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/lit/ - Literature

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4047316 No.4047316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people fetishize literature? Why do people make "readers" into a subculture instead of letting "reading" be a part of everyone's life?

It's selfish

>> No.4047319

>Why do people make "readers" into a subculture instead of letting "reading" be a part of everyone's life?

>> No.4047323

The same reason people fetishise anything, particularly anything they do in excess.
Stupid fucking question.

>> No.4047324

Um, like everyone on /lit/ thinks they're in a special club because they have basic experience with classical literature.

More importantly though, people act like literature is the only way to positively use reading or to think about the world. It's classist.

>> No.4047326

Oh, so you're just retarded. I see.

Fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.4047329

Then what is it, huh? you don't know

I'm not surprised!

>> No.4047338







>> No.4047339

we already had this thread a few days back


>> No.4047344

Totally different thread.

Reading shouldn't even be seen as a hobby, it's a tool and currently it's being used to oppress people.

>> No.4047352


>> No.4047354

>this is what tumblr weenies actually believe

you can leave now by the way

>> No.4047361

Don't try to simplify things

I don't use tumblr

>> No.4047362

readin help me grow my brain

>> No.4047366

don't make fun of people

>> No.4047370

Does your self-righteousness help you sleep at night? It makes me tired just looking at it.

>> No.4047372

what make you think i make fun. ever since read, i like spearmint with words on empty spaces. all sentences a spearmint. you don't take it away.

>> No.4047373

come on lit, you're too easily trolled

>> No.4047383

>basic human empathy
>self righteousness

spearmint is a flavor of gum

whatever it takes to help you make sense of your horrible worldview!

>> No.4047390

I'm not talking about the what, I'm talking about your how.

>> No.4047392

>Then what is it, huh?

Post-industrial advertising. It's easier to sell things when you convince your market that they're a "type." Sporty, bookish, etc.

>> No.4047393

can also be fun homophonic pun on experiment if mind is fresh and sharp

>> No.4047396

Why are you alive?

>> No.4047401

There's no meaningful distinction there

well it should stop

shut up

silly question!

>> No.4047404


because it's becoming marginalised to read from paper, let alone novels.

>> No.4047410

I get that that's a pun but I don't like that you said it

>> No.4047411


why not?

>> No.4047412

Every scriptfag is worse than the other.

>> No.4047413

>well it should stop
Well there should be world peace, why isn't there world peace? Waaaaaaaaaah!

>> No.4047415

because real marginalization is really horrible and it sort of makes that seem not as bad

it was cute though

>why isn't everyone defeatist like me!

>> No.4047418

are all groups of people drawn together by a similar interest (reading, hiking, gaming, baseball, politics, painting, watching tv) a subculture that fetishizes that interest and oppresses those who are less interested?

>> No.4047421
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could you give an example of what would qualify as 'real marginalisation'?

>> No.4047422

No, it's just that if I'm going to waste brain cells on problems I'd rather choose real ones that matter.

>> No.4047427


why should I have to?

>problems that matter
like what? No problem that a straight, white, man faces is actually important ontologically

>> No.4047430


I don't know why you're here if you're not going to participate in conversation or discussion. You're coming across as particularly spiteful and merit-less to boot.

>> No.4047431

Have a look at the other threads he's posted in. He's the good old everyman, on a holy mission to teach us book-reading-snobs a lesson.

>> No.4047433

You mean like the problem you posed in >>4047324? Because that definitely sounds like the kind of problem an idle white person would worry their head about.

>> No.4047435

ok but why does black people fetishize anti intellectualism so much that they think twerking is a culture?

>> No.4047439


Calling him an 'everyman' is a pretty big insult to a pretty big demographic.

>> No.4047441

stay bitter and close minded

>> No.4047445

lol bravo man good trollin

>> No.4047446

I just don't think it's necessary to substantiate experiences

no idea what this means

not true!

Anti-intellectualism deserves to be fetishized

Stop essentializing culture

>> No.4047449

Well, at first, it seemed natural; there was something at once both comely and homely about the mouth feel of the word "segue" which really revved my engine. Motion pictures lost their allure, and I attributed it to the intrinsic linear descent to the moneyshot. For a time, freezeframing in that static mist and stills could still get me off, but the internet revolution forced me to abandon my illusions of normalcy; with the potential for non-linear interaction with the image and events, it became clear that these voluptuous visions were still too impermanent, too impermeable to compare to the written word.

It was either beat it to the obscure allowance list of Scrabble or find a human form of such permeable infinities and infinitesimals, as transcendental to the time vector as the ever morphing donations of both Babel and babble, and as complex and compounded as the best Greek or German. Having always found the aftertaste of "taxidermist" to be too clipped to maintain the moment of its promising second syllable, I was really left with no choice.

>> No.4047450


Yes I was trying to explain how he sees himself in this context. He's a champion of plain-thinking, salt-of-the-earth reasonable man, here to show up all the "intellectuals" for their superiority complexes. How dare we discuss books we're interested in? Hubris, much?

>> No.4047452

>not true!
Well you sure showed me!

>> No.4047453
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>Anti-intellectualism deserves to be fetishized

>Stop essentializing culture

show's over folks

>> No.4047454


I hate men

I also hate the exoticization of the working classes

you disgust me

>> No.4047455

I don't know what else to say

>show's over
if only

>> No.4047458


I don't know if it's plain thinking really. Looking at >>4047446 it seems clear that he's not really out to establish a distinct position. He's just critically contrarian at the moment.

>> No.4047459

>tfw common people used to read and recite Shakespeare in their daily lives and now its seen as pretentious hipster garbage for academics and well-educated people only

>> No.4047462

ok Fabulous !!GXZe+d0RTva what are your favorite books?

>> No.4047463

Being contrarian isn't always bad thing

>common people
as in, literate white people
as in, not common people

>> No.4047464

pls no

>> No.4047465

srsly the smug asshole persona coupled with an inability or unwillingness to actually engage, beyond the petty one-liner phase, the substance of what you're purporting to try to talk about is good trollin for a while but inevitably it just turns to diarrhea bro

>> No.4047466

Yes, you're right. It seemed like that's how he started off though.

>> No.4047468

>as in, literate white people
>implying that wasn't a common person in the United States during the 19th century


>> No.4047470

The enourmous retarded faggot, OP quieries:"I looked about an inch deep into this issue alone. Can/lit/ tell me everything to think about it?

Stupidest person upon 4chan replies with a droll of apathetic bewilderment. Slowly he yawns and approaches his quandry.
Hey, OP. It's crazy how people who identify with one another form groups and that's only group formed? No, people have categoring and studying groups, group behaviour, well anything by whatshisname The Logic if Collective action.

>> No.4047471

seems to be working just well for him, given that he's been trolling you for quite a few posts and others as well

>> No.4047472

I just read The Handmaid's Tale recently. It was ok.

I'm not a smug asshole I'm angry because other people are smug assholes especially on /lit/

>started off

>> No.4047474


>Being contrarian isn't always bad thing

It's not for the ones being disagreed with. Validation is easily achieved when the disagreeances are senseless as yours.

>> No.4047477

>as if the United States
cool colonialism!

>ableism everywhere
seriously is not that hard to be a decent human being but so many people on /lit/ don't meet the requirements

>> No.4047480

that's like the worst word ever

>what is undisciplinarity

>> No.4047482

>cool colonialism!

Oh, I get it now, you're a shitposter. Filtered.

>> No.4047483
File: 43 KB, 395x510, Paul-Gauguin-Portrait-of-a-Man-Wearing-a-Lavalliere-Oil-Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue to OP that there are more people who fetishize hatred of literature than those who narcissistically fetishize literature itself.

>> No.4047485


/lit/ is slow and this is nice filler

>> No.4047486

i'd argue to you that you're a fag and you're shit's all retarded

>> No.4047487

People like OP are only silenced or defeated when one pulls out the race card.

>> No.4047489

>I just read The Handmaid's Tale recently. It was ok.

It could have been much better- the modern interpretation of Pandora's hope seems to have been unfortunately recalibrated to ideals of eternal salvation. The thinking that there is a chance for the ideal is so cemented that it precludes authors from offering the valuable moral of classic interpretations, and such deus ex machina salvation further secures society's belief in a dangerous dream which incapacitates us from acceptance of the world as is.

>> No.4047491

you're such a clueless guy

>> No.4047493

I wish you were right!

>oppressive language
in multiple flavors!

are you saying I'm pulling the race card?

I guess I do really dislike white people

>> No.4047494


Oh, shit.

>> No.4047495


You could tell me if you would be so kind, especially by which sense you mean.

>> No.4047499
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>>oppressive language
the only thing oppressing you is your mind, which forces you to be retarded and a fag

>> No.4047506

I'm not sure how that invalidates my argument or even if you can provide some literary backing to yours, but I will assume your argument stems from ¬clueless/¬guy = good to which I must respond with lol no stfu sophistry.

>> No.4047513

modern epistemology

>your mind
it's true that this is what I'm being oppressed by

just like you and everything else in western society

>> No.4047515

you still don't get it

>> No.4047516

i fear no mind. i am will beyond form. allahu ackbar

>> No.4047518

Are you white?

>> No.4047520


what is white

>> No.4047522

Well, it's a tool. And some people's job involves oppressing people. Teachers for instance have to do a lot of oppressing, and therapists. They have to use the tools at hand.

remember that the subjectively interpreted cruelty and injustice felt by criminals and school children and mental patients my be the only thing keeping them from acquiring really bad habits, even from their own perspective.
Oppression of the drug dealer and the junkie, the terrorist and the wifebeater, may be good for society, even though it often involves unjustly and cruelly curtailing their innate rights to deal and use drugs and beat their wives.

it's a tricky point. Reading and writing might be one of the kinder tools.

>> No.4047525


white is a cultural tag

>> No.4047526

white is a social construct. i self-identify as a 6'7" african bodybuilder millionaire.

>> No.4047528

you are in fact a smug asshole. your postings here, through which you attempt, absurdly and shallowly, an indictment of "readers" are nothing but thoughtless and predictable to the point that a straight, white, cisgender, suburban, american male, could rattle them off one after another as long as the exchange of any actual substantial opinions (i.e. discussion) can be avoided.

>> No.4047530


>modern epistemology

Epistemology is not strictly my discipline chum.

>> No.4047531

Define 'is'.

>> No.4047532

I'm not sure you get what sophistry is. Faux-naivete ought to be a welcome retreat from the real thing.

>> No.4047534

Ha, avoiding the question already.

>> No.4047535

You're projecting.

>> No.4047538

wow lol have you read Foucault

you are the carceral

>> No.4047541


English third-person singular present-tense verb of 'being' or 'to be'. Why ask?

>> No.4047544

I'm not straight


it was a silly question


>> No.4047545

that's a good azz argument homeboy and you have convinced me to stop being a straight white cisgender suburban american male. i am now going to get the revese michael jackson surgery, gender reassignment, and move to cambodia so that my opinions can be taken seriously on the internet

>> No.4047546

define to be

>> No.4047549


>>4047530 (You)

Would it be too taxing for you to explain why and/or how?

>> No.4047551

opression in action rite is liek if your mean to people its bad

>> No.4047553

>he's not a transsexual Kenyan
Have you even checked your privilege?

>> No.4047554


Why should I need to answer that?

>> No.4047555

Who here wants to fight?

>> No.4047556

how do i learn to stop oppressing all thse minorities ? do you offer a training course? is it lead by a Person of Color????? please respond

>> No.4047558

It is too taxing for them to even admit to being white, don't expect anything more substantial.

>> No.4047562

White is right, fabulous.

>> No.4047565

you dont

>> No.4047559



>> No.4047560

current popular epistemology is structured and restrictive

it's better if you keep your mind clean by not dabbling in it

though most people are already tainted

>> No.4047567

don't trivialize real problems

I'm white

>> No.4047568

it really isn't

>> No.4047569


PoC is racist

>> No.4047571

Which type of white? This isn't helping me understand if you're a part of the violence inherent in the system.

>> No.4047572

>don't trivialize real problems

good that you're creating real problems with communication then.

>> No.4047573

Good literature is a good criticism.

>> No.4047576


I don't think you could characterize the system as being inherently violent. Any examples of violence?

>> No.4047577

not OP but educational inequality is real and destructive. You're an ass.

>> No.4047581

Im a strong Woman of Color (Woc for short) and i prefer that you check your privilege and donate $420 usd to my women of color in auto mechanic work fund as penance

>> No.4047588


Oh obedient have we been, such civilisations built, such beauties, but to the temple within the individual not much tending has been done. Many scriptures have implemented a society of aesthetic, a society which looks good on the outside to the detriment of the consciousness between the eyes. Any positive feeling is that of adhering to the collective’s wishes. Any negative feelings experienced towards the temple within one are then disbanded as illness, disease, or something ‘evil’. ‘Evil’ as a symbol exists only as a picket to hold up to the people the virtues which are seen as unhelpful to the collective, acts of evil are likely to upset the status quo, or cause damage upon something which is seen to be upholding a righteous society of serving sheep. As tribal animals we are programmed to feel shame if we go against the status quo, if we do not ‘match’ to our tribe. So through symbology a society can propagate a status quo. Celebrities become ideal people. Idol people pedestaled for your viewing. Laws are commandments which restrict freedom in exchange for order. These are creating dissonances in the mind already as the mind is taken further out of it’s natural environment. A man inherently much better understands the law of gravity than he does the Patriot Act.

>> No.4047590

The type of white that wastes time on shit like this, wants to claim to be oppressed and likes to think they champion a million 'issues' most of which only exist on the internet

>> No.4047591


>> No.4047593


Is it educational inequality or socio-economic disparity?

>> No.4047594

This guy wanted to take me Camelot once.
>implying whites stick to one side of the inequity
That's racist, stop being racist. Can't you see I'm being repressed?

>> No.4047597

Well, remember that oppression is an interpretation. "The weather oppresses me" my mood oppresses me" "Social norms oppress me" "You're oppressing your employees, your draft animals, your civil servants."

exploit is easier, but it's a double edged sword: the workers exploit the maunfactureres need for labor to meet their own needs, the farmer exploits the soils fertility for the sake of his personal goals, thereby oppressing his urban neighbors who lack his opportunities.

Wrods can be used in the service of all these things, but like i said, it's a double edged sword: the knife that threatens can cut through the bonds.

>> No.4047598

I WISH the system was violent

the alternative is rehabilitation (pathologization)

It's sad

shut up

>> No.4047599


I am not a 'person' in my country thanks to the oppression of the privileged. I ask that you check yours and donate to a non-profit organization not condoned by the state.

>> No.4047600

What does that have to do with my point?

>> No.4047602
File: 32 KB, 550x460, 1368251461846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we /equality/ now

>> No.4047604

I never said anything about race


both. but they are different. What's your point?

>> No.4047605
File: 23 KB, 502x460, f02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw almost no one itt recognizes fab
>mfw almost everyone calls him a troll
/lit/ really has changed ;_;

>> No.4047607

I was here for 2 years about 6 months ago. Never heard of him

>> No.4047608

Institutionalisation is inherently violent; it disrupts the flow of the unnamed Tao.
Then what you said was irrelevant to the racial commentary at play.

>> No.4047610


Do you really think there is a serious way of dealing with educational inequality before dealing with socio-economic disparity. Think before you criticise.

>> No.4047613

you can't tell a woman of color to shut up, you white american cis male!!!! you will regret this@!!!!

>> No.4047616


I think I recognize him, but thankfully I'd forgotten.

/lit/ isn't the only thing that's changed: the 'tumblrism' ideology has been marginalised into becoming a joke.

>> No.4047622
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>> No.4047624

we weren't talking about race. We were talking about lit

>> No.4047627

How would you even surmise that from what little Ive said? Seriously, I think you're having a conversation with yourself

>> No.4047632

>which type of white
>not talking about race
>talking about lit
Acid free does nothing to correct the violence inherent in the system, you irrelevant ass.

>> No.4047633

does anyone itt know any good french rac/oi bands

>> No.4047635

It's sad my friends are gone but I'm not a troll

>appropriating Taoism

which is stupid it has nothing to do with tumblr

>> No.4047636


> Seriously, I think you're having a conversation with yourself

what a shit partner you are

>> No.4047638


What's done is done.

check your priv while you're at it.

>> No.4047639

"white" isn't a race it's a cultural identifier

>> No.4047641

I wasn't responding to that because you were being facetious

>> No.4047642

all good azn philosophy was appropriated from the greeks or the indo-aryans
taoism is the white man's birthright

>> No.4047643

you're so not funny!

>> No.4047644

>implying the unnamed Tao can be appropriated
which is why I want to know if you're acid free or not.

>> No.4047646

>I wasn't responding to that because you were being facetious
>still responding

>> No.4047648

>thinks western appropriation exists


are you a STEM major?

>> No.4047650


>people can't change the subject of a conversation

>> No.4047651
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So kind as to not patronise me, I asked you to check your privilege out of charity not in order to enforce authority.

>> No.4047652

none of us are acid free

at least in the west

>> No.4047654

>I'm still relevant when I'm being irrelevant
Are you a daoist?

>> No.4047656

i study liberal arts. i'm just smart enough not to have joined the white self-flagellation humiliation fetish masturbation party. disgusting, narcissistic, unmanly ideology.

>> No.4047657

one would think the warlords would have better drugs

>> No.4047661

serious go talk to a black person or a mexican or whatever and ask what they think of you making fun of white people for "appropriating their culture" or whatever online and they will laugh at you

>> No.4047665

>being american


>> No.4047666

don't rub it in asshole i'm leaving as soon as i get enough money to get residency somewhere nice

>> No.4047670


Come to the commonwealth of nations chum.

>> No.4047671

oh my god are you an MRA lol

>> No.4047673

fab what do you do

>> No.4047676

why is this shitface OP not banned yet

>> No.4047678

no. also a womanly ideology based on narcissism.

>> No.4047680

i'm a white non-straight men hating cis gendered male too(i'm not being sarcastic) and i don't agree with you

>> No.4047683

I'm a student

>womanly ideology
no such thing exists as of right now

all current ideologies are masculine, which is why I oppose them


>> No.4047686

hmmm i don't know. australia is hell on earth and the uk is basically a bunch of muslims getting arrested for owning butter knives in the rain. from what i can tell the best places to go would be switzerland or eastern europe. or some tax haven like monaco. but i'm going to have to get pretty much first.

>> No.4047703


If everything is masculine nothing is masculine

>> No.4047706

>the uk is basically a bunch of muslims getting arrested for owning butter knives in the rain

lol, that about sums it up.

t. londoner

>> No.4047716

>binary thought
you are part of the problem

>> No.4047720

>stock pop phrase in response to criticism
>vague attempt to shame opposition

Yep, this is a clear Fabulous shitpost™! Remember to sage and report, kids!

>> No.4047741

I don't see what binary thought has to do with criticism one is usually opposed to the other

some people deserve to be shamed!

>> No.4047757


>some people deserve to be shamed!


>> No.4047805

I see where you're getting that idea, but you'll find that pretty much every board will fetishize their board topic.

/v/ obviously has their subculture of 'hardcore gamers', because gaming is all they do (Or the main thing at least) so it's nice for them to create this sense of belonging out of it. /tv/ in a similar way has a culture of people who watch films that "aren't shit".

It's not like we're being elitist and preventing anyone from allowing "reading" to be a part of their life.

>> No.4047815

you're nice but really naive

>> No.4047818


you're a fucking irritant.

>> No.4047819


that's the point

>> No.4047824


are we back to this

>> No.4047831


that's all this was, if not to you then to all others.

>> No.4047840

well I'm sorry for that

actually I'm not because /lit/ is full of assholes!

>> No.4047841

In what way?

>> No.4047856

don't worry fab, i'll always support you
for a while maybe
don't say any fucked up shit

>> No.4047859

thinking that this happening is just a way for people to belong not a way for people NOT to belong

>> No.4047869


nothing I've ever said or will say has been
"fucked up shit"

>> No.4047870


If you trip, people treat you like shit. Get down from your soapbox, faggot

>> No.4047874

to be fair to /lit/, it wasn't always this bad. a bunch of morons from /mu/ and /pol/ showed up recently, and /mu/ brings "patrician" culture with it (and how are you not gonna be a classist fuck with plebeian as a pejorative), and /pol/ is fucking /pol/. like, there were always classism problems, but please keep in mind that you are seeing /lit/ at pretty much the darkest time in its history

>> No.4047889

Oh, should have mentioned that in the post. I don't understand how we're preventing people from being in the culture though, explain?

>> No.4047891

>people treat you like shit
that's more like it!

that's really not necessary

before I left in early 2012 it was only slightly better than right now

>> No.4047895

with the return of fab it's pretty much reached rock bottom

>> No.4047907
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I like reading, but I hate /lit/. Real patricians do as they please anyway. Git on ma lvl.

>> No.4047912
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More like the night has finally met its dawn!

>> No.4047926

Nope, you're just a shitposter. We get one of you every few weeks. You usually don't last long. Same shitty opinions, same refusal to answer any criticism. You're about as unique as a brick.

>> No.4047929


alannah/maddy pls get off 4ch

>> No.4047940

you can't keep me down!

I don't know who they are