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File: 157 KB, 811x982, gamescomplaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3990641 No.3990641 [Reply] [Original]

Finally got around to reading it, and I'm 100 pages in. Thank fuck there are only just under 200 pages left. Pleased at how sexual an older book is, but is this really what passes for entertainment? Does it get better?

>> No.3990647

That's like, D.H. Lawrence's worst book, dude. Read Women and Men instead. It's way sultrier.

>> No.3990657
File: 29 KB, 600x532, henryvaccumcleanerpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't want sultry. I want decent. Is it decent? Don't lie to me, Anon.

>> No.3990662

It's pretty decent if you're into realism and assholes (the character type, not the physiological feature).

>> No.3990667

what a fucking stupid image

>> No.3990688
File: 42 KB, 413x604, dgsgsfgfgfgsfsggfsfggfsgfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I liked that one. It's true, though.

>> No.3990721
File: 36 KB, 600x436, roach 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not the read Sunhawk. I can tell from your diction.

You're just a roach.

>> No.3990731

>far more substantive than words on paper can ever be

>not bragging about the girl you're fucking
>not talking to dumb sluts so you can fuck them

lel what virgin made that image

also sunhawk don't you read more than you play video games

>> No.3990747
File: 47 KB, 513x551, sexualityflagpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do both about the same. Reading, gaming, movies, music. The 4 greatest things ever.

>people complain about what I just said

>> No.3990750

what music do you like

>> No.3990773

>Reading, gaming, movies, music. The 4 greatest things ever.
*Sex, opiates, sleep, the cold side of the pillow. The 4 greatest things ever.

>> No.3990777

replace opiates with alcohol and maybe

>> No.3990785

>video games
>anything but, for the vast majority, escapism

>> No.3990797

you clearly have never shot heroin straight into your vein and melted into a warm fuzzy bliss where the only thing that matters in the universe is what you're feeling.

>> No.3990835

No I haven't, though I do love the velvet undergound song. I should get around to shooting up one of these days

>> No.3990846
File: 99 KB, 768x576, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro, but I can take opiates without having to worry about ruining my cut and going over my calorie limit.

Sex is overrated. Replace it with art, because I can't choose between reading and music.

>> No.3990918

>I should get around to shooting up one of these days
You definitely should – there is nothing quite like it. Don't go straight for H though, you want to save that. Try codeine, then PST, then maybe oxy's ... Build up to tar - or brown if you are in the UK - then hit that shit later on when you know you will enjoy it and not throw up.

As a seasoned enjoyer of the poppy, I was in SEA a few months ago, and managed to score some from a junky bargirl (We also barfined the girl and another one), and spent 3 days of a 14 day holiday camped out in this tiny wooden bungalow on one long run. Two British guys, and two Khmer girls (who served as excellent maids to fetch cigarettes and alcohol, food and more dope), in a beachfront hut, with this incredible 95% pure Asian heroin.

I didn't spike any, but with quality like that you don't really need to. It's soo cheap (oddly, more expensive than the girls), and a bump the size of a matchead has you nodding for hours.

At one point all four of us were laying naked on the beach, staring up at the sky, and just breathing deeply while waves of bliss drifted us back and forth over the brink of sentience.

God, I love the opiate family.

>> No.3991414


>> No.3991644

holy shit that sounds excellent

>having to worry about ruining my cut
sucks for you fatty

>Sex is overrated.
Only butthurt neckbeards would say this; or someone who only fucks ugly/fat chicks with no experience.

I'm still waiting on this Sunhawk