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/lit/ - Literature

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4037857 No.4037857 [Reply] [Original]

>your country
>great books you would miss out on because of shitty education system (if not for /lit/)
>great books you read because of good education system

>great gatsby (alternatively: TSOP)
>Goethe: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (The Sorrows of Young Werther)

let's get this rollin fegits

>> No.4037872
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>Brave New World
>Vilniaus pokeris

>> No.4038016

>us of a
>all of them

>> No.4038066

>books by Gaddis
>Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana

>> No.4038118

>steppenwolf,notes from underground,One hundred years of solitude

>> No.4038130

>dostoyevsky (nothing to do with lit)
>wuthering heights

>> No.4038138

usa req reading is full of litcore

>> No.4038231

>Dear Miss Lonelyhearts (I only read American lit)
>On the Road

>> No.4038232

Buenos aires?

>> No.4038234

Hi Santi

>> No.4038238

>das kapital vol2
>das kapital vol1

>> No.4038254

I forgot to mention Spengler.

>> No.4038317

Not Santi, doing a study abroad this coming academic year in BA. Hoping to plug in to some sort of literary scene while I'm there.

>> No.4038358

Rising college senior, I'm in BA now doing an internship this summer.

I have to say I havent seen much lit, let alone any book stores with english titles.

>> No.4038371


Most classic foreign literature. The Great Gatsby is a fine example, as are most American classics that are widely discussed in /lit/.

All of Machado de Assis' body of work.

>> No.4038389

> As I Lay Dying
> De Balzac

>> No.4038404

Ah, that's what I was worried for. I've been on an AbeBooks spree stocking up. How do you feel about the city? I'll be staying in the Colegiales area.

>> No.4038416

pretty good spot to be, you're close to Palermo Hollywood which is happening. I'm in Palermo Soho and I seldom leave it. Food, boliches it has everything.

Overall this city is like NYC in the 80s. Graffiti everywhere, dirty, broken sidewalks. But it's charming. Good place for a writer.

Speak any spanish?

>> No.4038482

Little spanish, mostly highschool classes and some self study. I'll be taking courses as part of my study abroad.
That description sounds promising. Do you think you'd ever want to meet up for a beer sometime?

>> No.4038514

Russian Federation
>school system
The centralised curriculum is very broad and leaving nearly everything to the teacher. The taste of the pupils is conservative, they want predictable tests so for the most part they do receive a line-up of classics not reshuffled since the 1940s.
In my case the sole exception was the One Day of Ivan Denisovich.
>peer pressure
Muscowites do know the Master and Margarita and lads like the Strugatsky Brothers.
>having a journalist for mother
means you're also pressurized to read satyrical writers such as Saltykov-Schedrin, Voynovich and Yuz Aleshkovskiy by both her and her friends, along with 12 tomes of 18th century historiography and some 19th century pamphlets.
They liked to discuss and compare new authors such as, say, Terekhov or Sanaev; the only new authors they READ were those approved of by such established writers as Tolstaya or Bykov.
Russian internets introduced me the programmer-poet Kaganov, the mind behind many of the most renowned pieces of copypasta, to Linor Goralik, and to Vladimir Pelevin, our chief po-mo writer.
>German language internet
I have discovered the Germans on the internet are rather thick.
They have introduced me to the immortal prose of Ayn Rand. Later I discovered she was not considered a good writer at all, in contrast to Fitzerald. So I read this Gatsby and was ultimately disappointed in your terrible taste.
Has your grandfather shot any slavs?

>> No.4038519

Umm I guess Michael Ondaatje
Gatsby (we did read catcher in the rye tho)

>> No.4038530

most classics were dumbed down versions or we werent aware that the translations in most caes werent done by experts but by school teachers so the classics were usually ruined

>> No.4038547


>anything Russian, but let's say Brothers Karamazov for argument's sake

>Quite a lot, actually, as I took the high-level English classes throughout my education and they were pretty good at least at the high school level. I didn't appreciate much of what we read at the time though.

Here's what I remember reading for class (missing several from the earlier years, but w/e. Also, not necessarily saying it was all good):
>Various Shakespeare (R &J, Twelfth Night, King Lear, Hamlet iirc)
>Animal Farm + 1984
>Brave New World
>Lord of the Flies
>A Farewell to Arms
>The Things They Carried
>Blood Meridian
>All the Pretty Horses
>The God of Small Things
>Waiting for Godot
>The Importance of Being Earnest
>July's People
>The Handmaid's Tale
>Great Gatsby
>The Stranger
>Of Mice and Men
>The Inferno
>The Kite Runner

there was a couple of random Mexican novels that I don't remember, didn't like them and I'm pretty sure they were just a forced attempt at multiculturalism.

>> No.4038572

>implying i'd read the req reading

>> No.4038591

>Terra Nullius
>Chinese classics, some modern fiction
>The only good books I read in school were Greek classics, everything else was complete shit

>> No.4038596

Why woud you read the great gatsby in german? It's a book written in english.

>> No.4038889

if anything id chastise him for the unimaginative bumping.

that, and two devastating wars.

>> No.4039013

>We never read good books in school
>Tfw the only good danish writer is J.P. Jacobsen and he's a fucking jute

>> No.4039216

All Russians read Andersen. And all of our great novelists read Sören Kierkegaard
>>4038514 postan

>> No.4039226

This is the most retarded comment i have ever seen on /int/. I'm sure you retarded murrikans read all books in their written language.

>> No.4039231

>teaching Werther in schools

what a stupid fucking idea

>> No.4039244

>Die Leiden des jungen Werthers
>gutes Buch


>> No.4039249

i guess i meant fiction writer

>> No.4039254

And Andersen (if you mean H.C.) is really only a childrens author

>> No.4039280

Great Gatsby is Oberstufen level language, and there is a lot of shit cramped into the last two years. Don't blame our education system for not being able to present _every_ popular english book.