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4034147 No.4034147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about the Jews?

>> No.4034163

I think they don't exist.

>> No.4034167

I agree with Macdonald. It's a combination of group evolutionary strategy (especially its intellectual vanguard), zionism, and plain old racial chauvinism. Not all of them of course, but the ADL is openly a racial supremacist organisation and hilariously subversive. So are the other 50 lobbies exactly like it.

When you can't even say "b-but Jews HAVE historically been overrepresented in Socialism, Marxism, etc., and many extreme claims about the Holocaust have been repudiated as the scholarship has taken its modern academic form", or even that people are exploiting the memory of the Holocaust and the wall of silence around it to promote certain interests, without being Dershed out of existence, it's a pretty good indicator that strings are being pulled. It's not a fucking conspiracy. It's perfectly obvious how it works.

>> No.4034174

We're just naturally smarter than everyone else. All this "zomg conspiracy" bullshit is just white people who can't accept they're inherently inferior.

>> No.4034178


>> No.4034179

>Jews HAVE historically been overrepresented in Socialism, Marxism
I'm curious... what's this relevant to? What's the connection to the Holocaust?

>> No.4034184
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...r-ronald mcdonald?

>> No.4034186

I don't think much about them.

>> No.4034189


>> No.4034194

One of the cornerstones of politicised anti-semitism in the 20th century is "Judeo-Bolshevism", the sort of vague cocktail of ideas that Jews are either leading, promoting, or otherwise intimately involved in the forces that were perceived by many to be ripping Western civilisation apart, namely class struggle, Marxism, and especially the Soviets, who were always looming.

It's obviously not true in the sense that the Nazis conceived, but it is perfectly true in its most basic sense. The Jews legitimately do tend toward internationalist, socialist, anti-statist, multiculturalist, etc., etc. movements. Macdonald explains why and it's perfectly obvious why, frankly. Jews are more likely to be intellectuals and less likely to support non-Jewish indigenous nationalism or statism, especially if they are persecuted by the state.

But if you say anything like this, even pointing to basic statistics, you will be absolutely destroyed. I would never, ever say it in any form, even obliquely or couched in a thousand platitudes showing I'm not an anti-semite, because I actually want to continue working. The point is that even pointing to basic shit like "oh, huh, I guess a lot of Bolshevik/revolutionary leaders were actually Jewish per capita" calls down a shitstorm of censorship from ill-informed footsoldiers taught to perceive any slight against Jews as Nazism, and lobbies who know how to carefully manipulate them. I'll probably be banned just for posting this.

>> No.4034204

I'm just kidding obviously, but I do find it funny that the same white-pride /pol/sters who point to IQ studies as proof that africans are stupid, somehow ignore that the same studies show jews are smarter than them, and decry the jews as using underhanded tactics to take over the world or some shit. It's just so transparent yet they buy in to it completely.

>> No.4034205

they're fine. judaism is unusual in that you don't have to believe in order to retain your membership, still a member just by birth. and it, in the most technical sense, is a tribalist religion, racial identity being at its core. one of the core values is that there is a specific question of breeding and heredity which makes them specifically different in their obligations, rights and entitlements in comparison to garden-variety people.

but judaism is also ultimate 21st century flame bait. successful troll is successful. modern jews are themselves as good as anyone else.

>> No.4034238

I think they're Jewish.

>> No.4034286

got a link to this guy's work? I always felt that most of the things /pol/ points to as a jew conspiracy could be explained through historical and cultural explanations.

>> No.4034291

In the words of Paul Simon: "the Jews run the game"

>> No.4034373

they're racist and care nothing for the plight of african americans or indigenous people

ADL lobbied the US government against recognize the Armenian genocide as a genocide, because it would take away from the glory of the Holocaust.

Who does that?

>> No.4034379

Scum. The lords of the Americans.

>> No.4034390

I've read his wikipedia since /pol/ likes him so much. I think his best point is essentially that not all Jews are terrible and this is more of an elite Jew conspiracy. I don't think many leftist Jews would necessarily disagree with that point (Finkelstein, Chomsky, Arendt, Butler come to mind).

But being openly antisemitic is like being openly Marxist in America. No matter how intelligent and articulate your points may be, you'll get tuned out immediately.

I find that France is able to have frank, intelligent discussions about anti semitism.

>> No.4034407

/pol/ at its most stupid is racist /pol/

If there ever was a jewish conspiracy, I guarantee you it would be pushing racist tensions between whites and blacks in America.

Keep them busy hating each other, instead of hating the Jews, the government, the bankers, etc

It's very easy to spot who is a retard and who is not on /pol/

>> No.4034410

In the U.S., maybe, but recently a professor of mine expressed some pretty similar ideas and I'll also often see academics here (Australia) saying similar things about Jewish history and politics and observing that the American cultural influence is carrying with it a lot of Jewish cultural influence. It's not taboo to talk it about it here.

>> No.4034415


Remember the days when a large portion of the non-retarded na/pol/itans were here on /lit/? I don't want to put the idea into anyone's head but there's not been very much rand since pol

>> No.4034418

The only two boards I visit are pol and lit.

>> No.4034433

I kind of dislike everything about them, but I feel no hatred for Jews and I'm not interested in political anti-Zionism or anti-Semitism.
They confuse and amuse me. And I thank god I'm not a Palestinian or interested in trying to advocate a middle way between ZE HOLOCAUSE and "Jews definitely don't form a somewhat homogenous political/cultural/ethnic/economic entity with divergent interests from other groups".
The ultimate victim group. Yuck.

>> No.4034436

You're only allowed to post on one of those boards. Make your choice.

>> No.4034460

The Jews are Europe's abusive boyfriend.

>> No.4034480


But that's exactly... oh, heh, I see what you did there.

>> No.4034495

I think that people who are anti-semitic generalize all Jewish people by assuming they are all sociopaths.

>> No.4034518
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>> No.4034530

Jesus, Goldblum got old.

>> No.4034531

I like them

>> No.4034538


why did this innocent comment make me laugh so hard

>> No.4034541

They're fun people.