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/lit/ - Literature

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4000767 No.4000767 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.4000798 [DELETED] 

Been waiting on this for a couple of days.

>Last Three:
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller: 9.5/10
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts: 10/10
The Descendants: 6/10

Siddharta by Herman Hesse
Neon Vernacular by Yusef Komunyaaka

Next Three:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

>> No.4000805

Been waiting on this for a couple of days.

>Last Three:
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller: 9.5/10
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts: 10/10
The Descendants: 6/10

Siddharta by Herman Hesse
Neon Vernacular by Yusef Komunyaaka

>Next Three:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

>> No.4000809


The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard
The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter


Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream by Helen Smith


Bias in Mental Testing by Arthur Robert Jensen
The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel by Stephen J. Sniegoski
Hubbert's Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage by Kenneth S. Deffeyes

>> No.4000849

>The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings

>> No.4000853
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fyodor sologub - kiss of the unborn and other stories
delueze and faberman - anti-oedipus ("stanning 500 mph")
jean paul sartre - nausea ("stanning 500 mph")

friedrice nietzsche - beyond good and evil ("stanning 500 mph")

alasdair gray - poor things
that kung's tea club book taschen recommended (love u grill
something by marie redonnet she seems real hip on the goodreads circuit


>> No.4000877

are you my girlfriend?

>> No.4000911

next time I see you zeta I'll ask you how you liked poor things. I've read 1982, Janine and Lanark and they were both fucking great. I'm gonna read Poor Things sometime probably, but I havent read Frankenstein yet and I wanna get through that first.

>> No.4000936

This feels like a Sunhawk thread. Is Sunhawk still around?

Fuck Sunhawk.

>> No.4000940

don't you fucking dare insult capsguy's threads. shows what you know. yeah, the fucker's still around.

>> No.4000979

Notes from Underground(re-read)
For Whom the Bells Toll
Nicomachean Ethics

Spring Snow

Edwin Drood- Dickens
Great Expectations- Dickens.

>> No.4000990

Sorry, It's been a while ...

>> No.4000997

it's cool bruh

>> No.4001008

NO, I told you last time you asked. Why would she have just randomly reread both of her favorite books right after one another?

>> No.4001022

>Last Three
Siddhartha – Herman Hesse
Cannery Row – John Steinbeck
The Other Side of the Sky – Arthur C. Clarke

Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T.E. Lawrence

Heart of Darkness - Conrad
Out of the silent planet - cs lewis
the idiot - dostoevsky

>> No.4001057

>Heart of Darkness
Mmm yummy

>> No.4001060

plz explain your reaction

>> No.4001065

From the context, I'm guessing he likes the book.

>> No.4001067

Taipei by Tao Lin
can't remember
can't remember
The Accidental Billionaire by Ben Mezrich

>> No.4001082

just wanted to fuck with ya mate

>> No.4001097

Don't do it again.

>> No.4001105

what are you, my girlfriend?

>> No.4001114

>Last three
Slaughterhouse 5, Kurt Vonnegut (9/10)
Franny & Zooey, JD Salinger (9/10)
For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemmmingway (9/10)

Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami
Anthem, Ayn Rand

>Next three
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce
Paradise Lost, John Milton
Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky

>> No.4001115

Why I oughta'....

>> No.4001117

>Last Three
Children of Dune
Cat's Cradle
Heart of Darkness

Moby Dick

The Man in the High Castle
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Khan: Wolf of the Plains

>> No.4001128

>Last Three
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh

V. by Thomas Pynchon

>Next Three
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
Kafka On the Shore by Haruki Murakami

>> No.4001166
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The Sun Also Rises
Crying of Lot 49


Gravity's Rainbow (I'm pretty close to the end; so far I've liked it a lot. I don't understand why people find it such a difficult task to read; it's really not that verbose.)

The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker
Some Prefer Nettles
Almost Transparent Blue

>> No.4001309
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>Last three
A Hunger Artist
Counter-Clock World
John Dies @ The End (re-read)

Heart of Darkness
The Tempest

>Next three
Brave New World
A Florentine Tragedy

>> No.4001355

>Last four
A Dance with Dragons
A Feast for Crows
A Storm of Swords
Windup Girl (felt weird just listing all GRRM books)

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

>Next two
The Republic
probably Thus Spoke Zarathustra or something else, who knows

>> No.4001368

>delueze and faberman

what am i reading

>> No.4001380

>rendezvous with rama
>gulliver's travels
>flowers for algernon

>the magic montain

>the last man

>> No.4001389

>Last three
The Last Superstition by Edward Feser
The Unity of Philosophical Experience by Étienne Gilson
Natural Law by Jacques Maritain

The Brothers Karamazov

>Next three
Metaphysics by Aristotle
Aquinas by Edward Feser
Disputations by Francisco Suárez

>> No.4001402

So you've been putting off reading for how many months now?

>> No.4001405

What'd you think of Windup Girl, I recently finished that as well. I thought the world was pretty realistic, but it never really clicked for me

>> No.4001425

It felt like it was working to something deeper than it was. It was enjoyable, and the world engrossing, but I feel like the writer didn't have a strong vision for what to do with this amazing world he'd created. The main conflict is sort of run of the mill action and isn't half as interesting as the world in which it occurs. It was also a bit perverted, which means I can't recommend it to anyone or they'll think I read perverted books.

>> No.4001426

virginia woolf - orlando
ross raison - god's own country
alfred bester - tiger! tiger!
mark z danielewski - house of leaves
alfred bester - the demolished man
j. l. carr - a month in the country
william faulkner - light in august
leo tolstoy - war and peace (possibly, we'll see how i feel)

>> No.4001432

because they're such amazing threads..

>> No.4001434

Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre
For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway (re-read)
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

The Gambler by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>NEXT (I'm not giving a number because I have a huge list and no particular order, so I'll write a few as they come to mind)
Rayuela by Julio Cortázar
A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
A Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en
Naomi by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki
The Trail by Franz Kafka
The Plague by Albert Camus
Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad

>> No.4001445

You appear to have learned everything you know about literature from /lit/.

>> No.4001447

Last Three
>The Dhammapada
>Sixty Stories - Barthelme
>God Bless You Mr.Rosewater - Vonnegut

Currently Reading
>Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces - Balko
>Nine Stories - Salinger

Next Three
>Forty Stories - Barthelme
>Jailbird - Vonnegut
>???A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man???

>> No.4001452

Why so? I actually don't come here very often.

>> No.4001460

You appear to be reading and planning on reading a lot of popular /lit/ books, I won't make any other assumptions like you have learnt EVERYTHING you know about literature from /lit/ because that would be completly retarded.

Fixed it for you anon.

>> No.4001462

they're just popular books in general, they're all things i had read when i was a student long before i discovered on 4chan

if we were on /mu/ i might insult him for being entry level

>> No.4001494

The Savage Detectives
Rabbit, Run
Invisble Cities

The Name of The Rose

Dead Souls
The Iliad

Always enjoy your threads, capsguy.

>> No.4001510

Who is capsguy?

>> No.4001539

Get out

>> No.4001553

Only reads male works written before 1950, exceptions for certain countries for some reason.

>> No.4001556

The exceptions are for Japan and Russia, going up until 1970

>> No.4001565

Why is that?

>> No.4001569

Caps got his reasons. He's stuck to it for almost three years now

>> No.4001576

>Why is that?
>Caps got his reasons.

Oh really? That's why I asked him because I was curious to know what his reasons are.

>> No.4001580
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>Last Three:
The Plague - Albert Camus
Dubliners - James Joyce
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert

>Next Three:
Anna Karenina - Leon Tolstoi
The Karamazov Brothers - Fiodor Dostoyevski
Ulises - James Joyce

>> No.4001591
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Last three:
The Wasp Factory- 9/10, one of the most refreshing and inventive books I've read in a long time.
Catch 22- 8/10, nothing I can say about this that hasn't been said before
Filth- 7/10, not as good as it could have been, I'm just starting to realise how samey Irvine Welsh's stuff is

Current: The Wasp Factory, loving this so far. I think Iain Banks might be my favourite modern author, why didn't I get into him when he was alive?

Wuthering Heights
Blood Meridian
Mark Twain collected works.

>> No.4001593

How're you liking that Lawrence?

>> No.4001596

Just finished Madame Bovary so I'm curious. How are you liking it?

>> No.4001604

the authors of anti-oedipus: capitalism and scizophrenia

>> No.4001606


>> No.4001617

secret language - barry j blake
the loser - thomas bernhard
zeno of bruges - marguerite yourcenar

meister eckharts collected stuff

a brief history of secret knowledge - kocku von stuckrad
before hitler came - rudolf sebottendorf
glenn gould biography - mark kingwell

>> No.4001619
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Last three:
Equal Rites -Terry Pratchett
Mort - Terry Pratchett
Sourcery - Terry Pratchett

Currently reading:
Wyrd Sisters - Terry Pratchett

Next Three:
Pyramids - Terry Pratchett
Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett
Eric - Terry Pratchett

I just discovered Discworld and I cannot stop.

>> No.4001621

I didn't read a lot it yet, i just finished the first part that ends with Emma pregnant.
Until now i cannot say more than it seems interesting and it could be really good. I find Emma's personality dislikeable but well defined so you can understand her behaviour and even think she couldn't do otherwise whenever she says or do something -at least from what i've read until now, ~70 pages of 300 iirc-, that's one of the reasons i'm enjoying Flaubert writing style.

And what about you?, did you enjoy the book?

>> No.4001634

its guattari silly. unless theres some joke im missing

>> No.4001764

Holy shit.

I'd never center my reading like that

>> No.4001782

sorry i forget

>> No.4001803

The Necromancer by P.M. Richter
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
A Dance With Dragons by GRRM

A Conspiracy of Alchemists by Liesel Schwarz WTF am i reading

Blood Song by Anthony Ryan
Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher
The Host by Hambeast Meyer

>> No.4001952


>> No.4001979

Last Three:
Finnegans Wake - James Joyce
Finnegans Weke - Jemes Joyce
Flnnegaws Nake - Hames Hoyce

Fonngans Wok - Jams Joy

Next Three:
Fingans We - Jes J0ce
Lin3gan5 W4k3 - J0ms J0
F1nn3g@ns &@k3 - $4m!s ?!#

>> No.4002013

I find all my books for free edition:

>Last Three:
Diamond Age- Neal Stephenson
Gormenghast- Mervyn Peake
Mrs Dalloway- Virginia Woolf

Rage-reading Eeeee Eee Eeee and also flipping through this 1989 World Book Encyclopedia

>Next three:
No idea! Whatever else I find at the book drop box.

>> No.4002020

You are going to LOVE Guards! Guards! Out of the ones on your list it's the best by a wide margin.

>> No.4002047

Nabokov - Lolita
Conrad - Heart of Darkness
Plato - Euthyphro

McCarthy - No Country for Old Men
Plato - Apologia
Some introduction book on Kant

Melville - Moby Dick
Reve - Werther Nieland
Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.4002053

You're not going to regret that

>> No.4002085

>Last 3
The Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? - Raymond Carver
Consider the Lobster - David Foster Wallace
Mysteries - Knut Hamsun
Thomas Aquinas: A Very Short Introduction - Fergus Kerr
>Next 3
Civilwarland In Bad Decline - George Saunders
Witz - Joshua Cohen
Dispatches - Michael Herr

>> No.4002107

>Last three:

Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller
The Maltese Falcon - Dashiell Hammett
Inherent Vice - Thomas Pynchon

>Currently Reading:
The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco

>Next Three:
Wise Blood - Flannery O'Connor
Hiersein ist herrlich - Rilke

>> No.4002143

Someone is actually reading Mysteries !
It's so good

>> No.4002149

Loved the dark atmosphere, reminded me of Dostoevsky

>> No.4002167
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Last Three:
The Histories - Herodotus (Aubrey de Sélincourt translation. Revised by John Marincola
The Yellow Birds - Kevin Powers
The Tin Drum - Günter Grass (Breon Mitchell translation.)


Ukraine: A History, 4th Edition - Orest Subtelny

Next Three:

Ask The Dust - John Fante
Strange Stones - Peter Hessler
The Road - Vasily Grossman

>> No.4002199


True Grit, Charles Portis
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers
Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut


Something Happened, Joseph Heller


Night Shift, Stephen King
The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner
The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen

Can anybody recommend authors who are not white, male, and American?

>> No.4002216

Bessie Head; she's a black female from Botswana.

>> No.4002229
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>Can anybody recommend authors who are not white, male, and American?

uhhh Zadie Smith?

>> No.4002234

>Bessie Head

too ugly

>> No.4002254

Sarah Kane - 4:48 Psychosis
Nathanel West - Miss Lonelyhearts
Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities

Muriel Spark - The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

>Will read
Something that isn't less than <150 pages hopefully.

>> No.4002268

Last 3


Next Three
-Trying to get into more plays, maybe Greeks

>> No.4002272

>Can anybody recommend authors who are not white, male, and American?

Trudi Canavan
Stacia Kane
Julie Kagawa
> N. K. Jemisin <-- fits all three

>> No.4002282

>Nathanel West - Miss Lonelyhearts
>Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities
two of my favourite books in a row
did you like them?

>> No.4002297

>Last Three:
Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevskyiyiyiy 9.9/10
Das Kapital, by that irrelevant Stirner-Hater 8/10
Werther, JW Goethe >>>>r9k/10

Human, All Too Human; Nietzsche

>Next Three:
Demons, Dostoyevskijyjiy
Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education of Man, Schiller
some more Brostoyevsky i guess, got C&P lyihng around

>> No.4002298

The Communist Manifesto
Naked Lunch
a compilation of Jorge Luis Borges' short stories and essays

compilation of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poetry

>Next 3
The Jungle
The Diary of Anne Frank
probably Cat's Cradle

>> No.4002305


I love Human All Too Human. I think it's a vastly underrated work of his.

>> No.4002309

What did you think of Naked Lunch? I want to read it, but I suspect that it's one of those books I won't be able to stick with.

>> No.4002310
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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
Leslie Marmon Silko.
Thi Diem Thuy Le.
Natsuko Kirino.

I gotchu.

>> No.4002315

Do you enjoy gay sex and/or heroin?

>> No.4002337
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>Last Three
'Invisible Cities' by Italo Calvino; 10/10, would bang.
'The End of the Tether' by Joseph Conrad; 8/10, best of Conrad's works.
'Don Juan' by Lord Byron; 9/10, I only wish it was completed before Georgie-boy went kaputt.

'Collected Poems of D. H. Lawrence'; 10/10, would defecate in bellybutton.
'The Grapes of Wrath' by John Steinbeck; 9.5/10, amazing storyteller.
'The Nicomachean Ethics' by Aristotle; 8/10.

>Next Three
'Ethics' by Benedict Spinoza.
'100 Years of Solitude' by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Either 'Selected Poems of Ezra Pound' or some tales, satires and shorter poems from the Wordsworth edition of Lord Byron's selected poetry.

>> No.4002339

>Last Three

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Danger on Peaks by Gary Snyder
Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson

Kami: The Shinto Way
Nine Horses by Billy Collins
Swarm by Jorie Graham

>next three

Pet Sematary by Stephen King
Kingdom Animalia by Aracelis Girmay
Trying to decide between then reading a non-fiction book i picked up about a trail concerning witchcraft in 1920's Pennsylvania called "Hex", or possibly Steppenwolf. Thoughts?

>> No.4002352

both simultaneously!

>> No.4002356

Fuck it, I enjoyed Trainspotting. One out of two ain't bad.

>> No.4002361

You'll love 100 Years of Solitude just as much as I love the Wanderer above the Sea of Fog. Thanks for posting it. Also, how was Don Juan, in more detail? I've always heard it's good but not much more.

>> No.4002393

not particularly.
Invisible Cities was a slog to read and felt like children's fables. Applying it to geography was an interesting twist and some of them were intriguing.
And Miss Lonelyhearts was too angry and tedious for me to find funny.

>> No.4002412


how was steppenwolf? I've been considering putting it on my list...

>> No.4002414


Wait, like the play Equus? If so, how was reading it? I saw it preformed and thought it was bloody magnificient.

>> No.4002419


what's her style like? A couple people reccomended her to me while I was in Botswana.

>> No.4002430


It shifts between satire, beautiful romantic poetry and some philosophical insight. His favorite subject of mockery seems to be contemporary poet Robert Southey. Political and social satire is the prevailing element in the last several cantos. In fact I believe the tenth canto (or 11th or 12th) was predominantly, if not entirely, political and social satire. Thus, I'd recommend buying an annotated version of the text (unless you're and expert in 17th early 19th century political relations in Europe and the Middle East, as well as various mythology, drama, poetry and general history). Also the poem is incomplete as Byron dies prior to finishing. He finished 16 cantos and has one unfinished. I have the Wordsworth edition which goes only as far as the 16th (which ends with a very sudden, inexplicable denoument). From what I gather from Wikipedia, the unfinished 17th canto consists only of more political ans social satire. You're probably already acquainted with 'what' Don Juan is. But overall I really liked it. On a side note, for some reason I've always associated Wanderer Above The Sea of Fog with Lord Byron for no reason in particular.

>> No.4002433

I can't answer your question accurately, I read it when I was 15, for school. I must say I did enjoy it, it was pretty good, not excelent, but I can't really give details on her style, I simply don't remember. Sorry.

>> No.4002464

Thanks Anon. Does the Wordsworth edition have annotations?

>> No.4002474

Sanshiro - Natsume Soseki
The Key - Junichiro Tanizaki
Diary of an Old Man - Junichiro Tanizaki

To the Spring Equinox and Beyond - Natsume Soseki
The Miner - Natsume Soseki
And Then - Natsume Soseki
The Gate - Natsume Soseki

>> No.4002478

spring equinox and beyond is current, the next 3 are future

>> No.4002481

I like it a lot so far. Hard to follow sometimes, but very beautiful and interesting.

>> No.4002519

I hadn't expected it to happen, really. I wanted to read some Updike in between just to make a friend happy because she's been pestering me to read The Centaur, but I can only get through a couple pages before I long for some Pratchett.

So, though it's not a set plan, I'm pretty certain I'm going to be reading nothing but Discworld until I finish the series.

>> No.4002686



>> No.4002689

Tao Lin - Taipei (great)
Yoko Ogawa - Hotel Iris (good)
Tao Lin - Shoplifting from American Apparel (great)

Miyuki Miyabe - All She Was Worth (pretty meh)

Gibson - Neuromancer
Yasutaka Tsutsui - Paprika
Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.4003025

The Old Man and The Sea 9/10
Heart Of Darkness 7/10
Malcolm X's Autobiography 8/10

For Whom The Bell Tolls 6/10 so far
Does It ever pick up

Lord Of The Flies

I Don't think about the next three only the next one

>> No.4003045

Where are you? It does pick up, but it might take its time.

>> No.4003053

page 220 just finished talking about finito the midget matador

>> No.4003072

When You Are Engulfed in Flames
Beautiful Children
Revolution: A Historical Study

The first Wheel of Time book

Who the fuck plans what they'll read in advance?

>> No.4003118


>last 3 (most recent 1st):
Bob Dylan - Chronicles Volume 1
Suetonius - The Twelve Caesars
Ernest Hemingway - Old Man and The Sea

Allen Ginsberg - Howl, Kaddish and other Poems

Next Three:
Abraham Lincoln - The Gettysburg Address
R.D Laing - The Divided Self
Ian Bell - Once Upon A Time - The Lives Of Bob Dylan

>> No.4003181

Well, wait for a while, you'll see.

>> No.4003188

>Last Three
Three Translations Of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
The Symposium

>Currently Reading
A History Of Western Philosophy
Confessions (St. Augustine)

>Next Three
Invitation To A Beheading
Fathers And Sons

>> No.4003262

For Whom the Bell Tolls is mostly the same until the end, it's got a great ending but it's a typical Hemingway ending. If you don't really like his style, or just aren't interested in it, don't bother. I loved it though

>> No.4003363

Okay, first, it's called "The Possessed".
Secondly, you're the coolest person on this whole board. Keep it up.

>> No.4003522


But mine is called "Demons" and it's translated by Peavar.

>Secondly, you're the coolest person on this whole board. Keep it up.

>> No.4003528

The Possesed is considered a dated translation. I don't even know if you're being serious.

>> No.4004659
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>> No.4004700

A Scanner Darkly
The King in Yellow
The Three Imposters

Sophies World
The Gossamer Years

The Illiad & The Odyssee
The Pillow Book
Horodotus - Histories

>> No.4004707

>The Three Imposters

This is in my to read soon pile. How was it?

>> No.4004717

It was actually not to bad for a collection of horror stories. I would compare it to the writings of Lovecraft (not the Cthulhu stuff!). It is fun, but nothing that special.

>> No.4005116

Last 3:
Candide by Voltaire
Arcadia by Tom Stoppard
Daytripper by some Brazilian Dude (i forget)

Current: Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy

Next 3: Nostromo by Conrad
The Importance of Being Earnest: Oscar Wilder
Jude the Obscure: Thomas Hardy


>> No.4005139

Finished Siddhartha. Solid 9.5/10

>> No.4005150
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>Last Three:
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus

Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein

>Next Three:
The Birth of Tragedy - Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil - Nietzsche
The Republic - Plato

>> No.4005161

>Last Three
Wild Magic - Tamora Pierce
Wolf-Speaker - Tamora Pierce
Emperor Mage - Tamora Pierce

> Currently Reading
Changelings - Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

> Next Three
Maelstrom - Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Deluge - Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Catalyst - Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

>> No.4005174

>Last 3
-Wuthering Hieghts
-Crime and Punishment

>Currently Reading
-Snow Country
-Brothers Karamasov
-The Picture of Dorian Gray
-Pale Fire

>Next Three
-The Idiot
-War and Peace

Novitiate here, wouldnt mind any suggestions

>> No.4005210

The Fountainhead- Ayn Rand
The Divided Self- R.D. Laing
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka

High Rise- Ballard

On the Road- Kerouac
Being and Nothingness- Sartre
The Birth of Tragedy- Nietzsche

>> No.4005215

YOU! Dear England, I know you.

>> No.4005504

Weboo detected

>> No.4005643


how was the fountainhead in your opinion? i'm thinking about reading it soon.

>> No.4008061 [DELETED] 


>> No.4008080

Crime and Punishment
Catcher in the Rye


The Trial

>> No.4008093

Will lit ever know why that guy is wearing so many hats??

>> No.4008096


Because he is a traveling hat merchant you thick cunt.

>> No.4008097

nigga dont look like he selln hats

>> No.4008137

>Last Three

The Trial - Franz Kafka
Ulysses - James Joyce (first time)
Closely Observed Trains - Bohumil Hrabal

>Currently Reading

The Good Soldier Švejk - Jaroslav Hašek

>Next Three

R.U.R. - Karel Čapek
Selected Poems - Robert Frost
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Basically just been to the Czech Republic and bought a fuckload of books (also got Božena Němcová and Karel Hynek Mácha). What did I miss?

>> No.4008146

What does a man selling hats usually look like?

>> No.4008523


HuEHuE. I don't think so.

>> No.4009977

so things have changed enough since when i posted in this thread last that's it worth an update, i guess, i canceled the order on the alaisdair gray (sorry, friend) and finished the nietzsche

currently reading stan brakhage's metaphors on vision.. i'm loving it

and i ordered boris vian's L'écume des jours instead..

>> No.4010087

>A Conspiracy of Alchemists by Liesel Schwarz
Just finished this crap, my recommendation?
Don't read it.

I assume its a female author because the main Protagonist is female, this shit so jumbled up. I don't know if it is because i read so many books before but i kept seeing parts of other books i read. I think the only thing that sets it aside is its steampunk... but seeing that i am not into that shit...
I give it 2/5. or 3/10

>> No.4010090

>Blood Song by Anthony Ryan

Who ever suggested this to me it better be Joe Abercrombie/ Jim Butcher level, or i will never take your suggestions again.

>> No.4010112

Last Three:
Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner (9/10 [if you're into modern philosophy])
Hell's Angels by Hunter Thompson (8/10)
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh (7/10)

Currently Reading:
The Archaic Revival by Terence McKenna (6/10)
it's a collection of essays and interview, really hit and miss.
Next Three:

On the Road (The Original Scroll) by Jack Kerouac
Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
Original Wisdom by Robert Wolff

>> No.4010156

>Last Three

Outer Dark - Cormac McCarthy
The Third Reich - Roberto Bolano
Fall of Hyperion - Dan Simmons

>Currently Reading

The Silmarillion - Tolkien
The Wayfinders - Wade Davis

>Next Three
Endymion - Simmons
Earth Abides - George Stewart
Child of God (?) - McCarthy

Not sure if these next three are for certain or if I want to do something else.
The Third Reich was kind of disappointing, but at the same time it FELT like the early, experimental work which it probably was

>> No.4012772

>sage = le downvoat