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/lit/ - Literature

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4022873 No.4022873 [Reply] [Original]

/r/ing the /lit/ starter kit iamges

>> No.4022899

look at the wiki

>> No.4023038

Someone deleted a lot of stuff from the wiki, it used to be pretty useful.

>> No.4023044

Nothing has been deleted.

Are you sure you're using it right? Each of those links at the top (genre fiction, non-fiction, literature by origin, literature by type) leads to a separate page with tables and the recommendations images.

>> No.4023051


Yeah but like I remember there being some images with tiers and shit. have those by any chance?

>> No.4023057

It used to have a section of image guides that contained a shitton of more suggestions than what the Wiki has now

>> No.4023061

The tier charts made by Quentin? those were for trolling purposes and weren't actually recommendations. Otherwise,


Which image guides are you not seeing on the current pages? Because all of them from the old wiki are there. Do you not see the part below all the tables that says "recommendation images"?

>> No.4023083

When there used to be a whole section of them, there's just two or three in each section

http://4chanlit.wikia.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading/Genre_fiction only two in this one

>> No.4023090

so I decided to start at Slaugtherhouse 5, good/bad choice? Y/N?

>> No.4023094


That is the old section for genre fiction. I see that I haven't attached the sci-fi images onto that area, but I don't really care much about genre fiction and I'm the only one doing it, so that section is going to be under-developed.

Do you see anything else from the old one that's missing on the new one, aside from titles being typed out?

>> No.4023285

What book is boooby reading


>> No.4023555

Its an okay choice.

>> No.4023592

Isn't there an entry level chart? It seems like the wiki is daunting for someone jumping in to /lit/ saying they want to try reading and need basic recommendations. Also, the OC page is awful, you should try and grab some links from the archives to key threads. You know, at least, like, a page for Pinecone's posts, or whatever.

>> No.4023995

I don't really care about the other sections. If you want to do it, go ahead. Everyone is capable of working on the wiki. It's supposed to be a community effort.

The /lit/ started kit image is supposed to be the entry level chart. I'll put something linking it on the landing page for recs.