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3969342 No.3969342 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever lent a book to someone and they return it in a less than optimal condition?

>lend 1984 to this chick
>a month later i finally ask her if she liked it
>"oh yeah dude, i couldn't get into it. i didnt really like it"
>she returns it the next week
>makes sure i'm not around when she drops it off, she just threw it on my passenger seat while I was at work
>I'm surprised to find it in my car on break
>spaghetti sauce shit or something on the front cover

share your experiences and pain.

>> No.3969350

>somehow got a book about african tales and parables
>loved it
>friend (happens to be nigerian) borrows it
>forget about it all these years
>him too

>same friend
>be in the 12th grade
>Got Van goghs letter collection
>same friend borrows it
>same day friend's bag got smushed by an opened juice container
>van gogh letters: GONE

Never trust niggerians with books

>> No.3969358

Moral of the story: don't lend books. Either give them away or don't do it at all.

>> No.3969363
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>tfw they opened my book beyond 135 degrees

>> No.3969371

what fuckin chives me is when I lend a book to someone and return it after a year saying "oh I didn't read it"

>> No.3969388

I always 180 my books, deal with it.

>> No.3969404

>be 13
>lend my copy of the hobbit to a friend
>before he returns he says "hey anon I hope you don't get mad"
>I already expect the worse
>the book is completely ruined with black stains and a ripped cover
>what the fuck happened
>my brother threw it at me and it fell in a puddle

The fucker didn't even offer to buy me a new copy.

>> No.3969410

Whats the fucking deal with people ruining books and never offering to replace them

>> No.3969415
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*never trust niggers with books

>> No.3969416

Good question. I lost a library book once, looked up the ISBN, bought it online, and brought them a new copy all crisp and I think in even better quality. And that was just the chickenshit library.

>> No.3969418

These people are the worst. It's like they have no morals or anything.

>> No.3969420


That shit gets under my skin! I mean i'd understand if they said, 'hey, I've got a lot on my own reading list, but thanks!' but I hate the ones who act like your recommendation is the tits, then never get around to it. I lent a book to a girl, she sat on it for 8 months, then said 'Well, it's the only book i'm bringing on winter break, i'll read it then get it back to you!' then opted to not read instead... ugh... i was kinda hurt...

>> No.3969444

>let friend borrow For Whom the Bell Tolls
>he has it for about a year
>every time I go over to his house it's just sitting in the same damn spot
>perfect dusty outline from where it had been sitting
Tip: If a friend reads comic books, it doesn't mean he can read a book.

>> No.3969449

ITT: people butthurt about minor damage to their trade paperbacks

>> No.3969453

itt: bookfags who lent a book to someone who didn't even want it.

>hey man, this is a really good book
"oh ok"
>you want to borrow it?
"no... I don't re-"
>seriously it's so good
"I'm really busy wi-"
>here, borrow it
"but I-"

Moral of the story: Leave people the fuck alone.

>> No.3969455

My friend also reads comic books. He also does not read books

>> No.3969456

I'm glad you have noticed your fallacy.
As far as I know, I don't even ask people to borrow my books. They ask me and I only lend to ....2 people at the most. Why the fuck would you force your book on someone? You're mental.

>> No.3969469

>lend someone my awesome lovecraft collection with leatherbound cover
>it comes back greasy

>> No.3969479

>acting like your awesome lovecraft collection isn't the shitty 12 dollar barnes & noble one
>not owning the sweet arkham house hardcover editions

>> No.3969483
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It isn't.

>> No.3969487

I'm crying. I need this edition.

>> No.3969491



>> No.3969497

Yeah, I've seen this one bopping around, but I never bought it because I never had the need. This has cool illustrations inside, right?

>> No.3969506
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Yes indeed.

>> No.3969516

>Having friends

>> No.3969530

>lend crime and punishment to this girl im cracking onto
>don't see it for about 3 months
>eventually she hands it back to me, pages all folded, portions of the pages in the back half of the book are TORN OUT (her dog got a hold of it)
>back half of the book is virtually unreadable
>ask her what she thought of it
>"I only read the first few pages because the words were too small lol"

>lending books to ignorant females

sure hope you lads don't make a habit of this sort of thing

>> No.3969541

same here! hes all about his goddamn comics. I at least got him to read GRRM. better than nothing right?

>> No.3969593

Who cares man, it's the fucking principle of the thing at the very least.

>> No.3969628

My friend fucked up the book jacket on my copy of Infinite Jest, but I turned him down when he offered to replace it. I feel like if you actually intend to replace a ruined book you should just buy it beforehand...I end up looking like a dick if I respond to his polite offer by saying "Yeah, you should get me a new copy."

>> No.3969651
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>lend friend one of my books
>he immediately crumples the dust jacket and throws it into the trash
>I fuckin hate these things, don't you anon?

>> No.3969662


>lend "friend" one of my books


>> No.3969667 [DELETED] 
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>friends with nigger
>he wants my book
>don't give it to him because ten years old and I lost toys that way
>he chimps out
I dodged a bullet.

>> No.3969670

You got bitchslapped

>> No.3969684


But dust jackets are for plens. You should feel ashamed.

>> No.3969694


I have this, the hardcover for the Miscellaneous Tales, and the hardcover centennial edition for Howard's Conan stories.

You, sir, are my nigga.

>> No.3969695

>owning a copy of 1984

can't say you didn't deserve it

>> No.3970536

I typically take them off while reading, then replace them when I go to shelve them (unless the book itself has a cool design on it, like my copy of Cosmic Connection)

>> No.3970554

>friend who doesn't read very often wants to borrow Ulysses.
>tell him it's pretty difficult and offer him Dubliners to start off.
>he's read one story and left the book on his window sill for the past 2-3 months.

To be fair, he did has important exams, but they ended a month ago.

>> No.3970560

Who the fuck doesn't own 1984? It's one of the first books you buy when you start reading

>> No.3970563

Did you ever called her on it? You know like "if you ha an accident with it you could just have told me, no big deal." The "no big deal" just to avoid her for spreading lies about you for being called out, of course

>> No.3970564
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I read both, books a bit more so.

What now?

>> No.3970573

That should be proper etiquette. I mistreat my own books but if one is lent to me I take very good care of it just out of awareness

>> No.3970576

bet you've bad taste in both.

>> No.3970577

>grape juice all over the damn book
>spaghetti or some other shit over the whole damn cover
>minor damage

>> No.3970579

>I at least got him to read GRRM

>> No.3970581

I agree people should take care of lent things but come on... you don't lend a collection edition of something they can find on the internet, that's idiotic...

>> No.3970584

>But dust jackets are for plens

>> No.3970607
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>> No.3970608

that's not my post. this is my second post itt. I bet you've bad taste in both. comics especially. you stupid /co/ motherfucker.

>> No.3970639

When people ask to borrow my books, I either straight up tell them no, or, if I trust them a little more, give it to them with a bookmark and ask them not to fuck it up. Then I'll ask them if they've read it yet every time I see them after that.

>> No.3970650

Not even fucking once.

>> No.3970685

>switch to kindle
>never bothering with cunts fucking with my scrolls again

>> No.3970700

>then I'll ask them if they've read it yet every time I see them

>> No.3970702

I meant to add that I do the same thing

>> No.3970708

One doesn't lend books. Either keep them or give them away.

>> No.3970738

I don't even see how people get creases in books. All of my books are in pristine condition. I've actually had some people suggest I'd never read them because on the shelf they look brand new. The ones I took to uni in my bag got a little bit ruffled around the edges but otherwise, perfect. I just don't understand how people fuck them up so badly.

>> No.3970776
File: 1.83 MB, 481x320, not gonna deal with it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who fold the corners to mark their place

>> No.3970777

My sister has that. My face when her dog got ahold of it and it's fucking torn. to. shit.

That dog is a nightmare. All her books are ruined because of it, and she used to be the kind of person who never opened a book more than an inch wide gap.

>> No.3970812

>Either keep them or give them away.

I don't bother lending books to people. If I have read it, I usually just give them to people.

>> No.3970826


>> No.3970856

fucking brilliant gif
cricket ey lads, cannot beat it

>> No.3970870

Cricket is great, isn't it? I've just been getting into it lately but I'm finding it very enjoyable to watch / read about / listen to on the radio.

Time difference is a bit tricky though.

>> No.3970891


I have this edition and sadly allowed it to fade beyond repair.

I used it as a mousepad after losing my old one, was so good I kept using it as such for three years. good god why did i do that

>> No.3970893

Forget it, Jake, it's only HP Lovecraft

>> No.3970903

Your wrist is probably ruined beyond repair as well.