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/lit/ - Literature

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3977523 No.3977523[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, Anons of /lit/, how many books have you read relative to how many times you've had sex? Don't need any specific figures here; just give me a ratio. You don't even need to tell me which number refers to which, if you don't want to.

My ratio: 1:3

>> No.3977527

Sex: 0
Books: too many to count but if I had to estimate over 100

>> No.3977529

I've never had sex as its not an option for me.
I've read very little and understood even less.

>> No.3977532

With each book I read I become a little more unfuckable.

I'm currently unfucked and my reading backlog will only reinforce this.

>> No.3977539


I shouldn't have to say which number is which.

>> No.3977540

I'm a virgin who has read over 200 books probably.

By this point I'm considering taking all my books and arranging them in the form of a lady and putting a homemade fleshlight where the vagina would be and fucking that.

>> No.3977542

0:238 on goodreads

>> No.3977544

I live with my gf so I have sex pretty much every day and I read 1 or 2 books a week.

>> No.3977547

Cool beans.

>> No.3977548

>I live with my gf so I have sex pretty much every day
god I wish I wasn't such a loner sometimes

>> No.3977549

like this

However, not having sex is my choice. But, funny enough, any gf that had visited me and saw all my bookshelves and all that belle-letres/scientific shit, were horrified as they ended the relationship after that (no longer than a week after that).

>mfw they thought of me as some kind of not-right-wiht-his-head

>> No.3977551

Why is it not an option for you? A religious thing?

>> No.3977552

I'm probably at evens at the moment - in a relationship now and fast accelerating towards books, I'd guess I'll overtake in a week or two.

>> No.3977554

>all gfs*

>> No.3977555

Probably 20 to 30 fucks a book or something? I'm extremely picky with my reading and I tend to fuck whatever throws itself at me.

>> No.3977557

Maybe they just didn't like you all that much brah, ever consider that?

>> No.3977559


I'm just getting into reading.

>> No.3977560

Nope, medical

>> No.3977562

>implying you didn't slowly open the curtain in front of your shelves wearing a frock coat with ride of the valkyries playing in the background

>> No.3977563

Like the guy in The Sun also Rises? You a vet?

>> No.3977567

40-ish books and no sex

>> No.3977565

You guys do know a vagina doesn't care about your hobbies, right? All it cares about is if you can present them in a authoritative, dominant fashion.

Christ, getting laid isn't that fucking hard.

>> No.3977569

Patrician here.

I made a concious decision at 16 to avoid becoming an asspie, so with every book I read I then proceed to have sex with a girl, preferably a different one.

I'm currently on around 200 books, and therefore 200 fucks. My favourite fuck this far was after reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I don't know if this is because the book gave me a sense of my own power as an individual or whether the cute, shaven girl that I'd chosen that week was particularly tight.

>> No.3977571


>> No.3977572

Nah, doctors fucked up my circumcision when I was young so it hurts or feels awkward when I get an erection, so over the years I've generally lost the ability to get one (body protecting itself I guess)

>> No.3977574

I lol'd

I'm close to a one to one, the scientific method being I can't enumerate anything accurately beyond the 500 mark. But I'm working on the books.

>> No.3977576

Don't you get horny? Have you ever got an orgasm? Do you have night pollution?

>> No.3977577

Good case for making that shit illegal.

>> No.3977578

>Christ, getting laid isn't that fucking hard.
That's why I don't do it

I see how easy it is and I hold myself to higher standards than the average joe so I choose celibacy

>> No.3977580

1:5 probably

>> No.3977582

mah nigga

>> No.3977583

You should just try to have sex with attractive people in that case. Sex is very enjoyable, and worth having

>> No.3977585

You better have castrated the fuckers.

>> No.3977581

Yep, all the time, but I just feel a kind of warm lump at the foot of my penis, and the base sometimes thickens. I get wet dreams all the time which is cool I guess

>> No.3977590

My father tried to sue them but was too poor

>> No.3977591

>Sex is very enjoyable, and worth having

Really? I don't know...

>> No.3977592


25 year old kissless virgin and full-time NEET here.

>> No.3977593

I've been reading since i can remember but only started having sex at 16.
I could get through 6-8 books a week in my younger (and more voracious days) but I probably average about one ejaculation ia sexual intercourse per week (maybe less).

Anyone who has had more sex than they've read was either abused by their parents or didn't read enough.

>> No.3977594

>Counting the number of instances you have had sex
Fucking Christ, people.

>> No.3977595

what would you rather count? pokemon?

>> No.3977597

You jelly?

>> No.3977599

OP here. I should've asked what your favorite books are as well. That would've been quite revealing

>> No.3977603
File: 156 KB, 636x957, 220411-IMMANUEL-KANT-658x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex level: Kant

But I've read enough books not to give a fuck (most of the time), awesome huh?

>> No.3977606
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x683, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not counting the number of times you've had sex

>> No.3977608

>tfw Schopenhauer tried to hit on that qt while travelling with her on a boat by offering her some grapes
>tfw she wrote in her diary later that day that she threw them straight in the water and would never consider dating a guy like Schopenhauer

>> No.3977612

About 10 times as many books.

>> No.3977613

Do you eat? Breathe? Things being easy is no reason to not do them.

>> No.3977615

yes, the relationships usually lasted at least couple of years and if anything was wrong they always told me

>> No.3977624

>counting the number of instances you've read a book

Even worse.

>> No.3977621

When you're in a relationship you can easily get 10 to 25 fucks a week in. Reading that much is a lot harder.

>> No.3977622

are you going to post more?

>> No.3977627

I'm not that good at numbers or sex really

>> No.3977629

When he was old and grumpy. Schoppy fucked plenty of bitches when young.

>> No.3977631

The fact that Kant never married, doesn't necessarily mean he never had sex.

Unlike what we've heard of Kant, there was recently an interesting article on Leiter's blog saying that Kant was actually something of a "a party animal".

>> No.3977632
File: 45 KB, 301x400, 3daughters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the daughters of mara make me bat an eye
>implying sexual desire doesn't roll off me like water off a lotus petal
>implying I haven't eradicated all the fetters which bind me to samsara
>implying I'm not free like fire unbound from the clinging aggregates of being

get on my level

>> No.3977635

Word to the motherfucking street, yo.

I myself get off on the feeling of conquest, and the act of sieging a weak female brain.
I don't really care that much for sex, much easier to just jerk off. However, having a woman finally letting herself go, telling you she'd let you do anything to her - is just like hunting and killing a deer with your trusty 30-06.
I tend to lose all interest the second she gives herself to me. The best moment being when you sight her internal struggles, trying so hard to pretend she's not some easy game - but oh my does she want it bad.

Nuturing this habit will probably cause some problems when I finally meet someone I wish to have children with.

>> No.3977636

you should've posted more of that babe

>> No.3977637

Still, makes me sad :(

>> No.3977639

it's only bad if you don't stop after like 1000 books

>> No.3977640

Indeed. One of the many strong arguments.
Great line in queer as folk when the lesbians try and circumcise the kid of a gay friend of theirs who'd donated sperm.

LESBIANS 'Why does it matter to you if we have him circumcised, he's our son.'
FATHER: 'It matters because he's only just been born and people are already not accepting him for who he is'

>> No.3977641


This thread is stupid btw.

>> No.3977645

I'm an male alpha by the way

>> No.3977646

>Do you eat? Breathe?
I only have 1 small meal a day and I do meditation to control my breathing

for real

>> No.3977650

More what?

>> No.3977651


>> No.3977653


>> No.3977654

And yet he still had lots of sex.

>> No.3977655

buddha had no regrets about aging because he lived it up till 29, smoking the finest hindu kush and eating dat ass in his palace all day long.

if he was born into the lifestyle he chose to live after age 29 he'd take the opposite route and try to acquire the good things of life.
he was a pussy running away from responsibility, he enjoyed all the fruits of the ruling class but ducked out when he was getting old enough to actually do some ruling
let me fuck hot indian chicks for 30 years and i'll eliminate my consciousness with a shotgun to the face after i finish lel
jesus suffered and died for his beliefs, mohammed risked his life fighting for his beliefs...buddha sat around under some trees in a tropical paradise lecturing everyone to stop enjoying life. dude sounds like more of a nag than a spiritual leader if you ask me.
at least christianity has respect for the poor, meanwhile buddhism is just like "fuck they deserve to be poor they were probably bad in a past life or something, besides being poor isn't so bad as long as you stop wanting shit" lol sounds like some republican shit you'd hear at a tea party rally

tl;dr buddha was a rich cunt who got everything he wanted

>> No.3977658

You've only read seven books in your life? How did you make it through school, brother? You must have quite the prodigious brood, though.

>> No.3977661

It's funny because I remember the day this picture was posted. Some girl posted it in a thread in which you covered your body with your favorite book. Perhaps she's lurking now

>> No.3977663





This doin' it for you?

>> No.3977665

About 1:7

>> No.3977666
File: 162 KB, 900x1121, woody_guthrie_by_splintercell24-d3gq3hv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay another 200 post thread about nothing incoming

>> No.3977668

no 7:22? how am I supposed to get off on this softcore?

>> No.3977671

I know, I'm the guy who posted the thread.

>> No.3977673

Why are you being self-destructive? Theravadins really can't into the middle way.

>> No.3977676


What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.3977683
File: 136 KB, 720x540, 416911_10151225904748964_794215666_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else seriously thought about monkhood?Christian, Buddhist, whatever. Peace, quiet, books, renunciation and solitude. Never having to worry about women or sex. Sounds good man.

>> No.3977691

Nah, I'd probably just become a trap and let all the other monks fuck me

>> No.3977694

probably full of hipsters

>> No.3977695

More of the woman in the pic you dunce.

>> No.3977696

nah, hipsters wouldn't become monks because they couldn't take their ipods, macs and cool ironic t shirts with them.

>> No.3977698

They also actually have sex

>> No.3977704

So many virgins ITT.

You can tell by the way they put sex on a pedestal

>> No.3977707

Not sure if I could handle institutionalisation. I'm just a semi-Cynic on the dole enjoying all those things without having to march in line.

>> No.3977714

I've never had sex and I've read some 250 books, so I don't know.

>> No.3977715

Read about 500 books, been having sex with the same person regularly for five years.

Probably a 1:3 ratio.

>> No.3977716

>not putting da pussy on a pedastal
>not treating ladies like princesses
>not making it clear to your potential ladyfriend that you'll settle for nothing less than an egalitarian relationship which doesn't adhere to gender norms
>not showering your ladyfriend with compliments while using self-abasing jokes to make her understand your ego won't get in the way of your relationship

>> No.3977717

You can't escape institutions, you can only choose which ones you'll go to (if at all)

>> No.3977718

This is the stupidest thread.

For those of you that have been in a long relationship (+1 years) you lose track of how many times you fuck. Bored in the afternoon? Fuck. Get home from work? Fuck. At parents place for the weekend. Fuck fuck.

I'm sorry but I can't remember so I can't meaningfully answer your question.

>> No.3977719

I can tell you're virgin because you use the phrase "sex on a pedestal"

>> No.3977720

I'm a virgin and I don't put sex on a pedestal. I'm just too fat, tired and depressed to do anything about my wizard status.

>> No.3977727

He saw the "40 year old virgin" and thinks he doesn't count as a virgin anymore

>> No.3977729

About 2:1 in favor of sex

>> No.3977735

Off topic but who is this girl? She kinda looks like someone I know.

>> No.3977736


I don't even.

>> No.3977737



>> No.3977739

Well shit

>> No.3977743

no sex lotsa books
oh well

>> No.3977747

Why not lotsa sex, lotsa books?

>> No.3977753

is her name Wendy?

>> No.3977757

no self confidence
things're gonna change next semester, though!
we're all gonna make it!

>> No.3977765
File: 182 KB, 1021x580, 4chanlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does sex with my pillowfu count?

>> No.3977766

The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz

>> No.3977773


>> No.3977789

I don't think so, she was a chick I knew in highschool.

>> No.3977797

1:3, probably

>> No.3977811

I read so I can past my wizard exams.

>> No.3977813

>can past
Guess I need to study more.

>> No.3977819

1:100 probably.
You're all smart enough to figure out which number is which.

>> No.3977827
File: 25 KB, 750x743, 1368548096548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>succumbing to carnal desire

>> No.3977834

You've only read one book?

>> No.3977840

Partially a religious thing, but mainly because I was never attracted woman I've met. Weird; I know.
They should IDs to /lit/ damnit,

>> No.3977843

I don't want to create a black hole.

>> No.3977848

Yeah, you shouldn't do those things, as they are extremely unattractive.

>> No.3977852

Maybe you're gay.

>> No.3977855

A ratio doesn't necessarily imply division.

>> No.3977858

No, I've checked. I'm attracted to some women I notice on the internet like models and such, but it's never something serious like an obsession or a sort of addiction.

>> No.3977876

I have no idea. I don't really count how many times I've had sex, nor do I count how many books I've read.

>> No.3977880

That's not something that very often happens by itself. It's something you have to pursue, that is, if you really want it, of course.

>> No.3977881
File: 78 KB, 396x385, 1358743592151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No gf ;_;

>> No.3977883


>> No.3977891

This is the most fedora fucking thing I have read in a long time.

>> No.3977894

I think I've ignored my emotions far too much, or maybe I am apathetic by nature. I don't think I have to pursue anything that doesn't come naturally to me. I'm sure there are a lot of people with my problem; reminds me of The Hunger Artist by Kafka somehow.

>> No.3977896

do you check girls out irl?

>> No.3977897
File: 52 KB, 532x654, 1344899269530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting the pussy in a sarcophagus

>> No.3977898

Finally someone using the fedora meme correctly. Christ

>> No.3977904
File: 195 KB, 1097x767, 1369625067803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get gf, /lit/?

>> No.3977913

I have no problem being around women, but I'm usually a quiet person so they think I'm shy and drop interest after trying to get to know me indirectly.

>> No.3977914

Perhaps you should kill them when they have given themselves to you. The ultimate pleasure. Sealing the battle.

>> No.3977919

wow you are so alpha and hardcore

>> No.3977922

If you don't know by know, you're fucked.

>> No.3977927

Please tell me how. My ratio is something like 0:200 and I'm so lonely.

>> No.3977929

are you sure you arent shy? you're just quite yuo say, hm, are you attentive? and you didnt answer the question.

>> No.3977942

Who? OP?

>> No.3977953

I'm assuming he meant the few people earlier on who were basically saying "I could have sex if I wanted too, but I'm so much better than everyone else that I choose not to"

>> No.3977954

i'm thinking somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 books

times had sex? easily lost count, females in particular, 7

i'm 19 btw

>> No.3977957

probably this >>3977635

>> No.3977965

That guy sounds alright to me, though. He's just talking about his personal sexual desires.

>> No.3977968

He sounds like he's emotionally stunted, and if you can empathise with him then chances are you are too.

>> No.3977969


>> No.3977974

Requesting source on OP's picture. Google image search returns nothing.

>> No.3977977

Why is that? It sounds to me like his life is filled with thrills.

>> No.3977978

What if I can empathise, but not sympathise, with him?

>> No.3977980

It's from a thread on this very board. Yes, we have girls here, and no, they're not afraid to be naked.

>> No.3977981

hes just playing with people for his own satisfaction, leading them on and then cutting it off when he gets what he wants, to basically emotionally have them
its like 'gotcha!', peace

>> No.3977982

I'm aware that we have girls here, I'm friends with one, and I've talked to others in the past.

Sympathy is fine.

>> No.3977988

a couple hundred books to zero times fucked

>> No.3977989

Sounds like the epicest possible troll to me. Pretty sure Kierkegaard wrote about this

>> No.3977990

Pretty sure you're ten years old.

>> No.3977992

A ten year old reading Kierkegaard? Haha: that's a laugh.

>> No.3977995

right, most people are through with him before they learn to walk

>> No.3977997

I remember there was some thread a while back in which some anon, no doubt as edgy as half the posters in this godawful excuse for a thread, claimed that when he had kids he was going to force them to read Kierkegaard and other philosophers when they were 10 years old. He said that he read it and understood it when he was that age, and that his kid should too, and he thought this would make him a good parent.

Autism general? Autism general.

>> No.3978008

What's edgy about reading books and having sex?

>> No.3978014

I'm very much the attentive and observant; I'm interested in the way people act and think.
I didn't understand your question. Do you mean check out for girls passing by? Yes, I always do that and I try to analyze them from the way they dress and how they walk and use their hand and things like that. Sometimes I only look at their faces and we share stares for no reasons; most women used to give me a 2-3 seconds look for no reason, not very much now. I don't think I'm shy, I just don't talk much and I'm usually lost in thought.
I know this might sound pretentious here, but that's just the way I am as a person.

>> No.3978017

That's what we all do though. He just does it before sex. From a female's perspective, he's doing them a favour.

He is however describing the basis for most promiscuous tendencies. Few seek "random" sex because the sex will be better than the one they had last time, but because the host is different. It's a new thrill, most likely the same orgasm.

>> No.3978018

/lit/ has gone to shit.

>> No.3978024
File: 117 KB, 500x406, 1373936467512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3978030

I had sex with my girlfriend lots of times, at least 30 or 40 times?
And I've read about 200 books

do the math

>> No.3978032

SO what's the point of this thread? There's no fucking discussion here, there's no discourse, there's rhyme or reason, it's just a fucking dick waving contest, and not related to /lit/ at that.

>> No.3978036

That feel when bad at sex and can't enjoy it.

>> No.3978038

i guess thats realist, but a generalization. i guess maybe he isn't so much worse than what is standard then, if it be what you say.
you dont sound pretentious, i guess you've already stated what the issue is.. your quite. and the thing is you are interested in what people think, so maybe there you can find your voice? curiosity is a good thing for conversation.

>> No.3978053

Sex: maybe 100 times, but only because of a long term relationship I was in.
Books: Honestly no clue; maybe like 150+

>> No.3978056

My dick is way bigger than yours.

>> No.3978058

>So, Anons of /lit/, how many books have you read relative to how many times you've had sex?
Both have been more times than I can be bothered to count for a long time.

>> No.3978080

I don't think being quiet is a problem. I'm really not interested in having a girlfriend, but sometimes I think it might a good move for me. I always try to do what sounds natural to me; what my intuition tells is right, and right now, being single isn't a problem for me in any way.
I sometimes think that I must get married in a year or 2 to avoid attention and labels such as 'weirdo' and 'outcast', but I never pursued such thoughts. I sound boring and uninteresting, but I enjoy putting my thoughts into paper; makes things clearer for me, even if it bores you.

>> No.3978084

God knows how many times I've had sex, but it was mostly with one girl, and I've also read a lot of books. Probably more sex than books. Couldn't count either by a long stretch.

>> No.3978086

Well, I've read a few books.

But I'm ugly so I'm not allowed to breed.

>> No.3978094

You can have sex without breeding. In fact, it's one of the best ways to have sex.

>> No.3978311

>best way
>not getting intimate with your gf/wife thinking of creating something new

/pol/ shall come and bash you for not stopping the decline of white race

>> No.3978321

Yeah, we've improved so much since /lit/ was first created, with Ayn Rand plastering the front page.

>> No.3978325

I'm a 26 year old kissless virgin and I'd put the amount of books I've read to about 100 or so.