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3975770 No.3975770 [Reply] [Original]

i´m high as fuck,

just wrote this shit after a 30 hour day. i don´t know why but somehow i typed it in english and i´m really bad in it.
if you want, read it, its about the experiences i made over the last weeks, combined with some other life changing events of my life.
> i was still pretty fucked up when i wrote the beginning so don´t judge
theres been this girl in my life. when i started studiying about 1.5 years ago, she was in

one course with me at university. shes prob an 8/10. for the first term we were somehow

making eye contact and smiled at each other. nevertheless i only talked to her for a few

times e.g. at partys and only a few minutes at all. but i could tell that she had a crush on

me, but one of my friends (lets call him heinz) started showing interest in her, so i kind of

stepped back. but nothing happened with them and she friendzoned him. they got really close

friends doing stuff together all the time. in the meantime a year passed in which i have seen

here only a few times, sometimes at the canteen, sometimes in university. at some point heinz

even told me that she got a big crush on me. i did not say much at all to him, i just ignored

it a few times. i don´t know why, somehow i was not really this interested in her now

although i was single all this time and i hadn´t had a good sex life at all.

but then i somehow was at dinner together with her heinz and two other friends (one of them,

lets call him peter, is one of my closest friends too and heinzes flatmate), we smoked weed

together and had a really awesome time. for the next 2-3 weeks somehow i saw her far more

often, most of the times when i was going out together with heinz. at some point we exchanged

phone numbers (she even offered her nr). the next day she texted me that she wanted to invite

us all (me, heinz and peter, and some other female friends) at her place on the following

weekend. so i said i would come. but then she cancelled it last second. since then i somehow

didn´t see her much again. i travelled to italy for a weekend with some friends and a week

later went to the u.s. for the wedding of my cousin. so all in all i wasnt at home quite some

time. then our final times started and we all had to study a lot so there was not much time

for being social. so a few days ago, i had my last final.

>> No.3975773
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so a few days ago, i had my last final. at the evening afterwards we went to the sea together with approx. 30 people celebrating our last exam. we were drinking a lot smoking weed an having fun. the girl was there too, and for the first time i really had a good talk with her. peter and heinz were there too, but peter was fucking wasted out of his mind, he was talking with all girls, he was in some kind of drunken womanizer mode, in which i have never seen him before!. i have never seen him this way. so at about 1 ine the night we decided to go to a club, at that point some people took of and others joined. the girl this text is all about had to go home to get dressed caus she was still wearing her swimsuit. when we got to the club, we still had a shitload of booze which we hide somewhere near the club. we all went inside, after half an hour or peter, four other guys and myself decided to go outside for a drink, sowe were just sitting around there for half an our drinking furiously and smoking one or two joints. then i decided to go inside again, but peter, who was too wasted decided to stay outside and somebody stayed there together with him. we went inside danced and had fun especially together with heinz. about half an hour later, i heard that the girl had been at the club, but forgot her id at home and went back to her home to get it, apparently together with peter, which confused me at this time a lot. i continued dancing, met some people having fun, drinking all the time. but the girl and peter really took a long time. by then i have been fucking tired, heinz too, so we decided too take of. when we went outside, peter wrote heinz a text that they will be at the club in 10 mins (at this point it was about half past three) we decided to wait for them and have a drink outside. but they didnt show up so after half an hour we went home.

>> No.3975781
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today i met a friend to help him move out if his place. so me and some other guys were hanging around, moving her ikea stuff one piece at a time, smoking more weed in this time than working. finally the other guys decided to go to the beach, but me and peter were really tired, so we decided to go to a cafe. after we ordered our beers, we talked about the night before, and how it was a great evening. at some point he told me that he was sitting outside of the club all night cause he was so wasted that the bouncers did´nt let him in. then he told me that he took of together with the GIRL to get her id. after that, when they wanted to go back to the club, he talked with some other friend on the phone who said that we were already gone. apparently this guy didn´t know we waited outside. and then peter said casually that the GIRL slept over at heinzes and peters flat. this kind of puzzled me but by the casual way he said it, ididn´t had any second thoughts about them cause the GIRL slept at heinzes place all the time when they partied in their part of the city. later i thought about this and it came to me that her flat and heinzes flat are equally far away from the club (about half an our walking distance).

>> No.3975788

ok, i´ll upload the rest later today, i cant be awake anymore

>> No.3975789

What the fuck? You're dying. Did you just write an entire story in 4chan-esque/greentexty prose? It's awful. I hate you. Stop.