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3993597 No.3993597 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most disturbing scene you've ever read, /lit/?

>> No.3993606
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>> No.3993623

Anything with vaginas. They sound vile.

>> No.3993658

This one time, there was this one part where there was a man and a woman...
get this...
Having sex.

>> No.3993677

Probably the rat vagina scene in American Psycho (I ain't even edgy, I just like reading stuff before I make up my mind about).

>> No.3993696

I watched the movie and I really enjoyed it; very well done.
I was thinking of reading it. Is it worth reading, or should I just suffice myself with the movie?

>> No.3993704

If you liked the movie you'll probably enjoy the novel. There's a lot more "shocking" stuff, and it's actually somewhat well written.

The only thing that might irk some readers is Bateman's constant need to describe and judge every garment every person is wearing (we're talking pages worth of clothing descriptions). It's a stylistic thing, but still somewhat annoying.

>> No.3993711

Probably to show the judgmental nature of the character and his care for minute details.
I guess I'll give it a read in the couple of weeks, thanks.

>> No.3993714

You have shit taste in movies.
Shit taste of the worst kind.
I would honestly rather hear someone say they enjoy every other movie on the planet than the garbage that was American Psycho.

>> No.3993719

The Roman.

Protagonist is sitting on Colosseum. Dozen or so Christians are meant to die - He owns a menagerie and has set up the event. Gorillas and Lions - The set up gets a significant part of the book. So anyway, what happens is that his mentally ill Father, Son and Mentor get to be in the show, for they protested against the Emperor. Just for a second the protagonist thinks that he should stop the show, save his family. But he doesn't, as he realized that the emperor is two rows from him and it would hurt his political career. So he sits and later on thinks how smart it was to to not cancel it.

>> No.3993947

I really don't watch lots of movies; I've only seen a few this year.
The last one I watched was The Machinist and I immensely enjoyed it. Easily one of my favorites.
What would you suggest since your taste is better than mine, you believe?

>> No.3993951

read some history books, son

if this is a man has some spicy parts

>> No.3993963

The snakebit horse in blood meridian.

>> No.3993982

Probably some scene out of naked lunch

>> No.3993994

That one scene in American Gods where the guy gets eaten by a vagina.

>> No.3994000

I second this. That was pretty awful. Not in an immediately disturbing way, but I certainly thought about it the night after I read it.

>> No.3994029

fuck man what kind of stuff do you read?
you are sick man sick in the head

>> No.3994035

the rape in the painted bird
parts of american psycho
story of the eye

>> No.3994098

The lesbian S/M scene at the beginning of Swann's Way.. it wasn't that it was particularly "graphic", but more that I just wasn't expecting anything like it to crop out of the stream of dreamy musings on family, reading, nature etc... and as well I wasn't expecting anything so explicit in a book that was published in, what, 1913? It really makes Joyce look rather prudish for his laboriously oblique descriptions of sex and bodily functions. Though I'll say that Proust's presentation of a first masturbation takes similar pleasure in roundabout metaphor, with the effect of "beautifying" the "obscenity", yes, but also of revealing it by the comparison to the trail of the slug...the worm-like creature leaving behind diamond-glistening trail

>> No.3994113

I remember this book I read when I was a kid about a ruffian trying to escape from a penal ship, I think? And one of the kids had his eye poked out. It was pretty awful. I'm still unusually afraid of anything sufficiently thin and sharp.

>> No.3994120

Neat. I saved this; I wonder who I'm gonna send it to... That's not the right way to use a semicolon, is it?

>> No.3994126

Naked Lunch; descriptions of creatures buttfucking little boys on the edge of a hangman and then kick them off the edge in the midst of orgasm.

>> No.3994131

The woman getting a bottle shoved up her pussy and smashed and impaled with a broomstick?

Or the jewess who gets scared and has the man's dick become stuck in her pussy?

What about the goatfucking family?

>> No.3994135

that shit got me so hard, most confusing guilt boner ever

>> No.3994158

when harry and herminona had sex in book 7 :(

>> No.3994178

I have to see the machinist. Bateman was so hot in that movie.

>> No.3994197

A farewell to childhood innocence?

>> No.3994232

First court scene in Eichmann in Jerusalem.

>> No.3994289

They fuck?

>> No.3994309
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If he were thinner he wouldn't exist.

>> No.3994313


the bottle, yes.

i only vaguely remember the other scenes you mentioned. the bottle stook with me most. it was barbaric. that entire book was very disturbing though.

>> No.3994320

The Road. The people following them after they break into the cannibals' house. One of them is pregnant. The father and son double back so that they're behind them. They come upon their camp later to find the woman has given birth, the infant has been decapitated and spitted over a fire.

The House of Leaves got pretty bizarre, too. Don't know if I'd call it disturbing, though.

>> No.3994328

Honest answer, OP?

The end of "'Yore Skin's Jes's Soft 'n Purty...' He said" by Chet Williamson.

It's a story in "Razored Saddles" (1990), edited by Joe R. Lansdale & Pat LoBrutto.

Captcha: ordinary lacedPC.

>> No.3994346

The Ruins.

The part where the plant gets under the girl's skin and they wake up one morning to find her cutting herself open and pulling vines out. Had to actually put the book down.

>> No.3994378

Shut up faggot.

>> No.3994404


>> No.3994457

Grow up.

>> No.3994492

One of the bits in Pariah where the chick is cutting off her fingers as offerings to her boyfriend, and he keeps them mummified in a box

>> No.3994538

He is not going to have any suggestions. He was shitposting.

I recommend American Beauty, City of God, There Will Be Blood, In Bruges, Children of Men, District 9, and Bade Runner.

>> No.3994541


>> No.3994558
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>"she glided softly across the moonlit floor like silk hands across satin sheets and laid her fingers on his manhood as it stood tall"

>> No.3994565

That one guy's cock description in It by Stephen King.

>> No.3994570

Probably not what you're looking for, but when reading Stoner I felt physically ill during one the most awkward and non-titillating sex scenes I've ever read.

>> No.3994577

The sex scene in Old Man's War. It is so cringeworthy and terrible that I am genuinely befuddled and disturbed that someone thought "Hey, this should exist and published in a novel". To some extent, this goes for the entire book.

>> No.3994580

I am your queen and I command you to fuck me.

>> No.3994678

This is really odd, but the way "Doc" Sportello describes The Wolfmann's painted pornographic neck-ties in Pynchon's Inherent Vice disturbed me a bit.

>> No.3994692

>And he came hard in her mouth and his dick jumped around and rattled on her teeth and he blacked out and she took his dick out of her mouth and lifted herself from his face and whipped the pillow away and he gasped and glugged at the air, and he came again so hard that his dick wrenched out of her hand and a shot of it hit him straight in the eye and stung like nothing he’d ever had in there, and he yelled with the pain, but the yell could have been anything, and as she grabbed at his dick, which was leaping around like a shower dropped in an empty bath, she scratched his back deeply with the nails of both hands and he shot three more times, in thick stripes on her chest. Like Zorro.

>> No.3994696

was thinking this

>> No.3994699

What. The Fuck

>> No.3994698

I've seen In Bruges and I remember liking it, and several other movies in which the main character played a part in too. I'll trust you on these and download them tonight.

>> No.3994777

Which Cormac McCarthy novel is this from?

>> No.3994806


Eugh. I'm not sure why Ender's Game meets The Forever War with old people needed to exist.

>> No.3995057

My sides.

>> No.3995094

20 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin
My sweet naughty girl
I got your hot letter tonight and have been trying to picture you frigging your cunt in the closet. How do you do it? Do you stand against the wall with your hand tickling up under your clothes or do you squat down on the hole with your skirts up and your hand hard at work in through the slit of your drawers? Does it give you the horn now to shit? I wonder how you can do it. Do you come in the act of shitting or do you frig yourself off first and then shit? It must be a fearfully lecherous thing to see a girl with her clothes up frigging furiously at her cunt, to see her pretty white drawers pulled open behind and her bum sticking out and a fat brown thing stuck half-way out of her hole. You say you will shit your drawers, dear, and let me fuck you then. I would like to hear you shit them, dear, first and then fuck you. Some night when we are somewhere in the dark and talking dirty and you feel your shite ready to fall put your arms around my neck in shame and shit it down softly. the sound will madden me and when I pull up your dress

was expecting this to be posted already

>> No.3995109

The dream about the horse in Crime and Punishment is rather... vanilla, if you will, but still very disturbing.

No, Mr. Joyce, please no!

>> No.3995117


The most disturbing scene I've ever read was from Yukio Mishima's Decay of the Angel, when Honda speaks with Satoko at the end and she says that she does not remember anyone named Kiyoaki and Honda is left with the thought of "Maybe none of this ever happened."


>> No.3995150

Now I'm interested in reading it. But it's spoiled!

Thank you and fuck you at the same time.

>> No.3995162

horse scene, all quiet on the western front. I was 14 at the time and had decided harry potter was too kidsy for me. promptly put down book and went back to chamber of azkhaban.

>> No.3995165

what scene was this i read it in like a freshmain history class in undergrad i forgot it all except the part were they shit together

>> No.3995169

Warning Gravity's Rainbow Spoiler

I felt like I could taste Brigadier Pudding's shit when Katje ate it.

>> No.3995174

Nvm switch those characters

>> No.3995173

oh i thought it was about horse sex or something

>> No.3995170

it was right in the begining, it just described them getting hit and their guts falling out and the sounds they made. It wasn't particularly awful, i just wasn't expecting it

>> No.3995202

Lena's rape scene from Lord Foul's Bane. It's not very graphic but if you keep reading through the books the consequences are just so chilling.

>> No.3995223


Believe me, the plot is not a spoiler. I could tell you everything that happens and nothing would be ruined...it's the way that Mishima writes it. He pierces you like a thumbtack on the floor that you step on with barefeet, it hurts but you are left to wonder how it got there in the first place and if you would have worn shoes if you'd known you might have a tack lying about on the floor.

>> No.3995234


The one in Ape and Essence by Huxley where people sacrifice deform babies to the devil and then have a massive orgy.

>> No.3995235

Infinite Jest

>> No.3995252

Probably the rape scene from Post Office. The really disturbing thing is that I found it so funny.

>> No.3995254

When God continually destroys his own creations in the Bible
Most beautiful scene?
Jesus dying.

>> No.3995279

>chamber of azkhaban
It is Prisoner of Azkaban.

>> No.3995296
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Ya. Also, broomstick sodomy

>> No.3995299

In a Sven Hassel book (WW2 veteran in a disciplinary batallion because he tried deserting) he describes how he was wounded in the stomach, got separated from his friends in the makeshift hospital, with everyone in full retreat from the russians and abandoning the wounded, and then later he was thrown into a huge common grave as they thought he was dead.

It's disturbing because it's not fiction.

>> No.3995647


>> No.3996004

The fucking edge, man. Watch out, you might cut somebody.

>> No.3996015

The Painted Bird, the whole book is one disturbing scene.

>Prized rabbit dies somehow. Owner tasks narrator with skinning and gutting it, because he loved the rabbit too much to do it himself. Halfway through skinning the rabbit it comes back to life and starts running around, getting it's skin caught on a barbed wire fence.
>One guy gets eaten alive by a tidal wave of rats (the most far fetched moment of the book)
>I vaguely recall a scene where the narrator is tortured with a vicious dog
>the narrator at one point messes with a train switch and ends up derailing a train which causes a lot of deaths
but the moment that takes the cake:
>woman is caught having sex with someone. So the villagers take a glass jar, fill it up with shit, ram it up her vagina, and kick her until the jar shatters.

I can't recommend the book. It's a fictitious holocaust story, and there's really nothing to it other than seeing how many horrible things can happen to the narrator.

>> No.3996019

Is that the one where he says that all jews deserve to die or some such thing? Because I agree that it was pretty disturbing.

Otherwise I would say The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea with the kitten scene.

>> No.3996021

Does the plot have a definite path?

>> No.3996026

Not really. The main character just goes from foster parent to foster parent as the war goes on. That's the "plot."

To the book's credit, it's got some pretty good prose, and what I found interesting was that there is zero dialog. Were it not for that I would have nothing positive to say about it.

>> No.3996053

/lit/ is the most disturbing scene I've ever read. This place is a terrible place full of set minds trying to confine you to their way of thinking while saying you have to learn more things that will never do anything for you.

>> No.3996060

Uhmm that scene with the crazy guy and a cat or something at the beginning of Kafka on the Shore

I cannot recall exactly what happened but I was really disturbed

>> No.3996067
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The "boxed" copypasta

>> No.3996402

Almost anything by H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.3996463

The Baby Jesus Buttplug
Don't ask

>> No.3996695

back when I was an edgy teenager I read a lot of Bret Easton Ellis. Several of the scenes from Glamorama are disgustingly horrible.

>> No.3997352

Hell, I totally forgot about that. Upsetting now that I'm thinking about it.

>> No.3997377

Volume 13 of Berserk. Sorry, no books top that.

>> No.3997424

you're objectively incorrect

>> No.3997430

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison

The imagery isn't so grotesque that it'll gross you out, but disturbing is the word. It definitely stays with you.

>> No.3997444

Probably not the most disturbing thing I've ever read, but, what comes to mind is the scene in The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart where one of the brothers has to have sex with a witch to save the life of the other. Disgusting.

>> No.3997551

Already you could see through the dust on the ponies' hides the painted chevrons and the hands and rising suns and birds and fish of every device like the shade of old work through sizing on a canvas and now too you could hear above the pounding of the unshod hooves the piping of the quena, flutes made from human bones, and some among the company had begun to saw back on their mounts and some to mill in confusion when up from the offside of those ponies there rose a fabled horde of mounted lancers and archers bearing shields bedight with bits of broken mirrorglass that cast a thousand unpieced suns against the eyes of their enemies. A legion of horribles, hundreds in number, half naked or clad in costumes attic or biblical or wardrobed out of a fevered dream with the skins of animals and silk finery and pieces of uniform still tracked with the blood of prior owners, coats of slain dragoons, frogged and braided cavalry jackets, one in a stovepipe hat and one with an umbrella and one in white stockings and a bloodstained wedding-veil and some in headgear of cranefeathers or rawhide helmets that bore the horns of bull or buffalo and one in a pigeontailed coat worn backwards and otherwise naked and one in the armor of a spanish conquistador, the breastplate and pauldrons deeply dented with the old blows of mace or sabre done in another country by men whose very bones were dust and many with their braids spliced up with the hair of other beasts until they trailed upon the ground and their horses' ears and tails worked with bits of brightly colored cloth and one whose horse's whole head was painted crimson red and all the horsemen's faces gaudy and grotesque with daubings like a company of mounted clowns, death hillarious, all howling in a barbarous tongue and riding down upon them like a horde from a hell more horrible yet that the brimstone land of christian reckoning, screeching and yammering and clothed in smoke like those vaporous beings in regions beyond right knowing where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools.

Blood Meridian

>> No.3997609


yup pretty much this

>> No.3997689

That scene where Johnnie Walker killed those cats in such detail was totally pointless, just like everything else that happened in the novel.

>> No.3997691


If i could write hate on all my books and on my legs it would be almost a smuch as i haet u guys lol!

>> No.3997731

Dog vivisection in Quicksilver.

In-depth shit-eating descriptions in Gravity's Rainbow.

Everything Paolo Bacigalupi has written.

>> No.3997735

That movie sucks so bad

>> No.3997751

No one told me Infinite Jest was so unpleasant in this regard.

Cute little pups and kitties getting whacked to death in garbage bags. Subhuman mongoloid incest victims getting fucked by their father in a Raquel Welch mask and lovin' it. Women holding onto their stillborn mutant crack babies even as they begin to rot through the sheets they're wrapped in. A guy getting fully impaled for like seven pages or some shit. A person getting jerked off to evryday by their insane-o father until their ma burns off their face with acid. Fun With Teeth. The fate of the Canadians that Gately fights. Pa Pemulis.

That book was disgusting fuck

>> No.3997757

ew :/

>> No.3997771

Carlton Mellick III is a silly writer.