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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 500x500, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4002515 No.4002515[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you are NEET, you are parasitic garbage and are worthy of nothing short of a trip to the gas chamber.

That is all.

>> No.4002523

great thread op 5 stars top notch

>> No.4002529

Where do I sign up for this gas chamber thing?

>> No.4002530

I'm a rich NEET. I do 100% less work than you and spend 100% more money than you. Stay jelly.

>> No.4002535


butt pounded NEETs detected.

>> No.4002539

great punctuation anon, 5 stars, top-notch

>> No.4002538

Why, do you have lice?

>> No.4002541

The same holds true for shitposters spamming useless garbage. Thank you and enjoy your trip.

>> No.4002547

>implying the neet life is not one of the highest peaks of our society
>implying youre not downing in jelly

>> No.4002551

i wish i could get away with being neet : (

>> No.4002558

>implying the neet life is not one of the highest peaks of our society

dat decadence
dat decay
dat ignorance
dat denial

>> No.4002575

bumping for lit's enlightenment

>> No.4002589

you're just jealous that you can't kill a tortoise with gemstones too

>> No.4002592

bumping. i'm off to lunch from my JOB. after i eat my delicious sammich ill be back. try not to post thousands of angry replies that you have time to make!

>> No.4002608
File: 29 KB, 252x261, wheel-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm off to lunch from my JOB.
Please work really hard to make your boss richer. I can't wait to spend his glorious taxes.

>> No.4002609

it just manifests the decadence of society... it still remains a fact anyway.

>> No.4002620

>no full stop

>> No.4002622
File: 46 KB, 420x299, relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw NEET.

>> No.4002634

i'm on the verge of quitting my job at a bank.

i have no other job lined up, why am I doing it? for my sanity - it's probably a mistake.

>> No.4002640

You are making the right decision, Anon.

>> No.4002648
File: 37 KB, 400x300, moms sofa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more like it.

>> No.4002651

nah, i'm not really. i feel like crying

>> No.4002656


Don't quit. Just keep telling yourself that all that bullshit will mean something in the end. A retirement fund, travel, etc. I've gone through life quitting to preserve my sanity but that may have been worse on my sanity in the long run.

>> No.4002659

>h8tler did nothing bad :-)


>> No.4002660

Here you go. This is what being a NEET feels like:


>> No.4002672

Proud NEET here 2 years strong.

>> No.4002681

Daily reminder that i get to read all day, while you do a shitty monotonous job

If you enjoy your job, i envy you

>> No.4002694

Most of us here wear the liberating cloak of NEEThood too, brother.

>> No.4002696

I really don't get these threads. The idea that the people they are parodying exist baffles me. Who cares about contributing to society? Or even leeching off of it? For one thing, moral obligation and reciprocity is bullshit. For another, you're going to get mad at someone who takes a marginal amount of tax money from the government you support, even though in doing so you support their doing so? And what's more, said government wastes far more in things any "moral" person should be far more concerned about from plain outright theft from the public money to funding murder and profoundly useless shit. It's so...odd.

>> No.4002699

I will be a neet in 5 years.
What does that mean?
Am I parasitic already or only in 5 years?

>> No.4002703

>Daily reminder that your not god.
If i get the power, I WILL gas you.

>> No.4002709

but he didn't. I'm taking your left moral relativism bullshit to its ultimate conclusion:

there is nothing wrong with gassing degenerates. period.

>> No.4002714
File: 26 KB, 600x375, Neet-numbers-aged-16-24-2001-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the NEET revolution. Sign on today.

>> No.4002724

Being a NEET is horrible. Last week I ordered my groceries for a 2pm delivery, and the fucking delivery guy woke me up at 11am. It ruined my whole day.

>> No.4002756


>> No.4002783

As an anarcho communist, i see the neet lifestyle as an excellent form of civil disobedience, if enough people would join it would turn the whole system on its head.

Although i suppose im not a true neet since im on disability for mental illness

In any case its an wonderful alternative to the corporate drone slaving a la They live.Break free from the consumerist brainwashing propaganda and value system.

> inb4 ayn rand cultist libtards complaining and trying to spout the cliched party lines

>> No.4002802

>i suppose im not a true neet since im on disability for mental illness
Of course you are: Not in Education, Employment, or Training. That's you. Welcome to the team.

>> No.4002804

>mocking cliched party lines

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.4002838

Quick question: If you're mentally ill, how do you trust your own judgement. let alone give anyone else advice? I would think if I were mentally ill I would hesitate to make any decision without consulting someone trustworthy, and I'd stay away from controversial questions entirely.

>> No.4002851

If you were mentally ill, chances are you wouldn't be able to reason like that.

>> No.4002864

i guess it would depend on what the problem was. But If you know you're mentally ill, it'd be like knowing you're colorblind. There are things you won't be able to judge for yourself and will have to take other's advice on, and you'd know that.

>> No.4002868

im currently being treated for bipolar disorder

Its a mood disorder, and in now way affects my reasoning and intellect like schizophrenia would do.

>> No.4002871


Mental illness does not work like a "fruit of the poisoned tree" kind of logic. Just because someone is mentally ill does not invalidate everything they say and/or do.

>> No.4002873

well sure.. but let's face it a manic episode is not the friend of rationality, nor is the depths of depression a bastion of objectivity.

>> No.4002883

>Wake up about 11 everyday and masturbate.
>Call the downstairs house phone from my mobile.
>Inform mother that I am awake.
>Get out of bed, put on house-robe, stagger to bathroom for a shit.
>Come downstairs to fresh coffee and a fried breakfast.
>Take food upstairs, undress, and get back into bed to eat it
>start browsing /lit/
>A few hours later I phone mother for lunch
>She brings that up to my room.
>more /lit/
>Call mother for supper, go downstairs to eat it, and belittle her for watching soap operas.
>Return to bed and stream a film
>Masturbate to amateur European porn
>tell myself that I will try something productive tomorrow.

>> No.4002884

it is however good reason to be at least wary. I mean just because a man is suffering from paranoid delusions doesn't mean 100% that aliens aren't watching his every move, but I wouldn't take his word for it.

>> No.4002892

You'll never have my labour capitalist scum. Keep importing third-worlders for that.

>> No.4002908

>You'll never have my labour capitalist scum.
I don't want it. You fat, lazy, 'entitled' white kids are terrible workers. All I want is your buying power.

>Keep importing third-worlders for that.
I will.

>> No.4002918

Your mother sounds like she could use a vacation.

>> No.4002924


>Implying I buy your shit

Not everybody is a victim of consumerism

>Implying you're a capitalist

Capitalists don't waste their time trolling /lit/. Go read a book

>> No.4002934

Mother is 64, bless her socks, and she enjoys cooking for me.

>> No.4002937

i agree, its a valid observation.

Nevertheless, one of my biggest revelation moment is when i discovered that old vhs buried in the old movies section of my video store. It he was the movie They Live.

Ive rarely seen a movie that captured the nature of ideology that well. I think zizek commented on it too and said the same thing.

Id rather live in the hobo camp of the movie called justice ville any day than become a brain dead moron with no consciousness living in a mansion

>> No.4002941

Brofist. This is awesome.

>> No.4002943

being neet is the same as being retired, which is what working people are working toward.

>> No.4002954


don't quit just take a couple of weeks off. and start looking for another job.

>> No.4002956

i'm not talking about socially, but internally. When the yardstick keeps changing size, how do you measure anything to your own satisfaction? How do you know if you're having a good day or a bad day if your mood keeps lying to you?

>> No.4002960
File: 66 KB, 960x686, jason read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4002970

>wasting your neet life fapping eating and shitting

you can take advantage of this opportunity anon. I used to be like you, now, without any effort, my body wakes up at 7 am, it does not ask me to fap, it does not ask me to eat junk or anything just cause its taste and i read all day to keep training my mind and body into a peaceful life that is in harmony with life's flow.

>> No.4002982

so... a disciplined spartan NEET?

>> No.4002984

that 1970's decor.

>> No.4002989

>not believing that human life has an inherent value

really though, there's nothing like a couple months of NEETitude to reinvigorate your desire for life

>> No.4002993

what do you mean? what is life in your opinion?

>> No.4002997
File: 141 KB, 992x1856, 1372209348304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ignore the whole 2D thing and the jew thing (okay maybe not)

>> No.4002999

do you see what you're doing right now?
that's life.

>> No.4003001

I thought we already decided that we're called bohemians?

>> No.4003008

This. I'm totally transformed my diet, run 2 hours a day and am currently working towards 4 A-levels, externally, since becoming a NEET.

>> No.4003018
File: 409 KB, 590x333, 1373327988843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bohemians.

It's called the literary life.

>> No.4003021

>NEET morphs into blond-haired, blue-eyed masterrace as he delivers the final, crushing intellectual blow

Never change /pol/

>> No.4003024

you know this is basically david sedaris' life.

>> No.4003058

i was neet for three or four years after uni. been working now for about seven months, minimum wage. i've cleared my debt now, but more than finances, i'm a totally different person. i have a way to go, but i'm much more alert and proactive now, and my anxiety has reduced considerably.

that said, working over 40 hours a week is not something i want to do for more than a few years. neet life is essentially freetime. and that's fantastic, except, when the onus is on you to take action, and no external force is pushing you, many people fall into pleasure traps. i did myself, for a long time. i'm learning to avoid it now. hopefully, when i become a neet again (it's inevitable), i'll have the mindset to fully utilise it.

>> No.4003078

i've been a nihilist neet for about 10 years and then I was a nietzschean neet for about 1.5 weeks and now I am a nihilist neet again

>> No.4003090

>been working now for about seven months, minimum wage. i've cleared my debt now
You paid off your entire uni debt with seven months of work?

>> No.4003094

> I'm taking your left moral relativism bullshit to its ultimate conclusion
Oh, great, so you accept that NEETs being "parasitic garbage and are worthy of nothing short of a trip to the gas chamber" is just your worthless opinion

hypocritical prole

>> No.4003095
File: 81 KB, 750x600, psychoanalysis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with all the nazi and jewish crap? It's like it's all some sort of massive yiddish drama.