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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 824 KB, 1490x1732, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3975586 No.3975586 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading?

Gay of Thrones here

>> No.3975587
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The bible, in exodus at the moment, god just drowned some Egyptians.

>> No.3975590

Bunch of Flann O'Brien stuff. Specifically his newspaper columns that he published under the Myles na gCopaleen name.

It's amazing. Seriously, it's genius.

>> No.3975593

I'm reading this post right now.

Bookwise I'm reading 4 or 5 books.

>> No.3975596

Walden & Civil Disobedience

Never got around to reading it before, but I'm really enjoying it. Not exactly mind-blowing stuff, but its refreshing and filled with good advice to keep in mind.

>> No.3975599
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>> No.3975602
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>I'm reading this post right now.

>> No.3975609

How far are you? This is one of my favorite books. I especially loves how he ties it all up with the midget at the end.

>> No.3975613

I remember when I re-read Civil Disobedience for the first time since high school. I was in a restaurant and as I finished reading the part about men who are used by their governments I looked up and there was a marine staring at me from another table.

>> No.3975624

So far i've red 116 of 240 pages.

I was hoping to finish it in a couple of days so i could start reading Dubliners.

>> No.3975631
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>Game of Grunts

Why do people read these book?

>> No.3975635

I'm wrapping up Confederacy of Dunces right now. It's such a fast read but ADHD and school work stretched it out over a whole year.

>> No.3975636

She's probably cooler to talk to than 8 out of 10 people on here (my own impeccably mannered and impossibly interesting self aside)

>> No.3975638

Nah, she's probably just as bad.

>> No.3975639

Inherent Vice

It's an entirely different Ruggles than the one of Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3975640

Ulysses. I think most of it is going over my head.

>> No.3975649
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And Daumal's Pataphysical Essays.

>> No.3975652

titus groan. 70 pages in and so far it's ok but I hope it gets better.

>> No.3975656

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

>> No.3975663
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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Yes after I saw the film. Yes I'm aware of how much of a pleb I am.

>> No.3975674


Don't feel the need to qualify your posts because spergs here are quick to angst up. Everyone has to start somewhere, it doesn't matter m8.

>> No.3975681

>Watching films
>Reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas at all
>"Yes I'm aware of how much of a pleb I am."

How about you go fuck yourself, faggot.

>> No.3975682

Harry Potter and the Fifty Shades of Thrones

>> No.3975690

I'm reading Starship Troopers and The Blood Meridian.

>> No.3975694

Blue Beard, from Vonnegut
Cool so far.

>> No.3975707
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>> No.3975716
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On The Road, with audio tapes

>> No.3975719

Finishing up "Washington" by Ron Chernow. It's a pretty good read.

>> No.3975727

Origin of Species, I'm on a science binge. Just finished A Brief History of Time, next is Contact.

>> No.3975740
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The Plague

>> No.3975743

The Secret. You should all read it. It is about how you can make all your dreams come true by just wishing for them. It's awesome.

>> No.3975752

George Saunders

Lorrie Moore

soooo american

>> No.3975756

Sirens of Titan.

I love the whole concept and I had to force myself to put it down

>> No.3975759

>over a whole year

Holy shit

>> No.3975760

>not sure if serious

>> No.3975769

that book is maybe the best-plotted book I've ever read, possibly my favorite vonnegut

>> No.3975787

I'd probably just knock that shit out of her hands.

>> No.3975810

Fat chicks are usually terrible people, in my experience.

Pic related is what I'm currently reading, I don't usually read non-fiction but I've been wanting to read a few history books for some time now.

>> No.3975839

I'm reading A Scanner Darkly. I fucking hate reading books after I've seen the movie, it's like I already know what's going to happen so why am I reading it? Whatever, it's still a good read so far.

>> No.3975857

i just finished it now!

it's now the most recent book i've actually finished reading since House of Leaves in 12th grade. i'm going into my junior year of college now. i'm really trying to get back into reading, i devoured books when i was a kid.

>> No.3975913

Fucking Fatty Fat McFatso needs to cover herself up better, no one wants to see that. Nasty ass plebette.

Currently Reading "The Mysteries of Udolpho" by Radcliffe.

>> No.3975922

pride and prejudice

>> No.3975928

I've been meaning to read him for ages. A truly great Irish writer, or so I have heard. Those Irish Times articles are meant to be brilliant!
Do you know Brendan Gleeson is directing an adaptation of At Swim Two Birds? Stellar cast including Colin Farrell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Cillian Murphy, Brendan Gleeson, Gabriel Byrne, Michael Fassbender. I am looking forward to that.

>> No.3975934
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>> No.3975969

I'd tap it, lightly.

>> No.3975970

I've read Pride and Prejudice twice, though that was quite a few years ago. Just got through Sense and Sensibility and am wondering if anyone else thinks S&S is better than P&P, or if I'm just without good memory.

>> No.3975988

He's absolutely fantastic, I haven't read the articles yet but looking forward to it greatly. I've been checking in on that movie about every two weeks for the past year it seems and there's been no discernible progress. I really hope it happens. It could be so fantastic. I could also imagine it being awful given the crazy source material but it will be quite an experience either way.

>> No.3975996

Do you like it? For me was really bored

but someone told me that it's about nazis and then change a little

>> No.3976063

Ehh, I don't think the nazi comparison is a really an analogy that fits. It's like "oh there's a metaphor for hard bad things in life, it must be related to nazis." The Plague was weird, it seemed boring half of the time and then at certain parts it was just spark up and everything would fit together and be really impactful. The twist at the end is so dumb though. Really fucking dumb. "The writer of this book has been kept a secret, until know. The writer of the book is... the protagonist!" Jesus Christ.

>> No.3976136 [DELETED] 

Gibson and pretextual constructivist theory

“Sexual identity is fundamentally dead,” says Lacan; however, according to Finnis[1] , it is not so much sexual identity that is fundamentally dead, but rather the dialectic, and therefore the stasis, of sexual identity. The characteristic theme of the works of Gibson is the fatal flaw, and eventually the genre, of materialist reality. However, if postcultural narrative holds, we have to choose between pretextual constructivist theory and deconstructivist capitalism.

The primary theme of von Ludwig’s[2] model of dialectic neocultural theory is a structural reality. The characteristic theme of the works of Gibson is not discourse as such, but subdiscourse. Therefore, Sontag uses the term ‘pretextual constructivist theory’ to denote a mythopoetical paradox.

Foucault suggests the use of modernism to challenge hierarchy. In a sense, Debord uses the term ‘pretextual constructivist theory’ to denote the role of the poet as writer.

The premise of postcultural narrative holds that government is part of the economy of art. However, an abundance of theories concerning not narrative, but prenarrative may be discovered.

Werther[3] implies that the works of Gibson are postmodern. Thus, a number of discourses concerning modernism exist.

Lacan uses the term ‘subdialectic theory’ to denote the bridge between narrativity and society. Therefore, the subject is contextualised into a modernism that includes art as a whole.

>> No.3976430
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finished the drawing of the three in a few days, now reading this one. the tower fever got me.

but not a lot of people seem to read the dark tower. at least not the people I know.

>> No.3976462
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200 or so pages into. Bridge is not destroyed yet

>> No.3976492

I'd like to read that if it were an actual paper though
you could go into Burckhardt too, even

still reading D&P but I'm skimming a little more cos people keep saying the end is more important even though Foucault writes really nicely and builds his thesis for the rest of the work there
I think Foucault is more important than even people who give him credit give him credit for and I think a lot of people skim his work but I don't know

>> No.3977212

HP: Prisoner of Azkaban

And no, I am not 12...

>> No.3977268

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.3977274

Beckett's 3 novels. Just finished Molloy and I am now on Mallone Dies

>> No.3977289
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>He likes to hit on girls.
>He actually physically hits them.
I think you're doing it wrong mang.

>> No.3977301

Is that Tao Lin?

>> No.3977306

You sound like a really pleasant person. Knocking stuff out of people's hands because you don't like it for some reason. 1/10 for Human interaction powers.

>> No.3977315

is this some kind of meme? saw this thread yesterday too

>> No.3977319

Nausea by Sartre

>> No.3977350

I'm enjoying it.
Surely not the best book i've ever read but it's at least readable, i also like La Peste more than La Nausée.

>> No.3977364
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Rome's Last Citizen: Life and Legacy of Cato

>> No.3977374

Notes from the Underground
I feel like I'm reading a spaghetti thread

>> No.3977380

it's next on my to read book
better not be r9k tier

>> No.3977390
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John Dies at the End

Loving both of them

>> No.3977415

The Complete Essays of Michel De Montaigne

>> No.3977421
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I'm reading Terra Nostra.

>> No.3977444
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Just started reading the Dice Man, but I've only read around 50 pages so I can't say what I think about it yet.

>> No.3977455

no1currs anywayz :^)

>> No.3977460

i kno ur mum currs ;p

>> No.3977463

The Golden Compass. Read it (but not the other two) when I was a kid, and decided to go back and read the whole series. I find Pullman's prose to be a bit blunt, but I generally like it.

>> No.3977492

we are our brain, Dick Swaab
Seven pillars of wisdom, TE lawrence
the enchantress, michael scott (for relaxing)

>> No.3977496

it is

>> No.3977528

as far as my opinion goes, it's pretty good, but at one point you just really want him to end.

>> No.3977561

getting tired of sartre's bullshit in nausea

>> No.3977630

On The Road by Jack Kerouac and The Maias by Eça de Queirós.

>> No.3977664

Prose Edda reporting in.

>> No.3977677
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Asimov's Guide to the Bible (New Testament)

>> No.3977684


>> No.3977877

Just finished Crime and Punishment.

>> No.3978048

Because they're good?

>> No.3978060

Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?: A Debate

>> No.3978074

what would you recommend for getting into pataphysics?

>> No.3978581

Starship Troopers.
And Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.

>> No.3979314
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I'm reading A Storm of Swords, TV-tie in edition. Most of the other editions have pleb maps.

>> No.3979417

I felt like it was a mixture of nineteenth century fight club and 4chan.
Loved it.

>> No.3979423

How to win friends and influence people.

I want to be social when I start college.

>> No.3979430

Oliver Twist
Epic of Gilgamesh

And for uni:

Myth in the Ancient World
some of Plutarch's Lives

Are you enjoying it op? I'm in a very small minority that loves those books.

>> No.3979431

that seems like a book on how to be a sleazy douche. which is perfect for college

>> No.3979439

Invisible Man, Ellison

>> No.3979649

900 pages into ADwD

Enjoying it, but will be glad when its finished as I have more interesting novels to read

>> No.3979661

>you will never meet this qt on public transport who just so happens to be reading your favourite book

Feels bad man

>> No.3979668

If Atlas Shrugged is your favourite book, then you might as well as castrate yourself.

>> No.3979671
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Picture of Dorian gray.
Nigger knows how to write dialogue

>> No.3979673
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Too intellectual 4 you?

>> No.3979677
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solid argument m8

>> No.3979684

>TV-tie in edition
why would you do that?

>> No.3979686

I like the freckles on her shoulders.

>> No.3979688 [DELETED] 

Not enough child rape. I am a progressive. >>3979681

>> No.3979689

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.3979692

Would Jew fuck off?

>> No.3981813
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How the fuck did she read that far into that piece of shit? I got to page three hundred and had to quit.

>> No.3981824

Oh, and I'm reading the third book in the Song of Ice and Fire series. It's breddy gud, just as long as you don't expect too much of it.

>> No.3982439

Dragons of a vanished moon, been on a slight dragonlance kick, also reading Feynman's QED and Skinner's Walden 2

>> No.3982462
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Vlad Taltos series.

Vlad is a fucking badass.

>> No.3982667
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The Hunger Games

>> No.3982670

I read the book in a week, it really isnt as "intense" as it looks.

>> No.3982671


Yeah I enjoyed those two. Good shit.

Currently reading Dubliners.

>> No.3982673

1q84. Almost finished the third book, this is the best work I've ever read.

>> No.3982724

New to reading.
Finished crime and punishment, metamorphosis, the stranger, breakfast at tiffany, old man and the sea, steppenwolf, women in dunes, alchemist, brothers karamazov
Reading: les misarables and man without qualities(fav so far)
Is this good?

>> No.3982737

Did you miss the part about other editions having pleb maps?

Well, they do and they look like some fucking vector art. E.g. one map lacks the river that connects the lake by Torrhen's Square (Cold Lake?) to the sea.


>> No.3982744

>new to reading
>reads classics

I hope you're enjoying it m8

>> No.3982749

>reading Ayn Rand
>on public transit
Is this supposed to be ironic?

>> No.3982750

Have fun with the begat sections.

>> No.3982769
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I thought I was the only one that jumped balls deep in to classics when I first started.

It's intimidating as hell, and I don't understand what the hell is going on most of the time.

I sometimes just want to go and read arry poer or something equally as easy reading.

But I will battle on. One day, I will understand what is actually going on in a book.

>> No.3982816
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Ah, yes my fellow patricians, with this post here we have the perfect example of a plebeian attempting to look hip and "with it" by posting a picture of a young woman who seems to be a... Oh what are they called... Ah Yes, a "Q T 3.14," or "cutie pie" just because she is on a public transit with a copy of Ayn Rand's seminal work.

Well, I must say, I shrugged. It's complete pleb garbage if you ask me, and worst of all it's considered by so many to be high literature, but usually only by the baristas at the local coffee houses who dropped out of college in there second year of pursuing a liberal arts degree. Hah!

Oh yes, I've see dregs of miss Rand's work in the hands of many a dredlocked young man behind the counter of Cafe Nervosa during his 15 minute break.

I mean really, why would you read on a bus ride, unless you were only doing it for attention? What a sad lonely cry for help, if the only way to get people to attempt a conversation starter is to have a copy of Ayn Rand as a little test for young men to apply themselves to your intellect by seeing if they in fact are familiar with that, ahem, "work" of "literature."

I am not however saying that those who use public transit are beneath me, I have to admit every now and then I too like to go slumming, in fact my brother Niles and I went on an expedition on the Seattle public transportation system just a few years ago, just to soak in some of the local color.

And yes, it was quite "colorful" indeed, given the multicultural diversity of our fair city.

But I digress, if you were really going to go somewhere and read on the public transit, why read something so typical? Why not spicy things up and read James Joyce's Ulysses, that's seem very original!

Thanks for your post Anonymous!

>> No.3982825

anyone else find girl in the OP really attractive?

>> No.3982843
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Taipei. I like it.

>> No.3982861
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Really good so far, I highly recommend it.

>> No.3982870

'Pataphysics: A Useless Guide by Andrew Hugill.

>> No.3984516

Michael Jackson's michaelbigoraphy

>> No.3984568

The Tin Drum. It's the third time I read it. I just love that book, and those Kashubian adulterous characters.

>> No.3984579

same here.

>> No.3984597

Gardens of the moon

Loving it

>> No.3984659

Reading Norwegian Wood again.
I hadn't noticed how similar this is to Demian or The steppenwolf

>> No.3984679
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Pretty good so far. The prose is captivating.

>> No.3984698
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Fist philosophy book, I figured it was the right place to start.

>> No.3984709
File: 9 KB, 200x300, 200px-Cormac_McCarthy_NoCountryForOldMen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First McCarthy and enjoying it so far.

I also will start reading some of Plato's dialogues tomorrow

>> No.3984722

American Psycho

I'm really enjoying it currently.

>> No.3984757

What do you think so far?

>> No.3984760

>Atlas Shrugged
go somewhere else socialist pig
Ill keep whats mine, you won't take it from me

>> No.3984768

>The Brothers Karamazov
just skip to Rebellion and The Great Inquisitor and Devil
I'm saving you a ton of time here
the rest is boring nonsense about hyper christian russians
it's SUCH a bore
>muh existentialism
yeah yeah, still boring as shit

>> No.3984769

It is. Goodluck with your journey into philosophy.

>> No.3984826
File: 33 KB, 247x400, dublineses seix barral origen joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now starting with Dubliners.

>> No.3984860

atlas shrugged is shit. im sure you earned all that you have on your own and no one helped huh? Your parents or teachers or govt never helped. You amassed all your wealth on a deserted island by yourself

>> No.3984866

>parents never helped you
they willingly sacrificed what they had. They were not told to have children, and they did not have to raise me. They chose to. Their choice
>teachers never helped you
They get paid to teach. That's their job you fucking idoit
>gov't never helped you
No, because my parents actually have jobs and don't need government support for being lazy cunts

>> No.3984894

>implying ppl without jobs are lazy
what i thought. privilaged asshole. How does the silver spoon taste?

>> No.3984934

hahah, yes, I should feel sorry for others because my parents weren't lazy
top lel
people who don't have jobs don't have qualifications due to them being lazy in life
its really hard to get a job when the only thing you did was flip burgers for two weeks at McDonalds in high school. I guess we should feel sorry for them and go ahead and give them a bank to run, eh?
No, I don't care about those who are born to poor parents. Just because you are born poor does not mean you live a life being poor. If anything, they should use being poor and their families dependence on others as initiative to not ever have to be dependent of anyone again. Your bleeding heart INCREASED laziness and poverty. HAHAHA
My spoon tastes good

>> No.3984949

Labyrinths by Borges
Tractatus by Wittgenstein
Before that, got about 100 pages in to Gravity's Rainbow (again) then gave up (again).

>> No.3984978

It's a family's world out there, buddy.

>> No.3985017

The Dragon Reborn, by Robert Jordan. Third in the Wheel of Time series.

>> No.3985059


While I do agree that people deserve what they worked for

Atlas Shrugged is still a shit book because it's written by a woman. It's ideas in entirety can be summarized in a third of the writing

>> No.3985089
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>> No.3985110

Journey to the end of the night. Honestly, the prose is absolutely magnificent. I can't believe it translated so well.

>> No.3985124

Rather new to reading anything of actual substance beyond a textbook. Les Miserables.

Pretty good so far.

>> No.3985128

I think I'm like 3 or 4 books away from finishing Malazan Book of the Fallen

>> No.3985444
File: 29 KB, 300x450, Down-the-Rabbit-Hole-SHORTLISTED-reprint-300x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tochtli lives in a palace. He loves hats, samurai, guillotines and dictionaries, and what he wants more than anything right now is a new pet for his private zoo: a pygmy hippopotamus from Liberia. But Tochtli is a child whose father is a drug baron on the verge of taking over a powerful cartel, and Tochtli is growing up in a luxury hideout that he shares with hit men, prostitutes, dealers, servants and the odd corrupt politician or two.

>> No.3985453

Just started reading V. today, it's my first Pynchon. I kind of want to read his stuff in order just because I already have V. and The Crying of Lot 49 and I'm sure I'll want to read Gravity's Rainbow.

V. is pretty cool so far, a little bit strange. So far I especially like the passage about mirror-time and real-time in a place of dissatisfied beings.

>> No.3985486
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I suppose it's interesting.

Trying some more Hesse because I liked the surreal sequence in Steppenwolfe. Especially the Robot War and his meeting Mozart. Basically I loved the idea of the eternal. The humor of those who live there.

>> No.3985488

>shit because the author is a woman
And all your opinions have lost validity and your posting abilities have been revoked for excessive stupidity.

>> No.3985502

I'm about halfway through Mason & Dixon. The prose is consistently really amazing, and it's really hilarious and poignant with great jokes and characterization. One of the best books I've ever read, possibly the Great American Novel.

>> No.3985506

so you're advice to people born poor is "stop being poor"
why hasn't anyone thought of this before

>> No.3985510

some people have...mainly the 20% of poor people who as you put it "stop being poor" and move up to a higher income bracket...the new york times just had a big ass article on this the other day... they mainly did it to point out class mobility is lowest in the worthless hill billy states in the south but they bring it on themselves by being religious and voting republican so fuck 'em

>> No.3985519

Discipline and Punish - Michel Foucault

Man and His Symbols - Carl Jung

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Understanding Intercultural Communication - Ting-Toomey, Chung (textbook)

Bible erry day

>> No.3985521

ok, what about the 80 percent who don't
what about someone born to unemployed parents in a really impoverished area with bad schools and a high crime rate

>> No.3985526

i wish there was a version of 7 habits of highly effective people that was read by a professional audiobook reader and not the author...he's all breathy n shit, i know that kind of breathy pause is used effectively by religious/cult leaders for inspiration but for reading a damn books it's wack

>> No.3985528

yeah, what about them?

>> No.3985533

That's strange, the surreal bits were my least favourite.

>> No.3985536


Im reading the actual book, so never heard the audiobook

>> No.3985539

it's not my fault if some unemployed bums have a bunch of kids they can't afford

>> No.3987724

Michael Jackson's michaelbiography

>> No.3987828

Hey look guys its an ugly bitch reading a stupid book that's written by a stupid ugly bitch! What a coincidence!

Also Rand's work is mainly flawed in my most humble opinion by making everything so black and white. There is a happy medium some where between being completely and solely self interested and being completely interested in other well being and gainful employment. I want to do well for myself but I also want my fellow men and fellow workers to do well also.

>> No.3990010
File: 154 KB, 321x258, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling someone is going to call you an "edgy teenager" simply because reddit has been spilling here lately

>> No.3990577
File: 86 KB, 186x288, Rifleman1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying it. Next up is One Man's Wilderness: An Alaskan Odyssey

>> No.3992931

Game of Thrones

my kindle broke
so now i cant read it
isnt that fun

>> No.3992939

house of leaves

also i live in a fairly large weird apartment over a funeral home and i'm reading it exclusively at night by candlelight
shit is awesome