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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 305x275, OK+KEEP+VOTING+ME+DAOWN+IDC+HAHAHA+PHAGGOTS+HEHEHEHHEHEH+trollED+_f88b5e47bf2486b46e12c9ab4789c86e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4033414 No.4033414 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you all here discussing books and philosophy and shit and not actually reading? What's the point to /lit/?

>> No.4033417

because having our brains formatted in languages means we need to communicate or go crazy

>> No.4033419

Where did you buy your glasses?

>> No.4033420
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I can't read

>> No.4033427
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It's an interesting question really. 4chan really lends itself to the idea of a literature board in some way and really fails in other departments. On the one hand, anonymity helps voice alternative opinions and absurd arguments and jokes. On the other, it hinders authors because of plagiarism and can deeply disturb debate.

/lit/ also is perfect because the board uses it's own topic to communicate, but then it also contradicts itself in 'discussing books and philosophy and shit and not actually reading'.

Really /lit/ is best seen as a little cloud full of ideas that may spark your own creativity.

>> No.4033438

i get lonely.

>> No.4033504

Hey guys what if all of /lit/ has been recorded, and was going to be published as a book sometime in the near future. Just imagine how wet all the meta-fiction pussy would get.

>> No.4033507

in 200 years when the united states collapses and all the NSA archives are opened up all this shit will be preserved for future historians to read and be all serious about n shit, don't worry our tax payer dollars are saving every word

>> No.4033508

better start tripfagging because at the moment there's about 5 characters and anon is a loudmouth.

>> No.4033515

I could read Zarathustra twenty times and get the same messages each time.
Only by communicating with others can I get other perspectives.
Only by understanding other perspectives can I tear apart arguments.
Only by making arguments and defeating other arguments can I be a philosopher.

>> No.4033523
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You never read Zarathustra. Lrn2Gathas nga.

>> No.4033539

no matter how awful this place is we need it - we're terrified of being alone with nobody but our books

>> No.4033603

I'm at work. If I sit and read on the screen too long it's really obvious I'm not doing anything, but if I browse /lit/ I make just enough noise on the keyboard for it to sound like I'm doing something useful. This is the fastest and most consistently populated place I know of that has this level of discussion and a subject I'm interested in.
I do sometimes do some but I find it really hard to get any writing done here as I'm constantly being interrupted.

>> No.4033629


>> No.4033638

Frankly, the only purpose that this place serves for me is allowing me to totally ass-wreck a few people - who (no milk of human kindness here please) undoubtedly deserve it - on days when real life has occassioned a build-up of fury and misanthropy that needs to be vented somehow if I am to manage to go on at all.

I used to get a (largely masochistic, I suppose) satisfaction from being flamed by, and flaming, idiot 14-year-olds on other boards connected to, or descended from, 4Chan whenever - in the course of describing some hopeless romantic obsession I'd developed for one or another teenage cam-whore - I drew (as one does) an analogy with a scene or a figure from Proust or Borges.

But that got old pretty quickly, as nothing even distantly resembling an entertaining verbal volley ever got going in those situations. It was always just me delivering killer intellectual services that barely and brilliantly skimmed the net of my interlocutors' limited intellectual capacities - but never once getting a return that consisted in anything more than their standing there jeering about how books is for fagotz i make $$$$ brah u jelly etc.

Here is a LITTLE better. Some snotty little junior-high "intellectual" prattling on about how Kafka is "about alienation" or how Nietzsche's philosophy was "just a compensation for his own ill health" do, I suppose, represent bones with a FEW scraggy bits of meat left on them for me to get my polemical teeth into. I get the satisfaction of about ten minutes, or four or five posts back and forth, of sadly all-too-easy anal rape before it becomes really too obvious that these snotty little cunts know nothing, I mean NOTHING, for there to be anything more to be gained by going on.

I like to dream sometimes, I'll admit, of the possibility of the 4Chan /lit/ board's becoming something more and better than this: i.e. a place where one could actually learn from and be enriched by others and by their experience of literature. I suspect - and I say this just in case this was also part of what was implied in the OP's initial question - that the age we live in is an age of the sort that Matthew Arnold already believed himself to be living in in the middle of the 19th Century: an age when direct literary creativity is simply not materially possible and the powers of the mind are much more usefully applied to criticism and analysis than they are to fruitless attempts to "create". If such is the case, forums like this are potentially of crucial value and significance to our present-day culture.

But only potentially, as I say. The anonymity, the discontinuity, the total permeability of the place....these are its great advantages, I suppose - but also what makes the "discussion of books" that the OP refers to an impossibility her, in fact.

>> No.4033641

Shut up, nerd.

>> No.4033664

Kafka is about alienation.
Get your polemical teeth into this one
ahahaha dweeb

>> No.4033666


>> No.4033674

>an age when direct literary creativity is simply not materially possible and the powers of the mind are much more usefully applied to criticism and analysis than they are to fruitless attempts to "create".
>that's what uncreative frustrated failures tell themselves

>> No.4033701

I can appreciate that point of view.

I too sort of winced, and also giggled a little, when I saw how someone retorted, years ago, to Theodor Adorno's famous dictum

"One cannot write poetry after Auschwitz"


"Well, Teddy, let's be honest....YOU couldn't write poetry even BEFORE Auschwitz".

Nonetheless, Arnold's position in "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time" IS one that HAS to be engaged with.

Your sitting back and jeering at it with your "zing-y" greentext one-liners just proves my point about actual DISCUSSION being pretty much impossible on this board

>> No.4033707

i am reading im reading /lit/

>> No.4033711

>greentext one-liners just proves my point about actual DISCUSSION being pretty much impossible on this board
>pls write blocks of texts like me that's the only acceptable way of discussing

>> No.4033733

Fuck you little weaklings and your depressions.

We choose our feelings. Mr. Camus outlined his theory on the myth of Sisyphus demonstrating this.

No matter how shitty everything is around you, you are the master of how you feel and read to it.

Less bitching, more creating.

>> No.4033734


>> No.4033738


>> No.4033755

>B-b-but my MA!

>> No.4033795


why is there sergio leone?

>> No.4033798

I technically am reading, OP

>> No.4033802


"Technically", you are getting off laconic little "zings" and sitting there laughing your autistic-narcissistic, sterile little ass off about it.

Which wouldn't be quite so pathetic if some other little autistic narcissist hadn't gotten off exactly the same lolol "zing" as you about five posts ago in this same thread.

>> No.4033805

no I very truly am technically reading

>> No.4033808

>Because I'm human waste with shit for brains who thinks anyone else actually gives a shit about my trolling.

There, fixed.

>> No.4033809

>that one confused guy who doesn't understand shit, but keeps on writing
every thread

>> No.4033810

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot.

>> No.4033819

Another important 4Chan /lit/ board lesson:

Even an autistic narcissist inhaling with infinite delight the stink of his own second-handing "zings" can be butthurt.

>> No.4033822

go to bed zarathustra

>> No.4033823

Bed is something to be overcome.

I teach you: one o'clock in the afternoon overlooking a house-full of bellowing Africans in a street off the Old Kent Road.

>> No.4033824


>31 year old bullying people a fraction of his age on 4chan

>> No.4033841

Unless the only "fraction" you're implying here is the good old "half" (sorry, but I don't see how hokey stuff like "three-quarters" or "seven-eighths" would count), then you're surely undersetimating the average age of 4Chan users.

What? You think the majority of posts on /lit/ are by 10-year-olds?

Despite your obviously not knowing how to use use the word "fraction", though, you HAVE accidentally hit home, sort of.

I'm 54, so yeah, I'm probably bullying quite a few people who are only a third of my age, as well as a few more who are half it.

But I DID say in my first post on this thread that that is, in my view, the only thing this place is good for.

>> No.4033847

/lit/ tells me what to read.

>> No.4033852

I wasn't underestimating anything, you've mentioned being old before and your preachy way of talking is extremely recognizable.
You might be trolling and you might be lying about your age, it doesn't really matter.
You don't understand this place. You're out of your depth. Pull your head out of your arse and lurk more

>> No.4033854

>I'm 54
sure thing kid

>> No.4033862

>>31 year old bullying people a fraction of his age on 4chan
> implying that isn't the sweetest and best part of being on 4chan

>> No.4033863

I much prefer the smug feeling of knowing I'm happier and better off than others, not needing to put them down to feel better about myself.

>> No.4033866

>the smug feeling of knowing I'm happier and better off than others, not needing to put them down to feel better about myself.

sorry to break it to you pal but you haven't the slightest clue about how happiness looks like

>> No.4033867


Oh PLEASE explain it to me, I'm SUCH a newfag, I NEED your slowly-acquired wisdom about how to interact and how not to interact on the Internet.

Sorry, kid. That kind of shit might have worked if you'd been some computer-smart 18-year-old talking down to a 30-year-old newbie in 2006.

But in 2013 you'll run into a lot of middle-aged guys online who - "silver surfer" status notwithstanding - were already doing this shit when you couldn't wipe your own arse, let alone manipulate a keyboard.

So it's YOU, son, who are out of your depth and who "doesn't understand this place". I can run even biggers ring around you in matters of image-board etiquette than I can in matters of literary history and literary discernment.

Why don't YOU try shutting the fuck up and lurking for a while? You might learn something.

>> No.4033881

Not the guy you are responding to, but, are you the same guy that bullied rapture a couple of months ago?

>> No.4033885

I'm ashamed to say that my life is so fucking empty that I remember that.

>> No.4033926

I see. Do you come and post here periodically or come and lurk regularly?

>> No.4033969

Could you impart any advice on how to become less plebby from the starting point of complete plebhood? I ask this sincerely.

>> No.4033977


>> No.4034021


Ahahaha. You're just demonstrating how right I am. Is your epeen getting bigger yet?

>> No.4034042

Whaaaa? Are you the underground man?

>> No.4034043

If you are a troll you're a genius. If you're not, suicide or drastic changes are necessary.

>> No.4034054

Typical schizophrenia of the cyber-bully.

Begins with a great splurge of "my dick is bigger than your dick newfag" aggression and condescension:

"You don't understand this place. You're out of your depth. Pull your head out of your arse and lurk more"

And then, when he's called out on it, retreats like the cowardly bitch he is back to a positively "feminist" shaking of his head over how deplorably competitive and dismissive of others some "macho" board-users can be.

Make your mind up, kid.

You can't be firing off the whole arsenal of standard online putdowns one minute

"You don't belong here", "GTFO", "you're not on my lel"

and then the next minute be pretending that you're sooooo far above the "my e-dick is bigger than your e-dick" thing.

Learn some logic.

>> No.4034074

He's actually a 31 year old sperglord pretending to be older as a sort of permanent appeal-to-authority by age.

I know you're trolling because no 54 year old is that autistic.

>> No.4034082

>I know you're trolling because no 54 year old is that autistic.
There are much older people on go on the video game related boards. They must be super autistic.

>> No.4034091

That's a scary thought.

>> No.4034092

>gets trolled
>everyone laughs at him
>gets mad
now dance

>> No.4034097

I know. How anyone over the age of 16 could play video games is beyond me. Disgusting.

>> No.4034094

Don't know if I can help you there.

I was a working-class kid but I think my parents - and to an extent, I myself - belonged to a generation of working-class people who were not yet to be described as "plebs", really.

As you all, being literary people, will be aware, "pleb" is an acronym formed in the early 1990s from the words Publicly Libating English Banausics.

My people, though, were the sort of indoor drinkers with cloth caps and full sets of false teeth from the age of about 35 onward that you'll find on the covers of Morrissey albums.

>> No.4034099

There's a reason this board is slow.

>> No.4034108

Alcohol in the blood-surrogate no doubt.

>> No.4034113

HAHA time for 'my method of entertaining is superior to yours' circlejerk

>> No.4034117


I don't "have fun" or partake in "entertainment". All of my time not spent sustaining myself or belittling plebeians on /lit/ is spent cultivating my mind.

>> No.4034126

you'll grow up one day kid

>> No.4034128

It sounds to me like you are the one who has growing up to do.