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/lit/ - Literature

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3991920 No.3991920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need some good books that are Pro-Colonialism, Pro- Western/European Culture and Values, and objectively examine racial differences

Could be fiction or non-fiction!

>> No.3991924

Seems to like /pol/ leaked again. The sooner moot deletes your board, the better.

>> No.3991926

>that are Pro-Colonialism, Pro- Western/European Culture and Values, and objectively
contradiction within 10 words.


>> No.3991929

>contradiction within 10 words

you're making some strange assumptions here

>> No.3991930

So...basically the hypothetical /pol/ bible?

>> No.3991931

>deleting a containment board
That's not a good idea.

>> No.3991934

Pretty much anything pre-WW1, dude. Ever interwar. Do you think many 19th century political philosophers thought that colonialism was wrong?

>> No.3991936
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Hey there /pol/

>> No.3991940

I think OP wants a contemporary take on this stuff.

>> No.3991947

But without a home-board /pol/fucks won't have a free place to build their conspiracy theory paranoia, and they subsequently would have to dissolve into the rest of 4chan. The first few months would be unbearable, though.

>> No.3991950

Read any historiography or social science theory. Actually read any epistemology. "Objective" knowledge is impossible. Objective knowledge after demanding an unsubstantiated bias is even more laughable.

>> No.3991948


/pol/ is actually a pretty well informed place, minus a few crazy idiots.

they cured me of some really stupid liberal biases I used to have.

>> No.3991949

I think that anon means that any book that could even claim to
>objectively examine racial differences
(not that objectivity is possible, but anyway...) would have to be a work of Science!. And any Science! book that is
>Pro-Colonialism, Pro- Western/European Culture and Values
has already abandoned its claim to objectivity in the interests of its agenda.

>> No.3991954

There's more stormfaggotry now than there ever was before /pol/. Deleting it would be fine

>> No.3991957


>> No.3991959

I'm calling bullshit on this assumption that somehow the universe necessitates that such a board must exist. Sure for a while maybe they try to populate other boards. Isn't that what they fucking do anyways to convert everyone to their fucked up agenda? Without any centralization the sick twisted board culture will fizzle out and fade into obscurity, just like it has in reality. Most will probably move on to other websites. If such boards must exist, why not make a board for fucking racists and then a board for politics. Maybe not those boards, but there are many ways create a better situation, both for those interested and politics, and for 4chan in general. We need to have a serious talk about such solutions, because I'm getting fucking sick of every board on 4chan being tainted by /pol/.

>> No.3991970

>has already abandoned its claim to objectivity in the interests of its agenda.

Racial differences and Western values are two different things.

>"Objective" knowledge is impossible.

'objective' as in based on some sort of empirical facts and science, as far as that can go.

>> No.3991973


>is against freedom of speech
>is anti-intellectual
>is fascistic and anti-democratic

reflect on yourself.

>> No.3991979

Niall Ferguson, although I don't think he covers racial differences.

>> No.3991980

>yfw you realize the only reason /pol/ exists is because m00t is king /pol/fag

>> No.3991983

>/pol/ projecting

>> No.3991984

>Racial differences and Western values are two different things
Yeah, and that's my point. If it uses
>empirical facts and science
to study race, then how does it also have a
>Pro-Colonialism, Pro- Western/European Culture and Values
agenda? Good science isn't openly pro- or anti-anything, because it tries to be objective.

>> No.3991987

Ahhhhhhhhh! Dissenting viewpoints! >>>>>>>>>>>pol

I'll tell you right now, OP, the racial thing is very iffy if you're looking for justification for disparaging niggers or something. Though a couple years back James Watson said the science was conclusive that blacks have lower IQs, I think. It's just that IQ testing is dumb. Read Walter J. Ong's book Orality and Literacy and consider how (white) oral cultures would fare on IQ tests.

If you want pro-colonialism, virtually any American conservative justifications of US foreign policy will do it. If you want pro-Western values, the whole idea that the West has established/discovered the ultimate paradigm, check out Francis Fukuyama. A whole lot of Asian and Arab world politicians too, because they're basically trapped between acknowledging their political machinery/ideology is massively Western and retreating back into neglected customary laws like sharia. The Communists were uniquely hostile to the Confucian tradition (i.e. pretty much China's whole intellectual legacy) as being a rural, "feudal" ideal. Before Deng, anyway.

>> No.3991988

>is against freedom of speech
lel, you can say whatever the fuck you want. No one has the obligation to facilitate you self-entitled brat
>is anti-intellectual
Implying anything close to intellectualism resides within inside /pol/. I even offered a solution to keep the discussion going by creating multiple boards.
>is fascistic and anti-democratic
lol wat

Are you even trying?

>> No.3991986

It's the other way around this time, though. Sometimes you're the prejudiced one.

>> No.3991989

>not reflecting the material reality
Top kek, /pol/

>> No.3991992

>'objective' as in based on some sort of empirical facts and science, as far as that can go.
Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend.

It isn't in the least "objective." Perhaps you meant "empirical."

>> No.3991993

You're the most prejudiced person I have seen on 4chan, and that includes on /pol/. Shame on you.

>> No.3991994

This kind of disingenuousness is standard /pol/. I doubt it has ever worked but they keep doing it anwyay. They probably have a pastebin or something

>> No.3991995

Ferguson conceals raciality within his false liberality. I mean, seriously, this is a basic examination of Ferguson's production of values. Shit, look at Horthy's construction of Magyar? Identical with Ferguson's construction of Western as a racial category.

>> No.3991996
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>arf snarf with my semantics I'll surely make myself seem superior to this person who just wants to learn!

>> No.3991997


three pointless and angry sages. oy vey libs

>> No.3992000

>just wants to learn
Hello /pol/

>> No.3992002

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.3992003

7/10. I'm literally dying laughing right now.

>> No.3992004

It's a common colloquial and arguably not even incorrect usage of "objective" you pedantic douche. If someone says "I want something a little more objective" when you recommend an obviously biased book to them, you don't start talking about epistemology, you fucking undergraduate.

>> No.3992006

I'm not from /pol/, I just loathe you tumblr people who have started shitting up /lit/. Why do you want to ridicule and silence "opposing" points of view? That, to me, seems anti-intellectual and myopic.

>> No.3992013

>just wants confirmation of his bias

>> No.3992015

Look cunt. Either OP requested the best knowledge available, or he asked for a soapy boob job hitler fantasy.

If he wants the best knowledge, then he deserves a shit kicking over his ability to express his desire for knowledge.

We aren't here to feed your ignorance or big boobed mussolini fantasies, >>>/d/ is for that.

>> No.3992018
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>Pro- Western/European Culture and Values, and objectively examine racial differences

interested in recommendations too

>> No.3992019

/lit/ has always been left-wing you flaming sack of crap, maybe "boo tumblr" works on other boards but it won't here.

>> No.3992020
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>not a flaming communist

>> No.3992024

Isn't there a rule about being over 18 on this website?

>> No.3992027

>I want something that will reinforce my existing biases
>I just want to learn

>> No.3992028

Are you incapable of thinking for yourself? I suppose it's more comfortable to just label yourself "left wing" than to read a variety of material from a variety of perspectives. /lit/ is becoming worse thanks to narrow-minded bigots like you.

>> No.3992029

Half of the people saging are actually liberal tumblr douches who go through five tampons a day.

The other half are intentionally trolling you so you'll post /pol/ shit and get banned or get the thread deleted.

Both of them win when you fall prey to the latter. Don't do it.

>> No.3992032

>If he wants the best knowledge

Doesn't everyone? Seems pretty obvious...

>> No.3992035

>soapy boob job hitler fantasy
Can we talk about this? It sounds more interesting.

>> No.3992037

If you can't see the irony of these two posts you should just stop surfing cyberspace altogether.

>> No.3992038


actually he might want to challenge his biases, since most people are just automatically anti-western and european values for some weird reason.

>> No.3992039

those pesky finns

>> No.3992040

Might Is Right is up your alley, but be sure to get the edition with Darrell W. Conder as the editor.

>> No.3992041

/pol/ is afoot I tells ya! /pol/ everywhere!

We must act!

>> No.3992043

You seem confused. I'm not the one asking for books that will reinforce my biases. OP is.

>> No.3992044

Mate, "semantics" gives us readings such as >>3991995

>> No.3992046

I know you probably still keeping to Stormfront before /pol/ was created, but we never got threads about this garbage before then. Scamper off now

>> No.3992053

Ah, possible. I don't agree with your premise that
>most people are just automatically anti-western and european values
because I suspect you're defining those things in an extremely limited way, but you might be right about OP.

>> No.3992054

this has nothing to do with stormies

>> No.3992056

>being this oblivious

>> No.3992058
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That's my first post in this thread. I'm pointing out something really absurd and stupid because the "intellectuals" aren't intellectual enough to see it themselves. At this point I think it would serve everybody to attach /pol/ images to every post on /lit/ just on sheer principle.

>> No.3992062

If you wanna strawman, that's cool.

>> No.3992065


>> No.3992067

How dare you show that? I'm getting sick to my fucking stomach. Delete or get banned.

>> No.3992071


>> No.3992072

Not really. It looked like an incoherent troll based on an absence of reading the current status of white imperialism. Bourgeois conservatism is much like Ferguson today, concealed beneath a patina of liberalism but actually standing for the untrammelled power of the Advanced West to dictate the economic situation and movement of the world's peoples.

Shit, the most disappointing thing about /pol/friends is that they're entirely underread.

>> No.3992076

Can't handle the truth?

>> No.3992083

Are we really going to pretend these are different people?

>> No.3992084

On a scale of 1 to chocolate communist utopia, how euphoric are you right now?

>> No.3992085

>It looked like an incoherent troll based on

what are you confused about? seems straight forward

>> No.3992087

>thinking there's no such thing as racial disadvantages
>being against leveling the playing field
>not discussing literature

>> No.3992088

>tfw Chinese conservatism is coming to kick the west's ass
Feels interesting, man.

>> No.3992090

Ask a mod to check then, paranoid perry.

/lit/ is worse than /pol/, jesus.

>> No.3992091

>Not really. It looked like an incoherent troll based on an absence of reading the current status of white imperialism. Bourgeois conservatism is much like Ferguson today, concealed beneath a patina of liberalism but actually standing for the untrammelled power of the Advanced West to dictate the economic situation and movement of the world's peoples.

You criticize OP and these authors for being biased and you don't see your fucking viewpoint dominating this post and stifling discussion?

You can criticize their purported bias and still recommend or discuss them, you idiot. OP has every right to his bias as well. What you are doing is exactly what /pol/fags justly criticize /lit/ liberals for doing, championing their own viewpoint while disparaging others as inherently evil. Eat a dick and learn to discuss an adult.

>> No.3992094

>the most disappointing thing about /pol/friends is that they're entirely underread


the left is better off this way anyways

>> No.3992095

>>thinking there's no such thing as racial disadvantages

low IQ is well documented among some races.

>> No.3992099

It is epistemologically confused, confused about the nature of imperialism/colonialism and asks for objective fiction.

Class struggle never leaves me euphoric, mate. Only drained and twisted like fucking an epileptic whore.

Also I'm serious about /pol/friends' standards of reading. You'd make our resident Greek fascist cry due to your lack of European culture.

>> No.3992102

there's definitely more antisemitism on /lit/ than there was like 6 months ago. why is it getting worse

>> No.3992103

Uh... not the same anon, but assuming for a minute that that's true, wouldn't that count as a racial disadvantage?

>> No.3992106

>It is epistemologically confused, confused about the nature of imperialism/colonialism and asks for objective fiction.

It just asks for the positives consequences of colonialism/western values (there must have been some good effects) and for facts about racial differences. Pretty simple request.

>objective fiction

Leopold's Ghost is a good example of this.

>> No.3992107

/lit/ would be better off without you

and, um, why haven't you called anyone a mullethead yet lol

>> No.3992108

>asking /pol/ to read
I support the idea. From what I've seen /pol/ thinks 'western culture' means the same as 'white skin'.

>> No.3992110

intelligence doesn't matter, stormfag

>> No.3992111

there's no way it would ever be true for any genetic reasons
social disadvantages, maybe

>> No.3992113

>there's no way it would ever be true for any genetic reasons
>doesn't believe in evolution

>> No.3992114

I haven't criticised OP for being biased. I've criticised him for being epistemologically incoherent, and for being out of date intellectually. I've pointed to well appreciated reactionary authors (Ferguson). And I've strongly suggested that my only offence is at ignorance, not at the content of ideas well expressed.

"Bias" doesn't come into it. Every social science is biased. Cogently argued from well selected evidence matters. Disciplinary standards of argument matter. The content and conclusions are _political_, but aren't intellectual results of the work.

>Eat a dick and learn to discuss as an adult.

Mate you don't even know the rules of the game. The chief hint is: I don't give a crap who you want to kill, exclude, promote, or advance. I care if you cogently argue from evidence; or, in the specific context of /lit/ if you cogently draw conclusions from well selected text sets and can defend their methods.

>> No.3992115

IQ is based on a European conception of mental ability and does not accurately represent all forms of knowledge.

>> No.3992117

>assuming that's true
I was speaking hypothetically. >>3992095 seemed to be trying to argue with the post without actually arguing with it.

>> No.3992120

> I've criticised him for being epistemologically incoherent, and for being out of date intellectually.

OP asked for "objective" (meaning not polemical garbage like Rush Limbaugh) authors that are pro-colonialism, basically.

You call him "epistemologically incoherent" and "intellectually out of date" (read: your viewpoints are antiquated, Get With the New Liberal Wave), and write five hundred walls of text that only show how much of a douche you are. Your motivation is to intimidate and scorn him until he shuts up and stops having ideas that offend you. You are every leftist lesbian ever. Good job.

>> No.3992119

cite literature or leave /lit/ forever pls

>> No.3992121

>believes evolution means white people are smarter

>> No.3992123

/pol/ don't even understand that French, Belgian, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Hungarian fascisms weren't skin or blood fascisms, but culturalist.

Shit, I remember the days when reactionary cunts produced major theoretical categories and defended them in the social sciences. The 1960s were great days for imperialist fucks in the United States.

>> No.3992125

You're not very up-to-date on behavioral science, are you.

>> No.3992126

forgot sage

>> No.3992128
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Because /lit/ is infested with euphoric communists and you can't help but come in to gawk, prod them a little, marvel at the fuming arrogance the funny little thing possesses at the same time that it can't see the insanity of believing in the most thoroughly debunked murder ideology in the history of mankind.

>> No.3992130

>thinks evolution can be indefinitely equated to equality

go back to /pol/, christfag

>> No.3992134

>IQ is based on a European conception of mental ability and does not accurately represent all forms of knowledge.

I don't think you know what IQ is... this is weak apologia for people who have low IQs.

>> No.3992135

>I remember the days when reactionary cunts produced major theoretical categories and defended them in the social sciences
Do they not still do that? I wouldn't look to /pol/ for cutting edge intellectual argument...

>> No.3992138

>there's no way it would ever be true for any genetic reasons

why not?

>> No.3992142

I know /pol/ loves IQ, but what does it actually propose should happen to people with low IQs? Kick them out and have a Country Of The Super-Geniuses?

>> No.3992145

>You call him "epistemologically incoherent" and "intellectually out of date" (read: your viewpoints are antiquated, Get With the New Liberal Wave), and write five hundred walls of text that only show how much of a douche you are. Your motivation is to intimidate and scorn him until he shuts up and stops having ideas that offend you. You are every leftist lesbian ever. Good job.
Fuck you cuntface. You use the word objective, you call down the wall of shit. We don't tolerate ignorance around here. Now either OP can walk through Feyerabend and discover the contingency of social science (ie: the fact that his racial ideas might actually be able to be right); or he has a little wank fantasy based on confirmation bias from poor quality sources.

"Out of date" means just that. There are plenty of post-Fukayama right wing thinkers. Off the top of my head, and every fucking week, I recommend the late great Kolakowski's work on Marxism as an example of the possibility of real right wing contributions to knowledge in this day and age.

This isn't the 19th century. If you are going to talk about the structure of international politics and European dominance over the world, then you don't start a thread with "colonialism," when we've been discussing core:periphery and imperialism for quite some time.

If OP wants anything approaching empirically informed knowledge, he needs to adapt to the language and standards of discussion. This doesn't exclude possessing racialist beliefs, but it does mean possessing modern racialist beliefs.

>> No.3992147

Everybody are equal except the non-whites are better at basketball, IQ and so on. All countries and all people will have the same wealth as soon as we topple the evil white man and create Utopia #337. It won't fail this time, it's a lucky number.

Glad we sorted that out.

>> No.3992148

>Do they not still do that? I wouldn't look to /pol/ for cutting edge intellectual argument...
Generally no. The category work has dried up and they're vulgar instrumentalists exclusively now. US political science has turned into rambling electoralism or "clash of cultures" cretinism that has no capacity to fundamentally defend the superiority of European Enlightenment ideas. It is pretty sad. Leaves you shadow boxing.

Compare the vacuousness of HRM with Personnel management in the 1960s.

>> No.3992150

You forgot the most intellectual position of them all -
>races don't exist, whites are the evilest race

>> No.3992151

Look up Michael Cole's work with the Kpelle and the Vai in Liberia.

>> No.3992158

>Everybody are equal
But this is /pol/'s argument: massive portions of humanity are essentially the same as each other. The left-wing argument is generally that people are different from each other.

>> No.3992163

Oh, /pol/ likes to strawman and ad hom.

>> No.3992164
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>> No.3992165

>everybody are equal
>but this is /pol/'s argument

you just went full retard

>> No.3992169

>massive portions of humanity are essentially the same as each other
You don't think /pol/ says this? 'Black people have low IQs', that sort of thing?

>> No.3992173

How can you perceive that and think of yourself as intelligent? Or are you just completely sheltered? Mindboggling.

That's not their argument at all. The argument is that the overall average IQ of the different races is different. And, you know, all hard science says that as well. Evolution didn't stop at the neck.

>> No.3992176

>But this is /pol/'s argument: massive portions of humanity are essentially the same as each other.

No, they say there are statistical similarities among groups/races of people. Like, crime and violence among blacks, etc.

> The left-wing argument is generally that people are different from each other.

No the left is very much afraid of even beginning to talk about the possibility biological racial differences among groups.

A hilarious debate happened between David Suzuki and Rushton http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu3z_xOBJ8U

Suzuki the eco-liberal couldn't even begin to imagine or allow the possibility of genetic differences among races.

>> No.3992179

Generalization is not the same thing as saying there aren't outliers. How can you not understand such a simple thing? We all use generalizations for convenience for all sorts of day to day living. But not you?

>> No.3992181
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eat this, commies

>> No.3992183

>The argument is that the overall average IQ of the different races is different
Oh. So why use races as a meaningful category in this context? Things like distance running ability don't neatly divide along racial lines- it's guys from a very specific part of Africa that tend to do well. So why not go for smaller subdivisions of humanity? Better yet, why not get mass IQ test data and THEN see what divisions are noticeable in the data?

>> No.3992189
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>So why use races as a meaningful category in this context?

Because it seems to be a strong factor and deserves further investigation.

>> No.3992192

Race is meaningful to whites because we have a great body of overlapping values and culture. Ethnicity isn't ignored.

>Better yet, why not get mass IQ test data and THEN see what divisions are noticeable in the data?
Confirmed for sheltered in a cellar all your life.
Or just trolling.

>> No.3992196

Persuasive study sizes and replications, colleague. What's your n= ? One?

>> No.3992202

Why don't you counter the mountain of studies saying one thing with a study of your own backing up your kooky magical theory that some kind of secret diversity rainbow god is making the average IQ of the races the same?

>> No.3992204

>Why don't you counter the mountain of studies saying one thing with a study of your own

>implying Libs are brave enough to conduct such a study

>> No.3992205

>applicable ethnicities

If it isn't applicable to all humans, it was conducted by motherfucking /pol/ and you can bet on this.

>> No.3992210

>the races
You're still assuming the existence of this as a meaningful category.

>> No.3992215
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>this is what creationists believe

>> No.3992217

Because Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend.

>> No.3992218

Hey, /pol/, how many races do you think exist?

>> No.3992219

/pol/ wouldnt even pass it. They'd get euthanized them selves.

>> No.3992222
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race is a meaningful category since it affects disease susceptibility, crime disposition, IQ, etc.

>inb4 Bloodhounds are just as fast as Grey Hounds; Chihuahahs are just as strong as Rottweilers -- races dont exist

>> No.3992223

This is what interests me. Assuming that /pol/'s right and Victorian racial categories turn out to be highly reliable indicators of average intelligence
...what happens then? You'll still have outliers, i.e. intelligent black people and stupid white people. What's the conclusion supposed to be? What are the practical results?

>> No.3992224

>Because Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend.

So you didn't understand any of them? Ok.

>> No.3992230

>You use the word objective, you call down the wall of shit.

get out

>> No.3992231

you do realize that in the past 10 years we have had fascinating and profound discoveries in the departments of genetics, right?

what you just said was immensely false.. please tell me you know this.

>> No.3992232

>since it affects disease susceptibility, crime disposition, IQ
That's what you'd have to prove.

>inb4 it has been proven!
Any time I've looked at any academic texts /pol/ has cited 'proving' racial differences in IQ, the text itself has said it doesn't prove such a thing. And those are the texts /pol/ cherry-picks, not even ones it ignores.

>> No.3992235

I don't know what the hell you're on about with the racial thing, but for a contemporary work that does this stuff I'd suggest The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman. its awful but exactly what you're looking for

also by definition there will be no "good" books that are Pro- any of the things you listed.

>> No.3992238

>That's what you'd have to prove.
You do realize you're welcoming stormfaggotry spam, right?

>Any time I've looked at any academic texts /pol/ has cited 'proving' racial differences in IQ, the text itself has said it doesn't prove such a thing. And those are the texts /pol/ cherry-picks, not even ones it ignores.

/pol/ operates under the idea that there's political incentives in dismissing racial differences

>> No.3992240
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>> No.3992244

>/pol/ operates under the idea that there's political incentives in dismissing racial differences
I know, and then it says science proves it right. It's funny like that.

>You do realize you're welcoming stormfaggotry spam, right?

That's essentially what this thread is, anyway.

>> No.3992247

>...what happens then?
>what do with low IQ people?

Will in a negative sense not doing anything would actually be a great improvement. We could do away with affirmative action and stop wasting tax dollars on lost causes. If we stop blaming "the system" for the failures of certain groups it would be a step in the right direction.

Also it's really ironic to think that "IQ TESTS ARE WESTERN BIASED" and yet expect Tyrone and Mombutu to somehow excel in our western school systems. And when they invariably fail we blame "white privilege"....

>> No.3992248

class/nation descriptions bracket those things much more accurately though

>> No.3992250

Actually faggot, it's called evolution. Does a lion need gills? No. Does a pigeon need a beak as strong as a woodpecker? No.

>> No.3992252

Nagy's defence of humanism is pretty good.

Arendt's systematic defence of personal subjectivity is also powerful.

>> No.3992253

>muh exclusivity

As a brown American, I'm hiding this thread and finishing Philosophy in the Bedroom by de Sade.

>> No.3992254

>You do realize you're welcoming stormfaggotry spam, right?
Report rule 3 and rule 6 violations.

>> No.3992255

You're the reason whites should be exterminated.

>> No.3992256

Learn to sage, /lit/. I know you can't resist debunking stormfags, but you allow this shit to be on the front page when you don't sage.

>> No.3992260

>That's what you'd have to prove.

>what is sickle cell anemia

>> No.3992261

If you think a tu quoque works when you've suggested unfalsifiable and unsupported practices (small n unreplicated), then sure. Make whatever claims you like. You're so epistemologically anarchic that you're shoving cow shit in your face.

>> No.3992264

>Actually faggot, it's called evolution.

ya and clearly people that evolved in hot climates (lazy) are different than those who evolved in cold climates (clever)

>> No.3992265
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Honestly, people.

Just the Australian aboriginals alone should be enough to permanently erase your faith in the rainbow god magically making all races the same.

>In a genetic study in 2011, researchers found evidence, in DNA samples taken from strands of Aboriginal people's hair, that the ancestors of the Aboriginal population split off from the ancestors of the European and Asian populations between 62,000 and 75,000 years ago—roughly 24,000 years before the European and Asian populations split off from each other.
>between 62,000 and 75,000 years ago

>average IQ: 62

>don't even have to be a forensic to recognize the distinctive aboriginal cranium

Races are real, they are different, and race should rightly be re-labelled to what it really is: sub-race. Science must not be denied even if a few knuckleheads use it to say race X is inferior. Stop being a close-minded crybaby.

>> No.3992266

>Learn to sage, /lit/. I know you can't resist debunking stormfags, but you allow this shit to be on the front page when you don't sage.
Some people are discussing the literary implications of contemporary reactionary politics, and that's okay. Other people are wading in /pol/'s semen filled wading pool, and if you're wading then you should be non-bumping.

>> No.3992268

>Conflating evolution with race
Topkek. You don't even use nationallity or something more relevent.

>> No.3992270

>>3992247 (You)
>You're the reason whites should be exterminated.

He actually made a lot of sense.

>> No.3992271

But why do these things on a racial level? If we accept the principle that IQ is a highly accurate indicator of current/future potential and that low IQ people cannot be helped, why not just test IQs and then put people into the appropriate schools? That way the more intelligent black people can still benefit from affirmative action, and the less intelligent white people won't be in schools that can't help them because their IQ is too low.

I'm assuming your premises are true, of course...

>> No.3992274

>>average IQ: 62

Of who?

>> No.3992275

We can't do this with most of /lit/ sucking the dick of bourgeois liberal literature.

>> No.3992276

Go ask /pol/ they will feed your delusions.

>> No.3992279

Sub-species. My bad.

>> No.3992280

aboriginals, who do have distinct phenotypes

>> No.3992281

Did... did you just shamelessly and blatantly samefriend?

>> No.3992283

>bourgeois liberal literature

I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.3992284

Japs and Asians do better than whites. Therefore whites are inferior, and should be given help.

>> No.3992286

>Implying IQ should be lower for underdeveloped sub-humans of all types.
>Implying the conditions of the shithole known as Australia didn't condition evolution
>Implying IQ is valid

>> No.3992290
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Japan is master race

>> No.3992291

this board is burichan. Please delete your image.

>> No.3992294

Oh, and the jews.

>> No.3992295

>mfw when /pol/ creates a strawman and fails
Your attempt shows your lack of education. Seriously, go back to /pol/ where this kind of intellect is acceptable.

>> No.3992300

>implying Australia doesn't have the world's greatest environment

bonza kek m8

>> No.3992302

No nips or delicious 400 pound roast beef is being shown.

>> No.3992304
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Anyone wanna shit up the thread so it gets deleted?

>> No.3992305

>people who are prejudiced against all black people vs. people who are just prejudiced against Australia
Now this thread is really going places!

>> No.3992307
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>Also it's really ironic to think that "IQ TESTS ARE WESTERN BIASED" and yet expect Tyrone and Mombutu to somehow excel in our western school systems. And when they invariably fail we blame "white privilege"....

>> No.3992308

Nah, I think the /pol/friend left after his embarassing samefriending here >>3992270

>> No.3992309 [DELETED] 

Nagila Hava!
Nagila Hava!

>> No.3992313


>inb4 youtube always dumb

Anyone who denies race completely is just as ignorant as someone who says "all niggers are stupid".

Neither is accurate or represents the science done on humans.

(BTW, IQ is not the same thing as 'intelligence'. We actually can't say exactly what IQ measures, but it has been correlated to success in western society. Most egalitarian views revolve around disputing the efficacy of IQ tests, many of which are speculative, disputing whether IQ has any relevance at all [it does], or whether there are clear correlations to race [there is]).

I also suggest you watch the race section of the Norwegian [Brainwash] documentary. The problem is it's impossible to have a fair and unbiased study because there's tons of money, political power, and feelings hinging on the topic from both ends.

Also, I love the modern egalitarian attempts to correlate IQ studies with white supremacism.

>> No.3992314

Behold the leftist tolerance and enlightened political tactics.

>> No.3992316


Now, would anyone like to have a discussion on the origins of racial science? How about evolution in general?

>> No.3992319


he actually made a lot of sense though

>> No.3992321

>modern egalitarian attempts to correlate IQ studies with white supremacism
I mentioned this earlier, but the problem is that the actual scientific studies I've seen deny that race is a meaningful category, or say their results aren't sufficient to form such a conclusion. But then white supremacists use the parts of the data they like best while ignoring that part.

>> No.3992322

>someone who says "all niggers are stupid".
Said no-one ever. Leftists always claim people say that because if they were to repeat the generalization of "dumber than others on average" it would be painfully obvious that they're railing against proven fact.

>> No.3992323

Most modern IQ tests are based on the Raven's Progressive Matrices model, which is completely culturally irrelevant and therefore is probably more accurately representative of intelligence.

Sadly, the racial IQ gap on questions such as these "considered more G-loaded or math based" is WORSE on these than the culturally-intensive questions.

Is pattern recognition and spatial cognition the only important indicator of intelligence? No. But they have definitely been correlated with success in science and engineering, both of which are key to the development of modern society.

>> No.3992324

I laffed.

>> No.3992326

>>3992308 (You)
>Nah, I think the /pol/friend left after his embarassing samefriending here

wow nice catch!!!

>> No.3992327

>>3992308 (You)
u bested me this time with ur intellect
but i will 1 day get to fulfill my dream of killing niggar babby becuz thats what im about and limbaugh tole me. i admit it.

>> No.3992330

I agree that the evidence isn't very conclusive. As far as I've searched it seems to point to a certain trajectory.

That is my point. There are black people who are smarter than me. There are asians who are dumber than me.

>> No.3992334

>>3992326 (You) (You)
>>3992327 (You) (You)
Now tell me, Winston, do you see three Yous, or four?

>> No.3992341

>>3992334 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
You are glorious and I'm scum.

>> No.3992338

I see dubs.

>> No.3992339

>But they have definitely been correlated with success in science and engineering, both of which are key to the development of modern society.
Yeah this is naïve as fuck about the history of science and technology, I suggest you start with Prometheus Unbound.

>> No.3992340

>>>3992326 (You)
>>>3992319 (You)


>> No.3992345

Okay, I love literary suggestions. Thank you.

>> No.3992346

/pol/ is going full retard to cover up on their retard.

>> No.3992348

>As far as I've searched it seems to point to a certain trajectory
Yeah, I'm personally not going to rule out significant differences between the average intelligence of groups of people. I just suspect that those groups aren't going to break down neatly along the 'racial' lines suggested by dudes in the 19th century with no understanding of genetics.

(I assume that's what /pol/ means when it talks about 'races', anyway. I've no idea how many races they think exist...)

>> No.3992354

I understand what they're saying. They believe in the racial science version of race. However, there picking and choosing show the inconsistency of their logic.

>> No.3992355

This seems reasonable. It's never going to be as clear cut as "White skin and blue eyes = smart. Dark skin and curly dark hair = stupid".

Even if it were, it's an interesting ethical debate to consider whether eugenics are an appropriate response to this.

Say we found a definitive gene that makes people smarter. Is it ethical to select for this gene to spread, to breed a smarter race?

This ethical question has more to do with the debate over IQ and race than the actual evidence.

>> No.3992356

>However, there picking and choosing show the inconsistency of their logic.

What do you mean picking and choosing? Nothing inconsistent about being a racial realist.

>> No.3992357
File: 75 KB, 351x240, Sickle_cell_distribution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is sickle cell anemia
Not confined to monolithic racial groups.

>> No.3992359

Landes: http://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/history/regional-history-after-1500/unbound-prometheus-technological-change-and-industrial-development-western-europe-1750-present-2nd-edition

>> No.3992364

Well to be fair, there is no studies that actually collected IQ that suggested the gap was a myth. There is only speculation as to how the data could be wrong, not a solid, appropriately collected set of data that contradicts it, which is what I think would be convincing.

>> No.3992368

The reality of race is that is has created material conditions for people.

Also, /pol/ aren't racial realist. They believe in the crockpot theories of racist and prejudiced scientist. Yes, Africans have sickle cell. What does that imply? It only implies that they have sickle cell and may imply something of their genetics. Perhaps it's comes from living in Africa for x amount of years?

/pol/ likes to imply. That is all.

>> No.3992370

And you'll never get it. All they have is
>you racist
>omg so lusar belief!
>believe my theory of equalness because it is gooding and other is bading

>> No.3992372

>expecting uneducated people to understand something that educated people have been brought up to know and understand somewhat

And that's why IQ is bullshit. Conditions, conditions, conditions

>> No.3992373

>They believe in the crockpot theories of racist and prejudiced scientist.


Know your opposition, please.

>> No.3992376

>And that's why IQ is bullshit. Conditions, conditions, conditions

and some of their biological conditions, brain genetics, prevent them from being educated.

>> No.3992377

Pretty sure I'm debating /pol/, who cites Fascists and National Socialist.

>> No.3992379

So on the one hand we have data that doesn't prove it, and on the other hand we have data that doesn't disprove it. That's cool, we can see what the future brings (I'm pretty sure genetics is advancing fast).

The problem is that /pol/ uses this inconclusive data to claim they're definitely right. And then claims to be the scientific/empirical/realistic ones.

>> No.3992381

Did you even read my previous post?

Most IQ testing comes down to pattern recognition and spatial cognition. These skills generally cannot be conditioned.

Have you ever done the fascinatingly simple work of understanding how adoption can affect a persons IQ?

I'll spoil it for you: Say two parents of about 90 IQ have a child. That child is born, and is given straight to affluent, educated parents of 130 IQ, who raise the child with books, and reading, and a culture of learning. Let's give this child an IQ test when they turn 18.

Can you predict around where their IQ will be?

I'll give you a hint: It's very close to 90.

I highly suggest you watch this video, citations are included: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOnQPXuU81Q

>> No.3992384

You're right. Claiming a definitive yes or no on this topic is too hasty.

>> No.3992385

The IQ test itself comes down to being able to understand concepts that may be foreign to the person taking it.

>> No.3992388

If you're gonna play that game, then that makes you the communist in this scenario. Communism has been debunked so many times and on such a massive scale that you lose by default.

How you can lose in your own imaginationland of LSD-influenced argumentative logic is beyond me. But you did it.

>> No.3992391

That's a very lame excuse and does not explain the consistent patterns observed in IQ testing.

I implore you to watch this 40 minute video. It's well edited and it involved interviews with well acclaimed scientists.


Have you considered that not being able to understand the concepts might be indicative of the gap, not the cause of it?

>> No.3992394

I'm a libertarian, you shit for fucks. And really resorting to trying to switch topics shows that I have won. Thank you. I'm going to jerk off to amateur skype videos and go to sleep.

>> No.3992395
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>> No.3992397

Concepts that born from our culture, not general things. When you can make an IQ test that's general as fuck, then I'll accept it.

>> No.3992398

Also, I have to ask, have you ever taken a Raven's Progressive Matrices based IQ test?

It's unfathomable how simple they are. There aren't even instructions, it simple shows patterns and expects you to be able to figure out what the pattern is. No explanation is needed, really.

>> No.3992400
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Nagila Hava!

>> No.3992403

No, in the moronic scenario you concocted to disregard the guy's arguments, you would be the communist.

>you nazi!
>you communist!

Exactly the same thing. Well, except that being a communist is worse by a factor of 10 to 20.

>> No.3992404

Go take an IQ test, then come back. When you see one you will understand how little culture could possible be involved.

>> No.3992409


fucking morons.

>> No.3992411

Well well well, what do we have here?
Ok expert, tell me why and how Communism has been debunked?

Btw, good job /pol/. Your presence was noticeable with the 2 or 3 people constantly samefriending. In terms of skills, I hope to be able to bump and control post like you guys.

>> No.3992413
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>> No.3992417
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>> No.3992420

>Communism has been debunked?

Have you read the Manifesto, specifically the demands at the end? It's some pretty retarded shit

>Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
>Abolition of all right of inheritance.
>Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

>gov monopolies on all communication, transport and major manufacturing

I mean...it's a bit extreme and simple minded, specially from an economic point of view...also it's not fair, why should I give all my property to the state if I emigrate or die? Why can't I give it to my family?

>> No.3992422

Gotta say, yhis post is probably the absolute worst 'I totally have read these books! Really!' I've ever seen on /lit/. It's brilliant in its terribleness.

>> No.3992423

>the state

Yeah you missed alot of the points of Marxism, buddy.

>> No.3992426


>being this mad and inarticulate

>> No.3992429

>Yeah you missed alot of the points of Marxism, buddy.

Who gets my property if not the state?
"The people" ?

>> No.3992430

It has been tried many times; regionally, nationally and supernationally. cry evr tim

It fails on every level and often it can't even feed its own people (political agriculture -- toppest keks). Millions of people end up being taken into the forest never to be seen again, or just flat executed in specially constructed blood draining cellars. Aboriginal communities are better organized, happier and have better welfare all around than people who have to suffer commufailism. I wouldn't trust communists to organize a fucking neighborhood committee, it's just end with everybody killing each other and/or mass robbing the residents while telling them who to marry and where to work.

>> No.3992431


>marxism is stateless utopia

the demands go on to refer to the state and its powers....so I dunno what you're saying.

>5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State
>7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State

The manifesto itself refers to the state gaining those powers.

>> No.3992432
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Try again.

>> No.3992433
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so THIS is the liberal containment board

I thought you people had been driven back to reddit and mlp

>> No.3992434

Not really, hombre. Amused.

>> No.3992435


so a jew?

>> No.3992437

we're not a containment board tho
because unlike you, people somewhat like us or at least consider us bearable to exist in the general presence of

>> No.3992438
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Except /lit/ does not harass or troll other boards or bothers others.

>> No.3992444

Why would a Jew post Ahmedinabro?

>> No.3992445

Yeah, we're always going on to other boards and shitposting about how the Jews aren't behind everything.

>> No.3992447

this bro has never dated a leftist

>> No.3992449


Dinner jacket is a jew

>> No.3992451

>dur hur hur gobermint taek eberyting

Fun Fact: The Manifesto was meant for Communist. You need to have an understanding of Communism.

No it has not. What has been done is a form of capitalism. Try again.
>Muh Millions
>I don't trust big groups
>couldn't feed people- this is problem with the ideology as a whole! Not because someone couldn't get into science!

>> No.3992452
File: 551 KB, 1285x1835, 2QUrfT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guess you guys don't visit sp, g, b, or v very often huh

newsflash, you're some of the last liberals left

even lgbt is trending right these days

>> No.3992453

Yeah, an attack on the Manifesto isn't sustainable, given it was written to order for a bourgeois party.

Nice strawmanning; but we see that three times a day from undergraduates.

This is strange, because I've been in organised communist neighbourhood committees, and they're more efficient than the lifeless liberal consultative committees.

Also: the POUM, Hungarians and Czech revolutionaries didn't kill shit. Please do play more straw men. For starters you might like to read Lomax's 1956 or his source documents.

>> No.3992460

And you base this off?
If its the nose, i hate to break it to you, but that is a Semitic nose.

>> No.3992465

>Fun Fact: The Manifesto was meant for Communist. You need to have an understanding of Communism.

so how do you make sense of its "demands" at the end?

>> No.3992469


me fukin ur mum

>> No.3992468

>Yeah, an attack on the Manifesto isn't sustainable

it defeats itself, is there a way to read it sensibly? Das Kapital is even worse.

>> No.3992470


>> No.3992472

/lgbt/ is center left, they just want their rights. They are not racists or misogynists.

/pol/ is virtually despised and most boards are center elft given their young user base, exceptions being you, /k/, /b/

>> No.3992475

Tell me, what has changed making you think it will work the 342nd time?

Be honest with yourself.

I personally think that you just want the opportunity to mass murder the people who teased you in school. That's only reasonable explanation given that even a downsie can see the futility of endlessly repeating an action that just ends in misery.

>> No.3992478

oh, i know that this site is trending right of /lit/
but we're not the ones that start shit, hence we aren't hated
just look at this thread for chrissakes

and this one

>> No.3992483

>342nd time
>Implying all the same way
>Not understanding the differences within com ideologies
>Ad hom

Actually, I was quite popular in high school. I made the rumpus humpus with lots of femen.

I'm not continuing this. Meet me back at /pol/ if you want to me to shitsling.

>> No.3992485

>it defeats itself, is there a way to read it sensibly? Das Kapital is even worse.

Sure, mate, sure. Argument by assertion works when you shitpost. Here's a clue: launch a sustainable methodological attack on Capital. You're not allowed to refer to the calculation debate.

>> No.3992486

>someone of probable /pol/ association arrives and asks very specific questions for book recommendations
>/lit/ throws a hissy fit and proceeds to prove /pol/sters right when they say that /lit/ is full of tumblr-esque SJW's and illogical liberals

Good fucking job /lit/, you did it. Why you pay these idiots the time of day, I have no idea.

>> No.3992489

Answer me, don't cut and run. How has reality changed to suit the successful implementation of commufailism?

>> No.3992490



>> No.3992488

>I made the rumpus humpus with lots of femen
Femen? The Soros backed organization?

>> No.3992491

It was a joke niggggaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.3992494

if we don't tell them off, we send the message that it is okay to say what they say

fuck off with your apathetic above it all bullshit

>> No.3992496

>SJW's and illogical liberals
and admitted communists.

What a fine and enlightened bunch.

>> No.3992497

u can only stay if i like it

>> No.3992498

Im sorry, my autism doenst make me understand.

>> No.3992495

Marxism and it's variants are ways to get to Communism. We change what we do in order to get to Communism.

>> No.3992499

You still haven't answered me. What has changed that will make your rotten murder ideology magically turn out nice this time?

>> No.3992500

No they can stay, provided they dont roll, shit post or be racists.

>> No.3992502

I don't think you understand. 90% of the pro-/lit/ people in this thread are worse than /pol/. These lib-idiots only increase /pol/'s own credibility by being better. Attacking someone for hurting your feelings does nothing for you and just makes /pol/ stronger. I should know, I browse /pol/, and /lit/ is acting well within the confines of "typical tumblr SJW shittards".

>> No.3992504


no racists in this thread

>> No.3992505

How about you ask the question properly then?


>> No.3992507

The completion of primitive accumulation.4+/***

>> No.3992508

/pol/acks generally are racist. Its a perquisite, im sure there is some tone, idea in this thread.

/pol/ please go.

>> No.3992509

>/pol/ is one person, most of pol of racial realists

>> No.3992510

You're dodging and you know it.

What has changed that will somehow make your retarded, debunked kook ideology grant more benefit than disadvantages this time?

>> No.3992515

well, i really don't care what /pol/ thinks of me, and if they become convinced we're a den of "typical tumblr SJW shittards" and decide to leave us alone, well, i'd be perfectly happy

and no, none of the pro-/lit/ people here are worse than /pol/. you are being incredibly lazy and jumping to kneejerk centrism, and you should be ashamed, to be so cowardly as to avoid picking a side just because you're afraid to possibly be wrong. you really should, to still be pulling this crap.

finally, we're not attacking them for hurting our feelings. we're attacking them for shitting up our board with their uneducated, insipid, hateful, pretentious posts. because you can just see the juvenile delusions of grandeur, and the arrogance, and the lack of empathy behind the screen. /pol/ is everything that is wrong with america, it is everything that we must fight in the coming years. so kindly fuck off

>> No.3992512

Well the collapse of bourgeois substitutionalist parties on the left for one.

Lenin, Stalin and Mao all forced the value form onto workers.

Their deaths should be counted against capital.

>> No.3992513

>Race realist

>nigger, niggers, niggers are violent, why are niggers subhuman
>jews, jews, kikes, kikes, da jooos
>blacks arnt being held down
>why are niggers violent
>chimp out

>women are less intelligent than men, women are inferior
>feminists want to castrate men
>why are all women whores.


>> No.3992514

Why it's the scientific process introduced by Marxist-Leninist-Maoism of course!

What are the disadvantages you're claiming?

>> No.3992516

>/pol/ is one person

>what is free speech

>What is joking around

>> No.3992517

So the benefit I can look forward to is death and destruction... again.

Oh, lefties.

>> No.3992519

You're functionally illiterate.

I feel so sorry for you.

>> No.3992521

>we must implement bloobaology to get the benefit of bloobaology which is bloobaology
>repeat disproven experiment 89219213 times

>> No.3992522

>Damage control.
Stop, you know damn well its full of WN/NS, racists and misogynists.

>> No.3992524

1) what are generalizations that capture the tenor of discourse

2)no states are trying to limit your discourse, dumbfuck, freedom of speech doesn't mean we can't point out how stupid you are

3) those aren't jokes, they're just /pol/'s impotent rage at how awful their lives turned out

>> No.3992526

>Still not picking up sarcasm
>Still not telling me what is wrong so I can clearly structure my argument

>> No.3992528

It's simple. I'm a human. I take actions and/or support people or ideas based on maximizing the benefit to myself, my nation and mankind.

Now tell me, what has actually changed in the world that indicates that it will be feasible and beneficial to make another go of your ideology?

>> No.3992537


post a pic of yourself pls

>> No.3992538

>/pol/ please go.
Oh, ok. Nice for to jump to such a quick conclusion that me browsing /pol/ equals me thinking the joos are trying to read my mind or something.

>you are being incredibly lazy and jumping to kneejerk centrism, and you should be ashamed, to be so cowardly as to avoid picking a side just because you're afraid to possibly be wrong. you really should, to still be pulling this crap.

What are you talking about? Pull what crap? Saying /lit/ needs to get its shit together before taking to the fields and trying to prove /pol/ wrong by doing nothing more than feeding them and fitting into their little games?

>uneducated, insipid, hateful, pretentious posts
> because you can just see the juvenile delusions of grandeur, and the arrogance, and the lack of empathy behind the screen

Oh wow, good to know that you aren't attacking them for hurting your feelings, but your feelings are still pretty sore nonetheless. What exactly is hateful about differences in IQ by the races? What exactly is uneducated about using scientific studies? You can very well bring up your own studies but do not pretend that "racially charged" findings do not get heavily scrutinized and criticized much worse than their "equality friendly" counterparts. Academia has a bias all its own and pretending it isn't there does nothing for your cause when the opposing side can see it clearly.

>/pol/ is everything that is wrong with america, it is everything that we must fight in the coming years. so kindly fuck off

Oh please, if anything /pol/ is everything right with America. You can have a crazy, ass-backwards opinion and voice it loud and clear without fear of getting jumped by the feds. I am much more worried about the growing crowd on the left that is obsessed with "inequality" than some hard-core /pol/ster getting an office somewhere and trying to ban black people.

>> No.3992544
File: 182 KB, 252x484, leftist7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up with leftists and their strange sense of fashion?

>> No.3992550



>> No.3992552

>Oh please, if anything /pol/ is everything right with America.

You are so right anon, lets take away rights from women, blacks, LGBTQ and Jews. Then kill some of them, and proceed to circle jerk over what is "white", then fuck a few kids.

>Oh, ok. Nice for to jump to such a quick conclusion that me browsing /pol/ equals me thinking the joos are trying to read my mind or something.
And yet, here you are defending them. I think you like the idea of /pol/ free speech, but not what they advocate.

>> No.3992555

>I take actions and/or support people or ideas based on maximizing the benefit to myself, my nation and mankind.
No. You're universalising a personal experience and smuggling the conclusion of homo economicus in as a premise.

This is a common gambit, so common as to be base.

>> No.3992558

geez, just fucking leave /lit/, of course our side has bias, everyone has bias you dumb ass, that's why i don't fucking care if i'm being rude to /pol/. objectivity is impossible, and the people who bring it up seriously are idiots, race is a meaningless concept upon which we've constructed hierarchies of power, real science has shown again and again genes don't determine intelligence, even black violence can be explained by the higher unemployment rate, and you're making the mistake that /pol/ is necessarily on the anti-statist side when /pol/ is in fact heavily pro-state in the strongest of senses, in the sense of the state having a monopoly on the use of violence and employing said violence to repress disadvantaged groups and retain the power in the hands of the landed elites. the left is obsessed with inequality because it's a real issue anyone with a dollop sense cares about. but of course, you've read one fucking book on your life and you still believe political systems exist on a bipolar (or maybe quadripolar, i don't know exactly how fucking reductive your stupid thoughts are) spectrum, and you've absorbed basic american hegemony, so i'm sorry captain dystopian novels, for daring to assert that maybe i care more about black people getting killed everyday than some insecure white dude trying to compensate for the fact that girls don't like him and he's bad at sports by pretending he's smart on 4chan. i really am. you win guy, you win.

>> No.3992563
File: 13 KB, 300x205, 51849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suporting myself
That's cool
>My nation
Wat. why?
Then look into Communism
>What has changed?
The reality of the situation. NeoLibs are hiding capitalist interest under the guise of liberalism (hence why people on the right call Obama a communist). The actions of the capitalist conflict with the interest of the masses. This isn't idealism. This is the reality. My interests align with the interest of other people in the same situation like me. Therefore, I will work with them for revolution, or moreso, a better way of living.
Pic related
Liberals. Edgy. Poor.
>If you disagree with someone, call them edgy!

>Believing our way of life won't come to a horrible end and not doing anything about it to make sure you can live until 120 without Imperialist powers fucking each other up


>> No.3992567



people do disagree with you

>> No.3992570

>real science has shown again and again genes don't determine intelligence
But that's not even true. Genes play a significant role. I suggest you familiarize yourself with some more contemporary research.

>> No.3992573

yeah, one guy who couldn't even contribute to science without stealing his big idea from someone else, and did pretty much no works on genetics proper


>> No.3992575

>I am much more worried about the growing crowd on the left that is obsessed with "inequality" than some hard-core /pol/ster getting an office somewhere and trying to ban black people
Holy shit, why?

>> No.3992579

>You are so right anon, lets take away rights from women, blacks, LGBTQ and Jews. Then kill some of them, and proceed to circle jerk over what is "white", then fuck a few kids.

Nice to know you don't browse /pol/, or at least are very, very easy to troll (which I guess should be obvious from this thread). /pol/ might hate women, blacks, Jews, etc, but they don't want anyone's rights taken away. /pol/ has proven with both the Zimmerman trial and the whole LAPD fiasco that they will support black or hispanic people if their cause is just. /pol/ doesn't want people being treated unfairly by the government, which includes Affirmative Action and such policies like it, and /pol/ definitely doesn't want the tumblr crowd and check-your-privilege shit getting more power than it already has over a segment of younger people that are buying into it.

The only thing I can see the majority of /pol/ wanting to strip of their rights would be the government, though /pol/ has no love for any authority whatsoever. >>3992552
>And yet, here you are defending them. I think you like the idea of /pol/ free speech, but not what they advocate.
If you are going to support free speech, you have to support people's right to say and debate anything. Me coming here and defending /pol/ is necessary because /lit/ is just as biased as the worst of them. You denounce /pol/ for writing people off as JIDF, but come here on /lit/ and ask an admittedly /pol/ minded question and all you get is >>>/pol/. /lit/ is no better.

>> No.3992580

Dont forget all the LSD.

>> No.3992582

It's like you don't know anything and everything comes down to a convenient personal narrative of good and evil. Oh, right, liberal. Back to your impassioned walls of text, I guess.

>> No.3992587


>(not that objectivity is possible, but anyway...)
Come will a universal law to my face motherfucker not over the internet see what events can be intersubjectively and therefore objectively said to occur.

>> No.3992590

it's like you aren't aware of basic facts, and just spout edgy entry-level skepticism
>wah /lit/ doesn't take our outdated bullshit seriously
cry me a river, we've shown you again and again, and you just don't get it, sorry if we get tired and want to have big boy discussions

>> No.3992591

>intersubjectivity as an objectivity
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh Frenchies.

>> No.3992592

But we're telling you as a community to fuck off.
Same for you, libertarian.

>> No.3992595

>race is a meaningless concept upon which we've constructed hierarchies of power, real science has shown again and again genes don't determine intelligence, even black violence can be explained by the higher unemployment rate, and you're making the mistake that /pol/ is necessarily on the anti-statist side when /pol/ is in fact heavily pro-state in the strongest of senses, in the sense of the state having a monopoly on the use of violence and employing said violence to repress disadvantaged groups and retain the power in the hands of the landed elites
All of this was wrong. Not even "hey, I made some mistakes", but literally everything I just quoted is factually incorrect.

>so i'm sorry captain dystopian novels, for daring to assert that maybe i care more about black people getting killed everyday than some insecure white dude trying to compensate for the fact that girls don't like him and he's bad at sports by pretending he's smart on 4chan.
>that strawman
Am I on /pol/? OH NO WAIT, this is /lit/, so this opinion is clearly much more educated than one I would find on /pol/! Strange though... they look awfully similar...

Because /pol/ would never get elected. Never. I have much less doubt on SJW getting elected though, they have a much bigger following. Christ, a number of Obama's own comments on why the poor are poor fit perfectly into tumblr's narrative of "there are no jobs because the rich just want to get richer" stupidity.

I'm going to bed now, thanks for being great /lit/. I love you, even if you don't love me.

>> No.3992599

>but they don't want anyone's rights taken away.
/pol/ actively talks about limiting AA and denying women the right to vote as well as minorities.

>/pol/ has proven with both the Zimmerman trial and the whole LAPD fiasco that they will support black or hispanic people if their cause is just.
/pol/ supported Zim for killing a black boy. They supported Dorner for killing cops and Breverik for killing communists/Marxists/feminists. /pol/ just has bloodlust and is full of angsty man-children.

>/pol/ doesn't want people being treated unfairly by the government, which includes Affirmative Action and such policies like it,
AA is to level the playing field for disadvantage groups. Funny how /pol/ never talks about the AA that colleges use to get men to maintain a 40% gender balance.

>The only thing I can see the majority of /pol/ wanting to strip of their rights would be the government, though /pol/ has no love for any authority whatsoever.
The AnCaps, anarchists, libertarian are a small number. /pol/ actively talks about day of the rope, and death camps, and their love of the fuhrer and how they want to rid the world of the kikes. They only hate the government supporting Israel. /pol/ just hates it when the government is up their ass, but not everyone else.

>/lit/ is no better.
We dont harass, troll or raid. Not to mention we dont scream da jooooos, kikes, niggers, mudslimes, le red pill XDDDDDD
We are more calm, and respectful.

>> No.3992602

>everyone ad homming

Hey mambo! Mambo italiano!

>> No.3992603

>literally everything I just quoted is factually incorrect
literally everything I just quoted is factually incorrect, thus everything you quoted is correct

and that wasn't a strawman, you fucking dumbass. that was an insult. learn the difference before you pretend you know what you're doing.

>> No.3992606

>claimed something that was a strawman is something even more pathetic

>> No.3992608

>cry me a river, we've shown you again and again, and you just don't get it, sorry if we get tired and want to have big boy discussions

Oh god I forgot how funny /lit/ can be. What exactly do you mean by outdated? Racial differences are going to be around forever. There is no closing the gap without forcefully and violently doing so, which will end up accomplishing nothing else but attempting to make fish into birds. Come 10, 50, 100 years, Africa will be just as terrible a place to live, probably worse, America will be more left and still scratching its head as to why the economy wasn't as good as it used to be way, way back when, and black people will have it worse literally everywhere in the world than the other races. I would honestly offer reasons as to why this is, but I really need to get to sleep, so I'll just infuriate you further by leaving it at that.

>> No.3992613

>claiming /lit/ to be liberals
>Still believing in the American liberal-conservative paradigm


>> No.3992614

>getting this butthurt
There are proven differences between races genetically, /pol/ is anti-statist besides the fascist and communist factions, and they definitely do not like people with power. Why do you think they hate Jews?

>insult isn't a strawman
Semantics, they are intertwined.

>> No.3992615

Your 19th century racial science. Or as you call them: le repills XDDDDD

>> No.3992617

>Watson is a mean misogynist >:( That means I know more than him
- literally a liberal axiom

>> No.3992618

They hate the Jews because they have power and because Jews do, according to them: Degeneracy.

>> No.3992619

this is 4chan, if i wasn't insulting people, i'd go to le reddit
you're a fucking dumbass if you can't process insults and content seperately

>> No.3992621

Dont forget anon, it just to keep the superior, proud Aryan man down.

>> No.3992622

Let's make this thread 404!

>AntiCommunist make Communism not cool
>3rd Way Centrist push for things through Moralism and fake adapting socialism
>Tumblr Liberal born.

>> No.3992623

the concept of race is meaningless outside of our cultural understanding you dumbass
and libertarians sure as hell aren't anti-statist you dumbfuck, that was the whole point of me mentioning it
throwing people in jail and maintaining private property are the essence of the state

>> No.3992626

>loljk jus pretedning to b stupid xDD

>> No.3992628

or maybe it's that he was an awful scientist and couldn't come up with anything on his own, and didn't even do work in the field he's spouting off in?
if you're incapable of reading and interpreting language, i'm done here, because that is literally nothing like what i said or intended to get a cross.

>> No.3992632

AA is unethical and racist, no lib can support blatant race privilege for the sake of diversity....

>> No.3992633

>a cross

lol ur a religious fag get off of lit we like empirical evidence le xDDDD

>> No.3992635

fedora pls go

>> No.3992636

>Because /pol/ would never get elected. Never.
Wut. Maybe not the specific people on /pol/, because they're unlikely to amount to anything. But racists in general get into political positions all the damn time.

>> No.3992642

10/10 OP

>> No.3992659

>he doesn't know about the dozens of IRC channels, forums, websites and mail lists we've made from previous operations, and current agendas
We're pretty well-connected. Trust me. You don't want to delete /pol/. Imagine what would happen if you deleted /mlp/...

>> No.3992660 [DELETED] 

so this is where the liberal scum hide

you called us so now we're here.

>> No.3992661

You'd be surprised. They delude themselves into thinking that whites are innately better, and as such, need to be crippled by taxes, and the blacks bolstered by handouts.

They are the real racists. All I want is to have the same work and education opportunities, government handouts, public housing options and healthcare as a black man.

>> No.3992664

Together we shall culturally enrich the close-minded bigots.

>> No.3992668

>not wanting your girlfriend to get the bbc she wants

>> No.3992670

Shekler is Jewish and therefore subhuman

Sheckler... shekels

c'mon man

>> No.3992673

To be fair, a black man isn't multicult jackpot. Now what about a black lesbian womyn? Holy shit.

Sometimes I wonder if I should claim to be a homo, and play up my fractional jewish identity. And maybe if this "I am what I feel I am" thing catches on properly, I can register as a black womyn. It's basically the modern equivalent of joining the masons - all sorts of good things will happen. As a womyn in my country I'd even get some free womyn points on tests, instantly boosting my smarts.

>> No.3992678

I was applying for a job the other day, and I considered not specifying my ethnicity and gender, even though I'm a white male.

That is how far the pendulum has swung.

>> No.3992680

>mfw I identify as obama, so you have to let me rule the united states, or you're guilty of hate crime

>> No.3992689
File: 2.54 MB, 3330x4010, thomasjefferson8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are three books I highly recommend in this graphic

how the n ation was won - lowry
treason in america - chaitkin
surviving the cataclysm - tarpley

>> No.3992697

Which board is this literature or sci-fi? Shove mein kampf up your ass, you'll thank me one time.


>> No.3992702

>AA is to level the playing field for disadvantage groups. Funny how /pol/ never talks about the AA that colleges use to get men to maintain a 40% gender balance.

your argument PRESUMES that we see value in remedying this disparity when the truth is we want it to reflect merit and desire of individuals both when the white male was the majority and when he is the minority - in other words, a perfectly consistent an honest approach

college degrees are worth less now because the process has been feminized. really only the STEM fields are providing worthwhile education and of course they are male dominated and likely to remain that way because men flock to them to escape the degradation of all other subjects by the influx of vapidity

>> No.3992707

White superiority is not a means it is the end.

>> No.3992717

>/pol/ don't even understand that French, Belgian, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Hungarian fascisms weren't skin or blood fascisms, but culturalist
I'm from /pol/. TBH, most of /pol/ doesn't fucking care about fascism in a historical sense and would rather post in shit threads about feminism and Trayvon. On the other hand, the people that are aware of European fascism beyond popular ideas of Nazi Germany are usually decently well informed.

I'm a fascist (I think the figures I admire most are Mussolini and Salazar), myself, but I believe more in cultural nationalism than ethnic nationalism (which is still important, to an extent). We actually have fascist threads where most people agree with me, besides the small Stormfront-esque pan-Europeanism "white race" circlejerk, and besides, we think they're all retarded anyway.

There are stupid people on /pol/, but not everyone thinks that race is a binary. IMO, ethnic differences are definitely real, and those, along with culture are what make up race. You'd be surprised how many of the people on /pol/ agree with me.

On that note, enjoy your Pynchon, DFW, getting assmad at /pol/, and whatever else it is you guys do

>> No.3992720
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>> No.3992722

It is our duty and core value as leftists to mock, harrass and campaign against white people until their birth rate is 0.1. We can't bring an end to this evil race soon enough.

>> No.3992724
File: 112 KB, 566x800, Remove Kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in here?

>> No.3992729

>tfw getting fucked in the ass by bbc until he diversifies all over my back

>> No.3992764

Genetics is a 19th century science now?

>> No.3992780

>race is a social construct
>we must end the evil white race

Stay classy leftists.

Oh and when the day comes that the white race has gone for good all you leftists are going to have to deal with the Chinese and their eugenics programs that are already underway.

>> No.3992886

>On that note, enjoy your Pynchon, DFW, getting assmad at /pol/, and whatever else it is you guys do

Hey ñ-fascista. It takes about 10 minutes to hide the fictive literature, young adult, "rate my peom," and genre threads. Usually you can find at least one thread that can be saved for an argument about contemporary marxist theory.

The history threads here are shit. The least shit on 4chan. But that's largely because some of the academics around /lit/ hammer people about fantasies, historical fiction and poor methodology.

You must feel as ashamed about stormfags as I do by teenage Trotskites playing with "My First Party."

>> No.3992971
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That is beyond not true

>genes are different and affect many different parts of the body
>except the brain