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/lit/ - Literature

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3986562 No.3986562 [Reply] [Original]

The shitty poet and Tao Lin protege Jordan Castro is pimping out his poetry on, of all places, r9k.

Thought you guys might wanna see this and potentially eviscerate the faggot.


>> No.3986570
File: 22 KB, 320x282, 1364823167550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No. Not /lit/. They are blind and they don't understand. They don't realize the truth: that there is no good or bad in art. Art goes above the good/bad dichotomy.

Not even gonna bother.

>> No.3986572


Why would we do that?

Also, inviting people to raid another board is against the rules.

>> No.3986575

Hardly an incitement to raid r9k. Just making you aware of a lit related subject on a non-lit board. And that potentially you might wish to make your feelings about his work known to him.

>> No.3986578

Why? It's not like I have anything against him. And I like Lin a lot.

>> No.3986579
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>against the rules
>like Tao Lin
>being aggressive for the sake of being aggressive

>> No.3986591

>good/bad dichotomy
Oh god. I have used this exact line to troll /lit/ before. Does... does this mean I have influenced modern literature?

>> No.3986594


Your mom has influenced my dick.

Does it count?

>> No.3986595

Tao Lin has been going on about how there's no good or bad in art for about 5 years.

>> No.3986597

He keeps repeating it throughout the thread. It's really obvious he took it from Tao Lin. Why are alt lit kids so consistently dumb and ugly??

>> No.3986604

The joke's on you, you were browsing through /r9k/

>> No.3986609

I've seen it posted around as a joke. You know, like in that greentext story where Ulysses transcends the good/bad dichotomy.

>> No.3986664

> that greentext story where Ulysses transcends the good/bad dichotomy.

I wrote that. It's Finnegans Wake btw.

>> No.3986675
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>> No.3986684
File: 28 KB, 640x640, mallory2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mallory Whitten isn't ugly.

>> No.3986690

He just posted the follow


No. I have posted on lit but not with a trip. I know Tao does post on there sometimes. Most people do lurk it to be honest.
I refuse to confirm or deny whether I am or am not Jordan Castro. Haha.


>> No.3986699


>> No.3986708
File: 78 KB, 899x695, jordan castro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that this is the type of shit Jordan Castro writes

>> No.3986709

that feel when tao lin might have read my nice comments about taipei

>> No.3986713

it's pretty funny actually

>> No.3986719

It's being ironically shit. Castro's a genius.

>> No.3986723

I am indifferent to it.

With my fist.

>> No.3986729

i masturbate with my fist of indifference

>> No.3986735

I am indifferent to my fist of masturbation

>> No.3986737

I will destroy you with my fist of indifference.

>> No.3986744

Why do alt-lit writers use "quotation marks" in almost every sentence?

>> No.3986818


lol dude, she looks like michael cera

>> No.3986835


i think they use it to undermine any words which might make them seem "uncool" by any implied feeling. the tone of a lot of the writers are very similar. alt-lit seems to me like a group of "writers" painfully aware of the pitfalls of writing.

>> No.3986841


because they're playing autistic characters for laughs