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File: 1.08 MB, 922x614, informationtech-cavepainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4024917 No.4024917 [Reply] [Original]

Write a short story or poem based on the picture above your post

>> No.4026865
File: 369 KB, 1024x726, 1361176866863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands so hot, so heavy
exited time

>> No.4026904

>I found myself in a dark room, the sounds of other people shuffling pervaded around me. "Hello?" I called out, the other people began to sob and asked me, "What's going on?" "I don't know, do you know where we are?" "No." was the answer.
>and then the room began to light up, the people began to shriek and I could just make out their shapes, their faces were twisted, their eyes melting dribbling out of their skulls and the skin sloughing off as the fires moved in to engulf the entire room.
>In a mad frenzy we reached for anything that might quench the flames, no refuge was found and then it was over.
> I found myself moving through the rock layers even deeper into the cold earth, in another moment I found myself again, sitting in a cold dark room, with the sounds of shuffling feet all around me.

>> No.4026912
File: 33 KB, 610x458, tater tot cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4026918

>I found myself x3

Excuse me, I'm not a good writer.

>> No.4026993
File: 29 KB, 285x324, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The torments of the Third Circle disquieted me still more than those of the Second. All about me there were four twisted forms wreathed in a flaky, apetising crust; constructs born of Hell dancing in blood and shrieking with their crimson voices.

"Lose some weight, fatass," cried the first.
"Your wife wishes you took better care of yourself," laughed the second.
"I gorge upon these vanquished thrones and dispense my kiss of thunder," spoke the third.
"Meow," meowed the fourth.

Tater Tots! Damnable Tater Tots! hey had borne upon their deliciousness my ruin.

>Someone do mine pls

>> No.4026998

holy shit that is bad

>> No.4027006

>"Meow," meowed the fourth.

>> No.4027012


yeah, I didn't really read it before I posted it, just threw down some quick idea of what hell might be like since that's what I thought of immediately when I saw the thumbnail.

>> No.4027055

I am a condiment

And I must be cream

>> No.4027344
File: 119 KB, 960x720, 1376275964146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more pictures people!

>> No.4027349

and lo, the 4th graders were told to spray paint over their hands on a wall. Everyone who participated was ashamed because they knew in their hearts that objectively, their art was bad.

>> No.4027360

"That would be $10.50." said James from over the counter to a shabby looking man in front of him, who had a large greying beard and a dirty, grey shirt. The dull white fluorescent lights only worsened his appearance. He had ordered two Big Mac meals, not one. His eyes were hungry, gleaming with wetness. After James gave the man the meal, he walked off, slowly and alone, to one of the plastic stalls and sat down, staring at the burgers and fries for a brief moment before removing the packaging and beginning his supper.

>> No.4027364
File: 36 KB, 450x600, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4027363
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>> No.4027367

The fat man went up to the counter and asked the mowhawk man behind the counter, Do you have any hamburgers.
The mohawk man looked up from what he was doing and lit up a cigarette and spat and passed the back of his hand over his forehead. I caint offer you no hamburgers.
Well why the fuck not?
Thems been outlawed in this state slong with six otherns.
What the fuck do you think youre tellin me.
Im tellin you hamburgersn outlawed in this state.
The fat man pulled out his revolver and pointed it at the mohawk mans forehead and thumbed back on the hammer and let his index finger press lightly on the trigger. I said youd bettern get me some hamburgers or Im gonna blow a crater outn the back of ye skull.
I told you mister. I got no hamburgers to offer you.
The fat man fired the gun. Blood splattered against the wall behind the mohawk man like a maroon portrait of death and the mohawk man fell backwards and his back hit the wall against the blood and he slumped down to the floor dragging blood down against the wall with his back.
The fat man leaped over the counter and stuck the revolver in the front of his belt and knelt down over the body of the mohawk man and checked his pockets. His pockets were filled with spaghetti and meatballs.
Well. The fat man spat. Thesen better than hamburgers I reckon anyways.
The fat man ate.

>> No.4027368

"It was a rush unlike anything I had felt before" she said excitedly. "It was like the world fell on top of me and smothered me in this big beautiful blanket, and everything just felt so warm and safe. And the lights in the room, oh my god the lights! At one point I was convinced they were angels!"

Her voice dropped into a low whisper but the grin grew wider on her face

"Tonight, I'm going to do it again."

>> No.4027369
File: 196 KB, 1080x725, desert_tortoise_adult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4027374
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>> No.4027375

I am a turtle
crawling behind time's footprints
second by second

i see you looking
look closer - my eyes have seen
for one hundred years

>> No.4027378


laughing girl.
young blonde hair,
flow far below your eyes.
flowing or not,
my pain is not yours.

>> No.4027383

from this angle I
cannot even tell
which one
is which
the man
or the past

the man wears a hat

>> No.4027385
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>> No.4027404

perfect loud laughs came from betwixt her lips
they were teasing, and infinitely far
they echoed on walls and came in waves
half-dead blue eyes stare down a corridor
peering through rising coils of smoke

she owns you

>> No.4027414


At the end of the world
God's time was ours to sit on
To ponder the buildings
To draw new patterns in the sand
To scheme our schemes
And to breathe, at last
One clear moment of humanity
Before plunging back into the fray

>> No.4027575

Is that Zizek?

>> No.4027592
File: 58 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4027726

If the sun was near my bed
I'd get grilled red
But helios is cool,
that bullshit is fool

If the sun was near my bed
i'd rent my house
for norvegian and greeks
i'd even sell my spouse

If the sun was near my bed
I'd sleep with ted
and i won't buy a stove
I'd be happy like a dove

I'll never feel cold
I'd get bitches to tan
and rape them on breed mod
Just a normal straight man

>> No.4027753

10/10 would Lovecraft

>> No.4027756


in a daze,
street lamps prosper
warm windows fall into black and blue,
I tremble on the ground.

wet and cold
we only care about the now.

>> No.4027761
File: 26 KB, 550x368, calieatingitself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4027832


I will never forget the day that artax killed himself while we were traveling through the swamp of sadness.

As I think back on these harrowing times, when I lost my best friend to despair, I sometimes think, "why is it that I could find the strength to go on and yet couldn't inspire it in him? Am I responsible?"

But I have to stop. I can't go further into these thoughts. Because in truth I'm just barely hanging on myself. When people come to me with their problems, telling me they are depressed, asking me how is it I can be so positive all the time?

I don't have all the answers. All I know is this. It is better to be alive than dead. Even if you're alone, if you're a prisoner, if all your dreams have been crushed or you're just slaving away at some monotonous job to pay your landlord, without any hope of ever earning enough to have children and start a family. It's better to be alive than dead. This is not something I can know. But it is my faith. It is the only faith I have left now.

>> No.4027861

I thought I was alone. Then my hand joined in.

>> No.4027866
File: 245 KB, 1280x1007, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4027930

>well this is fucking twee
james was an extremely cynical whale, and was not impressed with the night air, or the cutesy submarine and ship floating in the sky with him.
he just felt cold and bored and somewhat regretted calling that genie a cunt to his face

>> No.4027933

faggot hands
feces encrusted
blood of AIDS
drip in my wounds
faggot hands

>> No.4027936
File: 243 KB, 720x1024, 1151317854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4027946

One time I was camping and I saw an ugly yuro girl. I first imagined her to be some kind of beast from the forest, perhaps one of the wookie creatures from Star Wars. It then dawned upon me that she was just an ugly yuro girl. She was grunting neanderthalic chants at me in her sexually aroused state, flailing her strange body in and around the water as if it were some sort of seducing ritual. Normally I would never settle for a female like this. Then I realized I myself was desperate, as I had not yet had the opportunity to ejaculate in the wilderness. "Pussy is pussy," I said, and we fucked and it was hot. I pulled on her arm hair to increase the sexual tension. Why the fuck am I writing this.

>> No.4028019

> Don't know shit about women, so I'll do this instead.


The world had died. Slipped away in the night. The moon was bereft, at a loss for what to do. It gently nudged the tides of its fallen master, to try and coax even a remote whisper of life.

On the efforts of a mourning moon they sailed, drifting in space, sails limp. Micah stood alone on deck, watching as the universe unravelled. The call of a whale, the last of its kind, wept in a tongue nobody could understand. They followed alongside it, toward land, in the search for relief. The moon gave up, and the sea dissolved to a veil of stars and galaxies. There came a point where even time resigned itself, and everything seemed to happen at once. Vikings sailed past them in bursts of brawny laughter; vast creatures rose up from the depths, threatening to escape the abyss; and golden capsules of men heaved along the rocky seabeds underneath. It was a still night on the atlantic, and they were alone.

>> No.4028099

it's always Zizek

>> No.4028105
File: 62 KB, 550x368, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4028341
File: 990 KB, 1366x768, 1373678304344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be posting some other random pictures if I get serious replies. I'm really interested in reading what /lit/ can offer.

>> No.4028503
File: 290 KB, 1600x1195, mysides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4028507
File: 557 KB, 991x723, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4028798

My trek began with motivation born of abstract ideals and romantic metaphorical accomplishment. Visions of conquering a mountain-top assured me future trials would seem trite in comparison. Perhaps I could bottle up the perspective found at the highest crest of earth and descend entirely changed.
Voices to the contrary seemed only to fuel me forward.
"You aren't experienced enough."
"The first night will kill you."
"You've nothing to gain for this monumental risk."
"Stronger men have tried and failed."
Youthful zeal has a way of making a young man hear the opposite of what he's told. Our determination transmutes negative to positive and feeds our ambitions no matter how foolish.

Hear me: the burning flame of zealous determination dim in the thin air and frozen winds.

>> No.4028832

I wish I knew how to write. Here's a pic.
Their silhouettes stood against the predawn sky. A bark broke the silence of the field and alerted the man.
"Ya found it?"
He waded through the dead grass and insects to where the dog pawed at the ground, wagging its tail. He planted the head of the shovel that he carried in the cold dirt and started digging as the sun began it peek through the distant trees.

(I don't know what they were looking for though. Probably a dead guy or something? I didn't really think this through.)

>> No.4028835

Everything was broken, and the farmhouse was no exception. Battered and weary, they greeted each other with a quiet moment of commiseration as he climbed the dirt road of lonesome hill, duffle bags slamming against his knees. Leaves of the old oak tree rustled to welcome him home, caressed by the warm wind of a mid- July evening, as nature’s applause to his homecoming.

His footsteps were met with a dull thud as he stepped onto the porch, wood creaking and bending under him. He stood there, at a quandry, shoulders weighted by his bags. He, the boy, had stormed this door in years gone by, breaking it down with muddied elbows and knees, much to his mother's dismay. One time he managed to put a hole in the screen door by pushing on it too hard, and was smacked something fierce for his brutality. Now, in lonely irony, the man stood at the mercy of it, wondering whether or not to knock.

"Kent?" He hadn't yet adapted to the sound of a woman's voice. He had dreamt of it, in the mud, when he couldn't hear anything else. Yet, as time passed, and memories matured, they lowered from a high crooning to the grunts of men. "Kent, is that you?"

"Hello, Molly." She stood behind the screen door, her clothes caked with dough and hair flying in wisps from her scalp. "My God." The screen flew open, and he was being choked. Tears darkened the wood they fell on as she clung to him, head buried in his chest. "I thought for so long, I mean, I never knew, but my God Kent..." Words were lost to his clothes as she pressed himself into his dirtied coat. His elder sister had pulled him down like this before, years ago, and it took her father to pry her away. Now Father was long dead, and the world entire couldn’t pull her from him. “Come in, please, come in, I was just making dinner.” She took him by the hand, leading him past the door frame, and into his home.

He looked around awkwardly, at a kitchen he didn’t know. Damp patches suppurated in the ceiling above, and in some parts the plaster had moulted away to leave a skeleton of mouldy wood. “So how’ve you been since Pa?” He asked her, watching her pound the dough with her fists.

>> No.4028838

Holy shit forgot pic.

>> No.4028839
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 54212582.DSCN0059Sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see what we get.

>> No.4028842


“I’ve not thought of him much. I never did forgive him for letting you go, you know. Even on his deathbed I couldn’t look at him. We made peace, sure enough, but it didn’t change things. You were still gone.”
“Pa didn’t make me go, Molly. He didn’t exactly push me out the door.”
“He could’ve stopped you.”
“Then I would be the one who couldn’t have forgiven him.” A soft clicking moved over the floorboards, as unclipped claws saddled toward him. “Why hello, Honey.” The canine snout smiled up at him, tongue wagging as she spied him with her one good eye. “You still kept her?”
“Why wouldn’t I? She’s our dog.”
“Yeah, but I just thought… with the state of the place.”
“What? That I’d let her go? It’s just a house, Kent. It never was a palace.”
“Has she been her walk yet?”
“How’s that?”
“Her walk. You always took her for a walk around six.”
“Uh, no, not yet. But dinner’s nearly done and-“
“I won’t be long, I promise.” He took the leash from the hook by the door, fastening it around Honey’s collar.

“Well, fine, but Kent I really-“ He let the back door flap shut in the breeze, and allowed himself to be swallowed by the grass. They prowled through the underground, man and beast, stalking the whippoorwills that rested on the wire fence. They flew off as Molly charged at them, back to their nests in the ground to reunite with their young.

It was in their flight that he saw himself. The ones that returned home. The man had been born on the battleground and now it was all he could see. The birds quarrelled over a worm, skipping around in the dirt, forcing it into two. The seed pods ruptured in a splinter of shrapnel, releasing their spores up into the evening air, to battle amongst themselves for a patch in the light. Even the sun fought the moon and stars, staining the sky with a blaze of oranges in its dying breath. And as he stood, in his own backyard, he saw war born around him, in all its horror and beauty.

>> No.4028858


>> No.4028868
File: 99 KB, 480x360, wet-blueberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4028897
File: 83 KB, 634x593, fuckbots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, never mind, 4chanX is fucking up again.

>> No.4029409

Oh no you fucking don't

>> No.4029944


>> No.4030047

I looked over at her then, as Jessie's laughter raced away into the past. I thought if I could take a picture with my mind then I'd never have to forget the sound. When I was a boy, some girls rang out there joy like a bell, some let it go dancing down the street. Jessie's laugh was like the bursting of a damn, a star gone supernova, it rushed out and over me like a tidal wave. If I hadn't been so carefully rooted in the moment, I'm sure that I'd be washed away, swept off my feet and knocked against the alley walls. But I held on. I still have those precious seconds hanging in on a wall in the foyer of my mind, and I pass by and smile even as my thoughts take me to the darker corners of recollection. Even after I lost her, I held on to her laugh. It hurt at first, but from what I've seen it always does. So now- years later- when the temperamental weather beneath my chest takes a turn for the worse, I let her laughter wash over me. Someday the world might bitter me, and my mouth will be too sour to smile, my heart too tired. But I'll never lose her laugh, and that strangely seems enough to me.

>> No.4030074
File: 18 KB, 281x320, weev5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4030085


I had a dream last night of a mysterious cave. It began like this: I appeared in the dark with no light to guide me. I bumped around a little, unable to see my hands in front of my face. Suddenly the idea of checking my pockets struck me. I reached down and found a lighter, which I thought was strange because I don’t usually carry a lighter. I clicked the switch and bathed the walls in a low light.

My first impression of the place was that it was red. Very red. So red, in fact, that I thought I was in the belly of some giant monster at first. I thought, “Maybe I was eaten by a whale!” It was only after I touched the walls and recognized their texture as rock that I calmed down. “I guess I’m in a cave,” I said aloud. Then the sound of my voice echoed far and away. I listened as the echo seemed to veer in a certain direction, beckoning me. I thought, “Maybe that’s the way I get out.”

I began to follow the sound. I walked a while, twisting and turning. I kept my knees bent and my head low to avoid possibly hitting my head. I had to step over some arching rocks once or twice. It was a tiring, difficult way to have to go. Yet somehow I kept up with the sound, which I thought was odd. How does one keep up with a sound?

I continued until I reached a wide open spherical space with a lake in the center. Rays of light beamed through narrow cracks in the ceiling. “I guess I must be close.” As I thought that, my echo divided—thereby losing its former volume—and went in two directions: through the cracks in the ceiling and through the passage we had just gone through. With both halves gone, I stood there in silence. When I spoke again to make another echo, nothing came of it.

After faffing about for some time, I went to the lake and played with it, making waves. As my hand stirred the green water, my eyes wandered to the ceiling. I couldn’t quite see the sky through the cracks, only pure golden sunlight. It was beautiful. Maybe Heaven lay outside, and I was in Purgatory. It was too plain to be Hell.

>> No.4030087


Then something peculiar happened. When I looked down, I saw a red handprint on the wall across the lake, softly illuminated by the streaks of light. I stared at it and wondered, “Was that there before?” Just as I did, another handprint—this time a white one—appeared. And then a black one, and then another red one. Suddenly there were dozens of them. I stood up and watched amazed. They were appearing in mass in a general direction, guiding me as my echo had before.

I followed the flock to an area of the room I had not explored, where they showed me a tiny passage that I could just barely crawl through. I got on my hands and knees and inched through the hole, holding my lighter-hand out in front of the rest of me. As I moved, the handprints continued to appear alongside me inside the passage. Because my face was so close to the rock, I imagined that one of the hands would up and slap me. Of course that never happened.

I crawled for some time until I caught a faint glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. “Yep,” I thought, “this is probably Heaven.” To my terror, however, the passage seemed to constrict the further down I went. Would I be able to make it?

Well, the hands didn’t seem to think so. They had a plan though. Their rate of appearance sped past me toward the tightening exit, where each hand pressed down on their respective area of rock, widening the crawling space for me. It was as though the strength of each hand represented that of a heavy weight lifter. The exit, and the golden light nested in its frame, grew larger and larger with each heave of the handprints, and soon I crawled through it and was free.

Then I woke up.

>> No.4030094

Oh shit, I just realized that I misread OPs post and wrote a story about his picture instead of the one above. Fuck.

>> No.4030097
File: 510 KB, 1246x1772, 1367641729553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4030106

It was over. The battle was lost, and he had been killed. His spirit, clad still in the battle armor he wore in life, sat and watched the kingdom he loved be savaged and ransacked. There was no hope left. He was to be the kingdom’s hero and savior, and yet he turned out to be neither.

A voice appeared and said, “It is time to leave.” He looked up and saw Death. Death hovered above him, mocking him, telling him, “Your time is finished.” He lowered his head and searched for the words to say that could convince death to give him a little more time, just so that he could avenge those he loved. He thought and thought, picking the right phrases and the right words that would have the most effect. When he was ready to plea, all he was greeted with was Death’s uncaring, uncompromising face. The man lowered his head again, defeated.

>> No.4030173
File: 641 KB, 2332x1749, 1376352193184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4030432
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>> No.4030469
File: 372 KB, 1452x1015, 83305088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4030505


A city made of glass,
refracting the jaded thoughts
of people passing by.

>> No.4030511

That's a nice painting.

>> No.4030513
File: 142 KB, 960x731, 1376342849991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4030517

no it isn't, it's tacky garbage. would not hang that on my wall

>> No.4030734
File: 14 KB, 405x447, 1375279402813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture not related to the replied post, but to OP's request.

>> No.4030743
File: 175 KB, 900x656, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's Leonid Afremov. His technique and colour pallet is incredible.

>> No.4030747
File: 408 KB, 1401x1049, original_420272_WOZ0pRygKtv8HNdidNjOzOmDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4030757

Acid is one hell of a drug.

>> No.4030758

When he was only eight years of age, Jamal was attacked and bitten by a big wolf, the leader of its pack. He was found by his mother Shaniqua, bleeding in the alley behind the KFC, his hand still clenched around a half-eaten chicken wing. Fearing for his life, she took his body to the village's shaman.

"It is much too late," he said. "The blood of Fenrir is already boiling inside your son".

But Jamal survived. His life was saved by the wolf god. Every full moon, however, he had to pay tribute to his creator: He would turn into a furry beast and, running on all fours, he'd give free rein to his inner demons and act on his uncontrollable impulses.

>> No.4030774

Cover photo for every girl whose yearbook quote was, "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt"

>> No.4033079


>> No.4033130


glass and color and glass and blue,
in this city.
silhouettes of passers-by,
in this city.
a nickel drops, a small splash,
resounding in this city,
everything impossible,
in this city.

>> No.4033144
File: 429 KB, 683x1024, 6359211249_20e85400cd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4033155

When did Mr Hamiltong got that strange and deep stare in his face?, that stare of profound disgust, even in his death, it didnt changed. Like flesh made stone and ink wrotte on skin, his son in law remembered that face of disgust everytime that he had to shower. Staring everytime at his castrated self, and remembering every time his loved man.