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File: 13 KB, 220x326, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4006617 No.4006617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start? Is he as hard to read as I hear?

>> No.4006626

Depends how well do you know Danish?

>> No.4006628

Kierkegaard sucks, read the work by some of his contemporaries like Johannes de silentio. That guys good.

>> No.4006632

Fear and Trembling is a good place to start. Related question: Are there any good lectures about him on YouTube?

>> No.4006635

There is never anything good on YouTube

>> No.4006640


>> No.4006642

OpenYale occasion has some good stuff - I've never seen any of the philosophy ones though.

>> No.4006928

How hard is the Danish? I read Norwegian, and Danish shouldn't be that fucking different.

>> No.4006955

German with a zest of viking.

>> No.4006962

I'm fluent in English and Norwegian, and had German in school (though I don't remember too much of it).
I'll give it a go in Danish.

>> No.4006984

Anti-Climacus here, Johannes is shit.

>> No.4007094


The problem, then, is not that it's in Danish, but the kind of Danish that it is. The sentence construction and some of the vocabulary is very obviously archaic. It is often more understandable in the English translation - but there are, as you will know, problems with reading translations. In Danish you also have the benefit of the lovely scholarly edition of Kierkegaard's works - the attractive blue one.

Though that edition has been criticized.

If you want an easier time, read it in English, if you want.

Butbutbutbut - I just remembered!
sks.dk has all of the modern complete works edition online. Try before you buy.

>> No.4007119
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 5MAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning Danish to read Kierkegaard

I'm not Unamuno.

Good luck, OP.

>> No.4007142


>> No.4007154

I watched the entire Intro to Philosophy course on Coursera.org. Most of it was shit, and they made not a single mention of Nietzsche. The course felt like it was aimed at junior high students instead of college students. They briefly cover Hume, Kant, and, oddly, spend the most time on David Lewis.

>> No.4007157

Thanks for the tips based anon.

I started reading "Frygt og Bæven", and I'm able to read it. It's terribly archaic, but not too different from archaic Norwegian and German, and I dabbled a bit in both some years ago. Especially Norwegian.

That said, it's not easy reading, and I'm going to need a dictionary for some of it. I'll try to read some more, and see if I'll get the hang of it. If it proves too troublesome, I'll get it in English instead.

I'm not OP, just a random anon who has been wanting to read Kirkegaard and happens to be of Norwegian heritage.

>> No.4007170

Yeah, you become accustomed to the archaicisms, and it helps that it is a much more beautiful and versatile form of Danish than modern Danish.

>> No.4007918
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>> No.4008421

He's hard to read but not difficult to understand. He is part of a long line of philosophers who dont know how to communicate well

>> No.4008424

I liked the vibe kierkegaard was giving across.
Like "I need to know what I ought to do now"
And religion as a private thing but his books are silly and sentimental.