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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 600x537, snob2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4027826 No.4027826 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a TV snob?

As in, do you do things like refer to the TV as the 'idiot box' or think less of people who watch tv or whatever?

>> No.4027839
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No. I fucking hate it though. I haven't watched television on the set since 2009. There are very few tv shows that I enjoy. The Wire, Generation Kill, Firefly (which didn't even finish) BSG when I didn't know any better. Some Walking Dead. That's only like five shows though, out of untold thousands. I guess I am a fairly anti tv person. My family will park their asses in front of that shit and just watch for hours, it's appalling. Or netflix which is the same shit. I don't like that it has displaced reading but I guess people would still be mostly stupid even if they read eg twilight 50 shades

>> No.4027840

Depends entirely on what they're watching.

>> No.4027858

The Wire and Firefly are two of my favourites.

Couldn't stand BSG after two seasons or the Walking Dead after the pilot episode.

>> No.4027862
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TV is for troglodytes (pic related)

>> No.4027865

>it has displaced reading
Could be a good thing. We're in a golden age of television right now. If the good stuff overtakes the bad stuff, TV could be the new literature. People are always alluding to the novelistic arcs of shows like The Wire, after all.
Salman Rushdie thinks this is the future.

>> No.4027867

>/tv/ is for troglodytes


>> No.4027868

Your enjoyment of one medium shouldn't affect your enjoyment of others.

>> No.4027869
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>> No.4027870

That's dumb. Often they're highly influenced by one another.

>> No.4027871

It was an innocent contribution to the discussion. It's worth considering all possibilities. It's not really so far-fetched.

>> No.4027873

>The Wire
I think DFW watched an episode of The Wire just before he killed himself.

Don't pretend there's no connection there.

>> No.4027874

I watch Community and Hannibal. I also quite enjoy Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm

>> No.4027876



>> No.4027877

I only watch BBC adaptations of great literature. All American TV is tripe.

>> No.4027878

No, you die, Dan Harmon is actually an awesome incredibly capable writer and that show's amazingg

>> No.4027879

Mostly I watch light, silly comedies or cartoons. I tend to intellectually exhaust myself reading and working so if I'm watching tv it's because I just want to zone out for a bit.

>> No.4027881
File: 63 KB, 300x100, dfw headline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this banner a moment ago. Never noticed it before. Can someone explain the imagery to me?

>> No.4027887

You've been indoctrinated by the Reddit army of Harmon-drones. There's nothing special about the show. It's painfully mediocre. Sentimental, uninspired and over-reliant on pop-culture references. It may not have a laughter track, but don't be fooled, it's utter pabulum. You should be ashamed.

>> No.4027895

>don't watch some popular shit
>watch avatar instead

does anyone know the name of the one with two women sitting in that image?

>> No.4027896

I fucking love good TV. It's where I get most of my comedy kicks. It's one of those things that's great to do when you feel too tired to do anything else. It also never fails to cheer me up if I'm feeling low. Of course I'm rather picky and will download things that I like rather than just channel flicking.

>> No.4027897

Of course I think 95 % of tv is shit and for plebs. But I'm not hippocritical. Spending so much time on 4chan is also for plebs

>> No.4027899

The question is, how much chan time is too much chan time?

>> No.4027900

Television can't replace books the way that Discovery channel can't turn you into a physicist.

>> No.4027908

TV has the potential to be great, both for art and for transmittance of information, but most of it is really shitty right now. Especially most news.

There are some gems and I do watch it a bit, but I cannot help but judge the people who watch things like jersey shore or whatever.
Yea, it's especially great for comedy because body language and timing are huge aids for comedy.

>> No.4027912

Who here is suggesting that it would ever act as a replacement? Personally I don't think TV is a good medium for learning at all.

>> No.4027914

TV isn't what's bad, per se, but the institutions that decide what gets shown definitely fucking suck. But that's the same with anything really because it's all the same institutions.

>> No.4027916

There's very valuable Kierkegaard discussions in Danish television, I think you're right.

>> No.4027918


typo, meant to say exactly 25 minutes a day is enough

>> No.4027917


imo more than 25 minutes a day is probably enough. Enough time to see all the edgy stuff that you wouldn't see anywhere else, plus get the necessary social interaction I need to avoid going insane.

I must spend over 2+ hours here a day though

>> No.4027920

TV relies on its ability to hook viewers into a routine but the thing with me is I am unable to form routines of any kind. the majority of my interaction with TV is hearing it as background noise when I'm playing setback with friends. as for the shows, the quality ones are few and far between and even good ones fall prey to the need for filler. also I think the distinction between TV and Shows is important, as TV is the service whereas shows are the products. shows become palatable when separated from TV, in my head that is.
and you know it's not hard to be a snob about the content TV delivers; their cheap production budgets and need to appeal to the lowest common denominator in the major networks make it easy. some people just want to watch the same kind of shit over and over and be told what to like. TV fills those orifices.

>> No.4027928

There is actually a surprisingly large amount of shows recently with no real filler.

It's true that TV is by nature prone to that kind of thing, but people are strangely shying from it. I think it's because the public likes to talk about arcs and cliffhangers and things in terms of character development, and you can't really have filler with character development.

>> No.4027940

i love tv, especially all those swanky expensive american shows like breaking bad and mad men and game of thrones and the sopranos and such and such

>> No.4027941


Tokyo Story

>> No.4027942

I'm asking you guys this because, fool that I am, I trust the opinion of the general /lit/ user far more than that of the general /tv/ user.
I'm on Breaking Bad S2 E4 right now. When does this show get good again? I loved the first three episodes for the pitch-black humor but since Walt killed Krazy 8 it just feels like a bunch of shit is happening instead of any coherent plan.
Does it get good again, or should I not waste my time?

>> No.4027943
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>think less of people who watch tv
It depends what they watch.

>> No.4027944

up to you man.
the humour does come and go in waves, sometimes it's just a bunch of serious hand wringing and boring domestic drama, sometimes there is a bunch of hilarity and drug making shenanigans.

there is some great stuff in the second half of the second season though, just wait until you get to the better call saul episode before dropping it

prepare to rage at the conclusion of the second series though

>> No.4027947

>also I think the distinction between TV and Shows is important
I agree. I almost never watch TV, but I do watch plenty of shows.

>> No.4027948
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Yes. Season 3 really picks up, and season 4 is even better. The story line with Gus and Hector is the best in the whole show.

>> No.4027951

Keep watching, season 3 is really good

>> No.4027952

>implying there are any bad episodes

Do you even BrBa?

>> No.4027959
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Yes. I think anyone who intentionally turns on the television and spends hours trudging through this shit must be an idiot. Knowing that there is a specific film, show or documentary on, and turning on specifically for that is one thing, but there are a lot of people who spend the bulk of their free time flicking through a list of unwatchable shit. Anyone who spends six hours a day hopping between crap they have no interest in is an idiot or married.

>> No.4027964

I've seen many great TV series like Six Feet Under, The Sopranos, The Wire, Band of Brothers etc. I don't watch them on TV because they broadcast them half a year later in my country. Occasionally I watch the news or some political talkshow but that's it.

Also Seinfeld, motherfucking Seinfeld

>> No.4027966

>Seinfeld, motherfucking Seinfeld
Have you seen this?

>> No.4027970

>I don't watch them on TV because they broadcast them half a year later in my country.
You are better of streaming them anyway. 5 advertisement breaks in an hour program destroys the flow of the show.

>> No.4027973

Well they broadcast HBO series in my country on a state-funded channel, so there's no commercial breaks

>> No.4027977

What the fuck

>> No.4027981

hey, the 1939 wuthering heights is awesome

>> No.4027984

Note how there are 76 pages.

>> No.4027988

Bargain Hunt followed by Kirstie's Handmade Treasures is better.

>> No.4027990

No. In fact I do own a TV, but I don't really know why I have it, because I only ever watch the news, and that's only like once a week.

>> No.4027993

s3 starts building back up and s4 is fucking really good, like probably the best season

>> No.4028012

You will never deconstruct modern myth with your qt gf ;_;


>> No.4028022
File: 209 KB, 1200x675, fly_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there aren't bad episodes
3x10 man, 3x10

>> No.4028030

My mom is glued to it. There's always multiple TVs on in the house at any given time. Kind of irritates me when it gets to that point.
I watch just a handful of shows The only ones that I can think of are Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Louie, Parks & Rec, and sometimes Walking Dead. I usually just torrent or watch it off Netflix.

>> No.4028038

>not one of the best
Full plebeian

>> No.4028040

>My mom is glued to it.


My mum does this peculiar thing with her head when she's watching TV. If I try to talk to her while a program is on, her head starts to turn towards me but her eyes never leave the screen. If it's just a single question or a comment it goes completely noticed, and the head will turn slowly back to face the TV. If I make a real effort I can break the gaze, and the eyes snap away and I can gain her attention, but it's always accompanied by a look of disgust as she has to pause the program to rewind it.

>> No.4028064

Most of it is complete shit but the wire, deadwood, carnivale and a few others are brilliant

>> No.4028085
File: 7 KB, 300x286, 1376340489440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch The Mentalist, Dexter and Hannibal.
The only show running now is Dexter and I'm enjoying it so far Even though the first few seasons were better than the rest, I think this season has been decent enough and worth watching.
Eagerly waiting for The Mentalist's last season in winter; it's a very nice show with interesting characters and a well-formed plot. I never see it mentioned on 4chan. I went once or twice to /tv/ to check if it's mentioned, but never.
I posted these here and not on /tv/, because we all know how they are over there. "No thanks, I'd rather /lit/"
Picture not related, but it's from In Bruges, which is a very nice movie. I think all people should see it.

>> No.4028087

I haven't sat down to watch live television in years, but I follow a few shows. I tend to wait until the show finishes and then watch it at my leisure, though not always. Still waiting on my fuckin' Boardwalk Empire. The Wire, The Shield and The Sopranos are among my favourites, there are probably more but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.4028102

>In Bruges
my fuckin nigga

best movie I've watched for the first time in quite a while

>> No.4028104
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>Still waiting on my fuckin' Boardwalk Empire.
When does that start again?

>> No.4028124

That's what I thought as well. I also recommend The Machinist, it was also a nice movie.

>> No.4028129

TV is exceptionally entertaining but the only thing it has displaced is Hollywood blockbusters.

It gives people a reason to be invested in character arcs but they are always incredibly over-bloated and fall to the way of high-octane drama. It would have potential if it be something without the need for studios to seek popularity.

Anime has more to offer than TV and anime a shit.

>> No.4028133

>watching the idiot box, or, as I prefer to refer to it as, the electric jew

>> No.4028138
File: 22 KB, 910x625, sony-tv-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always preferred Charlie Brooker's term, the Black Mirror.

>> No.4028140

>reading the paper jew

>> No.4028142
File: 285 KB, 1436x1080, jons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard that too, but I never like christian bale

>> No.4028146

>I never like christian bale
Oh, it's okay. He's not really American, he's British.

>> No.4028148


>> No.4028163

>Why don't you watch GoT, anon?
>I don't like it
>You should read the book then, it's much better
I never got this. Why would I want to read the book just because it's better than the series? Fair enough that there aren't that many TV series to watch besides GoT, but there's so many fucking books I'd rather read than ASOIAF

>> No.4028216


Oh my.

>> No.4028220

>In bruge

Meh, it was okay. Kind of felt like it aspired to be a masterpiece but after the middle didn't bother anymore

>> No.4028274

>using the internet jew
I haven't watched anything by brooker besides black mirror and dead set but I'm pretty sure 'black mirror' has nothing to do with modern television

>> No.4028280

"If technology is a drug – and it does feel like a drug – then what, precisely, are the side-effects? This area – between delight and discomfort – is where Black Mirror is set. The "black mirror" of the title is the one you'll find on every wall, on every desk, in the palm of every hand: the cold, shiny screen of a TV, a monitor, a smartphone."

– Charlie Brooker

>> No.4028283
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>> No.4028287


>> No.4028288

Most of TV is garbage, but only because they try to fill 24 hours of the day with information. It's simply impossible.

It's good for high quality entertainment shows like the ones HBO does, and sports.

Everything else should be done by different media.

>> No.4028289
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One of his guardian articles.


>> No.4028298

eh TV news could be good but it's done so so so wrongly right now

>> No.4028673
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But I like my trashy American tv occasionally.

>> No.4028687
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TV sucks, but I don't really think less of people for watching it (well kinda but not that much)

>> No.4028688
File: 60 KB, 467x347, 1316181247_jimmy-fallon-jersey-shore-467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I have seen every episode of Jersey Shore.

>> No.4028689

In the name of DFW, I beseech you to read E Unibus Pluram

>> No.4028701
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I watch Mad Men and Breaking Bad, but that's it.

>> No.4028719

I've watched quite a bit of TV. Lots of teen dramas (GG, OC, OTH, etc), Bravo/reality crap (RHBV, RHATL, Ru Paul's Drag Race, Mob Wives, etc.), boring dramas (HBO, AMC, FX, etc), comedy (overrated brit stuff). I tend not to watch competition shows save Ru Paul and Project Runway and a few others, where the contestants are more interesting than the actual competition and I am pretty ignorant of most golden age/classic TV shows.

I put myself on cold turkey, mainly after reading Postman, and haven't watched anything in the past few months til I figure out a way how I can watch it w/o it consuming my life. But I was pretty pretentious/opinionated with the TV I watch even if I am not discerning on the ostensible quality.

>> No.4028745

>I have seen every episode of Jersey Shore.

You will never get back those brain cells.

>> No.4028758

i don't talk about tv, but i do think less of people who watch tv. especially if it's "good" tv like the wire or breaking bad or whatever. that's even worse than the standard trash.

>> No.4028768

>i do think less of people who watch tv. especially if it's "good" tv like the wire or breaking bad or whatever. that's even worse than the standard trash.

Can you explain your reasoning a bit more?

>> No.4028778

Whoa, is that from Season 6?

Damn I need to catch up on that shit

>> No.4028779

Mad Men
Breaking Bad
The Newsroom
The Americans
Person of Interest

These are all the shows I'm currently watching.

My favorite television shows of all-time are Mad Men and Deadwood. I've never watched The Wire or The Sopranos but I'll get around to that once I'm done with Fringe. Fuck you, I love Joshua Jackson.PACEY X JOEY <3

>> No.4028784
File: 32 KB, 500x413, tumblr_mlsdmiSkSo1r4fzfto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch good films and non otaku pandering anime (pic related) via the internet or dvds. Havent bothered to pay for cable or satelite in years. The last good non-adult swim/comedy central show was Star Trek TNG. Whenever Im at a friends place I try to find something to watch but other than Workaholics I never find anything good.
I have a special hatred for cop/law shows and reality shit.

>> No.4028791

No, I even watch some myself

>> No.4028801

I watched the whole thing and still don't know if I find Olivia attractive or not. Sometimes she looks stunning, and others like a horse.

>> No.4028803

-Red Dwarf
-Black Books
-Dr. Who

>> No.4028805
File: 13 KB, 640x480, 1374729751476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also: all of you who watch breaking bad, game of thrones, mad men, sopranos, and etc are in no way better than someone who watches Mtv, desperate housewives, or whatever else is popular among the stupid these days. You're damn right I'm a 'tv snob'.

>> No.4028809

It's from season 5, I think. You do need to catch up on that shit though.

>> No.4028810
File: 59 KB, 411x395, VFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talking shit about The Sopranos.

>> No.4028812

I'd smash the fuck out of Olivia.

>> No.4028813

Just as you're no better than people who watch okatu pandering anime.

>> No.4028814

shit of a different flavor is still shit

>> No.4028816

Christ, someone who watches Hannah Montana is better than someone who watches anime.

>> No.4028820

You watch television shows and think people who watch television shows are stupid? What?

>> No.4028828

>Hasn't watched The Sopranos but still feels he can have an opinion on it

>> No.4028844

TV Shows are undeniably better now (or at least more entertaining) but they are still shallow owing to their desire not to cross a certain line. They owe much inspiration to Hollywood and they have done a great job at emulating certain visual narrative characteristics and blending in the natural appeal of consistency/character evolution over time. They can be interesting (The Wire, Sops etc) but they just constantly feel as if they are scared of treading into certain territories which would make them more interesting, more authentic, more challenging and less accessible.

I think of the method of a lot TV Shows much the same way as I think of Ellen Page's character in Inception. As such, sometimes they can feel really similar to one another.

>> No.4028846

No, i watch a decent amount of tv, although that is only stuff i download, i haven't sat in front of a tv for a whole, as there is never anything good on and i can't stand adverts.

>> No.4028851

Never claimed to be m8, im directing my comments at morons who think theyre better than anyone.

>> No.4028859

>dismissing entire genres
Sup /mu/

>> No.4028871
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I havent watched television sinceI was 16, 6 years ago, save only adventure time and anime. I dont know what it is, but everything else seems to formulaic that it becomes very very boring. Most anime is like this too, but a few are able to go past the usual formulas. And aesthetically its much more pleasing to watch.

>> No.4028886

>disliking anime on 4chan
Reddit might be a better place for you.

>> No.4028893

>Defending Asian cartoons on /lit/
Try /a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/

>> No.4028895

No fun allowed!

>> No.4028912
File: 266 KB, 818x365, 1370509667521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole site is filled with anime lovers, that what its based on. Its sort an unsaid rule that anime is accepted everywhere in discussions where its board related.

Which this thread is not.

>> No.4028913
File: 77 KB, 849x1217, sample-e832036b5bbb9c1ad19b15f3b23024ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try faggot, but I post on /m/

>> No.4028917

I really like Drake and Josh. In fact that's all I really watch anymore.

>> No.4028922
File: 26 KB, 696x640, 1371685086348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime isnt a part of television
>implying this thread is /lit/ related anyway
If I was a mod i'd ban the OP and delete the thread.

>> No.4028933
File: 57 KB, 351x480, 1376116348168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I didnt imply that this thread was /lit/ related?

Well whatever, I agree with you, I just cant sage bomb enough though

>> No.4028935

Actually I have watched the sopranos. Notice that this is an anonymous website. You cant assume anything here.

>> No.4028971

>You cant assume anything here.
I can. I just did.

>> No.4028973

Yes, but only if it's any sitcom with a laugh track or reality show.

>> No.4028982

Oh hi/heil Dr. Axel Stoll.

>> No.4028984

yes my brotha!! Drake and Josh taught me to speak English very good. I wait for more episodes and hope Josh gets to kiss as many girls Drake.

>> No.4028989

What are some angsty TV shows for me to watch?

>> No.4029001

Well that makes you a newfag

>> No.4029015

Calling the tv an 'electric jew' from now on.

>> No.4029044

>This whole site is filled with anime lovers

In the past, sure, but that's certainly not the case any longer. I have always disliked anime and most anything relating to Asian culture. I started coming to 4chan for /sp/.

>> No.4029051

I like Tim and Eric because it deconstructs the whole narrative of modern tv culture.

>> No.4029054

What do you mean in the past? All of the popular boards have large amounts of anime related conversations. /b/ /v/ and /a/ just for starters

>> No.4029064

Anime and Japanese shit are no longer the main attractions of 4chan.

>> No.4029069


>> No.4029084

TV is shit and for the most part every show is just a rehashing of character tropes and predictable arcs and stories. That's what they're designed to be, anyway Filler for the average American coming home from work.

I seldom enjoy movies or shows. I'm not gonna namedrop because that's narcissistically unnecessary.

>> No.4029089

You're a silly guy.

>> No.4029099

Oh, are you some kind of authority? Are you moot? Are you refering to /b/?
Well I was wondering why you were so cancerous.

>> No.4029122
File: 1.72 MB, 236x244, 1361704816626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand this site. If this wasn't the main attraction, why are there still so many boards and subboards dedicated just to that? If they were unpopular they would be gone

I mean look, 22 of the 64 boards are either directly dedicated to anime or are closely related to anime and have frequent anime related threads, like /v/ and /b/. Most of the popular boards are within those 22.

And I know you might say, 22 isnt the majority of 64, but no single other topic has that much attention to it on this image board. Video games and 4chan itself dont even have that many boards dedicated to the subjects

>> No.4029168

>why are there still so many boards and subboards dedicated just to that?
To keep things contained to specific boards. Boards like /fa/ /3/ /lit/ /mu/ /pol/ /sci/ /an/ /trv/ and most of the others don't give a shit about Asian cartoons or kids dressing up like cartoon characters. The main attraction to this site, the one most kids are lured to, is the moth-like attraction to the intellectual bonfire that is /b/. The gore, the porn, the anything goes free-for-all and exposure to racism and bigotry and misogyny, and all the things society has told them is wrong for 14 years that they can now play with... And that, unfortunately is the mentality carried around this site. /b/ is the lure, not asian cartoons. All the other board have a subtle disgust for that shit.

>> No.4029346

I have to wonder why. The proportion of anime that is shit is no greater than anything else. Is it just more blatant?

>> No.4029475
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No its just all in that posters head

>> No.4029518

the guardian isn't a serious newspaper
also what if charlie brooker is lying?

>> No.4029521

>the guardian isn't a serious newspaper
It's no Daily Sport, that's for sure.

>> No.4029527
File: 111 KB, 501x595, Electricjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you're a neo-nazi

>> No.4029545

No, it's not, it can get even worse


>> No.4029555


What's a Neo-Nazi? A white person that doesn't like his culture being destroyed? I guess I'm a nazi then.

>> No.4029561

>A friend told me yesterday that her four-year-old announced she had done a poo "like a brown dolphin". Another friend remembers her little sister sitting on a potty and saying, "Look! It is a beautiful golden sun!" before they all waved it goodbye, discussing the beautiful sunset as they flushed it down the loo. I know I must, but I am resistant. I do not want to flush my daughter's beautiful sunsets down the loo.

That's actually pretty good. It's deserves at least a Wayne Wang film adaptation.

>> No.4029569

There's tons of terrible, mind-numbing television, which leave me a number of sentiments against the medium.

But there's shit in every storytelling medium, and there are some excellently written and innovative tv series on air right now. Breaking Bad is probably the most obvious example.

I also love Adventure Time; I think it's heir apparent to the throne of the cartoon medium. It's surreal, nostalgic, experimental, and of surprising intellectual depth.

Some anime is pretty good - the obligatory series like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop are great, especially the former. Fuck I love that show.

What else?
Star Trek: The Next Generation... The Twilight Zone... Fuck, Looney Tunes.

There's been plenty of TV worth watching.

>> No.4029573

>Star Trek: The Next Generation
I've been rewatching it, the first season is pretty bad on so many levels.

>> No.4029576

I only watch BBC4 and all the 24 news channels.

>> No.4029585

I find BBC4 disappointing.

>> No.4029586

i like sitcoms

>> No.4029589

It's been a long time since Ive watched it - especially the first season - so you may be right. But it, at least, becomes a damn good show.

>> No.4029596

If you like NGE I would suggest Raxephon, Ideon, and the Getter Robo manga (specifically Go, Shin, and Arc getter)

>> No.4029613

I watched a few episodes of Raxephon and it seemed in many ways to be similar to NGE to the point of being derivative. The art and mecha design was great, though. Does it get better/develop an identity of its own?

I'll check out the other. Thanks, friend.

>> No.4029639

Not him, but Evangelion had such a huge impact on the industry that there were a number of copycat shows from around that time period. Rahxephon was one of the most blatant.

If you want my personal recommendation, watch Utena.

>> No.4029704

The ending of Rahxephon is much better than NGEs, I consider Rah to be superior mostly because I like the MC better than Shinji. There are also some really nice later episodes that I cant describe because spoilers.
But even NGE is derivative: its basically a mix of Ultraman, Devilman (manga), Getter Robo Go (manga), and Ideon with Shinji being a more realistic version of Amuro from Gundam 0079. A little bit of Mazinger in the design of Eva 01 too.

>> No.4029708

Also Asuka is basically the same character as Jung Freud from Gunbuster, which was created by the same people.

>> No.4029713

Raxephon owes just as much to Brave Reideen as NGE

>> No.4029737

Yeah, everything comes from somewhere. I think Anno himself credited Devilman and Ideon (mostly the movie, I'd assume) with having massive influence on the show.

Also, if you haven't seen it, I'd highly suggest watching End of Evangelion. It's better than the show's ending.

>> No.4029779

Honestly, I prefer the ending to the show. The resolution is only thematic, but we watch Shinji overcome nhilism bit by agonizing bit. It's beautiful, and when he finally does it I can't help but tear up. We've watched him push his boulder up the mountain time after time, and we finally get to see him find joy it. We must imagine Shinji happy.

Anyways, the film ending is also great, and I completely understand why most people like it more. The first half is incredible and violently disturbing, and the second half has a number of great moments - but the second half is also where the writers just proceed to pull never-mentioned plot devices from their asses as Professor Fuyutsuki gives blatant exposition.

>> No.4029792
File: 651 KB, 500x422, 1374788226851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone pretending to be Quentin stealing D&E's troll
It's like a 7-layer burrito of shit.

>> No.4029794

To be fair, the visual aspects of Avatar were extremely impressive. The rest, not so much.

>> No.4029804

>Desperate Housewives
u wot m8?

>> No.4029820

I don't think less of people who watch television, but I generally ignore it myself. Haven't watched anything on the TV in a few years.

One piece of good television I haven't seen mentioned here is Twin peaks.

>> No.4029867

A little yes. I can't help but feel childish pride when mentioning i don't really watch tv, but I don't ridicule others.

>> No.4029868
File: 698 KB, 500x381, 1POmukT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Television is a terrible thing and should have never been brought into existence. If you want to be entertained, read literature or watch a movie. The time you will save and the knowledge you will gain will be far more beneficial than the hours upon hours you spend glued to the television, watching mindless shit or playing video games.

I don't call television "the idiot box" but I do belief that it is an utter waste of time.

>> No.4029870

>and boring domestic drama
that's exactly why I stopped watching that shit. it was great when he was learning about the drug business and becoming a badass but everything else was pretty awful, especially anything to do with his wife

>> No.4029872
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>Anyone who spends six hours a day hopping between crap they have no interest in is an idiot or married.
>or married
too fucking true

>> No.4029880

Oh God, it gets worse than early-middle season 2? You know, after they kill Tuco.

>> No.4030041

the unfortunate reality is that a lot of it is pretty good, but what the fuck is the point.

hours and hours and hours just to see some fucking story that is probably a subtle rip off of some other story play out. why ? no really, why ? do people not know that movies exist ? takes generally an hour and a half to watch a fuckin movie . takes 7 hours to watch a season of a tv show. what the fuck is the point ?

>> No.4030043

I know! Might as well just read the Odyssey over and over and over and over, ya know?

>> No.4030046

no really, think about this a little bit more than not at all...

keeping up with just ONE SEASON OF ONE FUCKING SHOW takes like 5-10 hours out of your life.
then you get these americans (im american) who keep up with 5-10 shows for some reason.

>> No.4030050

I basically only watch sport on tv.

TV is alright.

>> No.4030054

How much time do you spend on 4chan?

>> No.4030059

I listen to 1-5 albums of music a day.

watch a movie every now and then.
crack a book occasionally
thats my culture intake
putting in the effort to a show just because other people are into it ? why

>> No.4030065

no but really. almost everyone i know who is "literary" my age barely ever reads. they spend all their leisure time on shit like game of thrones and breaking bad. why should i keep up with this stuff ?

>> No.4030073

You don't have to? But you don't have to get mad that other people spend their leisure time differently to you either.

>> No.4030356

I learned English watching tv shows and films. Currently learning Japanese and German the same way. This is a clever way of learning a language while simultaneously being entertained and eventually discovering actual artistic content.

Taking many seemingly useless activities and using them in imaginative ways can genuinely turn something initially mediocre into something meaningful and constructive.

I have ADHD and I play long chess games as a method to improve my willpower, patience and lengthen my attention span. What seems to be a useless game turns out to be quite productive and has nice side effects (chess culture, problem solving qualities, new hobby).

>> No.4030378


you sound like a bretty cool guy honestly.

>> No.4030698

I mostly watch film but it's almost always quality art house film.

If they would rather watch game of thrones to a Tarkovsky film then they are likely idiots.

>> No.4030749

so patrician

>> No.4030779

I like some old series, back when TV was TV. X-Files, TNG, SVU. Now TV wants to be the movie or whatever and all this serialized stuff is horrible. It tries to be more than it is but just ends up being a snoozefest where everyone talks too softly for 50 minutes and then someone dies or gets laid.

I look down on people who get wrapped up in the hype around TV shows, mostly Game of Thrones and BBad fans.

>> No.4030780

No, I don't really take myself that seriously. I would never pay for TV, but I will sit down with my family or friends and watch something like How I Met Your Mother. Just being with those people and laughing with them is a worthwhile use of my time, I think. However, television is too advertising based for me to enjoy any content that is even half decent.

>> No.4030781

>listing HBO shows
You are just the worst.

>> No.4030785

I just can't stand the authors/artists that try to take the Tim and Eric approach to their work(millennial parody). It's funny, but it's obvious, and Tim and Eric were definitely funnier than you, kid.

>> No.4030807

All those series are very well-written

>> No.4030812

Most TV snobs are pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.4030817

>T-tarkovsky's good r-right? Yeah, they'll think I'm real patrician if I like Tarkovsky
Casual namedropping is the worst thing you can do.

>> No.4030830

in retrospect, i was much more creative and interesting in the period where i watched tv pretty much all day long (my childhood) compared to the period where i sit on the internet all the time (now).

>> No.4030832

maybe you see a bit of yourself in him

>> No.4030849

I don't think the two are related. You become less creative and bright-eyed as you get older due to school and other things. At least in America.

>> No.4030856


>But there's shit in every storytelling medium, and there are some excellently written and innovative tv series on air right now. Breaking Bad is probably the most obvious example.

I don't want to argue because I think your post is good but what is innovative about Breaking Bad?

As far as I can tell it's just well-written (which may have been your point).

>> No.4030859


BBC4 has become adequate lately. The documentaries are getting more like BBC2 documentaries and half of its schedule is devoted to an old man talking about music he liked 30 years ago.

>> No.4030864 [DELETED] 


At first I thought the ending to EoE was great because the emotional pay-off far exceeded the original TV show. Since then I've come to like the TV show ending more because it outwardly focuses on the plight of its characters rather than the spectacle of the world's end - this is essentially the main draw to Evangelion in the first place. The mecha fights are just dressing.

Plus EoE is pretty edgy. Annoyingly so. Like somebody in a state of mania.

>> No.4030886

I was upset that they cancelled a lot of their original programming in favour of buying in sub-par Danish programming, like Borgen. I even like quite a few Danish programmes, but they really bought in some terrible shit.

The documentaries are way too variable in quality, but they still really need to step up on their arts programming. It's inevitably some douche giving hackneyed opinions on pieces. Some of their music stuff is pretty good, a lot of its done by the same guys that did that Gramsci doc for channel 4 in the late 80s/early 90s. The other documentaries are good quality too.

But yeah, I want my licence fee to be spent a little better really.

>> No.4030888

I don't understand you literary types that look down on television like it's for plebs or something.

Reading literature constantly is as bad for you, if not worse than watching tv all day. The person watching tv may occasionally watch a News programme or documentary. If you bury your head in fiction all day you're just as passive and plebian. People that read all day don't think for themselves or create anything. They don't problem solve. They're not exercising their brain. They just absorb all day long like idiots hooked up to drips. Indeed, usually people that read all day compulsively are doing it for escapism because their life sucks.

Reading doesn't make you better than people. It's just a hobby to be done in moderation like anything else.

>> No.4030892

I was a while back, then I realized I was being a faggot. Now I'm not.

>> No.4030898

DID YOU KNOW there are also non-fiction books as well as fiction.

>> No.4030905

good books are always and vastly better than good tv
there are shit books, we generally dislike genre fiction
and watching good tv is maybe better than reading a shit book
but that's not the point
I look down on people who read shit books too

>> No.4030917

But I'm a patrician and I don't watch TV, so it must be for plebs. Simple logic, friend.

>> No.4030951

It depends on what you mean by television. Admittedly, some shows are for the brain dead [[Jersey Shore, The Valley's, Made In Chelsea, The Only Way Is Essex etc]] but there can be good, useful information on there. You just need to know where to look. Some people prefer television, because their minds act in a more visual manner, meaning they respond more positively to visual stimulation, whereas others prefer the more physical act of reading a book. Both acts, in the right circumstances, can stimulate and excite your imagination. However, both acts can also turn your brain to mush [[let us not forget the books such as 50 Shades of Gray.]]