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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 614 KB, 950x1181, Emhyr van Emreis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4015679 No.4015679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There are people who consider manga to be books. I find it rather ridiculous.

>> No.4015690
File: 1011 KB, 1018x738, rebecca73 mmmh are you sure about this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on /lit/ RIGHT NOW who read anything east of germany

>> No.4015693

you mean literature. a tankoban is a book.

god. trolls these days

>> No.4015695

That's exactly where the good stuff is silly.

>> No.4015697

Butthurt weeb. Go read your "books".

>> No.4015703

What does /lit/ have to say about Tezuka? Tatsumi? Kumeta? Urasaw?

>> No.4015712
File: 26 KB, 355x404, 5465467777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tezuka? Tatsumi? Kumeta? Urasaw?

Reading manga is a waste of time.

>> No.4015720

I mean. They are books. I could write the word penis 100,000 times and if I printed and bound it, it would be a book. Whether or not that's literature is another matter, but you can't say it isn't a book, because it. Fucking is.

>> No.4015724

So is watching mediocre soap operas for middlebrows

>> No.4015726

Protip: graphic novel

>> No.4015728

I don't really care if they are literature or not, they're stupid pulp and I enjoy that but you need to make sure to get your terms straight because it is you who looks stupid.

>> No.4015734

Those are just comic books, which, as we all know, aren't serious literature.

>> No.4015741

If you go far enough east, eventually you'll reach the country that produces the greatest literature -- America.

>> No.4015745
File: 28 KB, 360x240, rebecca23 come on man get it together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you go far enough east, eventually you'll reach the country that produces the greatest literature -- America.

>> No.4015747

If you go East enough, you'll eventually end up back in Germany.

>> No.4015752

If you go east enough, eventaully you'll end up stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, which is what you should do, IMO

>> No.4015758

protip: graphic novels are books

>> No.4015768

lol butthurt

>> No.4015773

>tfw the french chan's lit is "manga & literature"

>> No.4015779

its not "manga", you pleb... the correct term is "anime"

>> No.4015780

No, they are graphic novels.

>> No.4015788

>not smelling like balls
>not being a bunch buttfuckers

that makes alot of sense actually

>> No.4015789

>uses the word pleb while looking at little kid cartoons

>> No.4015792
File: 16 KB, 300x360, Samuel_Vimes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4015794

A lot of them are cartoons for grownups, actually.

>> No.4015795

>Falling for bait.

Well this thread turned to shit in about 2 posts.

>> No.4015798

>implying you're not supressing your deep urge to munch on delicious, sweaty, hairy, fecal infused, masculine asshole

>> No.4015800

>cartoons for grownups

>> No.4015801


>> No.4015802

Graphic Novels are also books. They fucking come in the form of a book. Why is this even a point of contention. I'm not calling them literature, but to say they aren't books is fucking retarded. They have pages. They are bound. They are books.

>> No.4015808

Yeah. They've been around since at least the 40s

>> No.4015815


Enjoy reading your retarded kiddie shit. Make sure you don't let your mom catch you reading under the covers with a flashlight tonight!

>> No.4015817

cool appeal to age bro!

>> No.4015821

>books full of pictures
pick one, and only one

>> No.4015824

Cart has wheels too but you don't call it a car.

>> No.4015830

Nice thread everyone, let's pack up this clown car and take the carnival somewhere else someday

>> No.4015832

I'm. Not. Even. Defending. Graphic. Novels. Or. Manga.

I could give a fuck less about them.

But, they come. In the form. Of a book. Why is this so fucking hard to understand? They are printed on pages that are then bound between two covers. They are books.

>> No.4015833

>assraped he reads kids books

>> No.4015834

I'm not appealing to anything. Tex Avery made cartoons with an adult audience in mind. This is a fact

>> No.4015835

>I'm. Not. Even. Defending. Graphic. Novels. Or. Manga.
>proceeds to defend it

>> No.4015836

That's not a defense, it's pedantic quibbling over language.

>> No.4015837

>appeals to age
>I'm not appealing to anything.

>Tex Avery faggot shit
>Cartoons must be for adults!

Are you even trying?

>> No.4015839
File: 52 KB, 441x610, czechow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are graphic novels. Stop calling them books.

>> No.4015840


backpeddling and moving the goal posts wont change the fact that you look at little kid shit :)

>> No.4015843

How is that defending them, you goddamn moron? Calling something a book is not a defense, anymore than calling a chair a chair is a defense of a fucking chair.

>> No.4015847

The two terms aren't mutually exclusive. A dictionary is a book. Novels are books. Collections of poetry are books. Picturebooks are books. Pop up books are books. FUCKING GRAPHIC NOVELS ARE BOOKS.

>> No.4015849

Strange. Many guys here suck the balls of mediocre works such as, for example, Godot (anyone can write something like that - I want to see someone being able to write a Shakespeare play: that’s truly literature), which is much more boring and less aesthetic than the best mangas.

>> No.4015850


>> No.4015848

>you goddamn moron
whoa there buddy, no need for harsh language. don't worry, i'm not going to stop you from looking at little kid pictures

quibbling over definitions still doesn't change the fact that you >>4015815

>> No.4015854

>Tex Avery faggot shit

I'm guessing you've never even heard of him, which is kind of sad. Oh well.

>> No.4015856

>Godot (anyone can write something like that
um no

>> No.4015858

>losing argument
Lol you're mad as fuck. Tex Avery stuff is and always has been SHIT.

>> No.4015859

How. Do you not. Understand. I am not making a value judgment of graphic novels OR manga. I've not read a graphic novel or a manga volume since middle school. I am simply stating. That they are produced and disseminated in the form of a book.

>> No.4015861
File: 232 KB, 320x240, 1369159528861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what manga fans actually believe

>> No.4015864


why are you still falling for this obvious bait

>> No.4015865

>Comic books



>> No.4015866

It would be nice if you could explain why. Many film critics and scholars consider him one of the most creative people in cinematic history

>> No.4015867

I don't know who I feel worse for, the guy who seems to enjoy doing this slightly intricate trolling, or the fool who keeps taking the same bait.

Now watch as he claims to not be a troll. He's good, but not so good that I can't predict him.

>> No.4015868

i have sage posts filtered buddy. you must be a manga pedo tho

>> No.4015872


Man, your quality standards and your expectations about your own abilities are this low?

Write something like Waiting for Godot is the same as painting a picture of Jackson Pollock: anyone with a minimum of education can do it.

For me truly admirable artists must have an so extraordinary skill that no one can get to their level.

>> No.4015873

[citation needed]

i took a cornell cinema course. his movies were gay as shit. nobody ever said that

>> No.4015874

There's no trolling going on in this thread. Just a bit of heated discussion about important issues.

>> No.4015875

>A troll claiming he's not a troll
Wow this has never been done before! You must have alot of skill and insight to be able to determine this! WOW!

tl;dr fuck you idiot

>> No.4015880
File: 47 KB, 640x754, 1344133451008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no trolling going on in this thread.
>important issues

>> No.4015889
File: 1.75 MB, 320x240, 1361203289287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok let's compromise. Manga are books but for mentally challenged. Here. I solved the problem.

>> No.4015894

I disagree.

>> No.4015895


Funny: all the guys who are criticizing mangas here like Lord of the Rings (and will say it is a deep reading).

You are still nerds, guys.

>> No.4015899

What? Were you trying to make a point? Try again.

>> No.4015902

What? Were you trying to make a point? Try again.

>> No.4015906

>I look at cartoons for children
What's it like being a manchild?

>> No.4015909

cool question begging bro

>> No.4015915

What? Were you trying to make a point? Try again.

>> No.4015916


There is no difference between many of the high-quality mangas and The Lord of The Rings: both are works of fiction with the main aim to entertain; both are often read by teenagers and young man; both have quality, but are not extraordinary works of beauty and genius.

Deal with it. If you want to criticize mangas, then stop being a big baby and celebrate LOTR: grow up.

>> No.4015917

What? Were you trying to make a point? Try again.

>> No.4015920

What? Were you trying to make a point? Try again.

>> No.4015924

lol no you deal with it :)

>> No.4015926


ass blasted

>> No.4015935
File: 101 KB, 728x1095, manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at all this plot.

>> No.4015941

reported for pedo shit also thanks for bumping :)

>> No.4015942

That's a pretty sexy picture.

>> No.4015943


This reminds me of the style of Joyce.

>> No.4015944

Reported for submitting false reports. That woman is clearly of age.

>> No.4015956


>> No.4015973


Reported for announcing submission a report.

>> No.4015989

Called the AOL Police for an incident of bootyblasting.

>> No.4016005

Reported for reporting a submission of a report.

>> No.4016460

>not realizing that comic books are closer to the Gesantkunstwerk than your silly words

>> No.4016521

>posting plot
>not posting backstory

>> No.4016622

Oh, snap.

>> No.4016670

I really enjoy manga. And books. I would 100% choose Berserk, Vagabond, Vinland Saga, Real or 20th Century Boys over shitty books like Bitterwood, The Hunger Games or Eragon.

But I do not think there is any manga that can match the level of, say, Shakespeare, Homer, Ernest Hemmingway or Ursula K. Le Guin.

>> No.4016690


>> No.4016713
File: 18 KB, 300x245, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people here that consider Sapkowski literature

CDPR is far superior at crafting a narrative, even if they have to work with a lesser mans franchise

>> No.4016724

Urasaw is great, Tezuka is all legacy, nothing truly great for todays standards, the rest have no real merit what so ever.
Hitoshi Iwaaki is in my opinion the best mangaka out there bar none, and he's not much of a draw-fag in the first place

>> No.4016727

Slap some fart fucking text on this and /lit/ would go bonkers.

>> No.4016734

really, is Ursula commonly considered to be in that league, or is it a personal fancy?

>> No.4016739

>all legacy
>MW, Adolf, Buddha, Ode to Kirihito, Phoenix

>> No.4016745

compared to monster and 20th century boys it just doesn't seem all that great. excellent to be sure, but it's certainly not what earned him all the recognition he has in the industry.

>> No.4016754

He's probably most comparable to Shakespeare in Manga. Extremely prolific and hits on a variety of styles while also creating works that the masses can enjoy.

>> No.4016761

I really like YKK and Kabu No Isaki.
Also Dorohedoro.

>> No.4016768
File: 30 KB, 310x272, mangas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the spirit of this thread I would like to point out that the plural form of manga is manga, not "mangas".

>> No.4016773

I personally just really like her. The Left Hand of Darkness is one of my favorite books.

>> No.4016776

I'd like to nominate this as the worst thread on /lit/.

>> No.4016783

I haven't read any of her sci-fi. I read her original earthsea trilogy as a very young child and loved the shit out of them. When I returned to finish the series off later in my life, the last two books were so saturated with feminist agenda that I simply couldn't enjoy them.
How is The Left Hand of Darkness on that front?

>> No.4016787
File: 289 KB, 889x1400, giogio_v47_151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking manga

>> No.4016796

It continues to amaze me that I have yet to read JoJo

>> No.4016799

>reading anything that hasn't been thoroughly critiqued and deemed high literature by academia

The number of posters here who do that is why /lit/ remains as shitty as the rest of 4chan.

>> No.4016810 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 650x1000, Vol33Ch01_013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't read jojo yet

>> No.4016812

>he reads low culture pulp trash
get off my board holy shit

>> No.4016813
File: 426 KB, 650x1000, Vol33Ch01_012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't read jojo yet

>> No.4016816

I bet you're that guy that keeps making all the IJ and Ulysses threads

>> No.4016818
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, 1357786672091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low culture

>> No.4016821
File: 1.06 MB, 972x1200, globus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading the best manga
Too busy with your YATATATATA and son luffy uzumaki? Read a real manga you babbies.

>> No.4016828


>> No.4016829

oh my god

>> No.4016838

there's plenty manga judged by nipponese academia.

>> No.4016839

All of her books in what I think is called the Rainish cycle or something like that is about different sub-species of humans. In the distant past there was a very advanced race of humans that traveled the galaxy that would experiment on humans and put this test group on a planet, and see how they evolved.
TLHoD focuses on a planet inhabited by unisex humans, who have a mating period of a few days every month, one partner turning into the 'male', the other 'female', and the female becomes pregnant and births the child.
The book does focus on how different society would be if everyone had the (best) traits of each gender, so I'm sure it could be seen as a feminist agenda pushing book.

>> No.4016846

I don't really care, as long as it's not shoved down my throat with regular intervals. This doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.4016847


>> No.4016850


>> No.4016852
File: 191 KB, 772x488, ifthiswasmadeforwesternersitwouldbetentimeslarger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan has fine academia broski.

>> No.4016854

>The editor is literally called Frenchy
You know it's academic then.

>> No.4016856

>popular culture products
yeah, no

>> No.4016860

Japanese academia have to go through the hell that is the Todai uni examination. Western people just have things like SATs. I think the amt of shitty Western academia definitely outweighs the japanese