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4030635 No.4030635 [Reply] [Original]

>be checking Indian philosophy
>see that it is interdependent with medicine, religion, logic, etc. to the point where these distinctions run obsolete
>end up studying Ayurveda (Indian medicine)
>see that they didnt need to open the physical body to see how it works
>realize that that is what they did with the mind as well

So, looks like the western mind is so inferior that it couldnt master the body's working in its living state so it had to open the dead body. Seems to me we've been trying to do the same with the mind until this day, only that there's no physical entity for thoughts, so we are pretty much chasing our own shadow...

What happened to the west? Where did things derailed? My bet: When Christianity was adopted by the roman empire.

Also, shame on the white man for having fucked India instead of having a normal human-human exchange.

>> No.4030644
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>Indian Medicine

>> No.4030649
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>see that they didnt need to open the physical body to see how it works
>When Christianity was adopted by the roman empire.
>shame on the white man
>fucked India instead of having a normal human-human exchange.

heavens above, 8/10

>> No.4030662

Read Rene Guenon. He explains it all.

I think it's probably a result of the Greek obsession with form and matter, and aristotle's autistic way of dividing up the sciences.

>> No.4030673

so tell us: what have you learned about medicine without opening up the body anon?

>> No.4030675


if he rubs his peepee his pee goes white

>> No.4030683

He learned all of that advanced stuff that's helped civilization for ages. You know, chakras and massage oils.

>> No.4030693

>so tell us: what have you learned about medicine without opening up the body anon?

If you rub a gold coin against your face at midnight, it will cure karyotype aneuploidies and mosaicism.

Also, if you walk in a circle and say your name backwards it reverses ageing, but only while you're doing it.

>> No.4030730

The West is great and it got even better than it was when it adopted Christianity.

The East blows massive dicks.

>> No.4030742
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>> No.4030750

>see that it is interdependent with medicine, religion, logic, etc. to the point where these distinctions run obsolete

Western philosophy was the same up until the modern period. This was why life expectancy was around 35.

But when you get cancer, just use your Ayurveda and cure it with your obviously superior mind.

>> No.4030765

>implying you're not dead either way

What's the point living to 75 when you waste most of that watching tv or working in an office cubicle?

>> No.4030772

I live in India. Whenever the question of east vs west arises here, the OP's argument always plays a major part. But it is a load of hanky-panky.
The problem here is that there is no comparison. The ancient western thinking of Socrates, Plato, usw evolved into physics, medicine and the rest. But back here it never evolved. Astrology never turned into Astronomy, Ayurveda never became Medicine, Palmistry still is not inside the entertainment industry. What I'm getting at is stagnation. We are still there as means of science.

>> No.4030776

When I get cancer I'll have my treatment Western style, OP.

Also Sinophere > Currysphere

>> No.4030778
File: 75 KB, 389x599, diogenes bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being eurosadhu


>> No.4030789

>implying indian sages didnt live to 80

yeah, the fact that the western man couldnt do it without dividing everything does not mean it cant be done.

>> No.4030801

Why would you invent physics when material things don't really exist?

>> No.4030805

>implying ancient descendants of Adam didn't live to 800

>> No.4030934

You realize the contemporary Greeks didn't do anatomy either right?
>hur muh dorkins

>> No.4030935

But he's 100% correct (except the East blowing, that's not nice). The West's problem was capitalism.

>> No.4031603


You're a fucking retard.

I'm Indian, btw

>> No.4031611

A brown sahib

>> No.4031614


*Ayurveda, my apologies.

>> No.4031804


Do you enjoy talking about stuff you have no idea about?

>> No.4031899

You missunderstand.
We took this path precisely so that we could fuck India. That is why it's the better one.

>> No.4032028

can't hear you over my dominance over 80% of the world!

>> No.4032041

Reading al-Biruni you really get this impression. It's like they just.. stopped.

>> No.4032063

Do you enjoy being a faggot no one gives two fucks about?

>> No.4032793

And yet you typed that on a computer, a product of our understanding of electricity.

And yet Atomic energy and solar panels can power our cities.

And yet, and yet and yet.

Perhaps so you could rant about Indo-China mysticism on the internet! Perhaps that is why we invented physics.

>> No.4032959

Or perhaps their country was colonized????

Also, Don't Indian people live extremely long times who live by these practices? And isn't there an Indian man who has learned to feed himself through spirit and no longer has to consume food?

They probably left the physical and went straight spiritual.

>> No.4032984

Seems to work for them. I hear bathing in rivers infested by corpses is specially healthy for the body and spiritually refreshing.

>> No.4033049

Greek scholars also lived well past their eighth decade.
The secret is sparse diet and hard work.

>> No.4033064

>one guy FAMOUS for the fact that he advocated for dissection
>3rd century

Get a load of this asshole. Sorry but the ancients respected the body and were spooked out by dissection.

>> No.4033083

Buddhism would have never been created if India was ever not-a-shithole.

>> No.4033084

Doesn't respect for a dead body run contrary to any ascetic, spiritual discipline?

>> No.4033091

Not necessarily.

>> No.4033124

>confirmed for not understanding buddhism in the slightest
lol whiteys

>> No.4033153

Buddhism was made up because a prince walked outside and said "holy fuck, India is a shithole! I;d rather be a disembodied nothingness than be in India."

>> No.4033175

Uh, Brahman, not prince. Close but different. Bystander leaves now.

>> No.4033176

Whatever you say nig-nog.

>> No.4033184

*same as a regular prince/duke*

>> No.4033182

>A member of the highest of the four major castes of traditional Indian society, responsible for officiating at religious rites and studying and teaching the Vedas.

Sounds an awful lot like an Prince-Bishop, which is basically the same but religious rather than secular.

>> No.4033186

>applying western societal constructs onto eastern society
and i'm done

>> No.4033193

>implying basic societal constructs (in this case, a ruling/overseeing class of priests in a pre-modern society) don't exist everywhere and have minor differences in terms of the culture in which it existed

>> No.4033196

>and I'm done
Bye, Reddit.

>> No.4033201

Long before even colonization. We fell into superstition and fear. And so the free enquiry of science diminished to zero. All the unsuccessful previous attempts at science never rectified themselves.

Evidently then the ancient mysticism eg.: 'chakras', still pulls people in as if that is the reality. It is a sorry state really.

>> No.4033202

>implying the split between eastern and western civilization isn't just a trivial social construct

oh looks like you got hoisted on your petard, bitch