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/lit/ - Literature

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3961957 No.3961957 [Reply] [Original]

>Literature major
>Previous work experience very basic
>No relevant skills or talents
>Never had a girl friend
>Too disgruntled to enjoy socializing most of the time
>Friends are all smart, happy, talented/intelligent people who seem to have a place in the world.
>Too much of a coward to commit suicide.

What in the name of god am I going to do?

>> No.3961961



This is a literature thread. If you are a Lit major, as you claim to be, you will understand that this board is to discuss literature, not to provide life guidance to children.

>> No.3961963

Find something you love doing, then do it. Be it a hobby, a passion, a career, or a girlfriend, do it. That's what life is about, find the things you love, and keep them close as you do the things you need to.

>> No.3961980

Law school

>> No.3961986

>smart, happy, talented/intelligent
Non-existent socially constructed buzzwords.

It's amazing how people get tricked into being jealous over mere fantasies.

>> No.3961996
File: 30 KB, 296x288, wait a sec sad again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3961997

Why not work on problems number two and three? Get some skills. Volunteer if you have to, but learn to do something useful. Baking, gardening, auto mechanics, painting, bricklaying. plenty of people will take you on as an unpaid or lowpaid apprentice and train you. Learn stuff, feel better get paid. also read books, since it is a /lit/ thread...

>> No.3962000
File: 20 KB, 284x340, diogenei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop thinking you need things you don't
>become a master of frugality and live a life of simple pleasures
>live on welfare/disability

>> No.3962003

>>Literature major
Oh, OP, of course! Since you're a literature major, feel free to shit up a literature board with your adolescent problems any time of day! Being a literature major is like a license to shitpost on a literature board 24/7!