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/lit/ - Literature

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3951534 No.3951534 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with post-book depression?

That sense of emptiness when forced to leave a world you've grown accustomed to and grown a special kind of fondness for, because there's either no more material or because the material you seek hasn't yet been published?

How do you cope?

>> No.3951537

i dont because i don't read escapist fantasy crap

>> No.3951536

Post-book depression? Is this really a thing?

>> No.3951546

Do you even imagination?

>> No.3951549

Embrace the reality of your own life and understand that life is fractal. Every aspect of reality has its own complexities for you to discover, and the freedom of that realization is both paralyzing and awe inspiring.

The only answer is to do.

>> No.3951586

Watch an anime or read another book.
>Implying that literature doesn't give postbook depression
>implying that your cool because you don't read
>implying that you're not what's wrong with this board

>> No.3951605

>>implying that you're not what's wrong with this board
>Watch an anime
Oo ho, oh boy.

>> No.3951626

That's not depression. A lot of people label certain feelings as "depression" and I think this is because they don't know what depression is.
I've had depression and I don't think finishing a book can trigger it, that's ridiculous.
If you are genuinely depressed maybe your life is a failure already and finishing a book only reminds you that you still have to fix that.

>> No.3951642

You do realize, by stating what you just stated, you're no better than the people saying you can't use the word rape for anything other than the physical act of one person forcing themselves upon another.

>> No.3951646

i got something similar. got really nervous if i can't read a few hours before i go to bed. if i finish a book i am mostly proud of finishing it hurr durr so pretentious. if i finish a book in the evening and then realise i have nothing new to start... it takes slightly a bit more of time to fall asleep... but it is not that bad, really.

>> No.3951661

My first instinct is to flee into another fictional world, but often I force myself to let me feel the abyss for at least the rest of the day and only start on something else the next afternoon or evening.

>> No.3951867

Feel bummed out for a day or two
Go back to normal life

Have you tried that OP?

>> No.3951879

That's what I usually do. But I wanted to hear what other people do.

>> No.3951913

Make sure that you have another book of which you plan to read after you finish the one you're currently on.

>> No.3951925

Spend a couple of days thinking about the book, its characters and message.
Then I dive into the next book.

>> No.3951980

i mull over it. ruminate over the themes and re-read passages i liked. read reviews. bitch about it on /lit/

>> No.3952013


i dont think thats really always depression, sure, sometimes it is a little bit of sadness, but mostly i think its brain-shock at having read something that touches you deeply and your brain is trying to process all of that information.

i dont try to fight it, i wallow in it, its not unusual for me to just lie down and stare at the ceiling if i finish a book at home. pity i wont get this feeling for a few weeks, im only 500ish pages into the count of monte christo. why would you try fighting your brains reaction to a book anyway? books are there for thoughts of all kinds, afterall.

>> No.3952079
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I read an other one.
(kupka bump)

>> No.3952122

fan fiction

>> No.3952453
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8 fold path.

>> No.3952728

hahaha "fedora"

are you aware of fucking retarded that is?

>> No.3953472


>> No.3953474

Create your own worlds.

>> No.3953479

that only happens when all you read is fantasy bro

every other book is in the same world.

>> No.3953519

You can read books more than once, you know.

>> No.3954101

I know how you feel OP. I just finished reading The Dark tower and I don't know what's wrong with me. I just can't believe it's over.