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4039902 No.4039902 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about Douglas Adams?

>> No.4039948
File: 83 KB, 600x800, 1376481671590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never found it very funny

can we get a dump of those fedora images though, those crack me up

>> No.4039954

Hitchhiker's made me laugh. I thought it was ridiculous but enjoyable to read

>> No.4039977

>those fedora images though, those crack me up

oh yes, highly intelligent and hilarious images. the equivalent of posting a picture of a crying baby with the text of someone's argument.

people actually enjoy these? where did this shit start, reddit?

>> No.4039982

These are things people have actually said and that they actually think. That is why it is funny.

>> No.4039990
File: 48 KB, 480x480, 614112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you just sicken me

>> No.4039995

go home, the juxtaposition between the grandiose rhetoric and the pathetic physicality is both fucking hilarious (in part because it reminds us of ourselves at at least some level) and a lesson in self-awareness and humility.

>> No.4040001

A picture of someone (usually overweight, acne ridden, or generally embodying the mainstream idea of unattractive) with a paragraph of text (usually based on atheistic ideas and not well written).

fucking histerical. I dont understand the purpose of these images or the point they're trying to make. ugly people are atheists? generic statements are made by people who wear hats? anyone who finds these pictures funny probably also browses reddit and loves the newest cartoon memes and LULZ.

or if its an attack on atheism, its pretty pathetic but I cant say I would be surprised. what's surprising is the amount of people jumping on this "meme" and actually finding it "funny". I guess they've won with the audience they're attracting.

>> No.4040007

>pathetic physicality
>fucking hilarious

I guess I just don't find making fun of pathetic physicality as fucking hilarious as you do. Are you 12?

>> No.4040011

do you even lift?

>> No.4040013

Didn't he just copy the main theme for the first part of hitchhikers.. from Vonnegut?

>> No.4040014

>being this beta

>> No.4040016

fat manlet detected

>> No.4040019

it physically pains me to look at that neckbeard

>> No.4040024

it's probably one or two people making them over and over

>> No.4040039


It's a backlash against butthurt atheist hegemony on the internet. It gets pretty tiring not being able to discuss theology or anything remotely connected to religion without having smug and obnoxious atheists who think they've got it all worked out shitposting everywhere.

I doubt these images were made by christians, more likely just atheists/agnostics with religious sympathies.

I'm glad that 4chan has told these fuckers where to stick it, and personally find the images pretty funny.

>> No.4040052

They are actually mostly mocking the mentality that sprouted up in r/atheism. This incredibly smug brand of atheism that applauds itself for being an atheist without saying anything meaningful or interesting beyond that.

>> No.4040782

Douglas Adams was my childhood. I had a weird childhood.

>> No.4040793

I read Sirens of Titan after Hitchhiker's and I was all 'woah. This is a more serious Hitchhiker's'. Both are great, though.

>> No.4040800

Loads of fat, fedora-wearing pseudo-intellectual internet "atheists" have popped up in recent years. They frequently post things like these (usually nonsense ad-hominem) and are also fond of My Little Pony and jazz. Most of it is making fun of redditors from their atheism board thing for their one-dimensional arguments, lack of knowledge and general pretentiousness. You have managed to avoid these people thus far, and so don't "get the joke", but many of us have been less lucky. Everybody finds them irritating because they're stupid, atheists find them irritating because they devalue their viewpoint, and anyone with an interest in theology finds them irritating because of their complete disregard for anything outside of their narrow cone of vision. Most of the pieces of text are real quotes vetted from rebbit or other such sources of silly sentences, and those pictures are taken from various similar sources (profile pictures on forums, sometimes from the person who posted the quote, and most embarrassingly, occasionally from dating sites).

>> No.4040814

>It gets pretty tiring not being able to discuss theology or anything remotely connected to religion without having smug and obnoxious atheists who think they've got it all worked out shitposting everywhere.

Good point. However, I reckon that it does become a bit tiring to read various fedora and euphoria tidbits thrown around whenever someone makes an atheistic point. I wonder if we'll ever find a balance in which people can criticize, but nevertheless town down pretentiousness, towards religion in general. I suppose reddit is ultimately to blame.

>> No.4040818

Um, that's not gonna happen here, on 4chan, and I wouldn't care to have it that way

>> No.4040852

>I wouldn't care to have it that way

Why not m8? Are you a theist or do you just receive some kind of pleasure in watching enthusiastic atheists squirm on the end of fedora-laden replies? Neither spectrum there really seems to be preferable, in my opinion (although, I'll admit I haven't read much into theology). I'm just trying to keep an open mind here.

>> No.4040867

No I just like to fuck with people on the internet in really lazy obvious ways. That's why I'm here

>> No.4041751

first three of the hitchhiker's were great. enjoyable, funny, easy to read - ideal if you want something light to cheer you up.

>> No.4041755

kinda looks like a young john candy.

>> No.4041757

>They frequently post things like these

Word, so you know what people who post on here look like? Fat dudes in fedoras are likely harmless anime lovers or something. They probably don't have too high an opinion of themselves.

>> No.4041762

>thinks dougls adams isnt funny
>finds these images funny

>> No.4041768


Asspained theist smear campaign. All atheists are fedora-wearing neckbeards, m i rite?

I enjoy these nonetheless.

>> No.4041772

it's actually against new/militant atheism

>> No.4041788

Actually these are just the atheist equivalent of your average Christian, ignorant, self-righteous and loud. I am told there are intelligent, sensible versions of both, just not on the internet.

>> No.4041793

>I doubt these images were made by christians, more likely just atheists/agnostics with religious sympathies.

Pull the other one. Go on.

>> No.4041795

They are on the internet as well, they're just not as loud.

>> No.4041798

It's always reaction upon reaction. Just like the whole calling everything that's out of the ordinary 'edgy' and the whole 'just get a STEM job 300k just grow up car apartment girlfriend gym lol you guys are so edgy enjoy not being a level headed adult like me making money and not having silly counter-establishment opinions like some teenager lol edgy teens' sort of militant commonsensical conservatism that seems or seemed to be the thing for a while.

>> No.4041799

yeah only stoopid ppl go on the interwebs lol :D