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/lit/ - Literature

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3979060 No.3979060 [Reply] [Original]

What does one lend an 18 year old female? If I lend her something philosophical she probably won't appreciate it, but if I lend her John Green shit she'll think I'm a pussy.

>> No.3979066

its actually pretty easy to fuck 15 year old girls

>> No.3979065


Lend her the cock.

>> No.3979081

That's what I'm aiming at.

>> No.3979102

Sum dat Chuck Bawladare no wt im sayn

>> No.3979115


>> No.3979122

charlie b

>> No.3979125

Lend her some Murakami and get your dick wet b.

>> No.3979129

cee bow

>> No.3979143

lol, lend her the alchemist

>> No.3979147

Seconded. Norwegian Wood is Pseudointellectual Feelsfucking: The Book.

>> No.3979149

How about letting her go to a library or make her own decisions. She doesn't need your books.

>> No.3979150

wuthering heights you dildo

>> No.3979161

why are you insisting on lending her a book in the first place? this is a move that rarely works out. lend her murakami and she's friendzone your sensitive ass, lend her something too dull to her normalfag sensibility and she'll think you're boring, lend her something too difficult or esoteric and you'll make her feel stupid

show her books and all that after you seal the deal, don't make books your first move m8 that is lame as fuck

>> No.3979172

That Norwegian Wood tldr.
I will probably go with that ty

>> No.3979176

Autobiography of red!

>> No.3979178

Just mention how Harry Potter is your favourite book (I know it's not just a single book, but that's how all these teenage girls put it). You'll get the vajayjay in no time.

>> No.3979179

She insisted on that. She's lending me a book too. And she's a beginner writer.

>> No.3979188 [DELETED] 

>I have lots of great books, come to my place and see if you wanna borrow any
Bro-tip, get some books about whores having revelations about make-up while impaled on a dick. It's intellectual and progressive.

>> No.3979189 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3979198


Just give her 50 Shades of Grey. But like a first edition or a signed copy or something like that. So she knows you're deep

>> No.3979216


>> No.3979219

Signed by Ron Jeremy.

>> No.3979281

I would neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever go out with a guy who said Harry Potter was his favorite book and I don't know a single girl that would. That's about the most beta thing the guy could say. You trying to get him permavirginated or something?

>> No.3979283


The fact that you never would and that fact that you don't know any girl that would is more of a reflection of your own fucking stupidity than anything else.

Please an hero you fucking invalid.

>> No.3979284

wow... no wonder the guys on lit are forever alone. none of the girls worth having would come near a guy who read that shit willingly.

>> No.3979289

>Please an hero you fucking invalid.
Do you even English?

No girl worth having would want to be around a guy with a middle school reading interest level unless they were both actually in middle school.

>> No.3979297



Do you even English?

>no girl worth having would want to be around a guy with a middle school reading interest unless they were both actually in middle school

Except for maybe a girl who was interested in a guy who, I dunno, writes books for middle aged children and happens to prefer the innocence and simplicity of their nature over anything else?

Perhaps that guy just likes something that reminds him of when he was younger?

Perhaps he just fucking really likes it?

I don't even like Harry Potter, I really don't. But the notion that any human, specifically a literate one, could be so simple that they negate relationships with another based purely on something as inconsequential as a favorite book is fucking stupid.

You are stupid for defending the argument as well.

>> No.3979298

>can't detect humor

>> No.3979309


knights of the told republic 2: the told empire

>> No.3979310

So reading Harry Potter on /lit/ is like not lifting on /fit/

>> No.3979325

Mrs Dalloway, unless she's a complete entry level pleb who can't into lit... if she's able to appreciate and enjoy the book, you're in (both metaphorically and literally speaking, if you know what I mean ;) )

It's a pretty short book, I read it in two sittings, tons of feels and shit, beautiful as fuck.

>> No.3979329

Sorry, most of the booknerd girls I know are mostly into the teen section of the library or bookstore. If they don't have their hands on the newest teen paranormal romance, then they're rereading Harry Potter. At least that's my area of the world.

>> No.3979357


>> No.3979371

started reading it after your recommendation and I'm really liking it myself

>> No.3979381

Just lend her something from Hemingway. Its simple, easy and got some good romance in it to make her wet and think about you. Choose the book where the main character looks most like her or the leading female looks most like her.

>> No.3979388

That's actually really nice to hear. I myself wouldn't do it while on 4chan, but hey, as long as you read it and enjoy it :)

I think if you just focus on the book without taking 4chan breaks you'll be able to better appreciate how her writing just flows and the beauty of it. There are barely any breaks during the novel for a reason. You're not meant to stop until you get to them. Imo that is, anyway.

Good luck, glad you're enjoying it!

>> No.3979419

Do you even 4chan?

>> No.3979420
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>;) )

>> No.3979463

I love lit.

>> No.3979479

mccullers' The heart is a lonely hunter.. rabbit, run by updike. basil and josephine stories by fitzgerald.

>> No.3979504

Please reduce this girl to a certain stereotype first so I know which clichés to throw at her.

>> No.3979582 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 554x626, 1371301554479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough child rape in this thread. Fucking regressives. We progressives love child rape. See this progressive /lit/ thread: >>3979523

As /lit/izens we stand united in the stance for more child rape.

>> No.3979656

That's all very well and good, but please refrain from using emoticons in future.

>> No.3979771

Gotcha ;)

>> No.3979804

Try to lend her some Oscar Wilde.

>> No.3980052

;) :') :9