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/lit/ - Literature

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3961926 No.3961926 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Nothing but fun and ridiculous books that you've read in your lifetime, whether guilty pleasures or not, whether they are children's books, teen books, that fantasy author you just can't put away or whatever.

I know that /lit/ typically looks down at these types of books however, I'm sure more than a few of you have your secret loves that you've not shared here. Its time to share them.

Pic related, I saw this, I had to buy it on name alone and it was a fun ridiculous ride from start to finish.

>> No.3961933
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Being a born and bred Scotsman, I loved this book. The stereotyping was hilarious as well as the NacMacFeegles being completely bad ass.

Was one of the first Disc World books I ever read too.

>> No.3961940

A friend of mine did some work with the author of vampirates. Apparently he takes it entirely seriously, thinks it's a masterpiece or something.

>> No.3961943
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>> No.3961946
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The whole series. Best children's books ive read.

>> No.3961947


How was 'The Age of Zeus'? I will admit, as much as I love my classics and such likes, I am a sucker for books like these. Sometimes I just want to read to be entertained and this looks like something that would do the job perfectly.

>> No.3961962

Fun, cheesy as fuck, a bit long though. It's over 600 pages IIRC which is a bit big for a book with very little substance. I read Age of Ra too, that was okay, preferred this one though.

>> No.3961967
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Those were only good for the first two or three books. After that the main character got super old and I stopped giving a shit. Fuck that author.

These were _going to be_ the best children's books around. Until The End. Fuck you, Daniel Handler. You're scum. You're filth. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3961969
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>> No.3961975


These are two series of books that I've always wanted to pick up but just haven't yet.


Thanks for the suggestion, I will have a look for it next time I'm out shopping for books!

>> No.3961976


What? That was one of the most appealing parts of the series. It followed generations of this family and others throughout the series. It was basically a history of Sanphrax (that's probably wrong, I don't recall) told through multiple viewpoints.

Absolutely agree with The End though. Miserable ending.

>> No.3961982

Maybe I didn't read enough of them, but I remember around the fourth book I was like "What the fuck?" I stopped caring at that point, because I was already invested emotionally an a character they randomly aged to death.

And the ending of The End wasn't even what I mean. I mean they didn't resolve anything. Anything. Everything is speculation. There is no closure.

>> No.3961983


Don't watch Lost

>> No.3961988
File: 508 KB, 1181x1868, waywalkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fantastic charming book written by a Catherine Webb when she was around 17 I believe.

Great fun characters, a good detective style mystery as well as an interesting concept of religion and Gods.

>> No.3962115
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>Best children's books I've read.
>not His Dark Materials

>> No.3962150
File: 640 KB, 160x112, 1363019468767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Keeper of the Light by E.M. Radulovic. I didn't want to read it, but my God, I couldn't stop. It just hooks you in and I had to finish it.

>Guiltiest pleasure.
>I fucking love it
>It's even a kindle store book

>> No.3962159
File: 26 KB, 200x332, 200px-Sabriel_Book_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loved this book. female necromancer. yes please

>> No.3962225


The Sabriel series was entirely amazing. I loved the way that Garth Nix dealt with necromancy.


...you had to remind me of that series, and you had to remind of the heart wrenching end...

>> No.3962233
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Paul Jennings, Uncanny. Was always a load of fun to read a child, even a little disturbing

>> No.3962242

Thank you guys for this thread, it proves that /lit/ still knows what fun is. Honestly, thank you

>> No.3962246

That series was awesome!!!!!!

>> No.3962251
File: 40 KB, 292x500, 518W7A1ZWDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this series was great. It had swords and magic, how could you go wrong?

>> No.3962271

From these sort of books, what would you say is the ridiculous thing that has happened yet was so thrilling and fun to read?

One such time for me had to be from the Discworld Book 'Thud!' when Sam Vimes is in the underground caverns and then he goes into a bit of a rage since he can't be back to read his son a bedtime story.

He rages so hard, he well... kind of reads it anyway.

>> No.3962632

I'd like to bump this

>> No.3963038


But that's what I loved most about the series. It doesn't spoonfeed. It does exactly what life does and leave questions forever unanswered. What was The Great Unknown? What happened to the Islanders? Who did burn down the Baudelaire's mansion? Nobody can ever know for sure and I think that's what Handler was trying to get across. Unlike other novels for children which reassure you and inflate you with this pompous sense of self-worth, the Series of Unfortunate Events was meant to remind you of just how big and intimidating the world really was. There's adventure to be had but you won't always come away with all the answers.

Yes, that series is something of a guilty pleasure for me.

>> No.3963056

Yes, oh god yes

>that feel when they find Captain Twig lost in the woods with the banderbears
>that feel when you share with him the pain of losing his crewmates

>> No.3963094

How about Illuminatus!?

>> No.3963102

Yeah. Beautiful illustrations too. That was a greay example of a vibrant fantasy world that avoided cliché without being unnecessarily complex.

>> No.3963111

How does /lit/ feel about John Dies at the End? I thought it would be an amateurish sorandom timekill, but it was a surprisingly human and engaging fantasy story.

>> No.3963115

That's it's brilliance. It's a children's series without any sympathy for the reader.

>> No.3963419
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Already did. Got mad.


>That's it is brilliance.

Kill yourself.

>> No.3963877
File: 174 KB, 308x450, conan2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a horrible weakness for sword and sorcery. Sadly there's not many new stories...and apparently any "epic fantasy" like ASoIaF is considered sword and sorcery these days.