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/lit/ - Literature

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4008483 No.4008483 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having my first existential crisis and going through all kinds of ennui and ... Jesus, man. Masochistic levels of laziness. Lethargy and inability to get out of my fucking bed and live and

What do I do now? What ... fucking philosophies or whatever can I fall back on? I don't care about 'truth' I just want to feel not like this

>> No.4008489
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The Tao, might help you find some balance

>> No.4008490

correct your diet and start exercising

>> No.4008495

>existential crisis

>> No.4008499

Second this.

>> No.4008501


"Existantial crisis" is the feeling young bourgeois people feel, that is better described as being "financialy insecure". Only in a post-industrial society can the feeling of boredom arise among young and productive members of a society, who grovel over their first social anxiety and cower at the hostility of the market and employment sector.
Of course social alienation is nothing new, repeating mind dumbing and repetetive jobs with very liitle meaning reduces creativity and strengthens the anxiety of the subject.
the human mind is infiniteley more rich and powerfull than what your average office job offers it, or when boring comercial entertainment tries to numb it.
In other words in this meaninglessness, an existential crisis means little more than boredom and loss of identity in the capitalist world that disintegrates all real joy and creativity.

>> No.4008506

Do you think that an existential crisis can only be had by the young? Or by the bourgeois? What would you say to the work of Kleist, Robert Burton, Schopenhauer etc. - writers clearly addressing existential pessimism or even apocalyticism in a pre-Capitalist era? If feeling of alienation are as impotent as you claim, what is the point you are trying to make?

>> No.4008508

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus

>> No.4008510

>not embracing your laziness
Do you even hedonism?

>> No.4008515

lol fit pls go

>> No.4008521

go to /r/ and ask for the "babby's first existential crysis" infograph

>> No.4008527

This. I am having your same problem OP, Meditations is helping me get through. It might save my university semester

>> No.4008536

>leads to religion, drugs, daoism, hedonism, fucking nietzsche, "rebel against everything" as if that's going to pay bills
>good advice

>> No.4008614

Since when laziness is an existential crisis? sounds like you just want all your stuff done without making any effort or owing any kind of favor. Starting by the fact that you are here asking for a magic book to solve your problems. That is just called faggotry.

>> No.4008651

>don't care about truth, baby just wants to feel better wahhh wahhh

Wow. Go find a fucking religion and turn your brain back off then. Sorry that life is too hard for you to grasp!

>> No.4009816
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>> No.4009917


the empathy lacking normalfag sociopaths really need to go

>> No.4010339


But he's right.

You're a naive if you honestly think this isn't important.

Every /lit/erati should be trying to get /fit/ as well. Every single one of them.

The modern day patrician is both /fit/ and well-read. The modern day patrician is better than you.

>> No.4010349






>> No.4010359

Oh, they're not sociopaths. I know, I was once an angry misanthrope who thought I had everything figured out too. Its a defense mechanism. If they're lucky they'll get over it in time.

>> No.4010380

Clearly you still think you have things figured out since you're speaking so derisively about them. OP sounds a lot like my brother: lazy, no ambition, but only because he can afford it. It's pathetic, really.

>> No.4010385
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I am trying to get fit. I will become the Ubermensch

>> No.4010391


>Clearly you still think you have things figured out since you're speaking so derisively

Then you LITERALLY go on to do the exact same thing.

Do you even read your posts through before you hit submit, or do you just not care how blatantly you contradict yourself in the same post? I mean fucking lol man really.

>> No.4010405

Today, /lit/ came to the realization that life indeed harder for some people than for others. Oh wait, it fucking didnt, because people here dont believe in anything that doesnt give them an advantage. And this comes from a guy who loves life. Fucking asshole-licking cuntfaggets.

>> No.4010418

I'm not either of the people you responded to, I just found your post to be contradictory, as you have also found mine to. Oh well.

>> No.4010448

I'm often baffled by this kind of inability to think that is often present in many intelligent and cultured people.

I'm not op but I find myself increasingly frustrated by my culture that first says that my contempt is impossible (we are hard wired to love life and be positive) and that if I have it than it is a sickness, and never admit that it's a legitimate opinion.

>> No.4010461


>I'm often baffled by this kind of inability to think that is often present in many intelligent and cultured people.

anonymity + young angst

it's a winning combination

>> No.4010515

It's not just young teenagers. Look at this paragraph I was reading today:

>For a man who claimed to be under the lash of a tyrannical father, Kafka nevertheless lived at home until he was 31. He insisted that his job stifled him, yet he never left it until compelled to by illness.


How little do you have to understand humanity to build a paragraph like that? How cruel and self-centered must you be to not understand what feelings are at the core of those actions?

And yet not only that person is not young, but is also a person who is published in a leading magazine. And probably that article has made that kind of idiocy a little bit more prominent.

>> No.4010546

If you feel sick, reading shit isn't going to cure it.

>> No.4010567

"Your being hopeless and undirected doesn't matter, and by no means should you examine the zeitgeist that led you to this point. First world problems. Think of the little kids in China."