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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 373x380, the bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4038711 No.4038711 [Reply] [Original]

What literature would you have put in every motel nightstand in America?

>> No.4038714

"The Private Fart Letters" by James Joyce.

>> No.4038777

Probably "Infinite Jest" with a bible cover.

>> No.4038779

I mean, it's an outdated notion now. Everyone's got access to any work of literature they'd want in a hotel room via their laptops with internet connections now.

>> No.4038923
File: 56 KB, 265x400, The-Gates-of-Janus-9780922915736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gates of janus by ian brady

>> No.4039380
File: 313 KB, 300x182, 1359307873209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.4039442

You know, I'm reading that right now, and I just realized that countless people have read the Bible cover-to-cover, yet I'm willing to bet a sizable chunk of those people would see a book like Infinite Jest (in terms of size, not quality or content) and either disregard it or not give enough of a fuck to even halfway finish it.

tl;dr why don't people finish books

>> No.4039447
File: 183 KB, 500x500, Sade book vol 1 revised-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4040593

I don't think that many people have read the bible cover to cover. Minister/priestly/seminarian types, maybe. But even the most devote (read: oddball) bible thumpers have read the whole thing. Look at Catholics, there is no necessity to even pick up the bible, I've even heard of catholic priests discouraging it since people will get their own ideas.
I'd put a dictionary or a [your country's language] to English dictionary in every room. Bible isn't a bad idea though. Or maybe a US Constitution if in the US (might come in handy...)

>> No.4040596


I have that book.

>> No.4040597

>But even the most devote (read: oddball) bible thumpers have read
*fuck* I meant "have NOT read"

>> No.4040598


the kama sutra

>> No.4040602

You should feel humiliated, Erik.

>> No.4040608
File: 18 KB, 214x320, 29eb3_communist-manifesto-cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4040609

Most people who think that infinite jest is too big to read would think the same thing about the bible. It is amazing how many Christians actually have no idea how to read the bible

>> No.4040613

1,001 dick jokes. A modern classic of equal respectability to the bible

>> No.4040615
File: 85 KB, 200x310, 1375766316657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty.

>> No.4040619

>not the international Jew the worlds foremost problem


>> No.4041376

Nobody seems to recognize the genius of your post, but kudos to you sir. If ever there was a book that people needed in HOTELS, it would be this.

>> No.4041392

Theology of the Body

>> No.4041395

A menu for the room service.

>> No.4041401

>I've even heard of catholic priests discouraging it since people will get their own ideas.

The King James version of the bible was extremely controversial in its day because it was the first English translation. Before that, the bible was only published in Latin or sometimes Greek, and thus could only be read by scholars and clergy with educations. This was done on purpose to keep commoners from reading it.

>> No.4041406

>doesn't know about the Gutenberg bible

>> No.4041408

The Bible's a pretty good choice. If not that, then the complete works of Shakespeare or Moby Dick.

>> No.4041419

a greeting card with the bokononist mud poem from cat's cradle written in times new roman size 12 with no capitalization or punctuation

>> No.4041438

The Dhammapada.

Quick read, easy to understand, and it'd potentially do a lot of good for all the lost and fucked up people who frequent motels.

>> No.4041440

How about 1984 by George Orwell?

>> No.4041444

I would put this in every nightstand ever.

>> No.4041447

OP: SAS Survival Guide

>> No.4041450

Too long, not prosy enough, read by anyone who needs to read it in school.

>> No.4041480

The Odyssey