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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 640x357, rand-and-wallace-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4023182 No.4023182 [Reply] [Original]

>There are people who actually subscribe to Ayn Rand's philosophy of objectivism

Why? Is it because she promoted it through her "books," which were thinly-veiled rags of propaganda that both failed to tell a good story and failed to be actual, y'know, books.

>> No.4023192

Rand = Friedman + Stirner

>> No.4023198

Imagine someone tells you there's a book that has all the answers. You see the world as it is now, with all the suffering, hate and destruction, and you wonder, "What went wrong?"

And someone tells you there's a book that has that answer. It's a pretty old book, and the prose isn't particularly well-crafted, but it has explanations for everything under the sun. Why people do the things they do, why the world works the way it does, and how you, yes you, anon, can succeed and be happy in this world. Most critically-engaged people are able to see through such snake-oil-esque allegations, but others, having minimal critical thinking skills, will read this book and take it as law.

It's not the Bible. It's Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.4023238


why do you mock my intelligence, /lit/?

>> No.4023239

she doesnt have a youtube....

>> No.4023251

Are there any female authors that /lit/ approve of?

>> No.4023300

>failed to be actual, y'know, books.
Pretty sure they were- and still are- books, anon. Actual real-life books.

>> No.4023318
File: 24 KB, 332x500, 6a00d8341c5dea53ef0133ef5bdb9e970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any female authors that /lit/ approve of?
Scarlett Thomas

>> No.4023326

Surely the appeal is obvious? It's essentially the moral framework of small children adopted by Internet libertarians who think political diatribes and strawman caricatures male for good literature.

>> No.4023329

Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, Emily Bronte, Jorie Graham (she has a small /lit/ following, anyways)

>> No.4023340
File: 11 KB, 223x227, enidblytoncouldwriteagoodmoralstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any female authors that /lit/ approve of?

>> No.4023348

Ursula K Guin? Woman could spin a sci-fi yarn.

>> No.4023358

I like Margaret Atwood, but I don't know how /lit/ feels about her.

>> No.4023362

>/lit/ approved

>> No.4023367
File: 129 KB, 1009x690, FamousFive-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoah, I never knew Enid Blyton wrote Noddy.

>> No.4023404

Flannery O'Connor

>> No.4023443

Anne Carson

>> No.4023682
File: 46 KB, 358x292, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you seem upset
i bet you think roark raped dominique francon

>> No.4023715


What about Katherine Mansfield? Ireally liked the Garden Party.

>> No.4024283

Imagine basing you entire life on your gurus teachings and actually managing to get your whole country onto that track, only to watch it all go horribly wrong in front of you while ypu watch, helpless to stop the machone that you created to be foolproof.
This happened to Alan Greenspan.

>> No.4024286

Really hate cel phone keyboards.

>> No.4024326


mah nigga

>> No.4024349

Only answer so far worth a damn. Bronte? Really?

>> No.4024360
File: 91 KB, 600x509, 1374972979510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I read Ayn Rand in middle school it changed my life bro

>> No.4024362

I've always wondered where that image came from... I don't suppose anyone knows the source?

>> No.4024368

Saffo, Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, George Sand, Marguerite Duras, Amy Hempel, Colette, Mary Shelley, Jane Austen.

>> No.4024383

Sapho of course, and Eliot. But the rest... I mean, Austen is barely more than a common romance novelist.

Also I realized that somebody mentioned Dickinson already, definitely a great.

>> No.4024388

Ehh Duras and Woolf certainly deserve to be up there.

Jane Austen should be included because else Harold Bloom will throw a fit and write an 800 pages volume on why /lit/ is ruining the humanities.

>> No.4024391


>failed to be actual, y'know, books

It's a bit inconsistent to be critical of objective truth then have the gall to claim that pages of text bound together are not books.

But you haven't really said much. Her books were propaganda? For what? Free-market capitalism? Is free-market capitalism a bad thing? She failed to tell a good story? How? Give us some particulars.

>> No.4024392

Rand's philosophy is a reaction against the oppressive anti-masculine attitudes in modern society as well as the inevitable decadence that is brought about by governmental policies that are conceived in the realms of emotion rather than reason. She appeals to individuals capable of foresight or those who have been marginalized by the aforementioned culture of anti-masculinity.

I've only ever enjoyed Flannery O'Connor. Austen is romance novel trash and the Brontes are decent sleep aides.

>> No.4024410

Woolf wrote some okay stuff, but, ballsy as it was, her experimentation is pure tedium.

>> No.4025067

Here's the secret of Rands writing:

Everyone has AUTISM and are high on AMPHETAMINES! If you are an AUTIST then you have a hard time to understand other people. If you do AMPHETAMINES for prolonged times, you will be subject to AMPHETAMINE POISONING - something that turns you into a dickhead that can't change your mind.