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/lit/ - Literature

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4026238 No.4026238 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/!

Is it possible to from a sex scene see if the author have had little or no sex?

>> No.4026245

no, and we don't talk about such perverse things here.

>> No.4026257

Dude, do you have to structure your sentences like that? It hurts my eyes. At least use parenthetical commas to highlight the inserted dependant.

Is it possible to, from a sex scene, see if the author has had little or no sex?

>> No.4026260

In web-based fan-fiction? Yes. In literature? No.

>> No.4027712


Really? Because from a pure literary standpoint, fanfic may be better than literature.

>> No.4027739

I have never had sex but have written several erotic novels featuring multiple sex scenes.
Here's a short scene.

Sandy Jenson burst through the door, her strap on strapped on tight and good, her curvy body swaying back and forth as she approached the bed. The straight hetero white upper class male was lying on the bed, his hands and feet died up and his tight little pure boyhole sticking in the air.
Sandy spit on the strap on and held her large 300 pound voluptuous body to the mans back. She whispered in the mans ear "this is for the matriarchy" and then rammed the strap in his anus. The man instantly arched forward, his mouth foaming with pure pleasure.
Sandy began thrusting more and more shouting "you like that don't you? You like being dominated by a strong independent MEXICAN women."
The men yelled out "oh god yes" while streams of come sprayed out of his cock from the pure rush of anal pleasure. "Aye curumba, fuck me you powerful doinant women!"

The femnist crowd loves it.

>> No.4027741


>> No.4027749
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I'm a bisexual guy into BDSM.

This did nothing for me.

>> No.4027751

That is, by an incredibly large margin, the dumbest sentence I've ever seen typed out. Amazing. 10/10. You should write a novel's worth of such gems.

>> No.4027757


>> No.4027762


>> No.4027766

Well that's something. I can only imagine what does it mean to meet a feminista.

>> No.4027791
File: 78 KB, 470x313, 1372420528799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched a video called "Ultimate Fart Easting Session (GOT MILK)" where a dude latched on to a girl's fart chimney and swallowed the air unleashed by her obnoxiously loud and presumably very rancid and wet farts. The girl looked very much like my barber, who is an unusually quiet and reserved lady, and I'm just thinking about all the vile shit she does with her husband behind closed doors.

I've never even so much as kissed anyone but I could probably write a convincing scene based on the video I just saw. I also have over a decade of experience watching porn and I'm sure that many of the amateur scenes that I've watched are good representations of how normal people fuck. I've also never taken a shit 20,000 feet below the sea but I have an idea of what it would be like and I could accurately write about that.

You definitely don't need to have experienced something to write about it, although it could be useful when writing about certain topics. I don't think fucking is one of those topics.

>> No.4027792

The keywords are "pure literary standpoint" and "may". Because if you think that the publishing world never has released any hackjob crap for a quick buck, think again nigger: >>4026631

>> No.4027797

What the fuck is with those comments man? What the hell does pewdiepie have to do with Bart saying "ay caramba"? And what the hell is with all the fucking Brazilians plugging their country name is like it's some brand that they're trying to advertise? Jewtube comments never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.4027799

>I've also never taken a shit 20,000 feet below the sea but I have an idea of what it would be like and I could accurately write about that.
Have a go, please.

>> No.4027811

Yes, you don't have to be explicit and describe the way the texture of her vag felt as it gripped your dick. Be classy about it.

>> No.4027828

The nature of my last fart felt somewhat questionable, and I started worrying about having to walk around with diarrhea-stained underwear for the rest of the evening - tomorrow was laundry day, so I was counting on this pair lasting until then. I imagined Elmo's face plastered with the foul, partially digested baked beans that I had so voraciously devoured only an hour earlier. I picked a bad day to wear my Sesame Street underwear.

I attempted to casually mosey on out of the control room but I feared that my awkward gait would quickly reveal my sorry circumstance to my colleagues. Of course nothing was certain yet; Elmo might have received a pungent smack against those hairy lips of his from my own hairy lips, but I needed visual confirmation that tonight's dinner had prematurely sneaked it's way through my bowels and back into the world.

>> No.4027834


On my way to the bathroom, my commanding officer happened to pass me. As I stood attention to salute, I felt the unmistakable grind of my homemade pudding between my buttocks. I rushed to the bathroom and immediately proceeded to relieve myself without even lining the toilet seat with toilet paper as I normally do. The force from my ass almost felt compounded from the pressure of shitting 20,000 feet under the sea, as if the ocean water had breached the walls to press against my belly. In spite of my sudden immense relief, I was disheartened to find that Elmo had indeed become a casualty of Mexican night.

>> No.4027836

Please excuse the typo in the last sentence. I meant "its", not "it's".

>> No.4027851

Not bad at all, I thought you might forget to mention the pressure.
The only real criticisms I have is that (assuming it's set on a submarine) the toilet would be called a "head" and there's unlikely to be space on a sub to stand to attention and salute.

On reflection you missed a trick by not making a play on how cramped the sub is and how cramped your intestines were, you slowly moving around the sub toward the head, the pressure in your bowels doing the same.

A good effort.

>> No.4027855

Thanks for the critique. I didn't realize toilets had a different name on subs, nor did I realize they were that cramped. It's a real shame that I missed that opportunity you mentioned. In retrospect, I guess it's not as easy as I imagined to write convincingly about shitting 20,000 feet under the sea unless you've experienced it, but I still stand by my point regarding writing about fucking.

>> No.4027872

I would disagree, the calling the head, toilets, and the clear lack of awareness with regards to the cramped nature of the ships is as telling to someone who has been on one that you're inexperienced as it would be to say breasts felt like bags of sand.

>> No.4027882

True but I would've done more research about submarines had there been more pressure to write accurately. I know almost nothing about life on submarines, but I have watched an obscene amount of porn and I've studied enough biology to know that breasts wouldn't feel too different from a relaxed butt.

>> No.4027885

But breasts don't feel anything like a relaxed butt. A relaxed butt is full of muscles which are much denser and firmer than fatty breast tissue even when relaxed.

>> No.4027889
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>> No.4027923

everything is cramped on a sub

ironically because of that, you could definitely be excused for not mentioning it in a section that large, if you'd established it enough before.

>> No.4028482

It reeads like you haven't even taken a shit before.

>> No.4029175

whoa... a breast feels NOTHING AT ALL like a relaxed butt. You are completely not qualified to write a sex scene if that is what you think.

>> No.4029182

absolutely horrible. my labrador retriever could piss on a keyboard and it would be more erotic than this garbage.

>> No.4029909

I definitely think sex is one of those topics.

>> No.4029913

/lit/ is very amusing when talking about sex.

>> No.4029937

I know it's not quite in line with the topic at hand but I highly recommend Scott Esposito's ebook Lady Chatterley's Brother which talks about how to write sex scenes and pits Nicholson Baker and Javier Marias against one another.

To answer your question, I think so. Just keep in mind that almost no one has mainstream erotica or porn sex and you'll be fine.

>> No.4029945

you're the worst and women know it