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/lit/ - Literature

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4013868 No.4013868 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit's stance on porn?

>> No.4013879

pretty awesome

>> No.4013881

What does that even mean? What is /lit/'s understanding of porn's existence? How does it align with one's personal philosophy, etc.?

>/lit/ - literature

>> No.4013887

Ok, that's all I wanted to know.

>> No.4013893

The more Taiwanese Traps and Indian women the better
Still not related to literature.

>> No.4013894

It is the transmission of sexual liberation in place of actual sexual liberation. Other than that it was at its height in the 70s and is abysmal and cartoon-like in its current state.

>> No.4013895

I actually just masturbated. Porn is fucking awesome.

However, I have heard that some people watch so much fucking porn that they can't get off to regular old sex anymore. They have to imagine pornographic scenes in their mind.

Like everything else, porn is good in moderation.

>> No.4013909

Have you actually seen any porn from the 70s?

>> No.4013915
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Vaginas so hairy they look like caves full of spiders.

>> No.4013916

I think it's a plague in countries where the naked body is taboo, because it causes the public to look down on itself for not living up to porn star standards in the bedroom.

Fuck if I want it gone though, I love it.

>> No.4013924

Yeah. People actually looked real.

>> No.4013925


real hairy

>> No.4013937

I think it's having a totally unprecedented and unreckoned effect on the american psyche.

>> No.4013941

I actually agree. It's not like I had a moral stance against it (or religious or whatever) it's just something I've also noticed as I've gotten older.

>> No.4013956

yeah, I feel incredibly influenced by it
like in sexual fetishes, my expectations of women, my longevity, etc
It's definitely not evil (I guess) because I think it says/shows something that no one is willing to say publicly

>> No.4013968 [DELETED] 

Last time I posted a picture of naked chick on this board people freaked out and I got a one day ban as if they'd never seen a naked chick before, and from reading the postings, that's very believable.

I'll stay out of this one.

Really from the writings and most of the questions that I see here you people are in some detacted fantasy land and a naked women would freak you out. Cheers!

>> No.4013971

Professional porn is repulsive.

>> No.4013972

The time I posted a picture of naked chick on this board people freaked out and I got a one day ban as if you'd have never seen a naked chick before, and from reading the postings, that's very believable.

I'll stay out of this one regarding pr0n, that's the point of 4chan ya know.

From the writings and most of the questions that I see here you people are in some detacted fantasy land and a picture of a naked women, let alone a real one would freak you out so much you have to report it and ban people. Nice for a so called literary board, more like a joke.

>> No.4013987

You, sir, are an imbecile.

>> No.4013989

let him talk

>> No.4014002

i can only watch porn if I know the womens really enjoying herself and not faking anything

>> No.4014005

how can you know

>> No.4014013

amateur solo webcam stuff where girls upload videos themselves for no money... i can also tell when a women is visibly aroused... . I almost never watch professional porn, or porn with another guy in it (execpt james deen) because it's mostly BS

>> No.4014017

The ethics of amateur porn sites are tricksy, though. On the one hand you can think 'they must only be doing this because they're into it'. On the other hand, they might be doing it because their boyfriend/husband's a manipulative bastard and/or is uploading stuff without their consent.

>> No.4014022

sometimes u can just tell though, when they enjoy it. If it's fake they're doing all the things that one would do when typically turned on. but sometimes it's different.

>> No.4014027

Just because they're enjoying doesn't mean they agreed to have the video put up. They could have made the video for a vindictive ex.

>> No.4014035

you can't know for sure

>> No.4014041
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>being this emotionally concerned with fap material

>> No.4014075

Pro-written porn. Shut up and type something about someone else's non-fanfiction writing.

>> No.4014377

Enjoy your limp dicks


>> No.4014524

I've been trying the NoFap thing for about 15 days now. It's incredibly over-rated, I haven't noticed a single difference in my life. I'm going to stick to it for 90 days (the amount of time it takes for a "full reset") but I'd be surprised if anything actually happened. I guess that's what happens when the only things you fap to are either maladaptive daydreams or 2D fetish porn, watching real people have sex just always felt so pathetic to me for whatever reason.

>> No.4014564

bent over furiously masturbating is my stance

>> No.4014569

Masturbating to pornography is the most patrician way of sublimating one's repressed anxieties and stress. The alternatives such as smoking (legal and otherwise) and imbibing alcohol are obviously pleb in nature, because they only serve to damage ones body, and thus the means to end the stress or repressed frustrations end up bringing about more stress and repressed frustrations in the long term due to the body's rapid deterioration. The ointment becomes the poison, if you will. Masturbation on the other hand sublimates these things while also providing pleasure and independent, without any side-effects or impairments (psuedosciene aside). Masturbation is also a statement of independence, where an individual proves his or her ability to provide themselves with all they desire without having to rely on other humanoids. The outdated method of achieving this pleasure, namely sexual intercourse (which is both unhygenic and pitiable in its inherently dependent format), is thus done away with by the patrician, the higher man Nietzsche so accurately described, who, like Nazi Germany under Autarky, are almost completely self-sufficient, not needing to look to other humans for physical or psychological contentment.

>> No.4014578

It's a good way to make sure the literature in your age is shit-tier and will be laughed at for all eternity past the time in the future when we return to a more civilised existence of decency.

>> No.4014602

not a /lit/mite, just been shitposting a few in the last hour

imma say it, though not surprising, rather unusual in how normal and accepted it is.
it's a fantasy that first embedded itself into our minds as 12yearolds in a tragically happy accident in putting the wrong vhs tape in the player.
in a highly impressionable age and our first impressions of sex, presumably, we've been exposed to an unrealistic portrayal of an activity of life.

it's like watching hollywood romcoms and thinking our love life is going to be like that.
see 500daysofsummer

>> No.4014614

It's too expensive.

>> No.4014640

how can she slap?

>> No.4014647






>> No.4014660

>/lit/izens doing math

>> No.4014668




>> No.4015896


This guy is my hero.

>> No.4015901

>a real one
You mean an ugly one? A gross woman who demands that I find her attractive and desirable, even though she's neither?

>> No.4015910

Porn & masturbation in some cases for that matter is sexual life support for those that don't have some form of significant other. Some of it transcends the label of smut and can be considered art though.

>> No.4015929


The effect pornographic masturbation has on the physical structure of the brain as well as the body is extremely similar to the effects of other addiction inducing activities like the ones your mentioned in your post. Your autismal interpretation of masturbation as some assertion of individuality cannot appear as anything but a bad case of special snowflakeism in which you make a pathetic attempt to rationalize your miserable existence.

>> No.4015938

>Not TedTalks

Enjoy your fake bullshit pseudo study.

>> No.4015964

depends on what kind of new porn you are watching.

>> No.4015968


For low pleasures like masturbation, drugs, alcohol etc abstinence is almost always better than moderation

>> No.4015970

>not liking old bitches se tienen salvas tropicales

>> No.4015971
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I spend more time watching porn than doing any other single leisure activity.

>> No.4015977
File: 46 KB, 398x594, qt sasha grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn is the last bastion of society.

Think about it.

People have different opinions about many different things.

But NO ONE dislikes porn. It's almost objectively correct.

If porn is be banned, there would revolutions overnight.

>> No.4015978

*to be

>> No.4015980

What are you fucking talking about you delusional fucking retard? Millions of people hate porn, feminists in particularly, for a myriad number of reason. Feminists hate porn because they feel it's degrading to women and perpetuates the objectification feminists try so hard to prevent. Numerous religious sects hate porn because they hate pretty much everything. Please, please, please fucking think before you type things. I appreciate that you probably though you'd stumbled upon some groundbreaking piece of existential insight, but you hadn't, and I think we'd all appreciate it if you'd never, ever, ever fucking tripfag again.

>> No.4015981

top 5 porn actresses?

>> No.4015983

tfw no gf

>> No.4015984

I'd love to switch from vids and pics to /lit/ porn, but can't find any well written stuff.

>> No.4015986


I agree with the gist of your post, but bear in mind sex-positive feminists are either neutral or supportive of pornography, at least the sorts of porn that treat the actresses well.

>> No.4015987

extended sessions (2-3 hrs.) kill my creativity.
It's numbing physically and mentally.
but it's kind of a necessity right now

>> No.4015990

Of course, but I thought that kind of went without saying. I probably should have prefaced it with 'some' to prevent any misconception.

>> No.4015994


Do we have to extend moral opinions to everything now? How childish.

>> No.4015996
File: 24 KB, 330x441, lostgirls1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it art, /lit/? I would have posted a book, but I can't think of anything as "good."

>> No.4015998

No, but various retards come to /lit/ so they can say "haha, I browse /lit/, look how intelligent I am". Unfortunately, they know nothing about literature, so instead they make posts like OP's in which they take something entirely unrelated to literature and attempt to make it in some way relevant to the topic of this board.

>> No.4016000

Never seen any porn that is art, but the work of some porn actresses can be classified as art.

>> No.4016003
File: 5 KB, 262x234, cartesian coordicknates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ding ding ding

The post of the month goes to..

this fucking guy.

>> No.4016006

That's more art than lit. The bits with the visiting artists are pitch perfect though, so much so it makes me sad the rest of the book wasn't stylised the same way.

>> No.4016009

if it works for my right hand. I'm happy

>> No.4016015
File: 132 KB, 763x559, 1375288168877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really like porn, but I have to masturbate every 2 weeks to release the semen I developed or else it gets out via urine or wet dreams. I really dislike wet dreams. Porn can help me develop an erection, but it's rarely that I find a good porno, so I spend the entire night searching for a good and end up masturbating to a whore that looks like plastic and yells like she's giving birth to shrek.

>> No.4016021

>Millions of people hate porn
citation needed.

>feminists in particularly,
I bet they shlick to tons of things. Erotica counts as porn.

>Numerous religious sects hate porn because they hate pretty much everything.
You don't get that these people are merely lying. Sure they "hate" porn. Meanwhile it's midnight and they're on the computer and their pants are off.

Utah, with its concentration of Mormons, have the highest national subscriptions to porn. You can always find hypocrites in those who vehemently and irrationally oppose something.

>> No.4016029

You're evidently a fucking idiot, so I'm not even going to bother responding.

>> No.4016031

You jelly brah?

>> No.4016032

>I really dislike wet dreams

Is your family ugly or something?

>> No.4016036



>> No.4016041

I always refuse sex in my dreams, I don't think they're considered 'wet' even. Even if I did go all the away, it a complete mess. Plus, I will have to take a shower, and I dislike taking showers after waking up, it's exhausting.
captcha: oversuc Lord

>> No.4016043

Why don't you just wear an adult diaper, it's pretty normal to wear them these days

>> No.4016047

So gay

>> No.4016052

I hope you're not serious. If you are, I don't think they're comfortable.

>> No.4016055

That's not how you win an argument. And you already responded. Stop being a pompous fuck.

being asexual doesn't mean you oppose it

>> No.4016069

I'm addicted to it and I've finally reached a point in my life where I can acknowledge that it has completely ruined me. After years of doctors diagnosing me with depression, ADHD, and prescribing pills that I wish I had never taken, I finally realize that porn is the lies at the very center of nearly all of my problems, and that's a big fucking deal.

I don't really have a problem with porn existing but I think some of the criticisms of it are pretty interesting. I liked DFW's essay on it in Consider the Lobster.

Lately, I've been struggling with the fact that I'm having a hard time finding employment and people who are like half my age are now getting paid six figure incomes to bare their tits for all to see. One minute, every porn star and model is like 80 years older then me, and I wake up the next day only to find that I'm now compulsively jacking it girls who were still in the fucking womb when I turned 18. I think pretty much every single guy I know uses porn but it has become clear over the years that it hasn't completely fucked them up like it has done to me, and I have only myself to blame.

>> No.4016080

They are pretty comfortable. I started wearing them since my ex gf was a sub and we did some diaperplay once and when we split up I had a bunch left over so starte wearing them occasionally. They feel real compact but in a nice warm way.

>> No.4016082

How old are you?

>> No.4016094

If I woke up with a diaper filled with semen, I would most certainly take a bath as well. It's a big problem as long as I keep refusing sex, blowjobs and handjobs in my dreams. Sometimes I would really wish I didn't refuse, but it doesn't matter.

>> No.4016097

Are you white? Because if you are, that's fucking weird.

I'm Indian but I'm not so deluded that I don't recognize that Indians are some of the ugliest people on the planet. Only Australian Aborigines and black people are uglier as a whole. Chinese people are also probably the ugliest of the almond-eye races, and that includes Taiwan. Indian girls smell like farts.

>> No.4016107

Mid 20s. If you're not my age yet, then you'll be surprised to find how insanely quick everything changes when you finish college. Your friends all go from acting like cool, fun-loving people to boring guys who just want a shitton of money so they can buy alcohol. This happens in the matter of only weeks after graduation.

>> No.4016113

it makes my willy feel funny

>> No.4016118

lol at all this self hating. dayum they got you good

>> No.4016120

If you're in your mid twenties then I doubt girls half your age are in porn m8

>> No.4016124

some indian women are attractive, but on a whole I agree
what's with the taiwanese and thailandish trap love? they're easily the least effeminate of the east asian traps. japan and korea destroy them.
...Or so I've heard

>> No.4016128
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oh my god. i don't know why but this made me lol hard.

>> No.4016149

I understand. I hate pornography and masturbation, it's pure compulsion for me. It eats up most of my time. I wish I was asexual. I think I'm becoming impotent, I am jacking off half as much as I usually do.

>> No.4016161

I try to abstain from porn, the whole nofap challenge and all that
I like amateur porn, as long as it looks natural

>> No.4016173

81 replies

good job, /lit/

>> No.4016185

I only watch porn "made for women." It's much better quality. Better scenarios, better acting. I can build up for longer and get a satisfying orgasm.

> tfw you look up a pornstar on wikipedia and read that they were sexually abused as a child

>> No.4016187

>I only watch porn "made for women."

>> No.4016193

books are made for women

>> No.4016205

Why are you surprised? It's a pornography related thread on 4chan. It doesn't matter what boards it's posted on - it's going to get the most amount of replies compared to any other thread currently on that board.

Not everyone has read the same book but everyone here has watched porn.

>> No.4016207
File: 59 KB, 500x750, hD2E0E2D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can appreciate the 'authenticity' of amateur porn, but the rest of it doesn't do it for me. Mostly because of what's behind the camera: some fucking dude. Every time I see amateur porn, I see some random asshole trying to show off how good he is at fucking his girlfriend, or how much they love each other, or some other shit that provokes tfw no gf to well up from within me.

Not that professional stuff is any better, with their worthless ballshots and ugly tattooed guys with worse haircuts.

Which is why 2D girls are the best.

>> No.4016224

lol fuck

I forgot to mention that it's lesbian porn

made for women lesbian porn.

>> No.4016237

nothing gay about that

>> No.4016299

Porn is shit and bad for the mind. I only use it when I am lacking in fap inspiration and I need to flush the pipes.

>> No.4016314

I know how that feels.

The kind of "wet dream" I get is usually getting beat up (no S&M play thing, but serious bone-breaking violence), tortured and getting crushed by metal constructs. You just feel pressure and pain, and before you realize it, you're awake and sticky.

>> No.4016344

At best it's backwards capitalist exploitation of sex and the sexes, especially the female sex, for profit.

>> No.4016357

>implying I don't visit Literotica hourly

>> No.4016367

it's amazing how bad some of that stuff is.

>> No.4016379

But a great place to get good criticism on your writing.

>> No.4016388

really? in my experience even the most remarkably shoddy work can find praise in that place. also, and this is more of a personal thing, but I find that many stories are too drawn out.

>> No.4016431

that guy looks like bonnie prince billy.

>> No.4016536

>low pleasures

I'd be dead if it weren't for that shit.

>> No.4016538

That's such a cop-out.

>> No.4016569

>mid 20s
>jacking it to girls who were still in the womb when I turned 18

>> No.4016597

As a woman. it is hard for me to like porn because most of the men are so fucking unattractive or mean. I like porn with teenagers in it because of the teenage boys. Mmmm.

>> No.4016625

yourbrainonporn.com friend, seriously try that website and get your life back. Fuck porn.

>> No.4018725

>If porn is be banned, there would revolutions overnight.

Iceland and the U.K. just gave up I guess.

>> No.4018734

I am so fucking scared of requesting that from another library and staring the lady in the eye to pick it up when it comes in.

>> No.4018752

>I think it's having a totally unprecedented and unreckoned effect on the american psyche.

This. I'm all for it but I don't doubt that it has (probably) irreparably altered the way I perceive sexuality.

I don't really understand how people can become "damaged" by pornography. Primal scene aside, let's say you're exposed to it at an appropriate age -how does it become all-consuming? It just seems like that type of personality would be consumed with anything, be it pornography or kites. Perhaps I just have way too sober a mind.

>> No.4020825
File: 19 KB, 300x248, imagination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like to go on the bus, stare at women's feet and then go home masturbating to the mental image that I engrave in my mind.

During winter times I will resort to looking up feet galleries on the internet.

Besides that I just use pic related to fap.

>> No.4021341

are you kidding? I did nofap for 8 days recently and I got horny as hell. Literally any remotely attractive girl I saw day-to-day I was incredibly drawn to. And not just sexually, but romantically as well. The feelings of love and desire rushed back into me, when I thought they had all but died.

What a wondrous sexual energy we have. Seems quite a shame to waste it all away alone on our laptops to pornographic images. It's almost akin to trying to eat wax apples.

>> No.4021350

>implying that fulfillment in life is dependent only on the independent, individual man, and not on his relationships and interdependence with other human beings and all of nature around him.

>> No.4021369

like all experiences in life, porn is an opportunity.
I've many times left a party because the social scene seemed to hard to navigate,
gone back home to the easily navigable world of my computer and taken the easy-loving of Jenna or Tera or Candy

>> No.4021394

>What a wondrous sexual energy we have. Seems quite a shame to waste it all away alone on our laptops to pornographic images. It's almost akin to trying to eat wax apples.
You've got it twisted. Internet porn is the greatest celibacy tool ever invented. Just shake one out for a few minutes to your *tube, close the window and go about your life, immune to the filthy succubus trying to trap you at every corner, making you sell your enlightenment for a damp hole designed to fuck your life up with rahulas.

>> No.4021422

What is a 'full reset'?

>> No.4021439
File: 617 KB, 1023x2258, Nofap Rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]