01.53.44).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone else took your offer

>> No.4050006

>; t

>> No.4050023

I tried really hard on two answers, and they haven't responded yet. I just feel like a weirdo now

>> No.4050027

Yeah, there might be a reason for that.

>> No.4050035

Is there any way to erase them? I want this experience taken from my life forever

>> No.4050049

It would be fucking hilarious if one of you guys leads them on with a few posts, get them to really wonder who you are, and then finally respond with stunningly offensive britbong banter.

>> No.4050072
File: 90 KB, 284x423, Boy-Rolling-Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, trolling internet strangers, that would surely be immensely witty to anyone over the age of 15.

>> No.4050081


I'd like to punch that kid right in the nose and feel the cartilage collapse into a sodden heap under my fist.

>> No.4050092
File: 45 KB, 733x292, here it goes....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-here i go

>> No.4050096

I'm a dude, but I can still post my feet if you want ; )

>> No.4050098

I pictured some autistic neckbeard yelling this in a library in front of a girl for some reason.

>> No.4050102
File: 141 KB, 499x566, BoyRollingEyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm sure you'd enjoy punching a child in the face, edgemeister.

>> No.4050103

Should rape him in the mouth.

>> No.4050115


What have you brought Gilles today, Anon? Another child? Ah yes, I think I'll use that book against this one. I've been meaning to test the viability of paper as a cutting instrument. Those fat cheeks certainly do make an enticing target.

>> No.4050314

Y-you such a nice boy. She's not beautiful and you did that. Mate, you're grat.

>> No.4050368
File: 46 KB, 735x503, khan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4050386

>You knew to this ting
That took me a second. Ah, the kids these days.

>> No.4050391

You need to actually read some Tao Lin.

>> No.4050392
File: 31 KB, 693x621, i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4050393

I have, Tao, and it sucks

>> No.4050394

fucking kek

>> No.4050404


Damn. Italian sounds really sexy.

>> No.4050502
File: 16 KB, 704x265, i1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fell in love with me. Goal achieved.

>> No.4050508

>light of my life, fire of my loins

>> No.4050510

Are you sure she's not just repeatedly asking who you are?

>> No.4050771


>> No.4051341

It worked!!! I think the last sentence was a bit creepy

>> No.4051345
File: 53 KB, 721x314, Screen shot 2013-08-22 at 10.55.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4051388

Okay, so we've established that, in this manner, it is easy to get the attention of teenage girls. Is anyone willing to try it on maturer females using OKC or POF?

>> No.4051450

The true beauty comes not from your appearance, or what image you have, but from inside, from the very essence of your human being. I don't know you but I know you're very handsome, Godspeed anon, and let us reclaim our seat in the sun together, when our times on the earth is up.

>> No.4051462

Most of /lit/ probably knew this, anyone accustomed with literature in their teen years will be able to apply this in romantic banter for teenage girls. It works best in writing, which is nice, since most teenage boys lack the confidence to do it face to face.

>> No.4051467

Is ask.fm specifically for teenagers? Is that why people were so butthurt at the beginning of the thread?

>> No.4051581
File: 55 KB, 1175x387, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but op explicitly requested we practice on teens.

>tfw no response

>> No.4052144
File: 46 KB, 738x490, shelbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty fun

>> No.4052176
File: 68 KB, 879x513, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girls vagina is dripping for the D

>> No.4052182
File: 164 KB, 726x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't take the bait!

>> No.4052189
File: 41 KB, 725x533, new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another

>> No.4052191

Bro, props.

>> No.4052195


Yeah, it's much better to go to the unattractive girls and leave these messages. I feel like they need it more. I did a couple last night, but now I forget their names. I'll never see their reactions, but I hope it really makes them feel good.

>> No.4052194

>force upon you a hug of passion and glory

>> No.4052197

>chocolate angel
Post her response

>> No.4052198


young sluts cannot resist the mataphors!

>> No.4052201
File: 15 KB, 174x167, howcouldyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4052207
File: 40 KB, 713x406, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4052210

Yes, I think so. I only know the name because of news about kids killing themselves allegedly because of getting bullied on there.

>> No.4052212
File: 37 KB, 711x483, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4052215


April Powell! What an unappreciative bitch!

>> No.4052220

Glad to see some are using my shitty haiku. I don't expect a pleb to understand it, and a patrician could see how it's shit. But still, feels nice.

>> No.4052221
File: 45 KB, 500x590, 1375316205368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, man.

>> No.4052223

>wouldn't give footjob
Wut. That's pretty much the big mac and fries of catering to someone's fetishes. 0/10 apply yourself, random teen.

>> No.4052236

Yeah, that's a pretty good line.

>> No.4052256

did this to some arabic chick and she replied with this

هههههههههااي :$

can anyone translate?

>> No.4052263

>هههههههههااي :$
She means: who is it?
Get her nationality.

>> No.4052332
File: 158 KB, 1159x170, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4052370

Not in an English speaking country, can't be assed into finding English girls through ask.fm. You guys are willing to test my text for me ?

Here's the thing:

There was this king in Wonderland
Who would not sleep nor eat nor smile
His mind would drift and waver while
His subjects drank and danced and sang

Alone amidst a cheerful crowd
In dreamy thoughts he would revel
As if all things were under spell
As if stunned life in wonder bowed

Before the Beauty from afar
That his mind pictured as a star
A summer wind her legend blew

To great Wonderland's city hall
But you already know it all
Since that dreamlike beauty is you

God that isn't easy.

>> No.4052372

Well I just hope that some of you kids posting this stuff can use your newfound powers to get laid. Unless any of you are actual adults, in which case >>>/tv/

>> No.4052397

At least people in this thread write poems. That's more /lit related than half the threads on the front page.

>> No.4052400

>check front page
>it's about 80% book-related
Man, /lit/'s got better over time.

>> No.4052403

Eh? I was being sincere, both about the teens and the adults (if there are any).

>> No.4052411

>powers to get laid
I bet you're so cool, man. You bang them chicks all day erryday. I wish I were you.

When will this 'I get laid', 'you can't get laid', 'I just had sex', 'I fuck lots of people' shit stop?
I understand when it's fucking retarded people or on a board like /b/, but for fuck's sake this is /lit/.

>> No.4052413

Fair enough. They're mostly shit or bad, but /lit-related shit.
I know. But the point of the thread was to write more than to get laid (I hope).

>> No.4052461

Dude, I'm assuming the people writing these 'poems' are male teenagers, because (a) they're writing them to female teenagers and (b) the writing is horrible. From there I'm making the further, apparently unwarranted, assumption that these male teenagers are interested in having sex with female teenagers, and I'm wishing them well in these endeavours. Is that so wrong?

>> No.4052466

...also, you're complaining about /b/ness in a thoroughly /b/ thread. I mean, seriously, look at the OP for a second.

>> No.4052472
File: 46 KB, 506x334, pleaserespond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4052476

>doing this on Facebook
>three steps

>> No.4052482


>> No.4052485

>Allow me, for I will force upon you a hug of passion and glory
>this is nice

>> No.4052506

[...] décrite par tous comme la neige qui tombe gracieuse de façon inattendue un jour d'été

>> No.4052512

granda coro oh maninho

>> No.4052671

My love for you allows me to pray to the spirit of eternal beauty and tenderness mirrored in your eyes or fling you down under me on that softy belly of yours and fuck you up behind, like a hog riding a sow, glorying in the very stink and sweat that rises from your arse, glorying in the open shape of your upturned dress and white girlish drawers and in the confusion of your flushed cheeks and tangled hair.

>> No.4052747

>going Full Joyce while serenading teenagers
I imagine that would get you arrested, somehow.

>> No.4052789


>> No.4052805 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 764x447, Screen shot 2013-08-22 at 11.53.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad?

>> No.4052865

6.5/10 Keep trying.

>> No.4053009


please make this girl's day :)

>> No.4053260


I tried with my poor english. She liked it, though.

Now I don't really know what to say. What would be a good farewell?

>> No.4053261
File: 50 KB, 718x591, so_now_wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot the picture.

>> No.4053264

Tell her you're too shy, but hopefully one day you'll approach her in real life?

>> No.4053276
File: 51 KB, 625x552, 1372578845754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has no one used Joyce's love letters to his wife?
you know, the one about the farts

>> No.4053306

Reminds me of White Nights by Dosto.
That's good, man, I liked it.

>> No.4053886

joke's on you /lit/ i bet those girls are going to think that someone they know send them those lines so they're going to start having sex with everybody until they find out

too bad you're living miles away from them

>> No.4053913

Thanks for making me smile /lit/

>> No.4053929

Oh God, I accidentally sent one to a 14 year old girl. This feels oddly creepy.

>> No.4053944


>> No.4053947

I swear officer, I thought she was 18.

>> No.4053952


She only laughed at what I said :(
Eh, I'm too tired to go on.

>> No.4053977

>inb4 some faggot links these sluts to this thread

>> No.4053992

That faggot would be me.

>> No.4054036


>I hope it really makes them feel good

Not only that, but doing this to a "hot" girl just feeds their ego and makes them into even more of an unsufferable cunt.

>> No.4054041

Now why would you assume that? Seems to me they're just random teenagers.

>> No.4054044

Which is why, as a rule, we should do this for girls who are considered sub par than their prettier counterparts. Who knows, we might motivate them to improve themselves in different aspects.

>> No.4054210

Yes, I agree. Do this.

>> No.4054227

All that will do is give ugly girls higher standards so that when some ugly dude finally gets the nerve to approach one of them, she'll blow them off because she thinks she's hot shit.

>> No.4054235

Let her live a delusional life in which she's the hottest, I don't care.

>> No.4054245

If you don't care, then don't do it.

>> No.4054325

This thread brought a speck of light to my otherwise gloomy heart.

>> No.4054341


>> No.4054347
File: 235 KB, 838x596, I made someone happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am lazy no more.

Do you know her?

>> No.4054354


Seeing your pic and others it's obvious people don't actually want to be contacted anonymously. They all automatically want to know, or want to know they can assume who posted which message to them.

>> No.4054357

kill yourself moralfag :^)

>> No.4054359


>don't hurt my chances with sub par women!

>> No.4054365


I finally did the red one. Btw you're overloading this girl, anons, go look for others.

Not to mention the awkward one pasting Blake to a teenager.

>> No.4054367

>don't want to white knight
>I'm the moralfag

>> No.4054369
File: 82 KB, 732x1210, 34567890765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh, fuck, again i forgot the capture

>> No.4054371

All I want is to know for sure that she'll wake up tomorrow knowing that she's loved, somewhere, by someone.

Is this okay?

It matters not who I am. I am but a shy bird flying in you air; I fly around, but you do not care nor glimpse. I spread my wings hoping to see your teeth flash and your cheeks flush, exposing my vulnerability to you, but all you see is a fly fighting against itself. Maybe one day.

I might not know you, but what I know is that I love…

>> No.4054373
File: 106 KB, 350x305, 1851858252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread is clearly shit-posting.

How can you be fooled into thinking this has anything to do with /lit.

I am ashamed. Of all of you.

>> No.4054378

she's a whore doe


>> No.4054379


You're a projecting faggot who should take it over to /soc/, seriously get the fuck out.

>> No.4054381


It's quite clear you haven't even read Lolita. Go back to /tv/.

>> No.4054386

That really hurts. I am a sensitive man.

>> No.4054389

Oh, my, you're ashamed; how can I live now?

>> No.4054392


You're egotistical, delusional, but perhaps not homosexual. Emasculated certainly.

Lonely man.

>> No.4054394

look who's projecting now

>> No.4054399


Live happily, by all means. Just stop posting in this thread.

>> No.4054400

You don't realize how presumptuous, patronizing, and narcissistic this is? Nobody wants your pity.

>> No.4054404
File: 29 KB, 620x456, 7437574e46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4054415

I'm not pitying anybody. She's probably a hot 18 year-old who gets enough of attention from her family and friends. It's not about her, it's about me writing something decent that can be creepy from perspectives and romantic in other perspectives. Why are you taking this so seriously?

>> No.4054423


She assumes rightly that this kind of attention could only come from someone she knows. She would be creeped the hell out if she knew it was you sending the messages instead of, say, that guy at work who smiled at her last week.

You seem to be doing this for your own benefits, which makes the whole thing ultimately more creepy. You are a creepy guy. Sorry.

>> No.4054432

I'm okay with this.
I find it interesting.
I winder what she though 'cave explorer' meant. I thought she wouldn't take it as seriously when she reads that part, but she didn't. I can't back down now.

>> No.4054460
File: 41 KB, 742x417, A Sensible Reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam cannot into Joyce.

>> No.4054463

>I'm okay with this.


>I'm practicing for when I kidnap teen girls

>> No.4054471

To be honest, she doesn't really look like she's a teen yet. Just look at her innocent smile.

>> No.4054516
File: 53 KB, 738x459, Melt her Fiery Heart with a Cool Island Song.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting English translations of Gaelic poetry makes you look original, just a helpful tip for you all. Not even this profile could guess the source.

>> No.4054658
File: 97 KB, 708x111, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN she wants the D.

>> No.4054672
File: 76 KB, 921x558, 1234567890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is really hard to find anyone worth of some good words on this site, anyway.

She is a bit curious.
In other words, she wants the double D.

>> No.4054676

not much results...

>> No.4054679

hahaha, wow, lol, and random in the same sentence. Lord have mercy.

>> No.4054682


>> No.4054689

>Self harm. Anorexia. Depression. Failed recovery

Sounds perfectly stable and well-rounded.

>> No.4054693

>squalid senseless poetry

She clearly didn't get it. As such, she isn't wet.

>> No.4054699

Man, this seems great to get girls attention. Too bad Ive never been into poetry.

>> No.4054701


Beta males

>> No.4054712

At least make it interesting. Create jail-bait profiles and interject your cockbullocks then.

>> No.4054751 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 320x407, 399376e8fcc1de28d597c15338d0d6c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's have a game, what is her age?

>> No.4054775

>Beta males

Nothing wrong with second place.

>> No.4054777

The max you get out of them is a "what" or "...." or a "lol". Kunstbanausen !

Yes, I'm mad.

>> No.4054825

beta is the new alpha

just watch how i met your mother

>> No.4054855

don't talk about my mother

>> No.4054868

I live in Morocco, It'll be hard to find a girl that can fully comprehend English, maybe I should just go with french.

>> No.4054883

Looks like some fun.
Give a profile to romance, anons, if you will.

>> No.4054910
File: 92 KB, 708x444, 63542424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here I go

>> No.4054917
File: 106 KB, 1280x768, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I expected

>> No.4054923


Everyone's talking about your mother dude.

>> No.4054953

dud don't say that

>> No.4054954

>chocolate angel

fucking lel'd

>> No.4054976
File: 148 KB, 1680x1050, highbrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4055004

turns out she is actually from my town. maybe I can reveal myself and talk to her some more. but the second message I sent to her was kind of creepy.

>> No.4055099


I'm no literary expert but I really liked that.

>> No.4055215
File: 82 KB, 777x665, 1234567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My question is the last one asked. If this doesn't prove that girls like rapey poetry over beta faggotry, I don't know what does.

>> No.4055240
File: 109 KB, 810x960, IXkAtpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you glorious bastard. Beta fags around the world we be asked if it was them. This is their chance.

>> No.4055242
File: 169 KB, 1280x1024, sdgas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4055304
File: 72 KB, 767x367, number 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4055309
File: 71 KB, 154x253, 1359722523820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying those betas won't be disheartened that such eloquent teens are compères in love with their one, their Beatrice

>> No.4055466


>I go deeper *wink*

You win, anon. The poem was actually quite good too.

>> No.4055480

How can you claim she's beautiful if she has no picture, wouldn't she see through that?

>> No.4055523

>tfw you want to post one of your friend's ask.fm here but you're too paranoid

>> No.4055534 [DELETED] 


Pity I live in a different country and don't know her. This is the closest I've ever been to getting laid.

>> No.4055537


Pity I live in a different country and don't know her. This is the closest I've ever been to getting


>that "poem"

I purposely made it as possessive and over the top as I could. Is that how you write love poetry?

>> No.4055539

Why would you want your friend to receive anonymous creepy poetry?

Mind you, looking at the images not one of the girls has picked up on the creepy part.

>> No.4055541


>sages on the second shit post only

What...what does this mean exactly?

>> No.4055556

can you sent anonymous messages to them?

>> No.4055561

Not unless you were to create a new blank account.

>> No.4055562


Love poetry for teenagers has to be corny, cheese and the most over the top thing you can manage to write, so yeah.

>> No.4055565

not really, contain that superiority complex

>> No.4055655
File: 94 KB, 772x477, 178787297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This girl had the right response to it, I'm actually kind of proud of her.

>> No.4055656
File: 61 KB, 753x360, 33333434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't tell if sarcasm.

>> No.4055661

>from now on
Oh shit, she thinks you're someone she actually knows. Some guy may be getting some unjustified hate his way...

>> No.4055664


Sh-should I send her a link to this thread?

>> No.4055669

If you don't want to expose the whole sordid horror that is this thread, you could try just posting again saying you're actually just randomly trolling- link her to the exact same poem in >>4055656. That way no-one gets an angry girl fist in the face. Hopefully.

>> No.4055675

do it, dude. it would be funny.

>> No.4055681

That's only because she doesn't know what loins are.

>> No.4055683

I was going to do this:


But then one of her friends tried to take credit for my work, so I did this:


>> No.4055686

>pm a 13 yr old
>doesn't post the Lolita quote
That's your own damn fault.

>> No.4055689

The saddest part is that, what are these girls after? Do they think people actually talk like that? Do they actually think some well spoken Romanian poet has fallen madly in love with their profile icon? Or what?

>> No.4055690


>> No.4055692

It's tumblr. She probably assumes he's just saying she's beautiful no matter what she looks like, how she acts and regardless of what anybody else says. They're fucking arrogant that way.

>> No.4055694


You are velly pretty gurl, your eyes make sparkle like sapphires. I am of the feeling with great affection towards you und vould like very much to be making of the marriage on you. My heart kathumps in chest when am alone thinking of your alabaster skins. Please let me be yours for ever und ever.

>> No.4055696

It would explain some of the less-than-fluent writing...

>> No.4055697
File: 61 KB, 400x300, porkgorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4055698
File: 27 KB, 350x468, 1377171128476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when am alone thinking of your alabaster skins

>> No.4055701

Most of them only seem to be expressing mild interest, really. And people do send each other bad poetry sometimes- it's not that wacky a scenario.

>> No.4055708

This is [r9k] tier. Stop, immediately.

>> No.4055767

But it's creepy as shit.

>> No.4056038

>i dont like this! make it stop!
This is [v] tier. Stop, immediately

>> No.4056585


You have my respects anon.

>> No.4056694

At work, can someone try this:

"I live my life as a celebration of your existence. You are the cosmos where everything I desire resides. The clarity of your face sweeps away the cloudiness from my life. I am in love with everything about you. Your eyebrows that arch over the curve before dispersing onto the bridge of your dainty nose. Plump, your lips have the strangest curl to them.

You cannot know who I am, but you must know how earnestly I feel it. You will forever be that otherwolrdly goddess gleaming down from the sky, who nourishes and replenishes but is forever unreachable."

I hope it makes someone happy.

>> No.4056855

on it

>> No.4056861

I cut it down to this because of character limits:
I live my life as a celebration of your existence. You are the cosmos where everything I desire resides. The clarity of your face sweeps away the cloudiness from my life. I am in love with everything about you. You cannot know who I am, but you must know how earnestly I feel it. I do not deserve you

>> No.4056984

Post results.

>> No.4056987

>at work
Stop trolling anon.

>> No.4056996
File: 145 KB, 1044x697, askfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top left is the links to the profiles

>> No.4057009

I made a thread on /r9k/. This will probably get more attention there


>> No.4057131
File: 34 KB, 765x344, committed the robbery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be stealing some from here and posting results. This was my first one stolen from>>4056861. I posted it and some other nigga took the credit.

>> No.4057141
File: 84 KB, 1422x784, wizard master is getting real tired of your shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can DM or give me your number too(:

>> No.4057145

A lot of 13-16 year olds on this. Kinda makes me feel weird

>> No.4057153


Found out she was 14 but she looked much older. Kinda makes me realize how easy it is for niggas get caught up in shit.

>> No.4057212


>> No.4057213

If by "get caught up" you mean "directly approach underage teens", then yeah, sure.

>> No.4057220


Officer I didn't know she was 14 I swear

>> No.4057231

top keks i have mutual friends with her on facebook


>> No.4057321 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 1039x480, 2013-08-24-213331_1366x768_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do?

>> No.4057601



But I think /r9k/ is ruining and overdoing it. Only a matter of time now before this ends up on Know Your Meme or some shit.

>> No.4057604
File: 62 KB, 220x239, 1355100035093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you from anon? That girl and I have the same last name.

>> No.4057630

top lel
>she was clo, plain clo at the morning

>> No.4057634
File: 176 KB, 1432x657, did i do this right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not good at this.

>> No.4059442


It's gone so far beyond acceptable that I'm considering never posting or lurking on /r9k/ again.

>> No.4059455

It really is pathetic. But then, what do you expect from self-pitying foreveralone virgins?

>> No.4059470


Well, I'm a self pitying foreveralone virgin (who also likes literature, hence the cross posting,) and I was heavily involved in this thread, but I didn't act like a schoolboy making prank calls.

Now they're declaring one of the girls a "queen". Honestly I don' know what they could do to make me more disenfranchised.

>> No.4059500
File: 117 KB, 1280x1018, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right?

>> No.4059512


>those unfunny tabs
