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/lit/ - Literature

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3953896 No.3953896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post pictures of yourselves

I want to see the faces of /lit/

>> No.3953900


gtfo summerfag

>> No.3953901

Don't be like that

>> No.3953908
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>inb4 gyno

>> No.3953913


>> No.3953915
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I'm not very photogenic

I just hate knowing when a photo is being taken of me.

This was taken last night


>> No.3953916

Holy shit, it's completely bald, like a girl's. No, even women have transparent fluff on there. What the fuck is this, chemotherapy patient?

>> No.3953918

thank you, hungry skeleton

>> No.3953919

And you still look like a lesbian. Only now you look like you have done a couple of barbell curls too.

>> No.3953921
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>> No.3953926

>This is what a feminist looks like.

>> No.3953934

I'm 6 foot 4, don't think I'll ever shake off my skinny look.

Yeah, my face hasn't changed much over the years.

>> No.3954049

dont let them bring you down, they are just uglier then you.

>> No.3954057
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Sorry about the lighting.

>> No.3954072

I want this type of body. How does one achieve it?

>> No.3954078

Read Hemingway books all day

>> No.3954094

r u serious

>> No.3954100
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Light calisthenics and rarely eating.

>> No.3954115

You need medium to strong insecurities.

>> No.3954123

you look like you are in the hub

step up your bar game

>> No.3954121

salads and cardio and maybe some crunches and pushups

>> No.3954118

But I already have that with literature. What else can one do?

Thanks. Will diet consist mostly of protein?

>> No.3954131

>Will diet consist mostly of protein?

Yeah, your boyfriend's spermatooza.

>> No.3954132


>> No.3954133

Try hitting on a lot of superficial girls whose standards you don't meet. Of course, this'll only burn you if you want to fuck them for real, so you may have to stop reading and thinking in order for that to happen.

>> No.3954139

You know I'm beginning to think all this joshing is sublimating into a subtle reality check. Of course >>3954131 got it right, but maybe I will hit on girls in gay bars so I can raise my insecurities. Spoiler: I've never been to gaybars, and I don't have a boyfriend. Maybe I'll just stick to books.

>> No.3954147

Any malnourished NEETs here?

>> No.3954162

This is /lit/.

>> No.3954326
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>> No.3954329

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.3954357


There's me

>> No.3954360

>I want this type of body. How does one achieve it?

About 8 months of working out.

Give yourself a 3 day split - ABCx - A (chest, triceps), B (Biceps, back), C (legs, abs) x off.

Work out your maintenance, and bulk for 5 months. Eat least 1g of protein per lb of body weight. After 5 months, cut for 3.

Depending on your current body, and how motivated you are, you could get that in under 6.

>> No.3954361


>> No.3954367

God fucking dammit I can't link to threads

>> No.3954370

Did you mean to >>3951961 ?

>> No.3954376

>threads being deleted
>camwhore socializing thread still up

mod confirmed for girl

>> No.3954382
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Nice. I got the gyno too. Hopefully with lower bf it will go.

Your biceps are the most defined part of you. Work everything apart from your bi's, especially delts and chest.

TYHS. Joking. You're looking good.

>> No.3954388



>> No.3954396

It's always weird to me that the board /lit/ crossposts most often is /fit/.

>> No.3954402

Both are trying to prove they aren't a stereotype. "I'm not a steroid addled jock / i'm not a pasty, weak nerd". It's very laudable.

>> No.3954409

Just gay flotsam from /fit/. When doesn't a faggot want to post pictures of himself?

>> No.3954413
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In theory it's one board focusing on the development of body, and one on the development of mind.

Seems a perfect match to me.

>> No.3954417

In reality everyone here is that weird kid who doesn't talk much.

>> No.3954418
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>> No.3954420

Not at all. Sure, there are high numbers of shut-ins and socially awkward shoe-gazers, but the stereotype probably doesn't account for nearly as many people as the portrayal indicates.

>> No.3954424

Verily. The reason I wax eloquent on /lit/ about my Joycean travails is because I have thrust my bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk into many a lady.

>> No.3954428
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Correct with the socially awkward shut-in thing.

>> No.3954429


>> No.3954431

Nope, sorry.

>> No.3954433


>> No.3954434


>> No.3954436
File: 248 KB, 425x425, abouttostartthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have the shoe gazer shut in part. Society thinks you're fine and not awkward at all if you keep your tits out :D

>> No.3954439

>camwhore thread
>chicks out of the woodwork

why is /lit/ so anti-misogyny again? you know these girls won't fuck you, right?

>> No.3954508

normies can go EXPLODE!

>> No.3954616
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>mod confirmed for girl
No, it's because Moot lifts.

>> No.3954642


>> No.3954947

hi /soc/ thread every1 add me on skype kaaantilope taschen add me on skype kaaantilope


pic related pic of me: you can find me at kaaantilope at skype

>> No.3955004


>> No.3955131

I'm really impressed /lit/. I thought you were all obese NEETs and awkward pasty kids, but you look pretty good.

My faith in the board has been partially restored.

>> No.3955138

good looking people are more likely to be willing to post their face than ugly neckbeards? tell me it ain't so sherlock

>> No.3955147
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>> No.3955148

Even so, I thought the entire population of /lit/ would look horrendous. I feel better knowing I am talking to at least some normal people now.

>> No.3955149

well it's kind of like a sherlock set up but then it's crime set just after turn of the century and everyone loves doyle, but so far i'm mainly loving just how fucking much freud and jung want to go latent on each other.

you should have told me that before i spent a night in the northern atlantic waiting for you. skypes effort and not a book you look kind of generic

>> No.3955259

i vomited earlier i drank an alka selszster

>> No.3955271
File: 12 KB, 320x240, Snapshot_20130406_4.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ladies in this thread have stepped up while the men (cough boys cough) have posted the kind of shots people pull off of craigslist to use as fodder for parody and satire.

Come on fellas.

>> No.3955270

woah woah whats going on here?
story please

>> No.3955275

>the kind of shots people pull off of craigslist to use as fodder for parody and satire.

You're kidding, with that line and that photo, right?

>> No.3955277

semper fi

>> No.3955278
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Selection bias up in this motherfucker.

>> No.3955313

we bicker like any other couple nothing to see here move along

>> No.3955324

It is nice to see that you started reading again while still lifting.

>> No.3955332

is that really you? why would you permanently mar your body in that way? It's a lose lose situation: you'll either (1) grow up, realize all your tattoos are in terrible taste and make you look like the bassist in some shitty warped tour band only listened to by 16 year old girls, or (2) never really grow up and become an "adult" who thinks his tattoos make him "hard" or "cool."

Are you the guy at parties who parties who puts on a sentimental voice and explains to everyone the deep spiritual significance behind all your tattoos, as if your life were an episode of Miami ink? If so, you should know that we all laugh at you behind your back.

>> No.3955341

The thing is, we like talking to the tattoo guy at parties, while we stay as far away from obnoxious smug cunts like you as possible.

It's a lose lose situation: you'll either (1) realise what a twat you are and try to change, or (2) never change and spend the rest of your life wondering why you have no friends and everybody hates you.