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4043100 No.4043100 [Reply] [Original]

/tv/ here.
What is /lit/'s favorite films?
Post your top 5 films.

>> No.4043108

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Bycicle Thieves
Man with a Movie Camera

>> No.4043115

Through a Glass Darkly
I vitelloni
Dr. Strangelove

something like that

>> No.4043116

Tree of Life
Mulholland Dr
Don't Look Now

>> No.4043119

Top 5 is too restrictive.

The Shining (1980, Kubrick)
The Master (2012, Anderson)
Fight Club (1999, Fincher)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004, Gondry)
Lost in Translation (2003, Coppola)
올드보이 (2003, Chan-Wook)
Only God Forgives (2013, Refn)
Spring Breakers (2013, Korine)
Bladed Runner (1982, Scott)
Mulholland Dr. (2001, Lynch)

>> No.4043120

jesus christ that's awful

>> No.4043122

Pulp Fiction
There Will Be Blood
2001: A Space Odyssey
Toy Story 3

>> No.4043125

>Bladed Runner

you were doing so well with your pretentious little list, too bad you had to fuck it up.

>> No.4043127

- Antichrist
- Kill-List
- Cache
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- Slumber Party Massacre

>> No.4043128

The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises

>> No.4043129

Taxi Driver
Dawn of the Dead
There Will Be Blood

>> No.4043130

The Mirror
8 1/2
Citizen Kane

>> No.4043131

In no order:

The Tree of Life
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
There Will Be Blood
The Godfather
The Shining

>> No.4043137

>using the original translation of Oldboy to make it seem like a deep and intellectual foreign film

>> No.4043139

whisper of the heart
barry lyndon
the godfather
the rest of miyazaki except ponyo

>> No.4043140

>Lawrence of Arabia
>Reservoir Dogs
>Fight Club
>Taxi Driver

>> No.4043143





















>> No.4043146

McCabe and Mrs Miller
Apocalypse Now
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Once Upon A Time in America

>> No.4043147

The Big Lebowski
Night of The Hunter
The Blues Brothers
American Psycho

>> No.4043148

1) Apur Sansar
2) Blow-Up
3) Il Deserto Rosso
4) My Night at Maud's
5) Lola

>> No.4043154

What's yours?

>> No.4043158
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Why is The Will Be Blood receiving some love here? I watched it yesterday and I wasn't impressed.
To contribute:
I don't watch lots of movies, but if I ever developed a list of my favourite movies, In Bruges and The Machinist would probably be on top. Worth mentioning Risky Business, Breakfast Club and The Fire Within, but I know these aren't very good movies.

>> No.4043159

In no order:

Սայաթ-Նովա [The Colour of Pomegranates]
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty
Offret [The Sacrifice]
יומן [Diary]
山椒大夫 [Sansho the Bailiff]

>> No.4043164

>The Fire Within
>but I know these aren't very good movies.
The Fire Within is amazing.

>> No.4043163

His Girl Friday
It Happened One Night
Written on the Wind
Madame X
Wizard of Oz

>> No.4043167

Sans Soleil
The Last Picture Show
The Searchers
Annie Hall

>> No.4043168

The kind of people that frequent /lit/ love to masturbate over directors like PTA

>> No.4043170

Yeah, this nigga.
Is my nigga.

Good taste m8.

>> No.4043173

I like all of the films you listed other than The Searchers. Why do you enjoy that movie?

>> No.4043175

The Deer Hunter
The Godfather Part II
Taxi Driver
Days of Heaven
Dog Day Afternoon

>> No.4043176

Female Trouble
La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc
Santa sangre
Saikaku ichidai onna
La Belle noiseuse

>> No.4043178

Yeah, I agree. The comment was focused on the other two.
I would appreciate some recommendations.
I don't even know who this is supposed to be, Sean.

>> No.4043184

Shaun of the Dead
The Dark Knight
In Bruges
The Matrix
Fight Club

>> No.4043186

Alien (1979)
Millenium Actress (2001)
My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
Chungking Express (1994)
Sansho the Bailiff (1954)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006)
Castle in the Sky (1986)
Perfect Blue (1997)
Mononoke Hime (1997)

>> No.4043188

I grew up watching westerns and have always had a soft spot for them.

>> No.4043189

Shit weeb taste.

>> No.4043193

hi fabs

>> No.4043190

Watch Oslo, August 31st.
It's a remake of The Fire Within and it's one of the better remakes in a long time.
Trust me.

>> No.4043191

Paul Thomas Anderson, got it.
Don't mind me, Sean.

>> No.4043192

>not knowing PTA

Peter Timothy Andrews, he is a famous makeup artist. An oft-ignored job, but his style is evident and greatly improves films like There Will Be Blood and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

>> No.4043196

tfw no replies

>> No.4043200

shit hipster pretentious fedora faggot plebeian taste

>> No.4043203

Hey anon. Liking Sansho on your list.

>> No.4043205

Don't mind him, he's a pleb.

>> No.4043206

A Fistful of Dollars
Déjà Vu
The Ten Commandments
Dazed and Confused

>> No.4043201
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>weeaboo ranking others' taste

>> No.4043208


shitsux mate, would be perfect list without that

>> No.4043210

Deja Vu?
like the Denzel movie?

>> No.4043211

Thank you. Downloading now.

>> No.4043215


What is it that anyone ever sees in this movie?

>> No.4043213

Heavy Metal
The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen
American Pop

The Greatest Hits of Spice
Through the Comic Series
Of a 'Myth'
About a Lineage of Musicians]

>> No.4043217

please retain from shitposting

I have to watch it again, where's your list?? Is it >>4043186, if it is you should watch Mononoke, it's an anime, that's heavily stylized and set in the Edo period. It's a trip and experiments with different art styles.

>> No.4043219

The Mark of Zorro (1940)
The Adventures of Robin Hood
The Lion in Winter (1968)
A Streetcar Named Desire

>> No.4043224

I did not post my list. But Mononoke is one I have to see. I feel I will like it after seeing your description.

Please do, after rewatching it myself it just got better. That scene where they go in that giant field of wheat is amazing.

>> No.4043227

Funeral Parade of Roses
Marketa Lazarova
A Woman Under the Influence

>> No.4043230



>> No.4043232

Good Will Hunting
Pulp Fiction
Shawshank Redemption
Tree of Life
Dr. Strangelove

Some are interchangeable but that's what I narrowed it down to

>> No.4043233

Kill yourself.

>> No.4043239

Interesting choice, when compared to everything else on your list.

>> No.4043245

The Social Network
Taxi Driver
Eyes Wide Shut
There Will Be Blood

>> No.4043247

Nah, it's shit. Bad acting, bad story, bad pacing, bad tone and atmosphere, &c.

>> No.4043250

The only good movie on that list is Alien.

>> No.4043251


How so?

>> No.4043252
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Sure is fedoracore in here

>> No.4043253

>bad atmosphere

What has a good atmosphere in your opinion?

>> No.4043255

Blade Runner
The Terminator
Only God Forgives
Spring Breakers

>> No.4043260

barton fink
battle of algiers
the squid and the whale
2001 space odyssey
wings of desire

>> No.4043261

>Bad acting
Okay. Understandble.
>Bad Story
>Bad Pacing
>Bad tone and atmosphere
This is where you are completely wrong. Explain.

>> No.4043265

>Only God Forgives
>Spring Breakers

Oh, you're one of them

>> No.4043267

Puke. Next we'll see people eating their own shit in order to "face the shame of eating one's own shit in modern society".

These people are mentally ill.

>> No.4043268

>missing the point of that image

>> No.4043270

I'll give you my favorite 10.

The Usual Suspects
Gangs of New York
Jurassic Park
Shaun of the Dead
Dead Poets Society
Empire Strikes Back
The Naked Gun
Hercules (Disney animated)

>> No.4043271
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>> No.4043272

Bubba HoTep
Barton Fink
Parallax View
Logan's Run
Bill and Ted

>> No.4043274

assassination of jesse james
kiki's delivery service
the disappearance of haruhi suzumiya

i'm having trouble thinking right now, only cartoons are coming up

>> No.4043277

it's trying way too hard and not enough at the same time

like the matrix

>> No.4043279

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter... And Spring

>> No.4043280

>barton fink
welp, now i gotta watch the others you posted

>> No.4043288

City of God
The Exorcist
Spirited Away
The Shining
Castle in the Sky
The Shawshank Redemption
The Fellowship of the Ring
Star Wars (1977)
A Clockwork Orange
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Terminator 2
American Beauty
A Bittersweet Life
Eyes Wide Shut
The Secret World of Arrietty
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Let the Right One In (2008)
Battle Royale
Donnie Darko
Dracula (1992)
M (1931)
Ring (1998)

>> No.4043292
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>> No.4043295

>being this reddit

>> No.4043299

Never been to reddit, just what I've enjoyed
Should I lie to be 4chan cool?

>> No.4043302
File: 87 KB, 600x739, xena whateva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Last Laugh
Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Nightmare Alley
The General

Night of the Hunter
Cannibal Holocaust
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Big Trouble in Little China

>> No.4043304

oh man i love dazed and confused,have you seen freaks and geeks?

>> No.4043306

I've seen so many fucking movies, but none of them have ever stood out as "favorites".

Maybe I'm just jaded, but I've consistently enjoyed all the Korean movies I've seen

>> No.4043307


>Post your top 5 films.
>your top 5 films.
>top 5 films.
>top 5

>> No.4043311

In Bruges
Synecdoche, New York
There Will Be Blood
Hot Fuzz

>> No.4043317

No, just watch more movies that aren't liked by everyone 15 year old with access to the internet.

>> No.4043324

top is pre-1950, bottom is after
it's an important division

>> No.4043325

>implying 15 year olds could get and enjoy Eyes Wide Shut

>> No.4043326

Like what? I don't watch that many movies these days.

>> No.4043332



>> No.4043333

Because color films were becoming more and more ubiquitous?

>> No.4043338

in /lit/ meme terms, no good literature was produced after 1950
a passing of the torch, a lowering of the tide

I might argue that the first five are more "textual" but I'd probably have to choose something other than Night of the Hunter for that to be entirely consistent

>> No.4043341

Barry Lyndon
Apocalypse Now
Eyes Wide Shut
City of God
F for Fake

>> No.4043342

/tv/ here once again.
Haven't read a book in a while
Anything you guys can recommend me based on this list?

>> No.4043345

la divina commedia

>> No.4043350

Forgot to add that I would prefer it to be some entry-level literature.

>> No.4043354

The Master
Barton Fink [though, I need to rewatch The Man Who Wasn't There]
The Thin Blue Line
Dead Man

>> No.4043361

12 Angry Men
Army of Darkness
American History X
District 9

>> No.4043367

that is entry level

also shakespeare

>> No.4043369

High and Low
Make Way for Tomorrow
The Exterminating Angel
The Last Picture Show

>> No.4043377

>entry level
Hemmingway, Great Gatsby, Brave New World, F451, 1948, etc.
Hamlet is pretty entry level yet quite enjoyable.
>inb4 those are read in high-school hurr.

>> No.4043380

- Soylent Green because I have a hard-on for dystopian societies and i cry every time I watch Sol dying
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, because the music is fantastic and I have to give it to a movie that uses music to narrate while the characters remain silent and completely works as a replacement for dialogue.
- Voices of a Distant Star, because the theme of people simply drifting away from each other has always fascinated me, be it sailors that never return to their homeland or little girls that jump with their robots into a wormhole.
- Nosferatu, because I like the horrible and macabre atmosphere it's set upon, and that's gotta the most damn awful-looking vampire I've ever seen in a movie and it fits perfectly into this film.
- Hellraiser because it makes hell look actually cool, it's not just flames and red imps, it takes suffering and demons to a completely different level, almost justifies eternal damnation and puts suffering and pleasure on the same side.

I guess if I ever have someone come over to my house wanting to watch a movie, I'd pick from one of those five. But still, talking about only five movies it's pretty hard, like I didn't even mention my favorite comedy or drama.

>> No.4043385

No Country For Old Men
There Will Be Blood
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead
Inglorious Basterds

>> No.4043386

to be honest I haven't actually seen any of those, if that wasn't a misquote
the Ciardi translation of Divine Comedy is pretty clear and it was one of the first books of "serious literature" I read

>> No.4043387

>- Nosferatu, because I like the horrible and macabre atmosphere it's set upon, and that's gotta the most damn awful-looking vampire I've ever seen in a movie and it fits perfectly into this film.

You ever seen Vampyr? It has an eerie atmosphere to it -- and an interesting "vampire."

>> No.4043388

>Predator AND Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski
The Thing (original)
Blade Runner

>> No.4043389

>No Country For Old Men
>There Will Be Blood
>The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
2007 must have been the best fucking year for you.

>> No.4043390
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>> No.4043394

but those are bad, and hamlet's a trainwreck

dante is good, and so is antony and cleopatra and macbeth

>> No.4043397

Not him, but the novel is great. Read it.

>> No.4043398

What does /lit/ think of anime?

>> No.4043395

Great. Thanks.
Is the American Psycho novel a good one?
Really liked the film and I'm interested in reading it.

>> No.4043400

Not /lit/, but /tv/.
I like it, besides the whole moe, kawaii shitstorm of anime that has been happening a lot.
Serial Experiments Lain and other avant-garde anime really stand out from the wave of shit anime we get usually.

>> No.4043403

These were the books I started with.
There are better approaches, I'm sure.

>> No.4043407

Le Samourai
Night of the Hunter
A Clockwork Orange

>The Master

wot. I enjoyed it but it was by no means PTA's strongest film.

>> No.4043413

I never implied it was his strongest; but, it's the one I have a hard time choosing between it and Boogie Nights.

>> No.4043417

Synecdoche New York
The Seventh Seal
The Flowers Of St. Francis
El Topo

>> No.4043425

My maaaaan!

>> No.4043430

There Will Be Blood > Magnolia > The Master > Punch Drunk-Love > Boogie Nights > Hard Eight

>> No.4043427

yeah, you should read less prose

>> No.4043435


>> No.4043436

TWBB > PDL > The Master > Magnolia >>>>>> Boogie Nights >>> Hard Eight

>> No.4043438

>b-but muh prose!
What would you recommend? In general and not just 'entry level'.

>> No.4043440

On an aside: Inherent Vice has finished shooting and is now entering post.

>> No.4043441


>> No.4043443

i told you

dante and shakespeare

maybe goethe and homer

>> No.4043444

>PDL over The Master

>> No.4043445

Is Inherent Vice a good book?

>> No.4043446

I almost put over TWBB too

it's great

>> No.4043447

I like you.
Have you seen the new Simon Pegg? The trailers make it look really bad but I still want to see it for nostalgia.

>> No.4043448

I never got the hype about it. Guess it's just not for me.

>> No.4043453

It's funny

Adam Sandler actually acts well

It's concise but wholesome

Well-executed, meaningful symbolism

Emotionally stirring

What's not to like?

>> No.4043451


>> No.4043458

Just out of curiosity, can you read any foreign languages?

>> No.4043459

Just didn't catch me like Boogie Nights or Magnolia.

>> No.4043460

>the lighting in PDL
Holy shit, best use of light I have ever seen, right next to Eyes Wide Shut.

>> No.4043462

Arabic, yes.
Will try to learn Italian and Russian in the future, and maybe Spanish for Sabato.

>> No.4043466


somebody else posted for me, his list being a solid 4/10

this is my list

1) Apur Sansar
2) Blow-Up
3) Il Deserto Rosso
4) My Night at Maud's
5) Lola

>> No.4043469

I've only read excerpts and I'm not a fan of BEE in general
Bright Lights, Big City comes from a similar "atmosphere" but it's written in the second-person if that's a turn on/off

Psycho-Pass was pretty great
there was something in it about e-books "lacking character" but I can't find the still

>> No.4043472

Welcome to the NHK is about the literary life.

>> No.4043476

'literary life' means deadbeat, socially inept, and a pervert now?


>> No.4043490


jamy 'the juice' jamba.jpeg

vlad 'the lolimpaler' nabokov.exe

marc 'hiki mcratwank' proust.tiff

billiam 'tell' burroughs.opi.peder

>> No.4043493

Welcome to /lit/, friend!

>> No.4043495

>nothing but Christopher Nolan

>> No.4043499

Purple Rose of Cairo
Raging Bull
The Searchers

>> No.4043505

Mind Game, yes. The anime.

>> No.4043506

It's b8.
b8 in which you just fell for.

>> No.4043509

Love Exposure
Fallen Angels
Lost in Translation
Branded to Kill

>> No.4043514

the 10/10 is basically 'gr8 b8 m8'. is saying that b8 is gr8 falling for it?

it would be like le fox saying 'splendid trap, old poach'

>> No.4043523

No I haven't watched it but I sure will check it

I'm a total anime fag
My social life consists on talking to people in IRC that I met on an anime board
Last two days I spent watching all ore no imouto, two seasons and the oavs
I hugged my pillow whenever there was a cute scene with Kirino or Kuroneko and I yelled their names like kyahhhh! Kuronekoooo!

I'm not even lying
this is who I am

>> No.4043532

I have seen Akira and Ghost in the Shell 1+2, Spirited Away, and at least some of... Ninja Scroll? That is the extent of my anime knowledge.

>> No.4043558

The Shining
Pulp Fiction
Exit Through the Gift Shop
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

>> No.4043561
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1. A Brighter Summer Day (Yang)
2. Rules of the Game (Renoir)
3. Late Spring (Ozu)
4. Story of Last Chrysanthemum (Mizoguchi)
5. Mouchette (Bresson)

>> No.4043569
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Mise en scene and long takes > editing and post-production

Bazin was right.

>> No.4043572
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>> No.4043592

>all time
The Sweet Smell of Success
Dog Star Man
1. The Act of Killing
2. Before Midnight
3. The Hunt
4. Leviathan
5. Behind the Candelabra
all the other movies i've seen this year were shit

>> No.4043597

you should watch more noir

>> No.4043606

dat tryhard

>> No.4043613


>Dog Star Man

>> No.4043623


>> No.4043636

À Bout De Souffle
Barry Lyndon
La Dolce Vita

>> No.4043642


>> No.4043646
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>not reading film


>> No.4043662
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1. Tiny Furniture (Dunham)
2. Satantango (Tarr)
3.As I Was Moving Ahead I Occassionally Saw Glimpes of Beauty (Mekas)
4. Pather Panchali (Ray)
5. Stalker (Tarkovsky)
6. Silent Light (Reygadas)
7. Russian Ark (Sokurov)
8. Jeanne Dielman (Akerman)
9. Goodbye South, Goodbye (Hou Hsiao-Hsien)
10. Where is the Friend's Home (Kiarostami)

inb4 mad nolan fans

>> No.4043663 [DELETED] 

i-be area
eye myth
trash humpers
pulp fiction
the notebook

>> No.4043665
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> not knowing that the left bank far surpassed anything Godard did
> thinking you need to keep up to date with Godard's political diary

>> No.4043666
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>1. Tiny Furniture (Dunham)

>> No.4043668

If you're gonna pick a Godard, pick at least his colour period, or his revival in the 90s.

Kubrick is shit, you picked the worst Tarkovsky, Fellini and Kurosawa are both shit.

>> No.4043672

>tiny furniture
what the fuck

>> No.4043679

i like you

>> No.4043681


>> No.4043688
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>Late Spring
>Story of the Last Chrysanthemum

I like you a lot

>> No.4043689

Why isn't anyone posting non-fiction?

>> No.4043694
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sry forgot how boring not tripping was, anyway:

1. i-be area
2. trash humpers
3. eye myth
4. the notebook
5. husbands

>> No.4043695

murrican pleb althoug Van Sant is good
shit, Coppola is a hack that appeals to stupid girls
imdb fedora tier
very good
why rate a hack that can't write endings to his films? they're all empty
only the rossellini is good, jodorowsky if you're on shrooms only
giant faggot, I mean, seriously, Drive? back to imdb
muh 2008
you're alright, amn
Morris and Jarmusch are good, but you still have some work to do.
Only the Welles is worthwhile, rest are teencore.
Hot Fuzz is the best from your list.
Nothing good here except for Slacker. It's clear you have no knowledge of silent films. Drop the trip.
I'll allow it.
try kissing a girl for once
I'll allow it.
Stick to watching tv.
let's hope you're 16
Cassavettes with Scarface? Faggot.
Very good. Belle Noiseuse is top-notch and severely overlooked.
Highly decent taste.

>> No.4043699

only the cassavettes has any worth. the rest are "look at me edgy tripfag im learning how to troll" tier

>> No.4043708

they all have worth though they're my favorite movies......

>> No.4043712

Blade Runner
Full Metal Jacket

Movies are not my area of interest.

>> No.4043715

Ebert's comment on how the actors in Husbands were always struggling with things to say stuck with me and I just can't get into that film.

>> No.4043732

you don't have worth. drop the trip.

>> No.4043734

Slacker was the only film on that list of questionable quality

please educate me at least on the top five best silent films if you can
if you say Birth of a Nation I'm leaving

>> No.4043744

>learning spanish for Sabato
>spanish for Sabato
>for Sabato

I wont even talk about the pompous claim of learning any language just to read one author

but sabato? SABATO? learning spanish for sabato? I hope you are at least underage anon and I hope you fucking die before you can learn a single spanish word

>> No.4043748

A Story of Floating Weeds
City Lights
An Inn in Tokyo
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Un Chien Andalou

>> No.4043749

They Live
Taxi Driver
Birth of a Nation
The Big Lebowski

>> No.4043750

worth what exactly?

>> No.4043753

I Was Born But...Sunrise, anything by Keaton, Dreyer, Stroheim

You've got shit taste.

>> No.4043780

City Lights should've been on the list, maybe
I think Un Chien Andalou is probably more important in terms of "the greatest or most significant or most influential" silent films but it's just not of particular interest to me

other than that it's pretty clear that I prefer German Expressionist films, particularly those with overbearing urban sets, so idk why you're saying I should like early Japanese film and naturalism

>> No.4043803

It is on the list

>> No.4043805

Werckmeister Harmonies
All That Heaven Allows

>> No.4043827

my list, I mean, although I think people blame Chaplin and Keaton for being "hipster garbage" in equal measure

>> No.4044000

Great list.

Douglas Sirk isn't for everyone but I think he's a great director.

>> No.4044023

Herz aus Glas
The Falls
Doriana Gray

skeet skeet

>> No.4044026


ur a faget

>> No.4044052

>implying Nolan isn't super-overrated director

>> No.4044061

All great except I'm not a fan of Badlands. Never got what the big deal was about that one.

>> No.4044065

>[The Colour of Pomegranates]

Ha. I remember watching this years ago on a romp of deep5u cinema and I hated it. I wonder if I'd like it better now that I know a little bit more about movies and poetry, though.

>> No.4044070

>In Bruges and The Machinist better than There Will Be Blood

Good one, bud.

>> No.4044078

Pastoral: to die in the country
La notte
The Talented Mr. Ripley ( no homo)

>> No.4044083


I'd say that the division before and after 1950 (it could just as well be 1940 or the intervening years) is where film evolves as a language. The prominence of depth of field, the muting of various editing techniques, etc.

>> No.4044084

>implying he wasn't obviously joking

>> No.4044098

Come and See
The Seventh Seal
Drunken Angel.
Not an experienced film watcher. Dont really have the time.

>> No.4044129

In no particular order,

Prova d'orchestra
Otto e Mezzo
La Pianiste
The taste of Tea

(can't even count to 5)

I'll gladly watch any recommendations.

>> No.4044171

Edvard Munch
The Mother and The Whore
The Taking of Power by Louis XIV
La Libertad

>> No.4044176

i am a fugitive from a chain gang
castle in the sky
kiki's delivery service
le fils
chungking express

most overrated films ever: through a glass darkly, mulholland drive

>> No.4044179

>Le fils

Great movie

>> No.4044181

The Seventh Seal
Three Colors: Red
Synecdoche, New York
Come and See
Tokyo Story

>> No.4044183

>Castle in the Sky
>Kiki's Delivery Service

First off, as much as I like the studio, Ghibli in the top five is a no. Second off, even measuring only against other Ghibli works, would you really say those are their best? If this list was restricted to animated movies, then Grave of the Fireflies would top mine, but I wouldn't include either of the ones you named.

>> No.4044193
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>Whisper of the Heart

Play it Again Sam
One Wonderful Sunday
Wild Strawberries
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Ali G in da house

>> No.4044194

>ghibli not belonging in top 5

those films are beautiful and whimsical and anyone who can watch them without feeling great emotion is a terrible person

those are definitely my top 2 ghibli. you may be able to say grave of fireflies, porco rosso and maybe howl's moving castle are more impressive from a storytelling, uniqueness, w/e point of view, but the two i chose epitomize the heart and soul of filmmaking in their simple but effective emotion and joy.

>> No.4044197
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>Marketa Lazarova


>Pastoral: to die in the country


>Edvard Munch
>The Mother and The Whore

So many unbelievable films I never expected to see here. Perlov's 'Diary' is one of my absolute favourites - would buy that anon a beer.

>> No.4044202

Well, to each their own, I guess, but I disagree. You're right about those two being more emotion-evoking than Howl's Moving Castle or Porco Rosso, but I found Grave of the Fireflies to be intensely emotional (obviously not joyful, but exquisitely sad).
Also, I once tried recreating the original double bill of Grave and Totoro, with Totoro first (I'd actually put this equal with Kiki's for their most 'joyful' movie). A fucking rollercoaster of feels.

>> No.4044209

>I know it's praised and all but it didn't impress ME so I guess it's bad and you guys are WRONG.
4chan in a nutshell. It's also imdb in a nutshell too.

>> No.4044212

All that guy said was that he wasn't impressed. He did not hate on the movie unduly. He did not insult people who liked it.

>> No.4044217

Woman in the dunes
The virgin spring
A man escaped

>> No.4044287

I've never gotten around to watching this. Is it really that confusing?

>> No.4044702


>> No.4044706

He asked, pretty arrogantly, why it was "receiving some love here."

>> No.4044707

>Woman in the dunes
God that movie was tedious.

>> No.4044709

Most people disregard it as pretentious nonsense and think the non linear structure is done randomly.
There is, in fact, a precise order and the story does make sense.

It's a puzzle movie, the pleasure lies in understanding it. It's voluntary short so you can watch it many times.

>> No.4044712

Dark Horse
Gone Baby Gone
Wings of Desire
Hoop Dreams
The Darjeeling Limited

I'm not a movie guy.

>> No.4044719

Princess Mononoke (1997)
Blood Tea and Red String (2006)
The Land That Time Forgot (1975)
Les Adventures de Tin Tin Le temple du soleil (1969)
Warlords of Atlantis (1978)

>> No.4044725

nice antiwarhol taste

>> No.4044729

Back to the Future
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Some like it Hot
The Shawshank Redemption
Spirited Away

>> No.4044734

badlands is a perfect movie,it's a miracle.

>> No.4044743

Naked Lunch
Cowards Bend the Knee
Khrustalyov, My Car!

>> No.4044745

Mononoke on Blu Ray when? Everything after that is shit btw.

>> No.4044751

>copy+pasting the original language title from wikipedia

lol try harder fag

>> No.4044759

If you're a 15 year old girl, maybe.

>> No.4044761

Apocalypse Now.
Le Samourai
Upstream Colour
Good Morning Vietnam

>> No.4044762

>tfw even having watched loads of indie and foreign films in the past couple years, Taxi Driver is still and will always remain my all-time favourite movie

>> No.4044766

Dr Strangelove
Cat Soup

>> No.4044770

wow,it's no surprise you didn't get the movie since you think it's some kind of romance film

>> No.4044772


>The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006)

Absolute shit on a stick. Utter tripe.

>> No.4044775


>most overrated films ever:

Chungking Express is in with a good shout with that criteria as well anon

>> No.4044776

Word. It's no surprise you didn't get my comment since you think it was in reference to it being some kind of romance film.

>> No.4044782

Sans Soleil
Eros Plus Massacre
A Woman Under The Influence
Au Hasard Balthasar

>> No.4044788
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weirdly eclectic.

weirdly uneclectic.

Such a depressing list. When I watch a sad movie, the beauty of it greatly intensifies it's melancholy. Your list a perfect illustration of this.

Seeing all the posts, /lit/ has great taste in film. A bit snobbish in the avoidance of mainstream entertainment-oriented productions (some of which are great) but I'm not complaining.

I'm especially glad Citizen Kane isn't in everyone's list. I have a few films to watch now..

I wonder what /lit/ likes to listen to, fuck, wear, drink..

>> No.4044793


>Seeing all the posts, /lit/ has great taste in film. A bit snobbish in the avoidance of mainstream entertainment-oriented productions (some of which are great) but I'm not complaining.

I spend most of my time over here despite being largely a bigger film-watcher than book-reader. What I've noticed is that /lit/'s taste differs a lot to mine and they practically always regard content heavy films as their favourites. Obviously it makes sense for them to regard literary-equivalent films highly but few here are ever taken back by films which push visual/auditory aspects over subject matter.

I'm not saying that equates to bad taste but it's something I've noticed.

>> No.4044797


Story matter*

>> No.4044802

Barry Lyndon
Andrei Rublev
Withnail and I

>> No.4044804

India Song
Diary of a Shinjuku Thief
The Mother and the Whore
Our Hitler

I don't know, though

>> No.4044853

Fruits of Paradise
Fruits of Passion
The Rose-King
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Fellini Satyricon

>> No.4044864
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>fruits of passion

>> No.4044869


is that boris karloff

>> No.4044873

niga its klaus kinski if u really dunnot know that you got some eye-time to catch up on

>> No.4044876


fuck and i saw agiurre

>> No.4044880

This thread is just reminding me that I still need to watch Come and See.

>> No.4044887


it's free on youtube mosfilm: 'idi i smotri'

>> No.4044891

ohshit me too

>> No.4044905

I don't watch a lot of movies.

Taxi Driver
The Godfather

... That's it I guess.

>> No.4044919

You just said highly decent to someone who included a Woody Allen film on their list. I was with you until that point, but you just lost all credibility.

>> No.4044990

Tokyo Story
Winter Lights
Perfect Blue
Elephant Man

>> No.4044995

That guy has seen much less than half of the movies on everyone's lists, understandably, yet reviews them based on the one or two he knows.

>> No.4045014

One flew over the cuckoos nest
Problem child 2
Angel's Egg

I don't like films.

>> No.4045018

>Spring breakers
HA! Fuck that.

>> No.4045023

>whisper of the heart

>> No.4045024

>weirdly eclectic.
what do you mean?

>> No.4045027

>dat taste of japan

>> No.4045056

>Perlov's 'Diary'

Can this be downloaded somewhere?

>> No.4045072

I don't watch much anime but manga is my favorite form of (mostly) pleb entertainment.

>> No.4045083

>andrei rublev


>> No.4045106


Only one i got.


>> No.4045121
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You'd better Yojimbo, Sanjuro and Seven Samurai, friend.

>> No.4045130

Saw 7 samurai as a kid halfway.

I never really watch movies, but harakiri, i thought was really fucking awesome. I'll watch the movies you said, why the fuck not.

>> No.4045132

You were with him through "Van Sant is good"? Ew.

>> No.4045137

>muh playacting

I'll never be able to take most movies seriously.

>> No.4045143
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They're good films and Toshirô Mifune is the man. You'll probably enjoy them. They're sort of ramen westerns.

>> No.4045159


Yeah and watch Samurai Rebellion, it has one of the best samurai sequences ever (or thee best). From the same director as well.

>> No.4045175

Of all people I know whose "some like it hot" is among their favorite, I can guarantee you no one else remotely enjoys "back to the future".

themes are varied and cinematographic influences are radically opposed.

>> No.4045188

Will do, cheers!
I think i'm just gonna watch everything of kurosawa and Koyobashi.

I'm sure there must be some cool collections on amazon.

>> No.4045197

pls go /fa/

>> No.4045204
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>> No.4045387

its babbys first foreign movie but it does manage to be very entertaining for what it is

>> No.4045408
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what gave it away?

>> No.4045421

> >>4043302
>Nothing good here except for Slacker.
>Big Trouble in Little China
>not good
sure is underage here

>> No.4045423

is that jacky chan on the right?

>> No.4045428

>Cannibal Holocaust
>The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

my negron

>> No.4045441

always one faggot who has to post twice the amount asked for
your taste disgusts me too

>> No.4045444

Secrets and Lies
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
Shaun of the Dead

>> No.4045461

Almost Famous
There Will Be Blood
Forrest Gump
Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.4045466

I'm more interested in film than literature, but I prefer the literature board, since /tv/ is largely tv-related. A film board (separate from a tv board) would be great.

Anyway, I don't really know why I felt the need to say that. My top 5 is probably:

Come and See
Synecdoche, New York
Mulholland Drive
8 1/2

>> No.4045475

Beautifully shot, scored and edited, but it still has a great rawness about it. That's why I like it anyway.

>> No.4045517

Hiroshima, mon amour
Vivre Sa Vie
Cria Cuervos
Alice in the Cities
La Collectionneuse

>> No.4045528

Synecdoche, NY
There Will Be Blood
Mind Game
A Separation
Umberto D.

>> No.4045538

>A film board (separate from a tv board) would be great.

It's absurd that subjects like Mecha and My Little Pony and Ecchi get their own boards but film and TV just get lumped together. They are the two most popular forms of narrative media on the planet, for god's sake. Just because they are both shot with cameras and involve stories doesn't make them the same thing. I quite enjoy /tv/ with all its autism and paedophilia, but it's hopelessly inadequate as a place to chat about cinema.

>> No.4045548

Like what, faggot?

>> No.4045551

I agree entirely. A film board would be slower and there would be more opportunity to discuss lesser known works. As is the board is inundated by Game of Thrones and Breaking bad threads, and actual film discussion is rare. Discussion of movies that haven't come out in the past 5 years are even rarer. It's a shame too because there's decades of movies that get passed up on because the general atmosphere of the board is more in favor or talking about the new or more well-known. That isn't to say that mainstream movies are bad by default, but putting TV and film together doesn't allow complete exploration of the larger medium.

>> No.4045557

Problem Child 2
8 1/2
>watching movies

>> No.4045570

Yeah, the /tv/ film discussions are always just on Anderson, Tarantino, Nolan and whatever is current. Not that those films are bad, but it would be great to delve deeper. The opportunity to talk extensively about more films would be nice. But /tv/ doesn't have the pace, atmosphere or (more often than not) contributers necessary for that. Even a promising thread just degrades into arguments instead of analysis.

>> No.4045584

totally agree.
there was a nice thread about tarkovsky a while back but yet again there were some sincere posters complaining how pseudo-intellectual everyone was and had to of course include the word 'pretentious' in their high-brow argument
it's a pity really

>> No.4045593

Woman in the Dunes

And I do masturbate to it.

>> No.4045594

'Pretentious' is the worst buzzword of all. I have a friend who uses it all the time; it's the worst misuse of a word next to 'literally'.

Anyway, how do we get a suggestion to moot? I've been thinking of suggesting a film board for months, but never acted upon it.

>> No.4045595

2001: A Space Odyssey
Taxi Driver
Bicentennial Man

>> No.4045599

Breaking the Waves
Synecdoche, New York
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
Moonrise Kingdom
Rosemary's Baby

>> No.4045602

mistyped the captcha and lost number 5
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.4045605

>A lot of those lists are comprised of obvious classics. They lack any personality or any sense of authenticity and they are dishonest. It's not their fault really. They are young and likely book snobs so they probably try to look for some kind of film canon and they probably treat critics lists as though they are worth a damn. They also have the issue of the internet which should facilitate the discovery of lots of gems but instead funnels all the plebs to the same places and many people have to learn how to actually approach art in a more authentic manner thanks to this.

- /tv/

>> No.4045609

>Anyway, how do we get a suggestion to moot?

just email him.

be sure to address him as 'faggot'. he loves that.

>> No.4045617

The fucking definition of trying too hard.

>> No.4045623
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>> No.4045626

>wanting to split up /tv/
You do realize a film board would be worse than /tv/, right? the only reason /tv/ hasn't gone full whatever is because of those waifu posters and the pedo stigma they leave/have.

>> No.4045630

The Falls (1980)
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Badlands (1973)
The Woman in the Dunes (1964)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)

>> No.4045631
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>> No.4045634

Brat 2
Blood & Concrete
The Man Without a Past
Broken Flowers

>> No.4045637

The New World

>> No.4045639


It would have been easy to respect the top 5 rule if only you removed the shitty movies.

Try hard faggot.


>> No.4045641

>only one person mentioned days of heaven
still, it's nice to see a lot of people like badlands

>> No.4045644

>The New World

>> No.4045649

Like you didn't want Pocahontas to do her little deer dance around you before jumping cunt first onto your dog (Thanks Palahniuk!).

>> No.4045653

>having read Palahniuk
how was public school for you oxygen thief?

>> No.4045658

Mulholland Dr
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Children Of Men
The Saddest Music in The World
The Seventh Seal

>> No.4045666

It was great! Hard keeping a job though, good thing I have welfare and 'disability'!

Hey, have a good day at work and make sure you put in those extra hours, I need all that tax money so I can buy that G.R.R.M. boxed set!

>> No.4045710

Synecdoche, NY
Taxi Driver
Mystic River
The Elephant Man
I'm not too experienced with cinema as an art form and would appreciate recommendations.

>> No.4045718

You would probably like Bergman (try Persona or Wild Strawberries) and you should give Lynch's other films a watch.

>> No.4045726

Apocalypse Now
Boogie Nights

>> No.4045743

Mulholland Drive
The Big Lebowski
Citizen Kane
Aguirre Wrath Of God

>> No.4045753

I've only watched the first five minutes of Harakiri, should I watch the whole thing? I haven't heard much of it, I guess it isn't one of Lang's best-known films.

because you're talking about Fritz Lang's Harakiri, right?

>> No.4045762

Say, how's that email going? Any news?

>> No.4045788

I start threads all the time about older films and directors. Only a quarter of them get replies

>> No.4045791

It's not that there isn't enough people to discuss those things, but that the posting speed of the current /tv/ kills those threads before they can be found by someone that might be willing to discuss it.
Or at least that's my opinion based on facts pulled out of my ass.

>> No.4045813

At the very least it could be an interesting experiment.

>> No.4045911

Gayniggers From Outer Space
Boat Trip
The Curse of Snix

>> No.4045955

>Only God Forgives
>Spring Breakers

I-I thought I was the only one.

>> No.4045970


Oh yeah it's not bad but I think of it as the worst in the trilogy (of sorts) he made in the early 90s. Although it's out of the trilogy, the best film he has made is Happy Together.

>> No.4045982


Never going to happen. There's no reason why the film board wouldn't be inundated with the same shit as /tv/ for a start.

I hate to say it but waiting for a film thread to pop up on /lit/, going to le truefilm on reddit or finding another forum entirely is the best offer.

Unless somebody wants to make /arts/ so we can talk about literature, philosophy, film, theatre etc together.

>> No.4045992

MUBI might be something close to what you're looking for, but a lot of the discussions there are fucking awful. It's a neverending circle jerk of people patting themselves on the back for not liking Hollywood blockbusters and talking about how evil capitalism is.

>> No.4046011


As I said above somewhere, a lot of the films listed are very literary and high in story matter which naturally shows an inclination to root for a similar sensibility to high-brow literature but I don't tend to agree with TV's idea that the lists lack honesty.

I agree that there is more to film than grand epics and would advocate contemplating them beyond just the stories they offer.

>> No.4046033


I'm a subscriber at MUBI but the forum is a bit of a mess so I haven't really bothered to check it out much.

>> No.4046309

Honestly, when someone asks me for a favorite film list, I rate it on content. It's like when someone asks me for a favorite books list, I basically just list novels. It's a subconscious thing in both cases - I don't think about it while doing it.

As a film person, do you have any recommendations of great visual/auditory movies? I've seen a number of movies that I would give high praise praise for their visuals (Avatar, Spirited Away, The Secret of Kells), but I've never paid much attention to the auditory level of film.

>> No.4046928

Sharknado. All five spots.

>> No.4047194

Wavelength, directed by Michael Snow. I might be called "pretentious" by som anon, because this film is pure visual and auditory aesthetic. All of Snow's movies, really.

>> No.4047317
