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File: 55 KB, 250x331, ozymandias aka Radio Raheem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3961082 No.3961082 [Reply] [Original]

did he do the "right" thing?


>> No.3961087

behold my works ye mighty and despair

>> No.3961097


>> No.3961246


>> No.3961252

No he didn't do what was right. That was the point. He took responsibility and created an outcome that was most favorable for the most amount of people. He wasn't blinded by his "this is right this is moral" but bore the full weight of his immoral decision.

>> No.3961254

Of course he did.

>> No.3961255

I don't remember the ending. I just remember a big alien monster

>> No.3961257

But nothing ever lasts.

>> No.3961259

He created a false flag attack that blamed aliens to end the cold war.

>> No.3961260

He took everyone's lives into his own hands. Power corrupted him.
Blue John was the real hero.

>> No.3961270

John didn't do shit. He was more like a part of the setting than a character. He was no longer a man.

>> No.3961271

He didn't have any particular insight into the future.

So, evil.

>> No.3961275

No. The only way his decision would be "right" is in a fantasy universe. He doesn't know that the countries would come together. He doesn't know that they would destroy each other either. He castrated the human race's free will based on a hunch that happened to work out ok. And he did it on the lives of millions, which is hardly ok. In the real world, there are simply too many variables. Such a catastrophe could have triggered a nuclear war almost as easy as it could have stopped. And you know what's interesting? We turned out ok in the real world (for now at least). In their fantasy universe, the situation leading to a nuclear was created by the heroes in the first place. This was done by shift in the concentration of power disproportionately. His act did the same thing, only in his favor. Who is to say that such a shift won't trigger another event in the future?

>> No.3961288


>> No.3961314

This. Plus, y'know, he could have spent his millions and his genius on subtly undermining one side like what actually happened in the Cold War . Or missile defence technology.

Granted, the world was supposed to have been on the very brink of war at that point. But his plan had to have started much earlier.

>> No.3961338

>implying doing what is good for the most isn't doing what is right

>> No.3961363
File: 180 KB, 1500x884, 1373514904508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3961366
File: 1.31 MB, 990x1272, 1374395251568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3961374
File: 36 KB, 450x600, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discussing philosophy or Sunday Night HBO

Also, where's the "quietly sitting in thought" option?

>> No.3961378

Get out utilitarian scum!

>> No.3961456

>Only God Forgives
Was that actually any good?

>> No.3961532 [DELETED] 

it was forgettable

>> No.3961549 [DELETED] 

it was forgivable

>> No.3961579

it was unforgivable

>> No.3961625
File: 214 KB, 590x877, OnlyGodForgivesNeonposterGosbig3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very, very good film. The cinematography is it's most remarkable trait - and it's visually stunning. Easily the most 'aesthetic' film released this year. It has shades of Gaspar Noe; lap-dissolves, whip pans, reverse angle shots, all it was missing was the extended aerial shots. Most of the scenes use colour baths to reflect the tone of the action and mood of the characters, so expect the wake of violence to be bathed in red light.

The story line itself is a little lacking, and has the usual 'questioning morality', but uses surrealism and overlaid Thai iconography to make up for it.

Gosling was pretty much playing his now-bordering-on-typecast 'silent dark horse', but the psychology behind his character was refreshing, and Freudian psychoanalysis was spread over the top so thick it was hard to ignore.

Definitely worth the 120 mins to watch it.

>> No.3961629


>> No.3961630

Of course he didn't. You don't fucking take it into your own hands to kill that many people in order to create unity because you think there might be a nuclear war otherwise. Motherfucker was basically guessing, making the choice he made because he wanted to be the hero.

>> No.3961631

No, he was full of the hubris that permitted him to think that he could decide the fate of everybody himself.
You could try and justify this by saying that he was extremely intelligent, but that does not make him infallible, especially ethically.

>> No.3961638

It worked, so yes.
Or one could say no, since it violates the very same ethical principle that he was fighting against.

>> No.3961641


>Freudian psychoanalysis was spread over the top so thick

Sounds fucking awful.
Why would you think this is good?


Oh. Nevermind.

>> No.3961660

Your post was fucking awful.

>Why would you think this is good?
Why would you think this is bad? The characters weren't being 'psychoanalysed' à la The Magus, Refn gave the troubled protagonist the two main parental Fruedian archetypes A sexual attachment to his mother, and killing his father The interplay between his prostitute girlfriend and his Mother was very well done too; to the point where the reliability was called into question.

If you are unable to partake in discussion, and can only post snide quips, please fuck off.

>> No.3961770

No. He grew up thinking that Alexander-san was sugoi. Then he pissed away his vaaast inheritance and embarked on that spirit journey. Then he has this Alexander-related epiphany while high on hashis. Then he regains his wealth. Then he starts superheroing. Then he has a second epiphany.

Now, with all this super saiyan drive he has (he's bascially Breivik on steroids), he could've probably "saved the world" overtly.

And what about Rorschac's diary that ends up on New Frontiers man? What if they realize that this isn't something that you should just print, but that it calls for some good, old-fashioned muckraking? Because if Dreiberg could connect the dots, then Hector Godfrey and Seymour could do it too. If they're patient, then Veidt's house of cards could be undone within the year.

>> No.3961777

Sorry, he regained is wealth after retiring from superheroing. Yet he must've had money while superheroing.

>> No.3961796

the confrontation of Dr. Manhattan with Ozymandias is a meeting of to different types of ego. Ozzy has no way to effect the sort of change thet dr. manhattan could do with a thought, and he feels the shadow of manhattan more than any other man, much the way Luthor feels the shadow of the Cape. Each can realistically say he has achieved as much as human capacity can achieve, only to be forced to confront something that he can never achieve, and a will that could, if it wanted to, undo everything he had done, and redo it a thousand times over in a heartbeat.
I think an ego like ozzy's would have found some way to make a mark, and make manhattan acknowledge him, no matter what rationale he had to use. Note that the only audience he has are manhattan, and the two that exist to remember that manhattan backed down, or at least acknowledged him.
The comedian saw it as a bad joke, and rorschach, from his own warped, but straightforward perspective.