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3961920 No.3961920 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any book trilogies where the third one is the best?

>> No.3961922

Lol, good question.

>> No.3961925

Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy.

>> No.3961937

Hmm, Paul Auster's New York trilogy comes close but I give a slight edge to the first volume. 2nd volume is easily the weak link.

>> No.3961953

the Beckett trilogy maybe?

>> No.3961956

First 3 Harry Potter books

>> No.3961958

the first 3 Dune books

>> No.3961992


Even out of the entire Harry Potter series, the third book will always remain my favourite out of all them.

>> No.3962004

Why not the first? I don't think I've ever heard Children of Dune rated higher than Dune. Why prefer it?

I am, of course, assuming you aren't a troll. I've finished the first two and I'm reading the series amongst my other readings. Love it so far, glad to hear the third one isn't a letdown.

>> No.3962016

Everything after the first book is trash.

>> No.3962031

I didn't mind Dune Messiah.

>> No.3962192

The third book of the Sprawl Trilogy by Gibson was the best for me.

>> No.3962653

Lord of The Rings.

>> No.3962666

Doesn't count, it's a novel in six volumes.

>> No.3963140

The last Hunger Games book.

>> No.3963153

Was going to say this. It's my favorite of the trilogy, at least. One of the few good trilogies in literature period, in my opinion.

>> No.3963154
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In my opinion: Dos Passos's USA trilogy.

>> No.3963166

you're a dumb cunt
the third book is the best

>> No.3963426

Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

All them different settings. All that adventure.

>> No.3963456


I will have to cosign this.

>> No.3963548
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Moominpappa at Sea was the best of Moomin series IMHO. It was the 8th book.

>> No.3963561

>using the original publication order and not the chronological order which is standard these days

Glad to see not everyone here is a philistine.

>> No.3963565

>Moominpappa at Sea
Should I just start with that one?

>> No.3963577

Eh, I think it counts. But IMO Fellowship is best anyway. In Return of the King Tolkien slips into this Full Epic style that bugs me.

>> No.3963998

The Third Lie


As part of a trilogy it completely shits on your ideas of what's happened in the previous to books in quite a meaningful way. It's interesting because the author was learning the language as she wrote the novels, so the trilogy becomes increasingly complex in both language and theme as the pages go on.

Interesting stories that serve as a slight basis for the story of Mother 3.

>> No.3964032
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>> No.3964049

Of course it is.

>> No.3964076

Third Malazan is best Malazan.

>> No.3964190

His Dark Materials trilogy

>> No.3964417


No, start with the first one, all are good, but this one is the best.

>> No.3966067

Torah, New Testament, Koran.

>> No.3966071

Mistborn. The Hero of Ages makes everyone cry. No exceptions.

>> No.3966137

wow. Just no. Don't even joke about that.

>> No.3966348

It's a children's novel where the protagonist helps kill God. What more could you ask for?

>> No.3966385

Being a touch more coherent.

>> No.3966419

Star Wars prequels