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/lit/ - Literature

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4042703 No.4042703 [Reply] [Original]

Oh hey there anon, that book looks really weird... what's it about?

>> No.4042709


>> No.4042716


I'm not quite sure yet, I just opened the fucking thing you goddamn whore. I'm literally on page 1. Give me some fucking time to breathe before you interrogate me. Goddamn woman.

Hey look at the pupils on the chick on the far left of your picture. What's she on? The other girls have normal eyes. She trippin'.

>> No.4042721

tennis and addiction

>> No.4042723


Oh cool, I'm reading Gravity's Rainbow too

>> No.4042724

>chick on the far left

that's anna kendrick

>> No.4042728

i thought gravity's rainbow was about rockets and corprophilia

>> No.4042735


No, that's Ulysses.

>> No.4042741

jamba juice was only an eproctophile

>> No.4042742
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>> No.4042750

Old Timey Racism. It's fascinating to look back and study the logical fallacies of our forefathers.

>> No.4042756

What are you talking about? Why would I be reading a book at a party? Do you feel fine? Hey... Oh my god, call an ambulance! She's having a stroke!

>> No.4042759
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Love that knows no bounds.

Waiter, I'll have four martinis for myself and these three ladies.

>> No.4042784

soon they will look back at us and laugh at our equalitarian fallacies.

>> No.4042791

2013 not knowing what the Bible is about

I then raise one eyebrow, then both, then slowly lower them in unison

>> No.4042795

s-social isolation

>> No.4042803

I hope so, man kind cannot progress without change

>> No.4042804

>he still thinks progress is a real thing and not an empty concept made to disparage past ideologies

>> No.4042813
File: 8 KB, 170x173, vomiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>group of white chicks

>> No.4043656

It's... I don't know... like, narratively, or thematically? Because narratively, it's kind of a clust - kind of a mess; thematically, though, it's, uh, it's a bit more targeted, in that, it, well, deals with the, well oh god I'm so sorry the, um, well, it's partially about depression and, uh, you know, it's not that interesting. Wh-what are you reading?

>> No.4043675

"Here are your four martinis, sir, but I'm afraid the ladies are up to you."

>> No.4043677

>our forefathers will look back at us
This be some recursive shit, yo.

>> No.4043678

4, 1, 3, 2

>> No.4043683

>eternal beta weeb detected

>> No.4043685

I agree exactly with this.

>> No.4043702

Howbeit written by mortal hands, here lies salvation from the One from whom all good things are made. Therein finds the soul a fountain of tears, wherein to wash and cleanse herself each night, that she may grow the more dear to her Maker as she dwells the further from all worldly distraction.

>> No.4043704

>not 2,3,1,4
ya blew it

>> No.4043706

actually I take it back, the proper order is 3,2,1,4

>> No.4043709

sorry you hoes wouldn't understand

we can still talk about simpler things like tv and...
seriously what do white girls even talk about with each other

>> No.4043711

>putting 4 last
Jesus, anon, even your penis is a hipster.

>> No.4043713

Railroads and Speeches

>> No.4043717

Each others' lives and the lives of their friends and/or enemies. Y'know, real, non-fictional things.

>> No.4043723

...What? It says right here it's just American short stories.

Did... did you never learn to read?

>> No.4043724

I see

>> No.4043725

Some guy is a catholic but then he's not and then he is, and then the author summarizes a lot of the bible even though everyone always told me his references were obscure, and the bible's so fucking not obscure, and he still summarized it, and he hasn't fucked eileen yet. sometimes he writes poems

>> No.4043729

maybe if you're into like angles and architecture and or something I guess

>> No.4043747

wrong it's


>> No.4043777
File: 13 KB, 182x276, CoD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about me. Now fuck off you filthy Jews.

>> No.4043781


I guess, if you want to deny their ancestral claim to Israel

>> No.4043798

New life mission: fuck #4

>> No.4043807
File: 12 KB, 245x300, Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About how everything I believed to be real can be doubted.
>The D always works

>> No.4043814


>> No.4044028

O-o-oh hey, um j-just r-r-reading *ahem* sorry, um just reading s-s-some G-g-game of t-thrones, i-its um, sorry, its just cool a-a-and stuff. Cool a-are you guys like a-a-actress's and s-stuff?

>> No.4044038


>> No.4044039

it's 5,000 shades of my dick, ;D

>> No.4044056

Its a book on Sanskrit you peasant.

>> No.4044062

I think only 2 are jewish.

>> No.4044073

I'm reading a book girl, I'm reading a book, don't you ever interrupt me when I'm reading a book.

>> No.4044102

Pre-revolution Soviet Russian allegorical science fiction.

>> No.4044107



damn it /lit/, I expect better from you

>> No.4044165

It's a deconstruction of the capitalist mode of production. Why, are you interested? I'd love to talk about Marxist theory with you, comrade!!

>> No.4044173

[Short explanation of the plot]

This is the only acceptable answer. This is how your average person sees books, as entertainment.

>> No.4044198

how white people are disgusting and the scum of the earth.
great timing, wouldn't you say?

>> No.4044223

Me too, wow!!!

>> No.4044240

I love irony.

>> No.4044255

why are you eating cacti?
where am I?
why am I reading at a dinner party?
the book's about crime and punishment obviously.
do any of you want to be my girlfriend?

>> No.4044257

please leave us alone bootsy, we weren't talking to you.

>> No.4044264

It's a dinner party for the release of your new hit book that won not only the Nobel Prize for Literature, but also Chemistry and Peace.
They're attending with their ludicrously wealthy boyfriends who are all 6'3 and sculpted by Polykleitos and are probably much more intelligent and talented than you or I, but at the same time they're really really nice.

>> No.4044265


>sculpted by Polykleitos

true mark of quality genetics. Jesus christ.

>not only the Nobel Prize for Literature, but also Chemistry and Peace.

is this real life pls

>> No.4044269

>just won three Nobel prizes
>random rich guys probably much smarter and more talented than me

>> No.4044271

not reading at dinner parties

>> No.4044321

It's this quasi-metaphorical cumulative tale, an allegory for how minor unrelated incidents can make it seem as though it's the end of the world.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

>> No.4044328

My googly eyes fixed upon her comely thighs.

>> No.4044425

A pedophile in denial. Only that this word isn't used and there's no sex in the book.

Jews are white.

>> No.4044533

You have great taste, anon.

>> No.4044685

How do you see books?

>> No.4045113

What about Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Algerian Jews, Morrocan Jews...etc

>> No.4045162

This whole white/non-white is a dumb generalisation that is used mostly by Americans because they lack the heritage to make proper distinctions. No proper European racist divides people merely in white and non-white.

>> No.4045193

jews are an ethnicity not a skin color you dense retard.

>> No.4045790

Napoleon Wars from russian perspective.