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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 373 KB, 717x479, lolitonickcaveiwasblownaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3992804 No.3992804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, why aren't you reading Ben Brooks's new novel Lolito?

>> No.3992805
File: 92 KB, 951x1500, lolito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3992809

even his wikipedia page shits on him...

>> No.3992810

go to bed, ben

>> No.3992811

Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito Lolito

>> No.3992821

Link to free pdf/epub and I'll read it.

>> No.3992825


Because Ben is an alt-lit hipster scum who does not know how to write.

>> No.3992828


Ben, if you are going to advertise on /lit/, you need to provide us with a free copy of one of your books. You are modelling your business plan on Taoling, right? When he wanted to sell us his new book, he gave us his previous ones for free.

>> No.3992829

anon plz

>> No.3992833

>he gave us his previous ones for free.

Wut? Links?

>> No.3992834


Toilet paper is cheaper. Fuck off, scum.

>> No.3992843

I'm not about to read someone younger than me while I'm still in my 20s

>> No.3992845


The world needs people to flip my burgers. So, I won't support a shitty, unoriginal keyboard puncher who should a.s.a.p. take his position at the local McDonald's.

The world needs writers, readers, and burger flippers. There's no shame in taking care of the burgers, Ben.

>> No.3992846

There's a link to the eeeeee thing in >>>/rs/

>> No.3992852
File: 4 KB, 300x168, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you, Ben?

>> No.3992853

because ben brooks is not a cult personality like tao lin so why would i read that shit lol.

>> No.3992855


>> No.3992856

>Reading books because of the authors counterfeit persona.

You're as bad as the stoners who read HST.

>> No.3992860

Skinnyfat DYEL.

Head over to /fit/

>> No.3992868

This guy looks like a gigantic faggot.

>> No.3992872


Agreed. Not only his face is an acne buffet, but he also looks as an evident lover of monster cocks.

>> No.3992882
File: 198 KB, 448x300, ben-brooks-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why aren't you reading Ben Brooks's new novel Lolito?
Because you look like an insufferable cunt who doesn't have enough experience, knowledge of the world, and the depth of emotion to write anything even vaguely interesting.

Of course this is just a prejudicial guess based on the high punchability value of your face – but you must understand that reading a book is an investment of my time, and I'm dubious that you can produce anything worth my investment.

I am open to convincing, though. Maybe you do produce great work that doesn't read like the mewlings of a vapid hipster. I hope you can convince me, but until then you will remain another obnoxious kid with a god-awful haircut.

>> No.3992889

maybe he's like skrillex of lit

>> No.3992892

Ben...is male, right?

>> No.3992897
File: 84 KB, 690x470, Ben-Brooks-Tao-Lin-Event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he has had a haircut since that pic.

>> No.3992909


Hi Benny, I am the guy you kissed with last weekend at Rachel's house party, do you remember me?

I just want to tell you that I've been texting you but you haven't answered. You cunt.

Get back to me asap. I've got the runs and spoke to my doc, and we need to talk.

>> No.3992911


I've actually read this, on account that ipad to review it for work.

Parts of it were funny, and other parts of it are just not very good.

It reads like an edgy teen e4 series, and I'm pretty sure they are making one out of Grow Up....

Anyone else read it?

>> No.3992913

>*I had
>subliminal auto-correct as I'm writing this on an ipad

>> No.3992916

>subliminal auto-correct
iPad viral marketting.

>> No.3992921

OK, maybe I'll give Lolito a try.

>> No.3992926

Where is this from?!

>> No.3992927

OP camwhoring

>> No.3992929

Probably from that faggot's twitter o rsomething

>> No.3992950

"I was blown away" said the musician.

Glad to know you're going after trying to look hip and trendy and ignoring the lack of critical attention.

>> No.3992951
File: 42 KB, 500x375, hookingupqithqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt alt-lit wingman

>> No.3992964

He looks like he has just shat himself.

>> No.3992974
File: 366 KB, 640x359, Cookbooks-CookingTheBooksEpisode15TaoLin438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most punchable face in literature today. I'll stick with T-Low. Most likable author alive.

>> No.3992976

>that colombian hoover

>> No.3992978

I think Towel is more punchable.

Most likeable author alive is China Mieville.

>> No.3992981
File: 33 KB, 620x349, taolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffers from Henry Rollins tier "i'm a tough guy intellectual muh tats muh lifting you can't bully me anymore!" nonsense. Tao Lin is the most authentic cunt in literature.

>> No.3992984

>Tao Lin is the most authentic cunt in literature.
"I personally think Tao is a genius.

I hate his work, but I really do admire him as a performance artist. Unfortunately, I think the role that he plays is potentially the wrong one, and he has, as actors would say, 'typecast' himself in the caricature he has chosen.

His performance is a perfect satire of social conventions, and his role is an almost polar opposite of the alpha bravado image of Hunter Thompson's Raoul Duke persona. The way he mimics our 'social-media obsessed', ADHD ridden, monotone, greyscale mentality, obsessed with identity through labels -- The 'Oh, I have social anxiety; Oh, I'm a vegan; Oh, I'm an atheist'... -- and the inability to adequately self-express under the burden of a society that facilitates a certain conformity (which includes the fringe as part of the package) really is brilliant.

To me, Tao's character is an insufferable cunt, and while this is part of the point (to satirise certain negative traits of our culture) I think he would have been better adopting the role of a slightly more 'pro' figure; more optimistic, self-valuing. The 'Zyzz' figure that seems to be the new social messiah, instead of a bastardised cliché of the post-ironic hipster with a dash of hedonism; but that's just me.

While I'm not really a fan of 'the artist being the work', I appreciate it's merits, but without it Tao would just be another mediocre neo-realism writer attempting to be post-modern. His literature has no real value on it's own, aside from a slight snapshot of a small area of society, but the 'package' as a whole is a pretty lofty achievement from a young artist. The only problem is -- for those that can tolerate, or even like, him-- he will never escape it, and it's already wearing thin. "

>> No.3992993

>he will never escape it
I don't know. I think he might be able to escape it. Once he matures a bit, he might shake of the image he is wearing and become a decent writer.

>> No.3992995

Seems like you haven't really gotten into his work and seem satisfied with merely posting copy pasta. Also:

>The 'Zyzz' figure that seems to be the new social messiah
What? Shallow narcissists aren't really a novelty. The only thing Zyzz did was being a shy little pale faggot himself and then he suddenly wasn't anymore, giving his neckbeard audience hope and something to latch on to.

>> No.3992998

Because I'm not a fag and won't read stupid books marketed on 4chan.

>> No.3993000

>What? Shallow narcissists aren't really a novelty
>(to satirise certain negative traits of our culture)

If Tao performed his act as Zyzz it would be a far more cutting, scathing critique of society.

>> No.3993011

>If Tao performed his act as Zyzz it would be a far more cutting, scathing critique of society.
You are now aware that Zyzz was a genius who was only satirising the metro-sexual, shaven chested, spray-taned, self-obsessed, uneducated, Jersey Shore society that is slowly taking over contemporary culture.

>> No.3993029

Zyzz wasn't acting, he died to be a tan heap of steroids.

>> No.3993055

I think the point is that type of character, acted, would make a decent performance author for the deep level of irony and social commentary that could be buried beneath it.

I think it would. If a decent author did it, it would be magnificent. The majority of young authors now have the awkward jaded cynicism, and humorous outcast role; the one who has been casually wounded or harmed by society and expresses the mundane through a plastered on brave-face and a tumblr account, but there is nobody on the other side of the fence. Nobody who embraces that which they shrewdly rebel against. Nobody to express the same contempt and cynicism, only subversively from the perspective of someone seemingly "making it". That position would open up a whole realm of critique and exploration.

The 'Zyzz' author could provide both the hedonistic, womanizing social icon that most teens aspire too, while simultaneously letting the shell crack to reveal whatever level of hollow materialism, and social commentary they wanted. The 'authors voice' would be so much more powerful for it too.

"I have to take Xanax for anxiety, and I use twitter and tumblr, and materialism is bad and empty, and I bought a new beanie hat and chequered shirt" just doesn't work as well from the skinny outcast kid who gets bullied. but from someone who should be the pinnacle and culmination of social aspiration, it would be beautiful... as long as the shell was solid enough so the legitimacy of the cracks were called into question.

This is the reason why Hunter Thompson's commentary on American culture was so powerful. People simultaneously wanted to be him, while experiencing the shattered realisation that the American Dream is an empty promise. We have nobody like that for our generation; and as our generation is even faster, shinier, bigger, more expensive, that idea could be pushed a lot further now.