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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 458x450, reading kindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3966753 No.3966753 [Reply] [Original]

I think I know why ebook readers are shit.

It's gray text on gray. Low ass contrast compared to paper, with shit formatting and no fonts that come even close to what's on most books.

Is this wrong or is there another reason?

>> No.3966762

who ever said ebook readers are shit?

>> No.3966766

It's shit for the same reason Magic: The Gathering Online is shit.

>> No.3966771

go away

>> No.3966785
File: 59 KB, 610x436, KINDLE_35437745_35438356_610x436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare with

>> No.3966788
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>> No.3966791

That's an old ass gen. Later this year new e-link tech is coming out, wait soon.

>> No.3966795

That's a current gen Kindle though

>> No.3966798

Exactly, it's outdated.

>buying a Kindle and expecting the latest in technology

>> No.3966799
File: 40 KB, 600x450, kindle-paperwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3966803

My paperwhite feels extremely close to paper on my eyes, and is way easier to read than LCD.

I also prefer it over books as it is extremely light in my hands, can read comfortably in all sorts of positions and in any lighting.

I also do not have to physically store my books in my house, they are all held in a device that is ironically lighter than even a single book. I can also cycle between any book in my personal library with a few touches of my finger.

Are you seriously trying to compare technology invented thousands of years ago to technology invented yesterday?

>> No.3966810
File: 409 KB, 1840x3264, worms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindle a shit

>> No.3966814

Go back to reddit.

>> No.3966816


I wish people who said this would actually be deported to reddit.

and by reddit I mean some kind of concentration camp for retards

>> No.3966822

He's saying this because the image posted is from reddit
and knowing this means he's a redditor

>> No.3966823

Just bought a Kindle today. Not going to deny it. I'm pretty excited.

>> No.3966826

>Not having a beautiful library to bring dinnerguests through during your home tours
>Reading more than one book at a time

>> No.3966835

Yup pretty much.
I think the aversion to reddit on here is hilarious though. I use reddit, but I've unsubscribed from all of the main subreddits and subscribed to certain niche communities to that I have an affinity with. It is not like 4chan where you have to tolerate or enjoy 4chan to culture to come here. I'm almost completely cut off from reddit culture, but still use the same URL.

>> No.3966837

>Buying books to show off

>> No.3966838

>Buy a new book
>Open up a fresh page
>crisp black text
>white as semen pages

>Open same book on Kindle
>smallest line spacing I can select is still larger than the book
>Page numbers change every 2 pages and locations are crap
>needs Hollywood stage lighting equipment to read it
>everything feels like a cheap Word document instead of a high quality printed piece of paper
>only soccer moms buy it to read the latest NYT bestselle

>> No.3966839
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>> No.3966845

lemme guess, you get angry whenever you see tumblr_ in a filename. you deserve to rot with him as well

>> No.3966870

Stop being reasonable you scum.

>> No.3966877

No, because it doesn't mean they browse tumblr

>fuck board culture
>fuck community

>> No.3966893


>> No.3966896

Is this bait?

>> No.3966913


Lol same here man, bought it just today

Got a Kindle Paperwhite
>holy shit
>lights up in the dark
>so easy to handle, don't have to bother with page turning on the train/other uncomftorable situations = maximum read time
>BUILT IN DICTIONARY so you can understand everything
>hyperlinking that works, so instead of flipping all the way back you can just click the hyperlink to get the meaning
>literally pays for itself in 5-10 books

>> No.3967191

b-but muh smells? wat abut muh smels

>> No.3967232

Only open source books. And only if you want an old shitty translation without a single explanatory note and broken formatting

>> No.3967235

>Only open source books
bottom lel

>> No.3967238

What? You can get nearly every book that is commercially available (and some that are not) online for free.

>> No.3967241

pirating literature is for degenerate thieves

>> No.3967246

law allows me to directly download anything I want sans child porn

enjoy your bills, sucker

>> No.3967259

enjoy slowly killing the medium that brings you so much pleasure

>> No.3967267

Open source books? Like all the lovely kopimi literature I'm drowning in.

Sorry, but airport-core beats fedora-core. Artistically. Economically. Layoutically.

>> No.3967269

thanks, I will

>> No.3967272

>killing the medium
>Killing books
That's like saying that television is going to die out. Do you have any idea how impossible that is?

>> No.3967275

>reading books you would have never even read sans a free download
>killing medium
are you retarded?

>> No.3967282

I wouldn't buy the books anyway. I'd borrow them from the library.

>> No.3967286

It will always be easier to sit through a couple ads than to hunt for a particular episode of a series on some shady Russian torrent site. Musicians can always make money playing live, film rights can be purchased for a relatively high sum from netflix and television corporations. But the only real way for an author to make money writing is through book sales

>> No.3967287

nah, you are just computer-illiterate
enjoy your denial

>> No.3967288

>reading books you would have never even read sans a free download
Bullshit. You can't honestly and unequivocally say that every single book you've pirated would not have gotten your attention otherwise

>> No.3967291

Find me a torrent of the Daily Show episode from June 28th 2007

>> No.3967290

of course it wouldn't have read them you retard
i've read 300+ books last year, most of them not even translated to my native language

>> No.3967292

I call bullshit. Unless you live literally in the middle on nowhere

>> No.3967294

send the check first

>> No.3967296

>I call bullshit
probably because you are massively projecting your subhuman sensibilities

>> No.3967298

Excuse me, but I bear witness from how television deteriorated. The worst casuality was Discovery Channel. I think it was back in 2006 that they sent some late-night special about a haunted house. And that marked the begining of the end. It was bascially bad story telling repackaged as true life. "What if our house was haunted, herp derp."

Another channel that I for many years longed to have but that went totally into the dust is the Syphilis Channel. One program was about som middle-aged bitch that claimed to be psyphilic and bossed around her children with that. (Beat your kids everyday, because if you don't know what they did, they will.)

The modern father of this bad story telling is Uri Geller. He was all like "what if I could bend spoons, oh sorry Carson, I got the tummy aches, so I can't bend today". Compare him with Magneto, a character that is based on an absurd premise that they stick to.

And then there's those programmes that is not even shitty story telling but practically makes themselves; "reality" shows.

>> No.3967301

Also, all this television via internet sucks. I'm not talking about streaming sites, but where you hook up that box to the television set. You can't switch channels at the crack of a whip. And if it's a popular show, it may lag and static ensues.

But clearly an improvement over the old analog television, right?

>> No.3967302

it's pretty fucking preposterous to suggest that of the over three hundred books you read last you you wouldn't have purchased a single one if piracy weren't an option

>> No.3967306

of course I wouldn't, I would just download other books from my wishlist that are freely available on the internet

how dumb you are?

>> No.3967308

The History Channel is awful, as everyone knows. I remember complaining ten years ago when it was WWII 24/7, but I'd kill for non-stop war programming instead of the spooky/conspiracy stuff.

captcha:ofJeru Dialectical

>> No.3967322



>> No.3967324

god damn... that book reads like utter bullshit wrapped in bullshitty mesianic style

>> No.3967326

It's on eztv. Seeded and everything.

>The Daily Show 2007 06 28 (DSRip-STFU) [VTV]

>> No.3967328

>they are all held in a device that is ironically lighter than even a single book
it's not ironic though

>> No.3967330

I agree, but the Paperwhite is still kick-ass.

>> No.3967348

well i got told. but is it easier to sit through 3 ads every break on the daily show website, or to have to search for it and wait for it to download? I think most people would say the former

>> No.3967354

I don't even get any ads. The only arguments for torrenting would be "muh quality" or "not wanting to give Comedy Central's website a hit."

>> No.3967363

"[...]but it uses studio-provided data and comes from an initiative partly funded by the MPAA2

and the first link quotes a professor from the same university of the study in the second link so it's a matter of checking the sources of the 25 studies that say yes.

Don't get me wrong. I'm on your side. I'm skeptic about the whole "piracy doesn't hurt the industry thing" but I don't think the info is solid in any direction.

Also. I doubt that the general public has the strong ethic that the author quoted last in the first link states: sending money directly to the author. The general population doesn't tend to do that unless they have to (like they would if they followed the legal channels). But the real issue is not whether all consumers via piracy do it, rather if enough do that the author him/herself doesn't loose the revenue he would get otherwise. I don't think we have a way to quantify that if we can't follow the number of times his/her product has been downloaded illegally

>> No.3967371

it is. I was thinking of getting one myself. I move a lot from place to place and for the sake of light travel I end up leaving many books behind with friends or sending them back to the family. I don't feel bad about it but it's a huge economical cost and I don't really like to read in something as big as a laptop because of portability and because changing positions and moving around with it is bothersome. I'm mostly an analog guy in all senses but it's simply a very good and slik solution for my problem

>> No.3967397

I'm getting one as well, just going to hold off till I move to Canada since the price values are exactly the same. I guess the euro does have some advantages

>> No.3967475


>> No.3967541

Watch a really good movie, or read a really good book. Can't people still watch fucking TV in 2013.

>> No.3967562
File: 304 KB, 1024x1024, Z3QwUAw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is shit beyond shit.

>> No.3967565
File: 461 KB, 630x925, jk-rowling-annotated-philosophers-stone-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare to this

>> No.3967597

>mfw i pirate all books

enjoying paying for my share you betas

>> No.3967623

Get the paperwhite you fuck

>> No.3967626

What is the best e book for reading PDF files with some pictures?

It seem quite trendy and I'd like one.

>> No.3967634

>got a kindle keyboard for christmas years back
>still love it
OP go commit slip-n-slide

>> No.3967642
File: 49 KB, 480x464, big-book-of-breasts-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none, currently all the e-book readers suck at PDF

Speaking about books versus e-books, I think in time the book industry will go through the same process that the mail industry went through. People thought e-mail was going to kill regular mail, but it just evolved for packages and things that people buy from the Internet.

I can see e-books replacing novels and light literature that consist in text only, but then we will have books that will never look good in digital format. Big books with pictures, design books, maps, etc. Like the big book of breasts.

>> No.3967704


>people actually think pirating hurts the book industry
>hmm lets see, how much is this paperback book?
>"Thatll be 10$ sir"
>whys it so damn expensive? Isn't the author dead
>"Yes! But we have to show our eternal slavery to publishers somehow!"

Face it, many books are ludicrously overpriced, can be difficult to find, and the authors are all dead and gone, so your money doesnt go to "supporting" the author, it goes straight to the publishers pocket.

Oh wait, you're going to tell me the dead author would rather have his publisher to continue to reap in cash instead of making his literature free so everyone can experience it and understand the ideas he was trying to convey in his book.


>> No.3967714

>so your money doesnt go to "supporting" the author, it goes straight to the publishers pocket.

Authors get money based on sales faggot. Why do you people who justify piracy know nothing about how markets work?

>> No.3967718

>Isn't the author dead
If the author's dead, then chances are the book is in the public domain. That's obviously not what we're talking about

>> No.3967725


>> No.3967730
File: 13 KB, 250x203, 250px-RolandBarthes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the author is invariably dead, maaaan

>> No.3967734

Now this is shitposting

>> No.3967741
File: 19 KB, 450x487, Foucault-Lecturing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Before you declare the author to be dead you must first ask, "What is an author."

>> No.3967751
File: 38 KB, 800x600, GRRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you will about the Kindle, but at least it's better than those dirty, disgusting paperbacks they sell at the grocery store.

>> No.3967754

What in the actual fuck happened to that book

>> No.3967762

If you buy all your books then ebook readers don't pay for itself, unless you have so many that you spend money on shelves to hold your books.

Portability is nice though. But that's about it, if you already have a tablet and want to read on the go then just use that, and at least you get other shit to do on it.

until I can fit a Kindle in my pocket, it's not really portable. I'm not a woman. I don't carry a purse

>> No.3967765

OP here:

I am reading Game of Thrones on this and they have a Publisher's Font on it. Nice font.

I went to another book after hours of reading this. Going back to Amazon's default shitty font is fucking crystal clear how awful it is.

Should I jailbreak my ebook reader? I mean fucking hell Amazon, what is this shit.

>> No.3967772


>If you buy all your books then ebook readers don't pay for itself

How so?

I carry a satchel on myself at all times, for notebooks, notes, utensils or anything. Pretty useful and a kindle easily fits

>> No.3967776


What font is that?

>> No.3967781

Better: Get a reader that isn't shit. Last reader I had was a Kindle. Line spacing was too big, even at it's smallest. Formatting could fuck up (you'd see the title, credits or whatever, and then "Chapter One" on just a single page). Amazon store has no "free" section and doesn't acknowledge Gutenberg exists.

Pages were ass.

>Page 18
>Page 18
>Page 19
>Page 19

I got sick of that pretty quick. Locs aren't exactly great for keeping track and a progress bar can only help so much.

>> No.3967782

It doesn't say. It's just:

Publisher's Font: [On] Off

(I have it checked 'on')

It's a nice serif font though. The Serif one that comes with the Kindle by default is like this: >>3967562

I guess I can say the publisher's font is more like: >>3967565

>> No.3967799
File: 2.46 MB, 3008x2000, 5213541274_62e40bb810_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search for "reading kindle" on Flickr to find good image
>see this

who the fuck reads like this

>> No.3967812

Nah, you're just too stupid to understand the feature. "Page" on Kindle means "equivalent to physical copy's page #", not "Kindle version's page #".


>> No.3967832

And no option so I can have a page that corresponds with the fucking ebook. Isn't that wonderful.

>> No.3967837

Hardly. I have a kobo got reading pirated books and had the sad realisation that pirated books are shit. Formatting errors, typos, missing pages... I'd take a second hand paperback any day, at not much extra cost.

>> No.3967851

lol tht nigga looks comfy as fuk

>> No.3967876

dat ass

>> No.3967877

Where are you getting your books?

On #bookz sometimes I download different until I find a good one. That's because some ebooks are old relics from the old Kazaa days and people didn't give a fuck.

And that's usually only when it's some book most people wouldn't want an ebook of anyways.

Mein Kampf is something I can't find for shit though. I can't find a well formatted copy of it and it pisses me off

>> No.3968184

holy fuck you self-righteous fools aren't even aware ebook publishers have been numerous fucking times fined hundres of millions of dorras for colluding to artificially inflate prices


>> No.3968187


>> No.3968225

Apple is in shit right now
and nothing will happen to them as always

>> No.3968486

I'm not >>3967837 but I usually have better formatting luck when I avoid #bookz, unless it's offered directly in MOBI format.

I've had great success just googling "nameofbook download ebook". Usually they come in MOBI and are well formatted. No screwing around in calibre

>> No.3968522




Anti-pirate fags are leaking butt fluids

Pirate fags master race

>its like you guys don't want education to be free for all

>> No.3968550

Doesn't the Kindle use locations to show e-page numbers?

>> No.3968562

>damage recovery

>> No.3968563


ebook readers are shit because they simply don't replicate the true reading experience which is not just a linear exercise of page turning.

It lacks flexibility. It lacks the ease of flipping back and forth through pages (e.g for text books) or for going back to re-clarify or refresh a certain event or situation earlier in the novel. It lacks the ability for actually using it for deep introspection or examination of whatever it is you're reading.

If it's just a long linear bunch of pages you want to read from start to finish then that's all it's good for but good stories and a good reading experience encompasses so much more than that.

>> No.3968567


I should add that the people who seem to praise the ebooks virtues of being light and 'carrying a library in my pocket' seem to think books are nothing more than plot to be read, but for deeper analysis, notes, being able to read through sections, flip back and forth etc stick to the paperback.

>> No.3968572

It's Game of Thrones dude. That book is actually so complex and rich with allusions that to read the book right and to fully understand it, you'll be flipping back and forth non stop and rereading it at least 3 times.

I've never seen a Game of Thrones paperback that didn't look like that.

>> No.3968576

wow i've read a lot of books and looking back in retrospect i remember actually the fucking story the book encompasses and not what format i read it you lame-oid

>> No.3968586

top lel get rekt m9 and read >>3968567

don go crying to daddy when u see momma gettin sum from my cock l8r 2nite either lol cuz I gon be dikkin him 2. lol loser stay mad nerd

>> No.3968616

I've never felt any problems with the contrast. Most book paper isn't exactly white and most book ink isn't perfectly black ethier.

The other advantages just out weigh real books

>> No.3968665

>deeper analysis
please elaborate how i cannot do this with an ereader
please elaborate how i cannot do this with an ereader
>being able to read through sections
please elaborate how i cannot do this with an ereader
>flip back and forth
muh reading experience

>> No.3968677


> 2013
> reading books on the backlit jew

>> No.3969012

the ass was fat

>> No.3969023

nice b8 m8

>> No.3969098

hello /pol/ack. I wonder if this stupid-ass joke will catch on more globally. Hope so.

>> No.3969168

People who buy ebooks are as bad as Judas himself.
Fuck you for ruining the market for paperbacks
In 5 years I won't be able to buy all the classics at Goodwill for 25c a piece. Instead I'll have to go to Barnes and Nobles and pay $30 for a book made by the sticky shit of a chinaman and paper that resembles bark.

>> No.3970145

It's shit. I just want a way to keep track that goes up by one.

>> No.3970190

So basically, you want to do look more like?

>> No.3970195

Hope not. It's JIDF trying to discredit people complaining about jews by trying to create a meme where everything is 'jew'.

>> No.3970196

only if decided

>> No.3970225

>people who don't buy paperbacks are shit because it means I don't get to not buy paperbacks

>> No.3971391
File: 135 KB, 1777x833, the-nook-lets-you-alter-margins-and-fonts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3971402

Paperwhite does that too...

>> No.3971406

Ignore the filename

Nook has more than two fontes. Kindle has Serif and Sans, 'condensed' being a mushed version of Serif.

>> No.3971418

My Paperwhite has six fonts.

>> No.3971424


>> No.3971427

what are libraries

>> No.3971431


>> No.3971439

Also further checking. Paperwhite has version 5 and Kindle has 4.1. Amazon is literally Apple. This means I can expect my device to be obsolete very soon.

>> No.3971444

It's not like there's some huge difference in usability. Pretty sure the only big thing about version 5 is the experimental browser. The only real difference is that the Paperwhite is a bit more... luxurious. In all respects.

>> No.3971473

>not wanting to have whole rooms filled with books

>> No.3971479

>please elaborate how i cannot do this with an ereader

Part of the reading and analyzing ability lies in the ability to easily flip through and navigate with tremendous flexibility the content of the book. It is far easier to do this with a paperback than ereader.

In terms of notes, again it is easier and superior to annotate a paperback or stick in post it what have you. The ebook function is incredibly lame slow, and immature comparatively.

By sections of course one again refers to the ease of navigating and going from one part to the next at the flick of a thumb, not just chapter but being able to skip paragraphs in a way which flows - not this crummy 'refresh refresh' rate of the ebook reader which also chains you down to page by page, and even it's skip function e.g. to beginning of book or certain page number (if you have the number in mind) cannot compare at all.

Being able to leaf through pages, or flick through them with the thumb so quickly is something ereaders cannot replicate. Also they are restricted to one page at a time.

>muh reading experience

Yes - reading is more than a linear exercise of one page, read, page turn. Unless you have a photographic memory and can remember 99% of details going on as you progress that's fine. It's fine also if you're reading something short barely a couple hundred pages. Try reading any novel in length of such stupendous information and activity e.g War and Peace, and a great deal of pleasure is lost.

>> No.3971493

Don't you have lattes to make? If you keep wasting time posting on 4chan you'll never be assistant manager.

>> No.3971494

so will amazon delete your shit if they catch you pirating books?

>> No.3971507

>reading back
What a pleb. Maybe for non-fics go ahead. But for grand works, just let the author take you in. For one example, W&P, Tolstoy reintroduces characters (masterfully) when the time comes to flesh them out.

Also, digital bookmarks, every heard of them?

>> No.3971573
File: 882 KB, 312x176, 3lFHq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>complain about ebook readers
>get one as a gift
>friend gives me hard drive with over 10,000 ebooks on it

>> No.3971802

I read on my iPad. Seriously.

>> No.3971860

I agree with you and I prefer physical books but I also love my ebook reader. I like the portability (care to weigh in on carrying a Kindle around versus a physical copy of Emperor of All Maladies, anyone?) and being able to manage a large "library" even while living somewhere with limited shelf space. Since getting a Kindle I read a lot more than I have in a long time, the main reason being that I can pirate what I want to read. Back when I had more free time I used to check books out at the library frequently but my work hours don't give me a chance to go, so getting a Kindle has been really great for me. I do purchase hardbacks of books I really enjoy so I can read them properly so I don't see piracy as a crime.

Just a thought but I don't know why the publishers don't reduce the price of ebooks more, and include them free with purchases of the physical copies. There will always be bibliophiles who collect and others who prefer physical books, so I doubt the market will cease to exist. I mean, vinyl sales continue to see moderate growth year after year, for chrissakes. Publishers just need to take a different tactic.

>> No.3972641
File: 2.71 MB, 4459x2964, 8268775463_45d8366d91_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebooks - Blury shit contrast displays with shit fonts.

>> No.3972649


>I've never used an ebook


>> No.3972650
File: 237 KB, 480x720, 5516067073_d9eb180f74_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3972652
File: 134 KB, 612x612, 8845773650_ccc381d7d9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I had a Nook and a Kindle

>> No.3972673

Ever read a Kindle by the fireplace?

Hilariously awful experience.

No refresh rate and being like a book are two different things. It is never going to be as physical as text on a book.

>> No.3972710

>Ever read a Kindle by the fireplace?


>Hilariously awful experience.

It really wasn't.

>> No.3972718
File: 133 KB, 500x375, 4260606225_61f95fb601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you like an extraordinarily dim screen.

>> No.3972722

>not owing the paperwhite

The only thing I use fire for nowadays is burning the physical books I used to read.

>> No.3972732

I like your stance on ebooks, and I really like your pics, until I see what books are in them.

>> No.3973269

>turning 23 next week
>life spiraling downward, hopes of gaining notoriety through my published works evaporating
>girlfriend ordered me a kindle paperwhite, wanted to surprise me but is terrible at keeping secrets so today she told me
>can't wait, consumerism is happiness

>> No.3973271
File: 10 KB, 251x240, 1331091310752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3973286

Try turning on a light.

>> No.3973302

>life spiraling downward
>having a gf
pick one.

>> No.3973304

He may well be some white trash subhuman

>> No.3973306
File: 1.39 MB, 240x252, WAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so beta as to presume having a gf means you're set

You poor, poor soul

>> No.3973317

My Kobo Glo has 12 fonts, plus I can sideload fonts I download from the internet

>> No.3973319

Indeed. She is probably the best thing in my life, but having something positive present just makes how shit everything else is quite apparent. And how long will it last? Not long, one imagines.

>> No.3973322

You will die but you will suffer until then. You are destined for failure and it will consume your thoughts. Also you smell a bit funny.

>> No.3973325

p good troll mait

>> No.3973416
File: 8 KB, 293x172, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with all thos threads about e-books
when did 4chan premium account users learn about the existence of e-book-readers?
i have NEVER seen this on /lit/

also why are there threads about real literature on /lit all of the sudden?

it used to be ayn rand and nietzsche threads ONLY!
now i have even seen a thread abotu charles dickens and e.a.poe

what the fuck is happening?

>> No.3973455

/lit/ got an influx of new users

>> No.3973468

H-hey guys... I'm from r9k.

>> No.3973488
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Enjoy spending hundreds of dollars on books you can get for free on gutenberg and manybooks.net, faggot

you don't have to open a dictionary because your ebook reader already has one built into it which means you save a couple of minutes.

I never got the buy fags who think actual books are superior. I am glad libraries are shutting down and actual books are becoming obsolete.

>> No.3973493
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I don't see the problem with it.

I have this one. Despite it being ugly, i love it.
I bought it because it was the cheapest one at the time. It was before they came out with the 70 dollar ones.

If you guys can't read the font, then there is something wrong with your eyes

>> No.3973576


Dying out.

>> No.3973590

Real books will always be the master race. If you ADD riddled teens absolutely depend on your Kindles then go ahead. But they will never usurp the position of the timeless and almighty tree-books.

Sage cause this thread is 5 years old

>> No.3973635

>ADD riddled teens

I've been reading a book a day for the last three months and I haven't had to pay a single dime. In that time I've been spending my extra money on first editions and actually nice books to reread those I liked on the Kindle.

Enjoy wasting your money on badly printed paperback tree paste that will last 5 to 10 years tops. You truly are the saviour of literature.

>> No.3973776

>can't read the font

oh i can read it, its just a shitty font.

>> No.3973778

>>3973493 #
>can't read the font

oh i can read it, its just a shitty font.

>badly printed paperback
>5 to 10 years

my shittiest books i had since i was 10 years old and they're still fine pleb

>> No.3973850
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, reek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have downloaded the series in pdf and I do a quick search every time I don't remember something...

why would you buy the tv tie-in?

>> No.3973856

>I've been reading a book a day for the last three months
I don't believe you.

>> No.3973859

He buys shitty $2.99 airport novels probably
that's all the Kindle is made for

>> No.3973864

Surely even some of those would take more than a day to read, and why would you continually read them for three months?
You'd be able to predict the plots exactly after just one week of it. Seems like an absurd boast.

>> No.3973871

Those take like an hour or so to read, that's why they're airport novels
quick to digest shit

>> No.3973884

Oh, I didn't realise.
All the same, I don't believe anyone interested in reading every day would read many of them, and anyone interested in reading many of them would care to read every day.

>> No.3974550

To simulate a book, you'd need a fluorescent light hanging above you and still it'd be a shitty experience.

>> No.3976000


The Kindle is an Apple device under a different name. It's designed for people who want to read the latest mystery or thriller, they don't give a serious fuck about serious readers

>> No.3976445

This is why you use a paperwhite. I don't have bright fucking lights above me all day. I have a lamp, and I like to keep them off and just use daylight.

With a book, I'm fine. With a Kindle, it's dim as fucking shit and you can't read comfortably.

And I got this as a gift. I don't know if any third party lights for it would do any good, I might as well kill myself.

>> No.3978979

people who read

>> No.3979012
File: 44 KB, 439x600, sfw_porn_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>07/24/13(Wed)23:16 <- time when thread started
>07/28/13(Sun)07:52 <- time of the last post
>07/29/13(Mon)03:12 <- time of your reply
Keepin alive a shitty thread for won't make e-books disappear any sooner.

>> No.3981005

Reading on an ebook reader is just a shitty experience.

You might as well print your book out and read it there if you don't care about formatting, font, comfort, and flexibility....

>> No.3981008

I think of it this way:

I used to love purchasing CDs. Having the actual disk, the case with the artwork, the booklet with the liner notes, etc. All of that made up part of the experience of a new album. The feeling of taking the disk out of the case for the first time, seeing hidden artwork behind the CD, reading the lyrics in the booklet. A new album had a physical and visual component to it, rather than just the audio quality.

Then came along the popularity of mp3s. The audio remained, but everything else was dropped for the most part.

It's almost the same for books. Having the touch of pages, the smell of a new book, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love those things too, but the ease of reading an e-book is what is making them so popular, just like mp3s.

And for the people who complain about having to pay over $100 for an e-reader itself? Remember the iPod? They were around $400 when they first came out. Standard size ones are still over $100 (IIRC).

Although not entirely the same situation, there are many similarities. Just as CD stores have suffered a bit from mp3 sales, book stores will see relatively similar results.

But I agree with you in a way. I used to be a huge fan of physical books, their smell, etc. However, more recently I have adapted to using an e-reader and love everything about it. It's one of those things that once you try, it's hard to go back. I tried reading a physical book that wasn't available on the Kindle and found it much more stressful. It might not seem like much, but holding the book up, dealing with it trying to close if it's a larger book, turning the pages, etc. With an e-reader you are able to sink yourself into the story with ease.

tl;dr: I used to feel the same way, but switched to e-readers. Give it a shot.

>> No.3981014

Strangely I still feel that way about CDs. I mean, for me, MP3s are just fine if you're sitting at your computer and want to listen to a song, but I actually don't do that very much because I find it distracting.

I like to have CDs because they're about the highest quality in which you can obtain most music (I'm not likely ever to bother with DVD-Audio or SACD), but there's also some ritual about them. If I'm sitting listening to music, I'm not doing anything else, so it's really not much hassle to select a CD and open the tray of the player. Also, I tend to like to listen to a whole album at a time, so I don't have to do that often. Also, I don't want to be distracted from the music by having a computer on. There's just something about having all the albums there - the cover art of a favourite you haven't played for ages catches your eye, and you have to take it off the shelf, and you discover music you'd forgotten.

As I was growing into adulthood, age 19 or so, we used to have these crazy "bohemian" parties, and there was always one or two people huddled around the CD player (or record deck) rifling through the host's albums and deciding or arguing over what to put on next. You can't do that so easily with a desktop PC or an MP3 player - the interface simply isn't so conducive to it. Discussion of music was important, and the CD cases or album sleeves were like a physical token of it, that you could pass across to your buddy so he could take a look.

When I was a kid, younger that this, I was really prissy with my books. Kept 'em all immaculate and stuff. Then I took LSD and travelled and hitch-hiked and stuff and I came to an acceptance that the value of books is in their content. I mean, don't get me wrong, I won't trash a book for sake of it, and it bugs me when I accidentally put a big crease across the cover or something, but I've come to realise that much as we all like to hold on to all these nice possessions we have, they're ultimately transient, and a book's most valuable property is having it handy when you want to read it.

>> No.3981017

I think you can still debate what to play next with your friends. These days DJs do everything on their laptops. I'm more than accustomed now to hanging over a friend's shoulder and glancing at their music list. If they have software that displays the album art (like iTunes), you can still peruse it. In fact, it's so much easier for me to browse and pick stuff now.

Remember those big CD holder sleeves? You could only fit 4 albums on a page. Now, I can view a couple dozen albums at once if I shrink the art down small enough.

The one thing I admit has changed is the tendency not to listen to an album all the way through. Since you don't have to eject a physical CD, it's easy to skip around. I noticed it leads to "channel flipping" syndrome where you just keep hitting next. But, I don't think that relates well to books since I will settle into one book for hours regardless. It takes less effort to jump to another book in my Kindle than to walk to my bookshelf, but that's not an issue anyways since enjoying a good book can takes days - months, whereas you'll go through a CD in about an hour.

Having said that, I love my Kindle. I like to read but don't have the space. Having multiple books on one device lets me have the spartan home I crave. I'm in it for the content. Book covers are cool to look at, but not necessary. I'll definitely always have a few books in physical form (coffee table books, books like House Of Leaves that just don't translate as well on e-paper, and dictionary/references), but I'm happy living in the digital future.

>> No.3981036

I own a kindle and I can't imagine going back to print. Now before you downvote hear me out because I think the fake war between print and digital is stupid. I get the same words on a kindle that I do in print but I have the ability to carry a library with me wherever I go. I'm 35 and I've never lived in the same place for more than 2 years and I travel around the world constantly, so lugging a massive library with me is simply not an option.

I also have atrocious eyesight, so the ability to make the font bigger is a huge plus for me. I used to be able to read paperbacks for 20 minutes before I would get tired, now with larger font I can read for 2 hours.

I often find myself in odd places of the world where libraries and books aren't available so the ability to switch on my connection and buy a book from the US kindle store is a lifesaver. I've been on a beach, finished a book, and browsed for and purchased a new book in a matter of minutes before. That kind of functionality is awesome.

I can also look up any word I want with the built in dictionary, take notes, email those notes to myself, and I have access to all of the classics for free thanks to Gutenberg and ManyBooks.

Information is information. If you like consuming it in a physical book and want to create your own library in your house, then go right ahead. That's awesome, but don't get all pretentious and high and mighty because I like to have one device that can browse thousands of books at once.

>> No.3981049

They are the same in terms of quality too. Dropping high quality CDs and vinyls to shit quality MP3s and AACs on iTunes is like dropping a nice, thick, high quality paperback or hardcover to read the back of a shampoo bottle while upside down with a dick in your eyes.

>> No.3981055

>Now before you downvote hear me

>> No.3981247

Is that the girl from mythbusters???

>> No.3983680

>Now before you downvote hear me

why redditor, why?

>> No.3983688

I don't really want to have to charge my books up if I want to read them, ffs

>> No.3983698

A typical reader has over a month of battery life. The worst a reader has would be around 2 weeks.

I haven't charged my Kindle in weeks and I've read hundreds of pages. The fuck.

>> No.3983759

Also, turn off the wifi and it'll save more battery life.

>> No.3983758

Is Paperwhite heavier than the Kindle 4th gen (no touch, just side buttons). I was comparing different e-readers my friends had and I noticed the newer they are, the progressively heavier they became. I don't need no wrist fatigue when I'm one handing these.

>> No.3983769


Can I just say I enjoy books over Kindle and not get called a fedora wearing faggot?

>> No.3983773

I've read books heavier than a kindle lel

>> No.3983779

They do make life easier when you have a baby sleeping in one arm and a lightweight kindle in the other. I borrowed a Kindle Fire and was annoyed by how heavy it was. It was almost distracting.

>> No.3983786

He didn't call you a fedora wearing faggot, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3983790
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>holding a baby and reading at the same time

I wish I could do this with vidya

>> No.3983818

pretty much. This is the only reason why they're shit. I'm waiting for them to evolve and then I'll upgrade my T1

>> No.3983835

would prob still eat that

>> No.3983864

I am reading Goblet of Fire on my brand new Kindle

I am thinking of returning it. pic related. Not my pic but it's what I see. If I go to the bathroom, it's bright as fucking hell and I can see it fine. In my room, which is litted up like any bedroom that doesn't have a dropped ceiling and fluorescent lighting like a fucking grocery store, it's abysmal. Shit reflection.

I also feel like I'm doing something cheap and ghetto.

>> No.3983885

Just got a kindle myself. Probably one of the best purchases I've ever made. Don't see what all the fuss is about.

>> No.3983894

It's good for on the go, but I don't feel like it's as intimate with a book as it should be.

>> No.3983950


>> No.3983968

I don't think e-readers are shit. I think they are awsome even my old kindle 3. That "hurr durr its bit grey" is nit picking. You don't maybe realise it but many normal books don't have pure white papers and are even more gray or brownish than old e-readers. New ones have pure white pages and black font.
Have you ever even tried e-readers? Any way real books are fun to read but so are ebooks. Both have plus and minus sides. No need to just choose one

>> No.3983973

>pic related

>> No.3983991

What ebook reader do you have? I have the latest kindle and I can say with certainty that a book is not darker than that. A book also doesn't have a glare when directly under a lamp, it isn't hard to read in typical indoor lighting conditions either

>> No.3983993

oh I guess someone posted it already:


>> No.3984004

your baby will be an autist.

>> No.3984021

>old ass gen
>current gen

you can't pick both

>> No.3984023

Looks nice, but I heard something about the lighting being off. Any problems with it?

>> No.3984097

It's extreme nitpicking, you can only tell the focus of the light for a few minutes the first time you use it, until your eyes get used to it.

I complained about it at first as well, but I can't notice it now, it's really well distributed.

The paperwhite is really the best purchase I've made in a long time, had it for 4 months already and not a single problem.

>> No.3984111

>A book also doesn't have a glare when directly under a lamp

Why would you do that with an ebook, why sit directly under a lamp when you need no lighting to see what you're reading? Go get comfy somewhere else, I don't see the problem unless you have hundreds of lamps that must stay on in your room.

And if you don't have the Glo or the Paperwhite, upgrade to those.

>> No.3984154

The point is that without a backlight, an ebook reader needs more light on it than a normal book in order to completely see the screen.

The people here complaining are still fucking faggots. Go get a backlit one. It feels like a book (except for the fonts, which I agree is an issue any anyone that says otherwise is just too pleb to notice) and you can read it under the sheets in the dark snuggled up with your waifu

>> No.3984164

>except for the fonts

You know there's a way to install whichever font you want on them, right? I have over 40 of them installed on my paperwhite.

>> No.3984170


Jailbreaking your ebook reader?

Amazon is sucking Apple's dick. It's like having to jailbreak a watch, only Apple would do something as retarded as give you shit features and no options and obviously Apple is sucking the dick.

>> No.3984190

Not even jailbreaking, look here:


You just add a file to root folder and then add the fonts you want on a font folder. No breaking, no nothing. It's a feature they left out or something.

>> No.3984231

>not devoting an hour to studying scripture every day

do you even care about your relationship with the lord?

>> No.3984266


Well shit, I have the regular one
Fuck Amazon

>> No.3984319

>not torrenting all your books and reading them on your smartphone

>> No.3984323

Whoa i just did this:


Fucking works.

My mom's friend bought me a shitty iPod nano ripoff for my birthday years ago. It had a txt reader

I read War of the Worlds on it

Get mad

>> No.3984328

Oh wow

I can use it with custom loaded books but not with ones I bought. I t kicks me out and tells me I can't open the book. I can reopen it but everytime I change fonts it'll do that

This pisses me off on so many fucking levels. I bought this book and I can't do what the fuck I want to it.

>> No.3984335

Reading on a smartphone is even more retarded than on an e-reader. I hope you all enjoy your intellectual poverty.

>> No.3984351
File: 85 KB, 300x400, 1059751-speng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no respect for people who still read hardcopies anymore. No respect. You're all fucking morons.

-one book vs an entire library
-instant dictionary
-font, text size, lighting, and color options
-instantly search book for words and phrases
-easy to hold and prop up

Fuck you and your antiquated Victorian notions of style. Print is dead. E-readers are better in every single way.

>> No.3984355

Jailbreak the book, it's not hard.

>> No.3984365

will it fuck up any books I bought?

>> No.3984381

just make a copy if you're worried about it

>> No.3984384

I don't need another stupid little doo-dad. My collection of books will always be timeless and gets the bitches wet

>> No.3984385


>> No.3984412

Fucking jailbreak your Kindles you tards

>> No.3984417

fuck this pokemon generation full of emos, and faggots that can read books like real men.

>> No.3984425

can't *

>> No.3984468

>instantly needing access to an entire library of books
if you just need some quick information from another book you can just use a computer of a phone

>instant dictionary
my phone has this, but being able to touch rather than type the words is a plus

>font, text size, lighting, and color options
all look like shit compared to a nice book

>instantly search book for words and phrases
this is probably the best feature of electronic books

>easy to hold up and prop
this is true, although a nice book feels better in my hands than a piece of plastic

>> No.3984469

>hasn't heard of calibre

>> No.3984471

I haven't read the whole thread. What's the benefit?

>> No.3984476

Freudian slip

>> No.3984487

ITT: People insulting e-readers who:
>Haven't used an e-reader
>Are technologically illiterate
>Muh nostalgia

Get mad.

>> No.3984501

It's mostly people who don't like reading grey on grey and don't like shitty slow software.

>> No.3984508


The Kindle is shit as it should be

>> No.3984511

Fuck off, I've had a Nook and a Kindle and they both are shit
and this >>3984501

Reading a book on these things is like reading with shitty lighting. You need to shell out money for one with a backlight and you still have the software that gives you a wonderful selection of terrible fonts and formatting options.

>> No.3984543
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Don't tempt me to buy yet another ebook reader.
>mfw I could be reading everything in Palatino

>> No.3984553

I honestly don't know what the fuck you people are talking about. I have a non-backlit kindle and the thing is easy as fuck to read. The text is crystal clear. One simple lamp provides more than enough light to read it.

I seriously do not understand this complaint.

>> No.3985030

Oh I don't find that it's unreadable. It just looks incredibly ugly to me. It looks like something that a prisoner would read from.

>> No.3985983

Okay, so I jailbroke my Kindle and the only thing I could do with the fonts with some plugin is change the font for the ENTIRE kindle.

All I wanted was a little menu of all my fonts. Is this all I get?

>> No.3986047

That Calibre plugin you mentioned earlier is fine, it just doesn't work with purchased books unless you copy them to Calibre. No shit though, a Calibre plugin only works with Calibre loaded books

Or buy a Nook and stop fucking my tight asshole with your bitching, everyone knows the Kindle is shit

>> No.3986131

How about you install Duokan? I used it on my Kindle 4 (non-touch) and it works great.

>> No.3986184

How's the font selection? i couldn't find a video of it demonstrating fonts

>> No.3986255

The smell of a new book will always be better then a smell of a new e-reader.
>implying people think owning lots of e-book's makes them better then people who own paperback books
also, the paper is made from tress that are specifically grown to make paper out of them.

>> No.3986284

You get a little pop up you can choose your font from.

>> No.3986288

>The smell of a new book will always be better then a smell of a new e-reader.
Shit. And here I've been screwing up by reading my books instead of sniffing them.

>> No.3986299
File: 873 KB, 968x1296, IMG_0121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please excuse the blurriness of my camera. Hopefully you get an idea of how it works.

>> No.3986304

Oh shit

Is the people who created this trusted? I mean people just put whatever they want on devices without considering how easy it is to grab your Amazon.com information

Bunch of chinks made it

>> No.3986307

Actually, I'd say the smell of the book is also a good thing, but it just feels more natural to hold a book in your hand, it just feels right, also I dislike the weight of an e-readers, it's too light for my hand, and again.
It just doesn't feel right.

>> No.3986310
File: 83 KB, 300x215, 1334072755600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really see what the fuss is about. If I'm buying books, I buy the physical book. If I can't afford it (most of the time), I pirate it. That is the main purpose of an e-reader as they are both just as portable and I hardly think you'll be rotating between multiple books on the train or wherever.

Why do you people give so much of a fuck about the format its in? You're almost as bad as /v/ with its console vs PC shit.

Just read the goddamn books.

>> No.3986316

They're the same kind of people who were upset when the printing press was invented, as it made books cheaper and easier to obtain. It's just snobbery.

>> No.3986334

>hurr ur just upset because more people can get books

How about you read the reasons given

>> No.3986335

Yeah, the reasons are stupid shit like "it's not a REAL book" and "it doesn't smell as good" or "it's not as black on white as a book" (even though book paper itself is off white, especially as they age.) It's cute that they want to fetishize reading, but for people who aren't wrapping books around their cocks to jerk off, they're all meaningless arguments.

>> No.3986339

>It's cute
xd so condescending

How about you read the reasons:

Contrast and readability are real issues and so is formatting

>> No.3986359

Not that guy but

Get a paperwhite or a glo, better contrast than 80% of books out there.

Only if you can't figure out how to use computers. Most books are rightly formatted and those pirated that aren't can be easily fixed in simple steps if you're not computer illiterate.

Ebooks allow for font size changing for those times when your eyesight gets kind of tired of smaller print, allows font changing, margins, etc.

I used to argue against ebooks a year ago myself, hell, I even ran a small print for a bit, making custom made books and stuff on order, but there's really no competition.

>> No.3986426

>Only if you can't figure out how to use computers.
No, only if you can't figure out Calibre's overly complex interface

>> No.3986861

The books in libraries were bought at some point. But that's irrelevant since most people don't go to libraries for pleasure reading(which is the bulk of book sales).

>> No.3986889

People talk a lot about how they don't want to give up books, but as a lifelong reader, I don't want to give up novels and because of my reader,

I can travel with thousands of them.

Do I prefer reading 'actual' books? I don't prefer having to hold pages open. I don't prefer having to manage bookmarks. I don't really care to worry about wind when I'm reading outside. Try reading a book upside down and get back to me on how comfortable that is.

Practically, eBooks are superior. Plus, I can read them in the bathtub if I put my reader in a gallon ziploc bag. Try turning pages on a book in a gallon ziploc. Make sure to get that shit on video, so I can point and laugh.

>> No.3986899
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, jar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading a book in a bathtub isn't fucking hard. Keep your hands at least dry and don't dip your book in the soapy water. At most a few drops will get on your book.

>ebook reader in a ziploc back

>> No.3986925

Also: ITT: Luddites ironically profess their preference for older technology which they believe is superior to new technology they haven't used--on a progressive social media website instead of with sticks in the mud.

Common misconceptions about e-readers include:

>The belief that Apple's iTampon can stop the flow of the Amazon.

>The belief that reading on an e-ink display causes headaches and discomfort, even though this is exactly the problem e-ink was invented to solve. Hint: people don't buy Kindles over tablet PCs for no reason... it really is as comfortable to read as paper. Yes, there is slight glare, but no more than you'd deal with in a glossy magazine.

>The belief that the industrial process of book production and the fuel waste involved in shipping books on massive trucks is capable of being sustained at present levels in competition with a product which requires only one physical transportation in order to deliver a conceivably unlimited amount of content.

>The belief that nostalgic hipster-like affinity for constant book cover display, coffee-stained pages, and ego boosts from showing off full bookshelves will not be addressed with features in future iterations of eReader technology.

>Ignorance of the ubiquity of PDF support in eReaders (all major brands, including Amazon's, support PDF).

>The foolish belief that DRM is the only option for people using any specific eReader, even though PDF, RTF, HTML, and TXT are supported by EVERY reader worth a dime. Conversion tools are available for all major formats.

Like I said before... once all the critics who haven't used an eReader sit down and shut up, you're left with people who can think of a few ways the tech needs to be improved (as it will, it's only in second gen at the moment), and people who think it's already fucking fantastic in its own right: which it is.

Disclaimer: I own a Kindle DX. Ask me anything about the experience, and I will be glad to blow aside the clouds of ignorance. Did you know the thing runs Linux, and that Amazon is releasing an SDK for it soon?

>> No.3986933

>progressive social media website

I seriously stopped reading there and I don't give a fuck.

Anyone that goes "you must have never uesd an ebook reader" is a fucking imbecile and you are the 6 millionth person to ignore all the points listed above and pretend people hate it for some other reason you pulled out your ass.

>> No.3986944

There is nothing wrong with purism. There is still a huge market for vinyl because it is a different experience. I personally buy most books physically and then get the really inconvenient editions (like the game of thrones series) on my kindle because fuck carrying those things around or taking up an entire shelf with them. Just stop being so pissy that people don't like what you like. You reek of self-importance and elitism over what is incredibly trivial.

>> No.3986952

Uh, no. I had a Nook and a Kindle. So:

>Apple's iTampon

No one's talking about the iPad and anyone who reads will not say that it's good for reading on.

>headaches and discomfort
No one said this
>as comfortable to read as paper
Not unless my paper is a newspaper that's been burnt.

>belief the industrial process of

What he fuck are you on about

>wanting a shelf to display all my books

Is it hipster now just because a few years ago ebook readers started coming out? after all these years of people buying books it's now HIPSTER to want one? how old do you think readers are?

>PDF support

The issue is that most readers have SHIT support

>The foolish belief that DRM is the only option for people using any specific eReader, even though PDF, RTF, HTML, and TXT are supported by EVERY reader worth a dime. Conversion tools are available for all major formats.

So in response to people complaining about buying books with DRM, you suggest they pirate/ Completely defeats the purpose

>clouds of ignorance


>> No.3986959

>that people don't like what you like.

Is this a new gotcha insult or something? To take someone's post(s) and go:

>You don't like what I like

That is OVERSIMPLIFYING everything I said. Why is everyone doing this these days?

Here's me applying the same stupidity to your post:

You just hate me because you disagree with me
You just hate me because you want me to stop hating what you like
They're just opinions
I am only disagreeing with you

This is getting fucking old.

>> No.3986963

You have more of these pics?
I like marine life that adapted to man made objects that we recovered from the sea.

>> No.3986975

It's all fucking subjective, and yet you are evangelizing it like a paid fucking shill. You take this shit way too seriously and need to get the fuck over it. People like different things, now fuck off.

>> No.3986979

Google "artificial reef" or look up pictures of abandoned owns

Here's a nice set of images of an abandoned island at Disney World:

Fuck I couldn't post the link due to it being filtered. Google "discovery-island.html" in quotes and it'll be the first result.

I hope this posts because I don't want to be fucking banned.

>> No.3986986

>People like different things
How about you learn the concept of a discussion rather than expect a pat on the back and nobody saying whether they like something or not

And how about not oversimplifying everything as "people like something and people don't like something" to discredit what people say

>> No.3987002

You're not discussing though, you are pushing and evangelizing. Discussions are two way meetings, not one person standing on a soapbox and calling everyone with different preferences wrong.

>> No.3987010


>calling eveeyone's preference wrong
>you can't have opinions about opinions

>> No.3987016

If you're here to discuss, then discuss. I'm merely calling you out on your opinionated horse shit.

>> No.3987028

>then discuss
I was

I didn't realize this thread was nothing but objective facts

>> No.3987030

That was cool thanks.

>> No.3987044

are you autistic

>> No.3987054

>I didn't realize this thread was nothing but objective facts
Awfully strange that you'd come to /lit/ with such poor reading comprehension.

>> No.3987059

>knowing its from reddit
>go back to reddit faggot

What the fuck.

>> No.3987195

>I'm merely calling you out on your opinionated horse shit.

As opposed to objecitive facts lel