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4042540 No.4042540 [Reply] [Original]

You probably get this asked a lot but what the hell, here goes nothing.

Is any of his books actually good? Like, no edgy no-God good but scientifically good? I live in 3rd world and our publishers only recently started translating his books so i never stumbled upon any of his works

>> No.4042548

I see he's often referred to as Atheist king and some shit like that, that's the main thing i'm concerned with him. I don't even know what he writes about

>> No.4042554

ya theyre p good
they may seem a tiny bit edgy because edgy people parrot his valid arguments but he's legit

>> No.4042556
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>that whole post

>> No.4042560

If you have a problem feel free to express it rather than posting vague reaction images like a retard

>> No.4042562

Well, what are the things he writes about?

>> No.4042564

read his book summaries bro
hes an evolutionary biologist and he likes talking about how he doesnt think god exists

>> No.4042569

I'm currently reading The Selfish Gene and it has some interesting viewpoints on evolution, if you're interested in that or biology in general. I can see how his prose puts some people off though.

>> No.4042570

Don't waste your time. There are better, less pretentious pop sci authors out there

>> No.4042572

I've already read them and i can't decide whether they are simply "Fuck you there's no god" kind of books or really scientifically interesting stuff about biology. I mean, judging from his book summaries all books seem pretty interesting (and pretty much the same?) and not a single one of them seems to mention god at all. That's why i'm so puzzled, why is he like the "leader" of the whole atheist world?

>> No.4042576

Oh, post some please. Thing is, i live in 3rd world so not many recent pop sci books get published here so i don't get to know new stuff from the world

>> No.4042580

none of them are simply "Fuck you there's no god" books
it seems like you're trying to pigeon hole him into some stereotype you have about atheists
just read a book of his

>> No.4042586

I don't like being put into any group whatsoever but let's say i'm closest to being an agnostic.

I'm just trying to figure out if he's pretentious faget or generally interesting writer

>> No.4042592

i dont know what you find interesting but you're the one coming across as pretentious here
he's not really condescending or annoying if thats what you mean

>> No.4042593

Why would you read this crap?

It's pleb garbage.

>> No.4042596
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>> No.4042602

hot argument bro

>> No.4042613

>you're the one coming across as pretentious here

I may seem like that but really i'm just curious about him. I repeat, i've only seen him mentioned here on 4chan (often with hate like >>4042593) but his books were never published in my country before so i'm trying to figure out if i'd like his books (i really like pop sci literature).

I guess you don't know this feel but i am in not that good financial situation so buying books is pretty big luxury for me and i have to choose VERY wisely. Collecting money for weeks and even months to buy a book which turns out to be bad one leaves such bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.4042614
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>> No.4042623

I'm currently reading The Selfish Gene and it's a good book. He explains how the gene machinery works in a way that is easy for a layman to understand, pretty interesting stuff. I'm about half way through the book and it's all about genetics, no mention of god or anything like that, though the gene origin theory that he talks about implies no creator.

>> No.4042627

Did you try to pirate one of them to get a feel of how he writes?
Also, what are you primarily interested in reading about? He has books centered on disproving god and that's mostly what the book is about, and he has books that are basically just biology with no mention of god.

wow really cutting deep with your strawmen and wisely conceived arguments really falling apart over here

>> No.4042637

>Did you try to pirate one of them to get a feel of how he writes?

I have them on my pc but i simply can't read off screen. Too much of a struggle on my bad monitor and my poor eyesight.

I'm mostly interested in evolution and all the interesting stories it brings with it, how we're connected to every other specie etc. I don't need mentioning of god at all. How biology heavy are his books?

>> No.4042652

Ok, so don't read it. There are innumerable other books more worthy of being read.

>> No.4042655

Such as?

>> No.4042658


>How biology heavy are his books?
depends on the book. i haven't read them all but im pretty sure they are all understandable to the layman (one of the reasons for his popularity)

>> No.4042664

Which one do you suggest reading first? I was thinking with The greatest show on earth

>> No.4042671

if you're looking for a book on evolution thats probably a good choice

>> No.4042687

Thanks. What other books would you suggest reading?

And after all, how good/bad is the god delusion?

>> No.4042689

if you're looking for a book on evolution read On the Origin of Species

fuck you kids make me so angry

>> No.4042704


>> No.4042717

The Selfish Gene is a book everyone should read.

>> No.4042722

I understand the appeal of a widely known author, but you know, real thought out research is usually available in college textbooks, not popular book.

If you want to inform yourself about science, read up on bibliography recommended in such courses, same for philosophy of religion, religious studies, comparative religion, you name it.

Good luck!

>> No.4042727

I'd recommend The Greatest Show On Earth if you want a really accessible book on evolution. I've never read the Selfish Gene before but it's supposed to be really good. Don't bother with The God Delusion. It's boring and it basically just states the obvious.

>> No.4042733

I've read The Selfish Gene & The Extended Phenotype and found both to be very informative reads.

>> No.4042737

I think he used to be a brilliant biologist who made influential contributions

>> No.4042762

I often wonder how Selfish gene ended up so good when it was published as a first of his books

>> No.4042766 [DELETED] 

it was before he discovered religion

>> No.4042767

How many of his books actually deal with religion?

>> No.4042768

it was before he started protesting religion

>> No.4042785

I'm not sure, but good/bad is subjective anyways. . I just really prefer the books that are not opposing religion directly, or were written to try to change people's minds about it. That books that he has written like that are:

The Blind Watchmaker

River Out of Eden

Climbing Mount Improbable

Unweaving the Rainbow

A Devil's Chaplain

The God Delusion

The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

The Magic of Reality

>> No.4042798


8 out of his 12 books

>> No.4042800

>it was before he started protesting religion

Although it is not the central subject matter of the book, I do recall he does take one or two swipes at Christianity in The Selfish Gene.

>> No.4042807

lel, he's one obsessed motherfucker

>> No.4042834

Nietzsche, Schopenhauer

>> No.4042866
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His books are written for the average joe. They are easy to read and easy to understand. You don't have to have a real backround in any science. I found the god delusion pretty boring. While there are some interesting anecdotes of religious rites, history etc. it more or less falls into a enumeration of examples and simple arguments and facts. it get´s boring....

but for some it may be the starting point for more and better stuff

>> No.4042998
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Well he's book is pretty much shit and a huge fail at attempting philosophy and even some basic syllogisms.

If found this video in which the guy pretty much dismantles all his points.

If you have the plan to dismantle let's say Christianity using only science as an argument against it. He's been in contact only with creationists.

>> No.4043046

Is The Selfish Gene good if you're looking for an introductory knowledge of biology? (looking to review old concepts I forgot, as I last studied bio in high school)

>> No.4043055


It's scientific pessimism

>> No.4043059

>Is any of his books
I just want /v/ to leave.

>> No.4043062
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>Well he's book is pretty much shit and a huge fail

>> No.4043067

You're reading right now, aren't you?

>> No.4043090

I'm very much a layman, but for my money his older popular science writing is excellent and the god delusion isn't worth wiping your anus on

>> No.4043093

fuck off

>> No.4043180

Never read them, but i heard he debunks things that seem pretty obvious to the average person, and all you're left with as a big "duh?!".

I mean, arguing against creationists and literalists isn't exactly difficult.

>> No.4043278

Op, ignore the flame war above. His best book is the Selfish Gene, period. The only other thing might be the collection he put together : Modern science writing, or something like that. Selfish gene is a good read that let's you see evolution from a new perspective and if u want to learn basic biology, read it.

>> No.4043487

All of his books are good. The worst part I've come across was his philosophical arguments in The God Delusion, but those weren't the interesting part of the book anyway, so I just read lightly over them. Dawkins is not an academic philosopher, don't read him like one. He is primarily a scientist and a rationalist.

>> No.4043534
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OP, what if I told you that Dawkins is just mainstream bullshit? What if I told you that there is some deep, life changing books that go far beyond these petty religious debates; a third perspective that holds deeper truths?

Start with William James

>The Varieties of Religious Experience
>A Pluralistic Universe
>The meaning of Truth
>Some problems of Philosophy

The first 3 are a must. If you read these, you will never look at these religious debates the same ever again; guaranteed.

>> No.4043578

i've only read a selfish gene but it certainly was good

i'd go as far as to say it's the modern day evolution of species, and it somehow is both academic and written in laymans terms at the same time, enabling somebody that's not even very well versed in biology to learn important concepts, also for the most part he stays away from flaunting his atheism, with the exception of a couple times when he's like

"some proteins in suitable environments without bacteria to consume them replicate like crystals and eventually some forms start to dominate as their structure proves more ready to replicate or having a bit more longevity, read whatever theological claims you want into that" or somesuch

>> No.4043671

scientific pessimism is a dubious claim at best, don't believe this nigga, i guess if you read too much theologically into abiogenesis but... don't do that i guess

from what i remember it should be a good recap on the concepts you're referring to as well as expanding upon them in an easy to understand way

>> No.4043811

listen to this man

>> No.4043841


I agree that you should read Schopenhauer eventually, however, I still hold that you should start with William James and then (most likely) this rabbit hole will lead to Schopenhauer. I'm excited for you OP, your trek is just beginning.

>> No.4043985

OP get the hell out of 4chan and just read.
The selfish gene is very very informative on biology. His metaphors are on point. As a molecular biologist even I learned, or at least became aware the effects of things I already learned, more from the book.

I read maybe 2 measly very small swipes at religion in general. It comes mostly as a juxtaposition of a logical process of some thing in comparison with religous magic. I got more of a short "heh" out of it than anything.

Its not even a long book, don't let 4chan hold you back mang