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/lit/ - Literature

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3974343 No.3974343 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. I was wondering how long it took you to read this book.

I think i'm rather slugging through it; I started it 3 days ago and am 450 pages into it reading 4-5 hours per day. I wouldn't consider myself a slow reader; I read Slaughterhouse-Five a few days ago at a rate of 120 pages per hour.

Is my pace on par for this book? What was your pace?

>> No.3974348

Just read the book you fuck.

>> No.3974356
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I'll bet you win all the reading races.

>> No.3974360

I am. Don't worry. I'm enjoying myself and honestly don't care how fast I'm going. I was just curious about other people's experiences.

>> No.3974363

>450 pages into it
Does that include the 100 pages of fine print footnotes?

>> No.3974367


>> No.3974387

took me just over a week i think. couldn't put it down.

>> No.3974391

>120 pages per hour
wow I read like 30 pages if I'm really fast

>> No.3974396

and this
and this

>> No.3974434

Eh, took me three months; I think that's average

>> No.3974437
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>120 pages per hour
damn nigga I get like 50 on a good day

>> No.3974453

I get 20 on a good day.

>> No.3974465

slow reading>fast reading
It takes time to paint the locations and the people in my head

>> No.3974467

Seriously friend, it isn't. If you loved the book than it would be like, two weeks at most.

>> No.3974481

I think you guys misunderstood my OP. I was saying I was reading Slaughterhouse-Five at 120 pages per hour. IJ seems to be going to around 50 per hour.

>> No.3975166

same here. I was all proud of the fact that I read "It" in a week many years ago, but now I feel lame.

>> No.3975194

reading fiction quickly doesnt make any sense.

>> No.3975204

Vonnegut's books read absurdly quickly. That being said, I hope you are taking the time to enjoy the book rather than frantically calculating your pages per hour. Enjoy fiction. It isn't a race

>> No.3975205

This is what slow readers actually believe.

>> No.3975666

Took me two months to the day. I was also doing pretty heavy reading for my classes though

>> No.3975683

You can't be serious.

>> No.3975686

Once you finish reading the book shove it up your fucking ass

>> No.3975700

It took me a good six months, but I'd say I only had a couple of hours a week to read on average.

>> No.3975708

Guys please help. When I read books I really enjoy them but I never think about the book in a comprehension type way, like in secondary school english. Should I be thinking about books in that analytical way? I always feel really insecure when I come on this board. I guess it stems from dropping out of english literature in university

>> No.3975718

I fucking lol'ed so hard at this hahahahaha

>> No.3975776
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>120 pages per hour

>> No.3975780


>> No.3975800

>120 pages per hour


>> No.3975803

welcome to your right-brain, honestly, it's better than the analytical stuff

>> No.3975847

It's better to just enjoy books than to constantly analyze them.

>> No.3975852

i got about a quarter of the way through this in about a month and a half, but ended up losing sight of it because I started college. if i went back to it, i'd surely have to start over, so that's been a huge deterrent. shame, i really enjoyed what i read (mostly; i don't really find tennis terribly interesting as a sport)

>> No.3975863

I read Harry Potter at about 120 pages per hour. Heh. Vonnegut and other subtle-but-not-difficult authors go at about 50 pages per hour, and honestly most of the literature I attempt (especially short stories) is a grind of about 15-20 pages per hour. Then again, I'm a little bit obsessive. I read so closely so I never have to read it again. Though, of course, I do read my favorite short stories again and again. Infinite Jest has been going at about that 15-20 pace for me, and I'm about halfway through and it's taken about 2 weeks to get here. But I've been stuck at airports a lot, so it hasn't been natural conditions, so to speak.

>> No.3975869

I read the first 133 something pages within a day or so, then I put it down. It wasn't that it was bad, because it wasn't, I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Serves me right believing people's suggestions. Having said that, however, I am thoroughly enjoying GR.

>> No.3975915

I read 30 pages an hour or something.

>> No.3975919

thank you for replying. i guess im just gonna go with it. a world of books awaits :)

>> No.3975954

>120 pages per hour
>2 pages per minute
>1 page every 30 seconds

Doesn't sound enjoyable at all.

>> No.3976086

exactly. i'd say i took at least a few minutes per page, and even then i didn't sit down for hours upon hours at a time. I like to let things simmer

>> No.3976132

I'm reading it with the accompanying wiki and I just reached the second half of Gately's stay at St. Elizabeth's, like page 830. It's taken a long while to get here, almost a month? I'm savoring it, and I consider myself capable of recalling a lot of its key plot points and major themes with scrupulousness.

>> No.3976141

Why can't you appreciate great lit?

>> No.3976155

'Kevin?' Harv calls softly from the front of the room. 'Is it you moving actively towards Jim, or should it be the Infant inside you, the one with the needs?'

Bain's looking back and forth between Harv and Jim, chewing his finger indecisively.

>> No.3976156

how much of that can you actually retain?

I love mulling over clever sentences / thinking about how i would construct similar sentences. I think my writing has improved significantly ever since I've taken a more granular approach to reading. But to each his own.

>> No.3976163

That sounds super peaceful and fun, bro. Maybe not something I'm totally capable of at the moment, but when I have more free time I think I'll revisit my library with that intent.

>> No.3976208

What is your intent?

>> No.3976248


arbitrarily reading as many well-known books as fast as possible solely to appear cultured without actually considering in depth what he is reading, clearly

>> No.3976280

I spent at least 2 months with IJ

I am always reading a few books at a time though. I really wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if I plowed through it, cause it tended to wear me out after a while.

It also made me want to look up various things quite often, and then its easy to get stuck in a wikipedia loop

>> No.3976351
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Why would anyone start a thread, bragging of one's reading speed?
>16-year old detected

>> No.3976376

I thought I was a slow reader but now that I've read this thread, I don't feel alone in this anymore

>> No.3976395

450 pages divided into three days is 150 pages per day. Divide that into 5 hours a day and you get 30 pages per hour. OP never said anything about 120 pages per hour.

>> No.3976400

>OP never said anything about 120 pages per hour.
>I read Slaughterhouse-Five a few days ago at a rate of 120 pages per hour.

>> No.3976438

Jesus shit Christ, I thought /lit/ would be a little better at discussing something so simple. A simple prompt completely ignored because people wanted to shitpost.

Maybe it was my fault for trying to put an anecdotal reference to how I would read a more simpler book for everyone to hark about instead of being short and concise and ending my post.

Oh well, thank you to those 4 or 5 people who actually answered me.

>> No.3976443

I started 2-3 days ago. So far I am at page 35.