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/lit/ - Literature

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4023115 No.4023115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I come bearing gifts.


I just can't stop laughing at the priceless look on the little oppressor faces when they realize the strength of a woman who won't take it any more. I bet they'll think again before they victimize a marginalized person again, haha.

ITT literature about standing up to the oppressors.

>> No.4023120

you only added that last line to try and justify your shitposting to this board

you really want is to get all anti-feminism and shit

fuck off

>> No.4023124

Fuck off, /pol/

>> No.4023127

fuck off, /mu/

>> No.4023128
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Wuaaah I'm being victimized by OP! WUAAAH words scare me I'm a white male!!!

>> No.4023131

That has nothing to do with gender. That's called being Russian.

>> No.4023133

Stormfront pls go

>> No.4023136

Why does /pol/ try to antagonise us as though we're srs or tumblr justice? It seems misguided and counter-productive.

>> No.4023138

>trying to minimize her victory
Too strong material for you, eh. Afraid it's going to rouse the oppressed women in your area to action?

>> No.4023141

not /lit/

>> No.4023143

>wuaaah the black dick is scaring me wuaaah!!!

>> No.4023146

>literature about standing up to the oppressors.

>> No.4023147

/pol/ really runs the ship at this time of day, I guess. Fucking hell, why can't they stick to their own board? /lit/ is for enlightened, intellectual people.

>> No.4023151

Wow, the little white males are just bawling their eyes out at the mere sight of an empowered woman. Imagine what we could do when we cast off the capitalist white male system globally! Chocolate utopia!

>> No.4023154

this should be on the hurting men board

>> No.4023156

Not literature. I'm fucking sick of thinly veiled politics threads.

>> No.4023158
File: 93 KB, 640x960, swedish man in UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying whites can be Men
Let's reserve that word for real Men. Men of color.

>> No.4023161

>ITT literature about standing up to the oppressors.
It's not OP's fault /lit/ doesn't know jack shit about this topic of literature just because they're the lit equivalent of /mu/ and masturbate to brand name dropping rather than actually enjoying and taking in the art.

>> No.4023165

Take your trolling back to /pol/, troglodyte.

>> No.4023166

agreed. the post actually belongs on the harming minors board

>> No.4023167

Not literature.

>> No.4023168

OP is clearly looking for a flamewar.

>> No.4023169
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>antagonise us as though we're srs or tumblr justice
>as though

>> No.4023171

>OP's post contains something that makes me uncomfortable, so I will dismiss it based on an conspiracy theory.

>> No.4023175
File: 25 KB, 384x384, das-kapital-bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spamming that, /pol/. It says right in OP's post he wants lit about casting off the patriarchy.

Here you go, OP.


>> No.4023184

>doesn't like my thread
>MUST BE /pol/!

>> No.4023189

You're not fooling anyone, troglodyte. This is an intellectual board for the internet's intelligentsia. Back whence you came.

>> No.4023199


That's what you wanted to hear, isn't it, retard?

>> No.4023201

I recommend this. It made me want to cut off my testicles as a symbolic act to atone for my sins, but then I broke through and really blossomed my mind, testicles intact. There are plenty of other ways to atone for being an oppressorskin.

>> No.4023206

>intellectual intelligensia upper strata muh superiority complex I am so enlightened and free-thinking and did you know I am clever and a special little petal that my parents from an all white neighbourhood told me because I'm special and clever and also very intelligensiant and muh clebernes and muh am so good at doing writing and literachur

>> No.4023213

>This poor Russian woman was abused by her father and is now so damaged that she beats her little boys.
>The little boys will grow up resenting their mother and turn into /pol/ misogynists.
>They take their issues out on women, and 9 little boys now damage the lives of hundreds of poor women.