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/lit/ - Literature

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4009077 No.4009077 [Reply] [Original]

A /pol/ user made this: best Europeans of all time.

What say you /lit/

>> No.4009085

We need to first agree on the standards used to comprise the notion of best.

>> No.4009087

define "best".

>> No.4009092

George Washington

>> No.4009093

Define 'time'.

>> No.4009097

Define define.

>> No.4009101
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Typical /lit/

>> No.4009117


>> No.4009122

It's actually decent.

Perfect really.

>> No.4009125

>Caring about anything /pol/ says.

>> No.4009127

>being unable to handle nuance
>"actually having to think about things hurts"
Typical /pol/

>> No.4009133

Would Cesar count?

>> No.4009140

fuck me i meant caesar

>> No.4009144

As a European? Yeah.

I am assuming the image is split up into categories so he would have to replace Napoleon. I think Augustus was better all around though (if you are talking about Julius).

>> No.4009157

prob. i think napoleon might be overrated

>> No.4009162

Who is top left

>> No.4009174

Napoleon is definitely not overrated but one of the Caesers may have been a better leader.

please leave forever

>> No.4009195

Napoleon is definitely one of the most influential on that list, not sure about best.

>> No.4009214

>old big nose with yarmulke
>old angry dude writing some lame emo poems or something
>old near-angry beard with mushroom hat
>old-ish fabulous hair wth dem bedroom eyes
>not-old tries to coordinate coat with onesie but forgot how to wear a fucking belt
>old fivehead pig nose

1/6, terrible

>> No.4009224

idk either. is it alexander

>> No.4009223

Get rid of Newton and replace him with Shakespeare and Wittgenstein. If you need a scientist throw in Copernicus.

>> No.4009242

...it's Homer....


You what

As big of a Leibniz fanboy as I am, that's just retarded. Why does /lit/ hate science (I don't mean to pick on you specifically but just a general trend I have noticed).

>> No.4009251

>Get rid of Newton

U crazy?

Get read of homer and replace it with Shakespeare; get rid of Da Vinci and replace it with Michelangelo.

If I got it right it takes a person of each field of activity. If not so, I would also replace Socrates with Einstein and Napoleon with Tolstoy.

>> No.4009265
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>napoleon with tolstoy

NO. you need to have at least one military commander/emperor

>> No.4009273

Homer is GOATer than Shakespeare prob, and you may have a point with Michelangelo but Leonardo da Vinci was polymath as fuck

>I would also replace Socrates with Einstein and Napoleon with Tolstoy.

>not having a single philosopher
>not having a single leader/general

>> No.4009280

ovid > shakespeare > homer

>> No.4009288


>defends Newton, who stole most of his works from the Ancients and was a Christian fundamentalist
>replacing the greatest painter of all time with some gay (actually probable) christian dude who stained some walls with his shit
>replacing Homer, the greatest poet of all time (but you wouldn't know because you can only read and speak English), with some mediocre dramafag
>replacing the greatest natural philosopher with some jew who stole all his work from his wife and made sure that hundreds of thousands of innocent people died
>wanting to include fucking Tolstoy, one of the greatest literary jokes of all time

>>4009265 is right, but I would recommend replacing the ploterian Napoleon with Beowulf instead.

>> No.4009290

>Socrates with Einstein
You are literally retarded.

>> No.4009300

Best Americans of all time?

>> No.4009309

I can't speak for the rest of /lit/, I barely frequent this board. Also, I don't hate science, it just doesn't interest me like the written word and philosophy do.

Leibniz is cool and I didn't think of him but I'm not real big on rationalism or the rationalists. As far as Leibniz and mathematics... I'd be more inclined to say Frege, Boole, or Godel.

Anyway "best Europeans of all time" is vague so I've just listed my favorites.

>> No.4009311


>> No.4009312


H.P Lovecraft, T.S. Eliot... uhhh, I uh... Okay, I haven't got anything else. Maybe Ronald McDonald or Lincoln count, if you're American?

>> No.4009314

stop talking about thieves and christians like that

>> No.4009315

How is being Christian a bad thing?

> is right, but I would recommend replacing the ploterian Napoleon with Beowulf instead.

get out

>> No.4009313

Ben Franklin
Stone Cold Steve Austin
David Allan Coe
Dale Earnhardt Jr.

>> No.4009319


But thieves and christians are all horrible people....

>> No.4009322

what an euphoric comment, almost as epic as the time I wanked in my fedora and tipped it all over your mom

>> No.4009324


Okay, right, I'm shitty at typing. But you leave a gap between your greentext arrow and your greentext, so I think we are even.

Do you want a complete dissertion of all the horrible things the christians did, and all the beautiful culture that they destroyed? I have some literary recommendations if you would like.

>> No.4009329


Intrigueing. Have you drawn many picture of my mother?

>> No.4009330

Getting rid of Homer would be completely contrary to what I think the point of this post is. Excellent poet and he's responsible for what was essentially the first bible in Western culture. Also, this thread is distinctly missing Marx.

>> No.4009337

Alexander the Great

>> No.4009338


Right, could you motivate Marx, except that he is responsible for one of the most degenerate movements of all time and was a pretty shitty jewish writer?

>> No.4009340

Plenty of cultures have destroyed other cultures and done horrible things in the name of advancing themselves. What makes the Christians any different? The fact you've singled them out implies you are of a certain breed of dim-witted bandwagon riding cretin who would be more at home in an echo chamber with other euphoric individuals such as yourself repeating your near-sighted opinions over and over again.

>> No.4009341

Marx is not one of the six greatest Europeans of all time.

>> No.4009342

would you like me to?

>> No.4009344

>Do you want a complete dissertion of all the horrible things the christians did, and all the beautiful culture that they destroyed?

I'm not sure if you are new, but the agnostics here are massive apologists who will only fap to pics of priests sucking off alter boys. Say anything negative against Christians and they start screaming because, you know, "bible is teh cornerstone of western literature".

>> No.4009347
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>including a commie bastard who was trying to destroy western society and had followers who were tyrannical assholes that killed millions for a shitty impractical flawed political philosophy

>> No.4009348

Like this asshole here >>4009340

>> No.4009349

Just leave, your brand of anti-intellectualism is really not welcome here.

>> No.4009350


Well, would you like to mention some examples except Judeo-Christianity and Islam?
The Judeo-Christian religion and morality is completely foreign to us Germanics, and I hold it as the greatest tragedy to ever happen that it permeated the north.

>> No.4009353


Yes, it would be wonderful to see your artistic talents.

>> No.4009354


>> No.4009352

There's no need to samefag to back yourself up.

>> No.4009357


Oh no there is more than one person who doesn't like Christianity! Better call him a samefag!

>> No.4009358

Oh God, another creepy, racist 'neopaganist'. Do you guys realize that you're basically on the same tier as Wicca?

>> No.4009361

It's not wise, Anon. On /lit/ Christians can do no wrong, and atheists are evil.

>> No.4009370
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I agree, I agree, I agree! Wow this guy is-
>distinctly missing Marx.
ya blew it

In order of category like the OP

Melville, John Cage, Ben Franklin
______*, Washington, _______*+

*Great American scientists: Hubble, Feynman, Gell-man, Oppenheimer, Witten, Weinberg, John Wheeler

Can't choose

*+Great American philosophers: Paine (english-american though), Thoreau, Emerson, James were the ones I was thinking of but someone else should fill in here.

>> No.4009371




Oy ve! Oy ve!

>> No.4009375

Very well

Spaniards (South American genocide hijinks)
Americans (Destroyed Native American Cultures)
Germans (Warred with French and Austrians to form unified state based on their culture)
Zulus (Forcibly assimilated African tribes in their conquest)
Germans, Again (Holocaust, Germanic cultural supremacy policies)
English (Colonialism, maimed the Scottish culture after Culloden)
and etc

What I described is pretty much what all cultures do. What you're doing, is picking out a murderer out of a crowd of murderers and shouting at them "YOU, YOU ARE A BAD PERSON AND YOU ARE AWFUL" without noticing everybody else.

somebody has hurt feelings

>> No.4009376


Just because you can’t understand math does not mean that Socrates is more important.

You like Socrates because you can read the dialogues of Plato and understand them (it is not that difficult), and for this reason you feel smart, you feel that you are learning some of the most profound truths and information’s about the universe and human life. Well, since you can read and understand Socrates (and the majority of people can’t, or rather don’t do it), it is certain that Socrates is one of the most important human beings of all time, right? In reality this shows that your love for Socrates and the pilosophers is actually a love of yourself: you can’t understand science (even less contribute to it), so it is not that important (you will not admit such scar on your ego).

But that does not change the fact that the sciences are more important than philosophy. Currently philosophy students are just guys who want to integrate the intellectual elite but have no ability to learn mathematics.

I like philosophy (and among philosophers Socrates is one of my favorites, along with Montaigne), but one must admit that science is more important and useful to society.

U mad?

>> No.4009378

I'm just overly hopeful that there isn't more than one eternally upset child who acts and behaves like this.

>> No.4009379


Oh dear, someone calling the lord's name in vain, throwing baseless accusations of neopaganism, neospiritualism and racism at his fellow brothers instead of showing the other cheek!

>> No.4009381

You can't have Franklin or Washington; they were born in a British Colony.

>> No.4009385

No, there's quite a few of them. But most of them just side with the Christians because they find the new-atheists intolerable.

>> No.4009386


Right, I should have asked for examples of >>important<< cultures being wiped out.

>> No.4009389

You're not very good at this, are you?

>> No.4009390


Indeed, I do find atheists even more repulsive than Christian fundamentalists. Catholics can be acceptable in some cases.

>> No.4009391

Great American scientists is missing Tesla (although I guess one could argue that he shouldn't be counted as American) and Von Neumann. I think they should at least upstage Hubble and Feynman.

>> No.4009392


Butthurt leftist detected.

>> No.4009394
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here you go

>> No.4009395
File: 81 KB, 400x288, Crying-Indian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off your tin pot, exactly how are they native. Most so called scientists claim they came over on a land bridge from asia to the americas. Some might argue from the types of weapons found that they came from europe in boats.

Either way, they're not native, they've just been here longer than we have and so the fuck what? Go back to PBS and suckup to obama.

>> No.4009396


That's not my mother, she is Nordic and has red hair. I think you have mistaken your chink cousin for my mother.

>> No.4009397

How am I a leftist? I'm the one who been against the guy who seems to think that Christianity is the only source of bad things in the world.

>> No.4009398


Man...you have serious cognitive problems. You believe in infantile rumors and has not the slightest ability to distinguish what is great art.

Read this book, fagot:


Shakespeare and Michelangelo are at the top place in their fields (and that according with the opinion of several artists from their areas over many, many years).

Also, my mother tongue is portuguese, not english.



You will never accomplish anything of value.

>> No.4009399

Not him, but clearly Socrates' major contribution isn't the specific information he imparts in Plato's dialogues, but the philosophy and mindset of scepticism which he made an inalienable part of Western civilization, and which underpins all scientific endeavour.

>> No.4009401


I, uh.... you're mother!

>> No.4009402

I tried. I have a restless urge to procreate with an Asian woman and I hope to have sex with one someday.

>> No.4009405

two people on that list are Jewish


I guess Tesla could count, and thank you I completely forgot von neumann (wasn't thinking about math)

>> No.4009408

Doesn't matter if they're native or not, they're cultures which have been destroyed by other cultures which was what I was trying to get across to Mister Euphoric Fedora wearing Wicca over here.

>> No.4009415


Yeah, Shakespeare was one of the best dramafags to live, if you leave out... all of the hellenistic playwrites.
The fact that you are a subhuman doesn't justify the fact that you can't read Old Greek.

Also, get a load of this faggot who is recommending Charles Murray hahahahaha

>> No.4009417

>red hair

>> No.4009418
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>I do find atheists even more repulsive than Christian fundamentalists

>> No.4009419


It's okay, Anon. I wish you luck in your quest.


All of them have Jewish blood, and none of them were European.

>> No.4009420

This thread is epic!

>> No.4009421

Leonardo da Vinci

that's it, losers

>> No.4009425


Yeah, it's only like... one of the most distinctive attributes that is common among Northern Europeans.

>> No.4009427


All right, you win. I have seen the comic before, so I should have seen that coming.

>> No.4009428

Why not a list of the most influential Europeans of all time?

Practically set the stage for socialism and fascism with his "spread liberalism and nationalism errywhere" shtick

>George Washington
Invented USA and beat the British Vampires

>> No.4009430



>> No.4009432


I agree, but what is your problem with Fascism? Granted, it had some proletarian elements, but it was pretty much as good as it could get under the circumstances.

>> No.4009434


>> No.4009435

I have a question for you, I need someone to answer this. Please do, it has nothing to do with this tread at all.

What's the difference between Brasil and Brazil.
I've been told that Brasil is the proper way to write it because that's of the Portugese origin. Brazil is more Spanish.

Am I right, wrong or what?

>> No.4009440



>> No.4009441


You are right about that.

>> No.4009442

I don't have any problem with it, I 'm saying that Napoleon not existing would mean Fascism and all the other -isms would've probably not existed.

>> No.4009445

Leibniz and Tolstoy had jewish blood?

>> No.4009446

What's your problem with jews?

>> No.4009447

I'm pretty Jews in Europe are and/or were mainly descended from native converts to the religion, not from the Jewish tribes of the Bible.

>> No.4009448

Einstein's family had lived in Europe for multiple generations, they are as European as Americans are American

>> No.4009450

This was in reply to >>4009440

>> No.4009451



>> No.4009453

>yfw this was a /pol/ trap for /lit/ to discuss jews
abondon thread

>> No.4009454

Don't see why people include Da Vinci.
I would say

Alan Turing

>> No.4009457

One day, I will find my ideal, virginal, intelligent and proud Asian gf. We will hug, hold hands and go to movies. We will get married.

I want to ejaculate inside her and make Eurasian children and raise them as my own spawn.

>> No.4009458
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Pic related (free to make changes)

They are of course, but this is 4chan.org

>> No.4009459

Whenever you post someting I read it in this whiny white boy voice
>Leibniez and Tolsooy had jeewiish bloood?
lel it's hilarious

>> No.4009460


I never said anything about them? The anti-semitism in Fascism was a product of circumstances, and not of the underlying ideology. Lots of jews held high positions before 1938.

>> No.4009461

I replace Shakespeare with Edouard Manet.

>> No.4009463

Riiiiiggggt... and without that it would be Utopia.
That's a book you should read.

>> No.4009465



Well some may be, but the majority of hasidic jews can be tracked back genetically to four women thousands of years ago.

>> No.4009466
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>> No.4009467

I wouldn't think so since they were both so Christian. I also checked their early biographies on wiki before posting and I didn't catch anything like "born into a jewish family..."

>> No.4009464


>> No.4009470


Not completely jewish, of course, but there are jews in their families. Hang on, I'll see if I can find you a source.

>> No.4009471

Don't get defensive, it was just a question.

>> No.4009472


I'm not getting defensive... except when you are accusing me of getting defensive.

>> No.4009477

hahaha ok, let's end this... Joe Strummer.

Joe Strummer - Burning Lights (I Hired a Contract Killer)

>> No.4009480

>I have a restless urge to procreate with an Asian woman and I hope to have sex with one someday.

I had exactly the same urge, though you may not like my method.

Out of sheer boredom, I found a volunteer organisation that worked with some NGO's in Cambodia, and signed up for two months. For the first month I was the only guy sharing the organisations guesthouse with between 8 and 12 girls, mostly Brit, Irish, American, and Australian girls (It seems girls buy in to 'voluntourism' a lot more) and I successfully managed, although very drunk, to fuck 4 different white girls over those two months. Most people sign up for 1 - 2 weeks, so the girls are always changing. Unfortunately they are all new-age, vegan types that want a facebook picture with a brown kid to show everyone their altruism, but if you feign an interest in them they're pretty horny when drunk.

Around the start of the second month a Kiwi guy showed up and i had to share my room with him. I immediately stopped going drinking with the girls every night, tolerating their bullshit in the hopes of getting my dick wet, and he and I would venture out to explore the seedier parts Phnom Penh. This included massage parlous, hostess bars, and playing around with the Freelancers at Heart of Darkness and Sharkeys. Girls there can be had for between $10 - $25, and they fucking love Western men. The Kiwi was only there for two weeks, but between us we managed 18 cute little Khmer girls.

Needless to say my urge was satisfied.

>> No.4009483


Blessings, anon

>> No.4009485

Ahahaha. You've clearly never read Marx. And worse you blindly accept the contemporary cultural conception of his theory and motives. How sad.

>including a commie bastard who was trying to destroy western society and had followers who were tyrannical assholes that killed millions for a shitty impractical flawed political philosophy.

> he is responsible for one of the most degenerate movements of all time

First of all, Marx was a remarkable historian and based his political system off of Hegel's dialectic. The result was a system, which could in theory bring about the end of the human tradition of brutal economic injustice, capitalism, social Darwinism, lord and serf, freeman and slave etc. etc. He referred to Capitalism as "Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie" and Socialism as "Dictatorship of the proletariat". His ideal communism would be classless and stateless which are conditions that do not allow for dictatorship.

Secondly, the Soviets were "communists" but they were also authoritarians. Instead of being stateless and classless they centralized the state and allocated all of the wealth toward themselves, not towards the people as Marx had envisioned. They commited a number of human rights atrocities but they were not Marxists. Marx was dead before the Soviets so I do not think it is correct to say that he is "responsible" for them. In fact, had he been alive he would have been appalled to hear that their actions were being attributed to his ideas. "I am not a Marxist" is a direct quote from him in response to similar accusations.

Trotsky and Lenin were partly a Marxist, yeah but they had more to do with the Bolshevik uprising and nothing to do with the brutality. Stalin was a tyrant who was a product of his time... in part an alternative to the former tsars and also a response to the world wars.

Regardless, I did not suggest Stalin or Lenin or even Trotsky for being one of the 'best' Europeans of all time. I mentioned Marx for his historical importance.

Do some actual research before you jump to outrageous conclusions and accusations. Seriously.

>> No.4009486

You sound like a standard socialist do gooder weirdo that votes for obama and billary.

Asshole, but it's your vote, you can vote to be fuckup, that's your right.

verif: tonastra population

>> No.4009490

Proper list:


>> No.4009487

Is this some kind of /pol/ pasta?

>> No.4009489

That's a great story. Something that could be posted on /trv/ in those travelling stories thread

>> No.4009491

It's awful to do good, isn't it

>> No.4009493

Derp de derp, in theory if everyone was my slave and did my bidding I'd do quite well... derp derp, that's marx in a sentance.

A standard moron.
Same with NAZIs.

OOPS reality comes in the door, they didn't of that in their stupid utopian books did they?

>> No.4009494

Marx was an authoritarian. Bakunin predicted his theory would lead to a red despotism long before lenin and stalin et al.

>> No.4009498


All right, he might just have been the strawman for the communists... I've only read his manifesto in English, but I found it lacking in literary qualities and except for parts of the polemic against capitalism I found it to be pretty much worthless. Regardless of his intents, the ideology was degenerative and also very unrealistic.

>> No.4009499

Depends on what you mean by good. If you mean it for absolution of your bullshit then no, and then again it depends on the meaning of good. Just don't fuck with other people and don't think that you're better than others. Because there's always, always someone quicker than yourself.

Do gooder types cause a lot more harm than they know, they're too stupid to know any better.

>> No.4009500

Were they underage?

>> No.4009503

You can't have turing or bismark. hegel is dodgy. and manet is taking the piss

>> No.4009506


What's wrong With Bismarck?

>> No.4009509

Bismarck was a pussy fuccboi who got told by the German socialists to fuck off to The Netherlands and there he cried in his mansion about muh backstabbing

>> No.4009511

Why not turing?
Why not bismarck?

I put manet in because of his painting of the girl in front of the railroad grating. Only kid who actually used artistic revolution to do something good. Then picasso done fucked up.

>> No.4009512

he's not napoleon, caesar, fredrick the great or alexander

>> No.4009514

He was a shadowsmith. The true german man.

>> No.4009515

>Why not turing?

archimedes, euler, gauss, newton, cantor etc etc

>> No.4009516

Ambitious but not role models.

>> No.4009517

Greatest Americans

George Washington
Ben Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Nikoli Tesla

>> No.4009518


>defending socialists


Turing was gay. But I guess it might be okay to include him...


I thought we discussed Napoleon already....

>> No.4009520
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>Just because you can’t understand math does not mean that Socrates is more important.
>Plato and understand them (it is not that difficult)
>But that does not change the fact that the sciences are more important than philosophy.
>Currently philosophy students are just guys who want to integrate the intellectual elite but have no ability to learn mathematics.
>but one must admit that science is more important

Oh wow,

Would you just look at this >>>/b/ material.

Let me quote this so that everyone can see how clinically retarded, philosophically uninformed and dogmatically prejudiced you are.

>> No.4009521

Might replace Goethe with newton, then.
I feel turing should be in there.

>> No.4009522

Just out of curiosity, what was the name of the organization you worked for? I've done similar things but I've never been abroad. I tried Tibet once and not only did they want me to pay but they offered free wifi. I'm not down with that sort of thing since I have no reason for Wifi in an impoverished land. Also, since I am a worker and not a student I figured that if I'm volunteering the actual work I do would be more than enough to cover air fair etc. Seemed like a scam for yuppies and not the real deal. Mind elaborating?

>> No.4009525

Also Bismarck wasn't simply a conqueror.

>> No.4009531
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You mad bro?

He mad son.

>> No.4009532


>the Christian fundamentalist preudo-scientist who stole all his work

>> No.4009536

[citation needed]

Preferably something with an ISBN.

>> No.4009537
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>> No.4009538

>Were they underage?
I don't think so. The trouble with Khmer girls is that 13 yo's look 13, and 30 yo's look 13. They are all around five foot, small breasts, unwrinkled smooth faces ... there's no real way of telling.

To reduce my chances of getting a child I ignored the street walkers. These are everywhere after sunset, almost as annoying as the Tuk Tuks and motodops, and a mix of really old and really young; they will jump on you, grab your hands and try to pull you to a guesthouse, and often only ask $3 or $5 for full sex.

The Hostess bars are okay - the girls are 'employed' there, and you have to buy them 'lady drinks' and barfine them to take them home. With them, and the freelance girls in the main clubs, i took the view that if they are allowed to drink and work in bars and openly flirt and solicit without anyone caring, then they are old enough for me to take to a dimly lit room for an hour. I haven't actually looked at the legal drinking age for clubs, but there wasn't really much else I could do.

The only dubious time was a girl in a massage parlour. We had gone in for a 'massage palour experience', to see if the massage did include sex (it did), but the girl I got did look a little on the young side. She said she was 18 when I questioned her, though.

>> No.4009539

Hardly matters.
The information we associate him with is valuable.
He could be an abstract geometrical shape resembling a qt jap somehow called Booton Pickslime for all I care.

>> No.4009542

At least you aren't full hedon.
I'd've probably gone for some of that.

>> No.4009546


>> No.4009550


The Cosmic Calculator by Kenneth Williams and Mark Gaskell. I can find you some more if you want, I just have to go see if I can find the books.

>> No.4009552


But /pol/ would never allow turing, unlike yours truly who is so fantastically altruistic.

>> No.4009555

Not sure if completely missing the point or just trolling.

> in theory if everyone was my slave and did my bidding I'd do quite well... derp derp, that's marx in a sentance.

Not going to have this debate on a literature board. If you can't into theory that's your problem. Marx never had any political power apart his ideas and words so I'm not sure why you're bring slaves into it. Marx helped to seriously shape western sociology, political and economic theory, and his work serves as a model for hope for the historically oppressed and the future of the human race by basically claiming that egalitarian communism (collectivism) is the necessary outcome in the evolution of economics and transition from capitalism to socialism. Get over it.

>> No.4009556
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>Kenneth Williams
Oh, matron!

>> No.4009559


It's a fairly common name...

>> No.4009560

>irls there can be had for between $10 - $25, and they fucking love Western men

Why this love for western man? Just that only that common attraction between people of different ethnicities (which some say is an attraction device nurtured by evolution, since the progeny of people with great genetic difference would generally be healthier than that of people with very similar DNA)?

Or does it have anything to do with penis size? Or Western men are (in theory) less sexist?

My dream is to go to Japan to have sex with the women there (even if only in brothels).

>> No.4009561

A "Vedic mathematics" textbook? What does that have to do with anything? And please remember to cite chapter(s) and page number(s) if you present a book as a source.

>> No.4009563


Because western men are generally very masculine, at least compared to asian men. Same with asian women compared to western women when it comes to femininity (personally I am more attracted to strong women, though).

>> No.4009567

Japan doesn't have brothels.
That's South Korea.
Even the Japs go to South Korea to have sex with them inferiors.

>> No.4009568


It has to do with that the vedics mastered calculus and astronomy a couple of thousand of years ago. I don't remember what chapter... One of the early ones, I believe.

>> No.4009570


I thought SK's were a superior race? Don't they have pale skin and better physical appearances in general?

>> No.4009572

are you saying Asian women are more feminine than western women?

>> No.4009574

> the vedics mastered calculus and astronomy a couple of thousand of years ago

That didn't happen. Do you even know what calculus is? By definition, no-one was doing calculus until Newton and Leibniz.

>> No.4009576

Yeah, I was actually just over there.
South Koreans are quite good looking and well dressed, if we're talking about the girls.

>> No.4009577


Uh, yes? In the sense that they are "weaker" and more empathic.

>> No.4009579

It's a pretty good list, surprised no Hitler / Charles Martel / Richard I / Vladimir Putin / Ron Paul.

Napoleon doesn't strike me as /pol/'s favourite at all. Hmm.

>> No.4009580

The communist manifesto was exactly what it was called. It was written for a practical purpose - to unite the people to stand against the injustice against the working class and the larger problem of class inequality in post-industrial Europe. If you want to read his theory, pick up Das Kapital. It's a little bit bigger and it wasn't written for consumption by the common coal miners, for lack of a better way of putting it.

>> No.4009582

Empathetic, not necessarily.

>> No.4009584

Nigga, I don't believe in altruism but doing good is not a bad thing. They're still helping.

>> No.4009585


>Ron Paul


Bro I think you confused "white" with "European".

>> No.4009587


I know what it was called. I read it. I will pick up some of his other work, but I won't promise to read more than I can stomach.

>> No.4009588


I've already researched this and it seems that there are brothels there, but they are rare. There are massage parlors (they are more common), but according to what I read the girls there do not go to the happy ending.

Brothels, however, according to my research, are quite expensive, and they owners do not see foreigners with good eyes (maybe they are jelly of our aesthetics, lel).

Well, I guess I'll have to seduce some girl in a karaoke house .lel.

This site is interesting: Japan Cupid. Perhaps before traveling I will make contacts through it.

>> No.4009590


*Empathetic, fucking damn it. But you were there, right? Mind telling us how it actually is?

>> No.4009593

I'd strongly disagree.. maybe personality wise but damn they don't have the most womanly figures.

>> No.4009596

>karaoke house
What are you looking for, middle school students?
And what are you, some sort of /jp/ crossboarder who got interested in Sartre?

>> No.4009599


I meant mainly personality-wise. They are also petite which some men like.

>> No.4009602


>not looking for middle school students
>not crossboarding /lit/ with /y/ and /v/

>> No.4009605

South Korean women?

Good looking, short and in comparison to japs, not shy at all. Contrary to popular belief not sluts. I think actually South Korea is quite conservative. You can't look up internet pornography without it being blocked.

>> No.4009613

Ha! Gaaaaaay!

Personally I enjoy a mix of /a/, /jp/ and /lit/.
Some times throw some /x/ in but I get spooked and think there's a small red eye floating constantly behind my head.

>> No.4009618


Huh, interesting. You wouldn't think that they were conservative what with their mindless technology-euphoria...

>> No.4009620


....I was joking.

I don't visit other boards, except for specific requirements or for shits&giggles.

>> No.4009621
File: 13 KB, 300x168, yuno4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second, yaoi?

Been reading too many of the Greeks?

>> No.4009626

Wait, you entered 4chan through /lit/?

>> No.4009625


No, I'm a regular guy: a tall, beautiful and healthy young man. I have good relationships with women, and would never abuse a minor. But since I read "Snow Country" I was fascinated with Japanese women (they are beautiful, gentle, intelligent), and I want to sleep with one of them.

What's wrong with that? Also, I tough that Karaoke houses were frequented by adults as well as teenagers.

By the way: I like Anime, butI have watched very few: Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Beebop, Death Note, DBZ, Samurai X, Saint Seya - I think I just watched these. I also loved (and love) to read Vagabond.

>> No.4009627

>Mind elaborating?
I went with a company called IVHQ. They don't pay you or pay for anything you do. It's not my sort of thing really, but I was working a 9-5 here, had a lot of money, and was slowly losing the will to live under fluorescent tube lighting and the constant smell of coffee. Everyone I know is either working, or in full-time education, and I couldn't find anyone wanting to take the multi-month break I needed. As I hate travelling alone, this was really the only thing open to me.

I checked out quite a few organizations, and this one seemed the most honest, and cheapest. Nearly all of the money you give to them goes on your food, electricity, other utilities and costs. You are providing your labour for free, and they can't pay you (so they say) because they are not making a direct profit from your labour.

If you object to that, you can contact various NGO's directly and they will employ you (the wage is small), but they will need a relevant degree, preferably experience (which seems to usually be gained through a volunteer scheme), but there are quite a few people competing to be one.

I know what you are saying about the money, but it wasn't really an issue for me. The only thing I didn't like was the new-age feminist mindset and agenda they tried to push on me. One of the days was spent listening to a talk from some middle-class white woman who felt "the poor Cambodians were being exploited by 'sexpats' and sex tourists, and they needed to be liberated from this enslavement" – ironically, this was on a day where I had been with a Khmer bargirl in a guesthouse the night before.

Both Ben (the Kiwi guy) and I started a debate with her and a few other bleeding heart girls that got very heated.

...But yeah, the volunteer organisation wont pay for anything, you'll have to work directly for an NGO if you want financial compensation..

>> No.4009632

true dat

I feel like that would be impossible

>> No.4009634


No, I entered it through /g/ actually. But I quickly realized that it was basically 95% consumer electronics.

>> No.4009636

I personally became interested in fucking japs through news reporter pornography in which the female news reporter pretends she isnt being penetrated as she attempts ultimately in failure to read the news.
Come on, you neets know what I'm watching.

>> No.4009638

Miyamoto Musashi is a pretty interesting character.
Personally am interested in Noh and Kabuki the most of Jap Culch.

>> No.4009639

You may just want to save yourself the trouble. In complete honesty it's one bitch of a book. If you do decide to rough it make sure to pick up a companion book as well.

>> No.4009640

>Why this love for western man?
Well, in Cambodia the min wage is just over $30 a month for a factory worker – western men are all millionaires. Also, we are giants that are nearly a foot taller than the men over there, have more body hair, deeper voices, and the desirable pale skin. Mostly, western guys just represent a life that the women there want. You will even see a lot of men in their 60's with an 18yo girl on their arm there.

This is just Cambodia though; every Asian country has a different attitude to westerners

>> No.4009641
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>> No.4009642


Not him, but I joined it because my brother said that all the internet memes and jokes appeared on 4chan, a lawless place where anything was permitted. I was curious and decided to visit 4chan. At first I thought: "My God, what a mess: how can one find in the middle of this chaos," but gradually I got used to it.

Early on I became interested just by /lit/. The famous /b/ has always been for me a boring place where people are more concerned with trying to shock than to produce interesting material.

Currently I also like to go to /fa/ and /fit/ (and also /pol/, for the lulz).

>> No.4009643

I went on /g/ as well, for a while.
Programming threads were interesting, but too difficult.

>> No.4009644
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>> No.4009645

How did you enter 4chan, trippy?

>> No.4009646

Jesus, where can I find stuff like that? pls reply

>> No.4009647
File: 755 KB, 788x534, amphideal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Da Vinci was arguably the most perfect and exalted human being to ever live.

Deal with it

>> No.4009648


Okay, /lit/, let's discuss anime. Disregard this guy who has terrible taste, and tell me if there are some good works that are comparable to decent written fantasy?
So far I've found Ergo Proxy, Darker Than Black, Serial Experiments Lain, Requiem for the Phantom but especially Mononoke and Texhnolyze to be very good.

>> No.4009649

>a talk from some middle-class white woman who felt "the poor Cambodians were being exploited by 'sexpats' and sex tourists, and they needed to be liberated from this enslavement"
she's right though. its a poor country and you are taking advantage of the girls there because you have money.

>> No.4009650


top lel

enjoy your clap

>> No.4009651

What's wrong with hegel?
I've been reading phenomenology of spirit for a while now and had the sneaking suspicion that it was considered utter shit but noone was telling me for some strange reason.

>> No.4009654


All right, I think I will skip it. Thanks. I know it's a pretty awful, but I think I know Marx fairly well through some of his more vocal critics.

>> No.4009655

Lets hope I don't get banned.

>> No.4009658

> The famous /b/ has always been for me a boring place where people are more concerned with trying to shock than to produce interesting material.

Unless you've been here for 5 or 6 years you wouldn't even have caught the tail end of /b/'s glory days, so that attitude is perfectly understandable.

>> No.4009659

According to someone's 4th grade Science teacher who did a masters in "Education".

>> No.4009661

If you want something deep, Lain is best.
Personally Hidamari Sketch, Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon are best because they are free from cirticism in their unending naivete and lack of point or reality.

>> No.4009665

Your taste is pretty shit too. I'm of the opinion that you don't understand anime until you start to enjoy shows like Girls und Panzer.

That said, Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

>> No.4009662

I started using 4chan regularly around 2 years~ ago when I discovered /mu/ (because I heard they liked Varg Vikernes, lel).

I mean, I had been on 4chan before that (/b/ and /s/ a long time ago, I remember being younger & seeing a decrepit, naked old woman and being scarred) but /mu/ was when I came to the site frequently.

>> No.4009663


Just consider all the bullshit terms he makes up to replace words that already exists.

>> No.4009664

Thanks for the information. Money is only really an issue because I have none, which is why my ideal organization would accept my skills and labor as payment for housing. I mean, bringing rent into the equation is a bit contrary to the whole ideal of being non-profit and also I don't have rent money.

Regardless, I can't be arsed to participate in brain dead, bleeding heart agendas. I'd much rather build houses than listen to feminist seminars.

>> No.4009666


I'm the guy on which you are shitting, and I confess that I also watched Ergo Proxy : it's horrible (pretentious and boring - made for pretentious people). And how can you call DBZ, Cowboy Beebop and Samurai Champloo bad-taste options? They are all highly regarded.

I also read the manga called Real, by the same author of Vagabond: a wonder of humanity and self-improvement.

>> No.4009667


I've already watched Lain and Sailor Moon (which I wasn't impressed by), but I will check out the other two. Thanks.

>> No.4009670

Was there any worry about diseases? I think I would be constantly obsessing over whether the girls had Syphilis. I assume you used a condom?

>> No.4009673

I know someone who also came through /mu/.
It seems to be the newest gate.
The other people back in school were all getting through /b/ and I was the weab.

>> No.4009676


>Frau Edouard Devrient: "Do tell me, who is the stupid fellow sitting next to me?" Felix Mendelssohn (behind his napkin): "The stupid fellow next to you is the philosopher Hegel."

>> No.4009677


Highly regarded=/=good. I'm not going to tell other people to start Ergo Proxy. I liked it because it was inspired by a lot of Platonian and other hellenistic thought.

>> No.4009679


Your narrow scientific mind cannot grasp the genius of Da Vinci, despite the fact that he was in fact a tremendous scientist himself.

Go worship Turing some more and leave us in piece, intellectual prole

>> No.4009678

But he does that in order to create variables with which he can work with. Actually, the words are more simplified than what is usually used and I'm pretty sure present in other german idealists work at the time.
Is that the only critcism you have because Hegel actually adresses the fact that if you are offended by the writing it matters fuck all.

>> No.4009681


I wasn't offended, I just find it to be tedious.

>> No.4009683

>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
If you want slowly unfolding sci fi with card board cut out personalities, I would go with something like Gundam Zeta and Double Zeta.

>> No.4009684
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>leave us in piece

Captcha: hisfau illiteracy

>> No.4009685


Haha, no.

Don't waste a single hour reading Hegel. If you want a serious Idealist read Schopenhauer, or just grow some balls and try Kant.

>> No.4009688


tremendous comeback

door is on your left, back to /sci/ with you

>> No.4009689

Let's not get in to DBZ.
Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo have good openings.

Real ain't so great. If you read manga,
Oyasumi pun pun is good.
Vagabond is nice, but you might as well read the book it's based off and the book of five rings by the historical person it is based off.

>> No.4009695

Eh, I can definitely understand that it isn't for everyone. I personally think it's among the best sci-fi ever put to film, though. It's worth that anon's time to watch at least the first few episodes and judge for himself.

>> No.4009696


DBZ is much more complex than the average fan can give it credit for. The relationship between Goku and Vegeta is one of the best and most intricate in all anime.

>> No.4009698

>I liked it because it was inspired by a lot of Platonian and other hellenistic thought.

I respect that. But entertainment is also valuable. An anime like Death Note has very interesting characters, and for me this is one of the great virtues of fiction: the creation of complex characters.

Light is my favorite, but I confess that after the death of L the show lost much of its quality (the successors of L are mediocre characters, IMO).

I love that scene where Light, after the death of L and on top of a building, begins to kill thousands of people without any mercy, wielding the pen like the baton of a conductor.

>> No.4009701


I love the character of Freeza. One of my favorite vilans.

>> No.4009702

Okay, but good criticism of his philosophical revelations?
I know he was criticised for his language,
but he also has many followers and influenced much thought, not to mention his ideas pretty much foreshadow those of kripke and wittgenstein.
Do you not like Kant either? Or Schelling?
>a musician
>having an opinion on philosophy
Of course there were certain members of the elite who took a person for face value.

>> No.4009704


I rarely visit /sci/. I think you belong on /b/, though, if you can't even spell properly when you are on a literature board.

>> No.4009705

Someone on /mu/ once said (think it was CLT) that /mu/ used to have off-topic literature discussions until it got so bad that they created /lit/, and all the smart people flocked here. /mu/ and /lit/ have always been connected, no matter how much /lit/ wants that to be false.

>> No.4009706


Actually, that reads "hisfall illiteracy", which is more suitable.

>> No.4009707

Oh that reminds me, I also posted on /sci/ for a substantial period of time.

>> No.4009708

I'm sorry we can not agree. His skill has nothing to do with what he gave to the instruments with which I concern myself on daily matters.

>> No.4009711

Okay, I don't think philosophers ought to have the duty of making something any more or less tedious, though.

>> No.4009713


I liked the first four or five episodes of Death Note, but then after that I realized it was just tedious repetitions with shitty writing. What I really dislike about it is based on the fact that it's very often mentioned by teenage girls as their "favourite anime".

>> No.4009716
File: 147 KB, 250x423, frieza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's crazy when you grow up and finally understand what Frieza really is, namely intergalactic nobility. The guy is basically Cesare Borgia made nigh indestructible.

I thought it was really cool how in Battle of the Gods the reason Birus visits Earth is because he heard Frieza had been defeated by Goku. Shows you how renowned Frieza really was

>> No.4009719

>I love that scene where Light, after the death of L and on top of a building, begins to kill thousands of people without any mercy, wielding the pen like the baton of a conductor.

This - from 3:52 foward:


>> No.4009720


I disagree. They need to come with interesting ideas or ways of presenting or dissecting them. If a philosopher is tedious it is because they have nothing interesting to come with.

>> No.4009722

Is Schopenhauer like Nietzsche? If so, no thanks. That ain't philosophy, its a war cry. I was thinking of reading kant, though. Is there seriously no reason for me to read the other half of this book, though. I do feel I've learnt something about how one can understand the self consciousness so far.

>> No.4009724


"Trivia: Most of the first e/lit/ists were previously /mu/tants. The biggest reason moot created the board in the first place was because there were constant literature threads on /mu/ (mind you, this was back when there was still a stigma against being blatantly off-topic) because people who wanted them had no board of their own and /mu/ was regarded as one of the best-read boards on 4chan.

There was a noticeable dip in quality after so many smart people left the board all at once."'

I have no idea if this is true

>> No.4009725

>Was there any worry about diseases? I think I would be constantly obsessing over whether the girls had Syphilis. I assume you used a condom?
Aids is the main concern over there. But yes, of course I wore a condom, didn't go down on them, kept my fingers away from my face, and took all the safety measures I could...

>she's right though. its a poor country and you are taking advantage of the girls there because you have money.
That's what the woman said. My objection was that every woman should be free to do what she want, without the state owning her vagina. A girl can earn in a night what would otherwise take her a month if she made shirts and socks for western shops. Also, the attitude to prostitution is different over there; it's tolerated by their culture, and rural families often send girls to the city to 'work.

The problem isn't sex for money - that should never come into question - the problem is the larger economic picture that's keeping them in poverty. Prostitution is a side effect of that, and should be another job that any woman has the option of choosing if she wants. If you get rid of it, then everybody is working for $30 a month in a factory, plus 3/4 of the tourists will just go to Thailand instead.

If you close down the safe environment of hostess bars, they will all be walking the street. The best option would be for the government to encourage a safe working environment for the girls.

>> No.4009727


>> No.4009728
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He was one of the earliest anatomists, and he contributed to optics and botany, as well as conceiving a number of inventions that were hundreds of years ahead of their time.

There has never been another human being more complete or closer to perfection.

>> No.4009729


Schopenhaer is very different. He's a bit like Nietzsche on non-functional anti-depressants.

>> No.4009730
File: 19 KB, 320x213, dante_alighieri purgatorio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace Homer with Dante and Newton with Leibniz

>> No.4009732


Oh please. Schopenhauer was the last systemizer of any consequence. You can ignore Nietzsche at your own peril, but it doesn't make him any less formidable.

>> No.4009735

>It's crazy when you grow up and finally understand what Frieza really is, namely intergalactic nobility

I have a review that makes this same link. I would be honored if you read it:


>> No.4009738



>> No.4009740

History of the Internet; book 3; the rise and fall of ro- I mean 4chan

>> No.4009737
File: 37 KB, 927x209, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so a bunch of the retards on /mu/ left and made /lit/?

makes sense

>> No.4009743


Uh, I disagree. I think Pythagoras was superior.

>> No.4009746


>taking someone who posts a meemee picture seriously

>> No.4009747

>You can't have turing
He's the father of modern computer science. Go fuck yourself

>> No.4009750


What's so good about computer science? It's only made my life worse.

>> No.4009754
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>> No.4009755


Please leave, leftist sc....

Oh, right, I see what you did there.

>> No.4009756

>If a philosopher is tedious it is because they have nothing interesting to come with.
I think that could be the case, but not necessarily true.

>> No.4009759


Good job, you sound exactly like hegel.

>> No.4009761

Will to Power is his main shtick right?
I don't find that particularly interesting because it means little in relation to how I will go about my life.

>> No.4009764

If you are in the 18-22 4chan demographic, /lit/ is actually a great place to come to expose yourself to a huge amount of literature and philosophy that your average 18-22 yo in many cases hasn't even heard of. If, on the other hand, you are a graduate student wishing for constructive discussion on the nuances of your particular field, you're stupid to come looking for it on 4chan.

>> No.4009765

Leibniz was just a rehash of Democritus, I always thought.

>> No.4009768

>that fear of beans
Great minds have great fears.

>> No.4009767


Nah, he wrote many topically different works. I think Zarathrustra is his main work.

>> No.4009769

A part from the home computer, computers are used in a lot of engineering now a days.

>> No.4009770


>implying that many beans don't contain large amounts of Estrogen, which makes them very detrimental for males

>> No.4009772

Made a macro of some of the greatest Americans? Yes.

>> No.4009773


What's so great about modern engineering?

>> No.4009774

Alexander, Beethoven, Hegel;
Descartes, Bonaparte, Goethe

>> No.4009775

I wouldn't mind giving up the book if you gave me some sound reasons as to why I shouldn't read it other than its tedious which it isnt for me.

>> No.4009777



>> No.4009779

Yes, let's make a pic only out of white males, tippest lel so fair and balanced!

>> No.4009780


>Frieza (from the afterlife): A fine plan Vegeta, you are quite the strategist. But you made the fatal mistake of placing your trust in a barbaric race from the stone ages! HA HA HA

>> No.4009781


A gift for you guys:


>> No.4009782

That's Nietzsche.
Weren't we talking about Schopenhauer?
I think Nietzsche took the idea of Will to Power from Schopenhauer.
As far as I can recollect, Schopenhauer is idealist and Nietzsche is nihilist, right?

>> No.4009783



fug off


It's just not interesting. It's like asking for reasons to not read Twilight or Shades of Gray, or whatever.

>> No.4009785

Just report it and sage

No racists on our streets

>> No.4009786

Security systems, Computer Graphics, Energy gathering systems. Right?
I don't know exactly, but that shit is used quite a lot.

>> No.4009787
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>some random nigger instead of Emerson

>> No.4009788


I know, right! >Dat classy racism. The guy is great.

>> No.4009789

>implying greeks are european

>> No.4009791

Don't like BECK, sorry.

>> No.4009792


Oh, right, yes, but Nietzsche actually wrote a book called just that, thus the confusion.
You are right about Schopenhaur, kindof. But keep in mind also that Nietzsche was not really a nihilist, but rather an anti-christian and, you could say, a pagan.

>> No.4009793

Whatever about Hegel,
but Descartes is quite an important character,

>> No.4009795

This should be stickied to /lit/ forever

You watch your mouth not at all actually, read The Monadology for an intro

You could say any board was made to "confine" people. You could actually say most of those this about any board

captcha: aesthetic autscre (all my rantings about aestheticism as of late have been confirmed by the gods)

>> No.4009796

That's only if Coltrane actually transcended existence through the sacrifice of his live

>> No.4009797

Holy shit, Tallis!

Your wrong btw

>> No.4009798

Pagan? You sure?

>> No.4009800


But the song is great.

>> No.4009801


>muh wikipedia summaries

Schopenhauer wrote about der wille zur liben, the will to live. There was also the Wille, a metaphysical concept that took the place of Kant's thing in itself

Nietzsche changed these both for der wille zur macht, the will to power. Best summary of it can be laid down as an anti-darwinist contention, to the effect that the niggardly will to survival does not explain the reality of organic and human life, where the struggle to survive is very often not the central driving force in life. Survival is a frequent outcome of venting power, not the driving force in life.

Sorry for unclear speech, English is not my first language.

>> No.4009802


What are those good for?

>security systems
>being paranoid

Well, I guess at least it might make our museums safer if we can't afford armed guards.

>Computer Graphics

Could you mention anything specific here that would be of special interest?

>energy gathering systems

Modern electricity usage is absurd. There is no need for 95% of all that electricity.


Fuck made-up money.


Important character for his time, yes, but most of his subjects had already been used by the Hellenists.

>> No.4009803

>This - from 3:52 foward:


>> No.4009805

How was /mu/ begun, actually?
Surely /a/ and /y/ etc. were there first.
How did musical discussion arise out anime discussion? Were anime OSTs originally discussed there?

>> No.4009806

Name one black person that should be on that list (not being racist at all, we're talking about human accomplishments solely)

Arguably a jazz musician, but that is American and classical > jazz

>> No.4009807


They aren't Germanic, but they sure are European

>> No.4009808

If we're talking anime, then this;

>> No.4009811

I've read Nietzsche;
The birth of tragedy and a book of selected excerpts.

>> No.4009812


Yes, he exalted paganism and hated Christianity. He often referred to 'the Gods' in other contexts, too, as in "the Gods shall be my witnesses", etc.

>> No.4009815

I'm assuming after /b/ went general general (not anime general) there were enough music threads to warrant a board of its own. I have heard multiple times that /mu/ was filled with Dragonforce and metalheads before someone (Antiwarhol? most definitely not since he is mr. rym avant-teen but that's the name that is coming to mind) converted everyone to pitchfork hipsters and thus ITAOTS obsession was born.

>> No.4009814

Bist du Deutsch?

>> No.4009818

That's only if Coltrane actually transcended existence through the sacrifice of his liver

>> No.4009821


Wow..lelelel. Very funny!

For me this one is an extraordinary good song:


>> No.4009824


Nein, mein Freund, nur griechische und ein wenig Englisch.

>> No.4009826

You think he meant that literally?
Didn't many Germans round that time refer to things in a divine way but were really agnostic?

>> No.4009827


Sorry, meant to quote >>4009798

>> No.4009828
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>selected excerpts

Probably Kaufmann's crap too, I'll bet

>> No.4009830

/mu/ does seem to be interested in the darker side of hipster noises.

>> No.4009832

Bretty sure he transcended existence through his sax bro

>> No.4009835

>Rurouni Kenshin
I have taught you well,
I'm sure you also know the glorious opening;

>> No.4009838

Aber du weisst Deutsch!
Wie hast du es gelernt?

>> No.4009841

I don't know. It was my friends.
Was Penguin Classics, so I trusted it.

>> No.4009843

Tell a non-american who these guys are and why they're cool. (I know Washington and franklin though).

>> No.4009849


Oh man...those were the days.

>> No.4009852
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>You're mother

>> No.4009850
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This was really good, ty anon

I think it was awesome that how Frieza was floating in space, cut in half, having barely survived the explosion of Namek, and all he feels is his shattered pride.

Then they put him back together, and what does he do? Goes straight after the guy who nearly killed him.

It's a shame the progression of the story made it so that he couldn't really compete with the power levels anymore. As a fighter though he was probably as smart if not smarter than the rest of the DBZ villains.

It's also worth noting that power level wise, Goku had to make his greatest jump to be a match for Frieza. Between fighting Vegeta and fighting Frieza was a ridiculous leap, like 120 times stronger in the latter. And after Frieza you really never see Goku stress about a fight again. That was the real moment of peril for him, when the spirit bomb didn't finish Frieza.


>> No.4009851

Greatest Middle-Easterners:

Ibn Sina

>> No.4009853


Well then it might have been master race Hollingdale stuff.

>> No.4009854



>> No.4009856
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Probably the last example of Arabic nobility we will ever see.

>> No.4009861


liek dis if u cry evrytiem :'(

>> No.4009862


Thank you for your kind words.

And a wonderfull pic!

>> No.4009867


Ich weiß kaum etwas. Es scheint wie eine schöne Sprache.

>> No.4009869
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I hope whoever in this country ordered his execution rots in hell.

>> No.4009874


Also loved your character analysis. I'm glad there are other people who admire as much as I do this great villain. (As for the jump in power level, my god! Napa is scared with nine thousand, but Frieza in his second transformation is already in one million! What the fuck!)

>> No.4009881
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>> No.4009882


Kong Fu Tzu
Liu Bang
Mao Tze Tung
Cao Xueqin
Zhu Xi

>tfw don't know any Chinese scientists

>> No.4009883
File: 286 KB, 1680x1050, HubbleUltraDeepFieldImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Herman Melville
Well, Melville wrote Moby fucking Dick (I could have gone with Whitman but, Moby Dick).

>John Cage
John Cage was an avant-garde composer who influenced so many artists in the 20th century. Probably one of the greatest "philosophers of music," he explored and questioned what is music and the notions of silence and sound. Some examples of his stuff:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fPSz-o4zzY(16 sonatas and 4 interludes, all for "prepared piano," which is putting objects on the strings and hammers of a piano for desired sounds)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdWS4g6Xv8k (Buddhist inspired meditation music and for prepared piano)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY7UK-6aaNA (the infamous 4'33: four minutes and 33 seconds of silence).

>Edwin Hubble
Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding and just simply pic related (not really the cause of him but still just look at it)

>Ralph Waldo Emerson
Emerson defined American individualism and inspired Whitman and Thoreau, among others (I couldn't think of a better american philosopher so he will have to do, not demeaning him at all).

>> No.4009885

Chomsky is the US' greatest philosopher

>> No.4009888


Emerson and Pierce are the only American philosophers worth mentioning

>> No.4009896

But Twain is the great American novelist.

>> No.4009908



>> No.4009925


>> No.4009963

>these idiots laughing over obvious facts

Stay upset that Melville wrote one pre-US book that mattered while Twain's work exemplifies everything that is American.

>> No.4009972

>one pre-US book
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.4011494


Fuck yeah