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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 200x293, 200px-Gravitys_rainbow_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4010979 No.4010979 [Reply] [Original]

Best novels of the 70's?

>> No.4011031


>> No.4011043

Radio Free Albemuth.

>> No.4012159


>> No.4012183

troust mask replica

>> No.4012196 [DELETED] 

wasn't there a thread on this yesterday?and with the exact same picture?

>> No.4012329

Go back to /mu/ you retarded tripfaggot

>> No.4012334
File: 134 KB, 795x795, can tago mago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4012344
File: 55 KB, 331x397, The_Brothers_ Karamazov_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Published in 79 if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.4012345

u wot / no seriously fuck you / you suck / let's fight / ok faggot / etc etc / lel i am cray-zee! / I want to kill myself / the end

>> No.4012388

haha are you still so *utterly infuriated* with me that you want to ruin another thread? hahahaha bring it ceplebes this shit is truly the acorn in my squirrely brained eyes what else you got, sorry im cooler than u man

>> No.4012399

How about you start positive contributions? After Fab got banned its like you two are racing to the bottom. Both of you are in competition for worst. Stop it.

What one novel from the 1970's should I read?
Even this post is of higher quality.

>> No.4012404

get a room

>> No.4012419

provoking celeb is too funny to me im sorry, don't you want to see celebes giant post about how im obsessed with being cool and can't appreciate art?... i'll stop though

>> No.4012421

Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up, Halelelelelelelelelelela-leleleleleluwah, let him up.

That's 80s!

>> No.4012424

>Stop it.
Ok, from this point on I, Celebes, will cease being a cunt on /lit/ because I am bored/restless like I have been doing for this past fortnight.

70s: This is a hard decade, because a lot of people like Stephen King sprang up and blocked out the "literary" crowd. I would recommend Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie, but that is a year off from being a 70s novel. Strictly going by the 70s, I would suggest Gravity's Rainbow as the OP has. But also look into Midnight's Children because that was a good book.

>> No.4012427

btw I love Can sorry for offtopic shitposting

>> No.4012861

J R - William Gaddis

>> No.4012873

such a shitty summertrip

>> No.4012871

Humboldt's Gift - Saul Bellow
Portnoy's Complaint - Philip Roth (1969, but close enough)

>> No.4012925

A Conversation in the Cathedral, of course. Also August of the Patriarch.

>> No.4012930

He's the worst

>> No.4012932

I think GR's one of the 20th century's top novels so I'm probably a little far out by this thread's standards.

>> No.4012950

breakfast of champions, if on a winter's night a traveler,fear and loathing in los vegas, song of solomon, post office, being there

>> No.4012970
File: 102 KB, 318x468, 10946219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you fags suck at this so hard


thomas bernhard's the lime works (a work of demented genius like everything by bernhard)
georges perec's life a user's manual
italo calvino's invisible cities
jg ballard's the atrocity exhibition
tony duvert's strange landscape
coleman dowell's island people
pierre guyotat's eden eden eden
peter handke's the weight of the world

>> No.4012972

i meant to make it more clear that lime works is my favorite by the way, i really really recommend it

>> No.4012984

oh and burroughs the wild boys

>> No.4012993 [DELETED] 

solid contribution m8, the op image and a book that wasn't from the 70's, nice.. you have truly ceased being a cunt on /lit/
nice recs my man you are the best trip

>> No.4012996

didn't you just mention trout mask replica yesterday and everyone shat all over you because of its irrelevance to the overall thread

>> No.4013134 [DELETED] 

can sux

>> No.4013149
File: 62 KB, 318x471, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4013156

>anything Tim O' Brien

>> No.4013163

This book was totally useless except the Grand Inquisitor and the Devil. The rest is over analyzed bullshit to take up space. I have never wanted to know less about a story more than I did in the Brothers Karamazov. Holy fucking shit. 702 pages and only 60 are worth reading.

>> No.4013234

Lol that was the joke

I copy and pasted the text from that thread

>> No.4013253
File: 66 KB, 250x377, Crash(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best 70s sexual thriller?

>> No.4013285

I don't get it

>> No.4013290 [DELETED] 
