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4028847 No.4028847 [Reply] [Original]

They read it, and were like, boo hoo hoo, I wish I could write something this complex and profound. Lulz. Don't try and deny it.

>> No.4028855

Oh, yeah.

>mfw when I reread parts of Underworld

>> No.4028883
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DFW was too much of a nice guy for this kind of feels. Pynchon, yeah, maybe.

>> No.4028884
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I guess the DeLillo fans aren't here at the moment. Perhaps we should talk about Bleeding Edge, instead.

>> No.4028887

>Nice guy
>Fucking fourteen-year-olds

>> No.4028906

Is it actually worth reading for a guy who's between pleb and patrician?

Libra was good. I liked White Noise the first time, but the second time it was just annoyingly bad.

>> No.4028934
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I think so, but it's hard going. I still have a lot of trouble understanding it. I just looked for a guide online, but nobody's ever made one. Shit. I hate it when complex books have no kind of guide. I guess I could just ask questions of the people here, but they either wouldn't know or will just tell me to fuck off retard.